Her Safe Place

Chapter 4


Layla Andrews

I didn’t know where we were headed. I knew the man beside me was the king of the werewolves. King Axel. I had been stunned silent at his words in my fathers office. I had never known a human could be the mate of the werewolf king.

I had been silent throughout the part of the journey we had already made. Partly because I was shocked, the other part becauseI didn’t want him to lash out at me. I glanced at him through my peripheral vision. He seemed to tower over me with his height, adding to his imtimindatoin. I could tell he was very muscular through the fabric of his suit. Every movement he made caused his muscles contracting. I turned away and reprimanded myself for my wayward thoughts.I pulled my legs up against my chest, trying to minimize the pain from the days beating.

“May I know your name?” King Axel asked.

“L-Layla,” I said, cursing myself for the slight stutter in my voice.

“Layla.” A shudder ran through my body as my name rolled off his lips. I liked the way he said my name. I blushed when I realized he had seen the shudder. “I’m Axel.” he said.

“King Axel,” I said, knowing it was customary to call royalty by their titles.

King Axel shook his head, “I am not a king with you. I am just Axel, your mate.” he said. I smiled slightly. He placed his hand on mine and his thumb gently rubbed the back of my hand. I tried not to flinch from his movement, but I could tell he understood more than I let on. His eyebrows furrowed with worry as his eyes wandered to my cheek. I didn’t know if the redness that appeared with a smack would still be there, but I knew I would at least receive some bruising from the hit.

I kept my eyes trained on the door just behind his shoulder.

“I’m sorry.” The two words had my eyes snapping towards his brilliant green ones.

“What for?” I knew it was presumptuous to ask the king why, but the word had slipped out before I could stop it.

“I shouldn’t have let her hit you. Especially the second time.” His fingers brushed over the spot again. Surprisingly, the ache that had been in my cheek since the injury was inflicted lessened. Sparks ran across my skin at his touch.

“I’m alright.” I whispered out, not wanting to break the trance we seemed to be in. His eyes held mine in a way no else’s had ever. I would never have characterized eyes as incredibly pretty, but I couldn't help but note how pretty his eyes were. The leafy green color made my legs feel weak. An unusual sensation filtered through my body.

“Sir.” The sound of the driver had me jerking away from Axel.

“What?” Axel snapped. His tone made me flinch back into my seat. Axel noticed my expression and his eyes and face softened.

“We have stopped for gas at a small gas station about one hundred miles from the pack border.” The driver said.

“Thank you Quinn,” Axel said. The driver, Quinn, nodded and climbed from the car. I waited silently as Axel turned back to me. “Are you hungry? It will be a while until we reach the pack.”

Any appetite I might’ve gained throughout the day had disappeared when Axel had announced me as his mate. Too many things were uncertain for my stomach to be settled.

When I didn’t answer, Axel said, “we can at least go in and grab a drink.” He opened the door and helped me from the car. My eyes moved around the area.

The gas station was rundown and seemed a little sketchy. I knew Axel noticed the situation of the gas station as he became tense.

Axel carefully and slowly laid his arm across my back and led me towards the doors. I knew he was cautious of any movement I made as he didn’t want to scare me. That helped to ease and tension I had.

Axel directed us towards the bathroom when we entered. “Go ahead and take a minute for yourself. I will be right outside this door if you need anything.” I nodded before pushing the bathroom door open. I noticed a window towards the back and three stalls, along with a sink.

I quickly took a minute before exiting the bathroom. Axel was waiting outside, just as he promised. It made my heart warm at the fact he had stayed and kept his promise.

He led me towards the drink section of the gas station.

“You can get whatever you want,” he said. He grabbed a Gatorade before he held the door open for me to choose as well. Choosing the same thing as him, we walked towards the food section. I knew it was all junk food. Not a healthy full meal.

“We can stop later on the road and pick out some actual food,” Axel commented as he looked at the options.

I nodded before following him out of the store after Axel paid.

Axel helped me into the car before he turned to Quinn. They talked outside the car as I looked around.

I looked out the window as a growl filled the air. My heart sped up as I turned around, looking through the windows for the cause of the song. A wolf stood near the edge of the road. It’s eyes were a dark red and feral. My heart rate sped up as the wolf began to advance towards the car. It slammed into my door without a moment’s hesitation.

Crying out, I curled into myself and closed my eyes. My breathing became irrational as I tried to imagine my safe place. It had helped me through many situations before. The image of the sunny beaches of California was fuzzy and blurred around the edges. Taking one breath at a time, I tried to calm down.

The image became more clear as my breathing slowed.

“Layla?” Through my hazy mind, I could hear someone call my name. My hands were taken from my head as I was pulled from my fetal position.

I noticed the sparks running across my skin as I heard my name again. “Layla, are you alright?” I slowly opened my eyes. Axel sat with me in his arms. His eyes were worried as he held my face. “Did you get hurt?” He asked.

“N-n-no,” I whispered. My body was still shaking, although Axel’s touch was helping to calm my nerves.

“Quinn has contacted some of the guards behind us, they will take care of the rogue. Everything is alright.” Axel's fingers caressed against my cheeks again. I closed my eyes, relishing in his touch.

A couple moments later, we were back on the road. Axel held me close to him, helping me feel safe after what had just happened.

After what seemed like hours, my eyes began to feel heavy. My eyelids were opening more slowly than before. My body relaxed completely against Axel.

I could feel Axel begin to play with a strand of my hair and I drifted off to sleep.

“Thank you,” I whispered out through the haziness of sleep.

I didn’t hear his reply, already asleep.

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