Her Safe Place

Chapter 5


King Axel Pierce

My eyes watched my mate as she slept peacefully. Her cheek had turned back to its normal color. “King Axel, we have arrived.” Quinn said, before exiting the car. I waited for just a moment until I turned to Layla.

“Layla,” I said, gently touching her arm. Layla sleepily reached out for me and grabbed onto my arm. Before I could do anything, she curled herself around the arm she held. My wolf purred with contentment. I was at peace. I didn’t want to wake her, but I knew we would have to move.

Slowly and geltily, I moved her into my arms. I carefully pulled myself from the car and shifted her. Layla sighed as she shifted her position, grasping onto my neck. Her head rested in the nape of my neck, her breaths tickling the skin of my neck. I walked towards the door. It was opened by someone from the inside. My mother stepped out.

“Who is that?” She asked, gasping.

“Mom, this is my mate,” I said. My mom made her way towards us. She didn’t touch my mate, for she did not want to wake her.

“She is beautiful.” Mom whispered out.

“I know,” was my reply.

“Is she from the pack you just visited?” Mom asked.

I nodded. “I’m going to put her upstairs. She needs to rest.” Mom nodded before she held the door open for me to enter the house. I walked up the stairs and towards my room. I wasn’t sure if I would be with her when she awoke, but being surrounded by my scent would greatly help her.

I pulled back the covers and laid her on the bed. Her hands fell away from my neck and grasped one of my pillows, hugging it close to her chest. My heart thumped at the sight. What I would give to be that pillow.

I sat on the edge of my bed, gently carressing her cheek. I figured within the first few minutes of meeting her that I enjoyed touching her face.

She let out a sigh of contentment as she relaxed even further into my pillows. ‘Quinn,’ i called out through the mindlink, ‘I have some work that I must do. I want you to watch guard outside my door. Layla is sleeping and I don’t want to disrupt her.’

‘Of course Alpha,’ came his reply. After making sure she was comfortable once more, I moved towards the door. Quinn was already standing outside the door. I nodded to him as I walked towards my office.

Vince sat at his desk in the office right next to mine. Since we worked together on many things, there was a separate door that connected our offices. I could see him typing on his computer through the open door. I sat at my desk. “Vince,” I called out. In the next moment, Vince was in my office.

“What can I do for you?” He asked.

“I need the files we have on a Layla from Alpha Andrew’s pack.” I said. I wanted to know as much as I could of my mate. In asking Vince to search up my mate, I remembered that I hadn’t asked my mate her last name. I truly didn’t care what her last name was, she would soon have mine. I smiled at the thought.

“Of course. Any special reason? You know your mother has made her opinpoin clear on choosing a mate.” Vince said. Mom was seen as another mother to Vince. She had raised him since he was young. We grew up like brothers.

“I know. She is my actual mate. I found her while I was out.” I said.

Vince smiled, “I knew it. Your mom was right too. All you needed to do was to get out of this office. I’ll go pull those files now.” He left back to his office. I did have to admit, Mom was right. She usually was.

A couple moments later, Vince returned with the file. He tossed it onto my desk before he took a seat. “You should put a candy bowl on your desk.” He noted.

“Why would I do that?” I asked.

“For your mate.” Vince said as if I was missing a brain cell. “And, when you have kids, they might come visit you.” A smile took over my face at the thought of mini Layla’s running around the house. I knew I wanted to have many kids with my mate, but as of now, they were out of the question.

I opened the file and read through.

Layla Meredith Andrews (human)

Age: 20 years old

Mother: Meredith Jones (human)

Father: Alpha Garret Andews (werewolf)

Stepmother: Luna Jane Andrews (werewolf)

Siblings: Xander Andrews (werewolf)

Place of residence: Lunar Pack

My eyes stopped at the last line. ‘Mate:’ it said. Vince had scribbled in Axel Peirce next to the word in his messy handwriting. I smiled. I quickly read over the small paragraph at the bottom of that page.

Layla Andrews was born on April 24th. Her father left her and her mother shortly after her mother found out she was pregnant. Layla Andrews attended elementary, middle, and the first two years of high school in California with her mother. Until her mother left Layla Andrews at 15 years old. As human law states, any child under 18 must have a guardian, Layla was sent to live with her father and stepmother at the Lunar Pack. She still resides there to this day.

Very vague information. I figured they hadn’t told werewolves much about their situation. It made me wonder. There was some bad blood between Layla and her stepmother, but I didn’t know where that hatred stemed from. I was unsure if Luna Andrews was Alpha Andrew’s actual mate or his chosen one, that would make some of my mate’s background make more sense.

I pushed the file aside just as Quinn linked me. ‘The Lune is awake. She is headed to the kitchen.’ I smiled before pushing away from my desk.

I smelt my mate’s scent before I entered the kitchen. I could hear words begin traded back and forth between two ladies. Neither voice was Layla’s. I entered the kitchen and my eyes moved around insearch of Layla. I took notice of the two girls sitting at the island. They talked loudly as they typed on their phone. I noticed on as the daughter of Alpha Daniels, Darcy Daniels. I groaned. I liked Alpha Daniels enough, but his daughter had the tendency to be a leech and stick to someone like glue. She had recently set her sights on me, as of my search for a queen.

“Axel, baby,” she said, standing. I took note of Layla standing next to the stove, cooking something. “I didn’t know you had hired a new maid.” I looked at Darcy for a moment before realizing she was talking about Layla.

“I didn’t hire Layla to be a maid,” I said, making my way towards Layla. “Hello,” I said, “how did you sleep?”

“Good,” Layla quietly replied.

“Axel!” The shrill voice cut through the air and caused Layla to flinch. “What the hell are you doing? I am your chosen mate! Why are you standing next to the scum?”

My wolf and I growled in possesivness. Darcy had crossed a line. “You are not my chosen mate as I am not searching for a chosen mate. Layla is my true mate. I never chose you and I never would.” Darcy’s eyes widened.

Her eyes flashed to Layla’s form behind me. Layla shrunk behind me even more at the glare Darcy was sending her way. I growled again.

“I suggest you leave and get that ridiculous idea out of your head,” I said. Darcy sent one last glare at Layla before she and the other she-wolf left the kitchen. I turned back to Layla. “Are you alright? She didn’t say anything, did she?” I asked.

“No,” Layla shook her head. I could tell she was lying as she push away from me. She turned her back to me and continued her work. I wanted to press for more information, but I didn’t want to push her too far.

I sat at the island as I thought about what Darcy might’ve said to Layla. Layla still didn’t look at me.

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