Her Rockin' Shifter (Shifter World - Book Twelve) (Series of 13 Short Stories)

Chapter Chapter Six: Struck Down

“I need to protect him.” Kota said as he pulled his son closer to his chest and looked up at the others.

“Of course.” Pearl said as she watched her brother.

“We’re here for you, man.” Daryl said as he jumped off the stage.

“All of us.” Dylan said as he placed his hand on his brother-in-law’s shoulder.

Kota looked around the room at the group of people gathered. Every Fated Mate was here, and they were all looking at him with…love and support. But he’s not a Fated Mate. The Goddesses made sure Kota understood that; ages ago. Because of his mother’s blood, he could never be a Fated Mate.

But he’s still an enormous part of the wars. He looked down at his son, who had closed his eyes. So is his son.

“Uncle Kota?”

Kota looked down at his sister’s little girl and smiled.

“Who is she?” Ruby asked as she pointed at Orabella.

Kota looked at his daughter, who was still clinging to him. She was watching her little cousin, deciding if she was a friend or enemy. Kota chuckled. Leave it to the little ones to bring him out of his darkness.

“Orabella.” He whispered.

She looked up at him, and his heart ached. He has never seen such sorrow in his baby girl’s eyes.

“This is your cousin, Ruby.”

Orabella’s eyes widened in wonder, then she looked at the little girl and grinned. “Hi, Ruby. I’m Orabella, your cousin.”

Ruby squealed with happiness as she flung herself at her newly found cousin.

Orabella caught her cousin and hugged her as she looked up at her father.

“Easy now, Ruby.” Pearl said as she placed her hand on her daughter’s shoulder. “Orabella has been through a lot tonight.”

Ruby looked up at her cousin. “I know. I’m sorry, Cousin.”

Orabella nodded as a tear slid down her cheek.

“Here.” Ruby said as she placed her hand to Orabella’s cheek.

Orabella giggled.

“What was that?” Kota asked as he watched his daughter and niece. He had seen the vision Ruby had flashed in his daughter’s mind.

Pearl smiled; she had seen it too. “Ruby has been working on visions. She sends them to Keon when he’s restless.”

Kota nodded.

“That was cool.” Orabella said with another giggle.

“I’ll teach you how to do it.” Ruby said as she took hold of her cousin’s hand. “Come on; you can meet my Dragon.”

Orabella blinked as Ruby dragged her through the crowd of onlookers.

Sensing that the adults needed some time, Joy gathered the other cubs and pups, and they followed Ruby and Orabella to the apartment above the bar.

“What are we going to do to protect him now that Lucifer knows he exists?” Kota asked as he looked at his father.

“Because of your blood, they can’t stay with the Elders.” Kristoph said.

“He will find your son, no matter where you hide him, or how much magic you place around him.” Elise said as she watched her old friend.

Kota shook his head. “What am I going to do without Amelia?” It didn’t hurt so much before when they were separated, because she was alive. But now…

“We’ll get you through this.” Pearl said as she laid her head on her brother’s shoulder. “Can I hold him?”

Kota looked down at his sister and smiled as he handed his son over to her.

Pearl smiled as she looked down at her nephew. “He looks like you.” She whispered.

Kota couldn’t help but smile. His son does look like him, just like his daughter looks like…no, he won’t think about her right now. Right now, Kota needs to concentrate on protecting their children. Then he can mourn his wife.


“I can’t believe what happened to that poor man.” Winter said as she and Sebastian walked in his front door after Dustin and Sharissa dropped them off.

Sebastian snorted. “He’s a Demon, Mafilia.”

Winter scrunched up her nose at him. “Do you guys have to point that out all the time? He’s still a man.”

Sebastian pulled her into his arms. “I know.” He said, then kissed her.

She moaned as she leaned into him. When his head came up from the kiss, she smiled into his silver eyes.

“I’d die if I lost you.” He said as he looked into her deep brown eyes.

She sighed. “Do you think the Goddesses have a plan for him?”

He shrugged. “He can’t be a Fated Mate because of his Demon blood. But he’s still important to their plans.”

She nodded. “Pearl told me about his destiny to do great things.”

The sound of an explosion had them running to the door and opening it.

“That’s where the Fated Mate’s community is.” Sebastian said as they watched what looked like bombs going off in the community’s direction.

“What can we do?” She asked, fear in her voice.

“I need to go help them…”

We need to help them.” Winter said as she stepped out of the house and headed for his car.

“No.” He said as he chased after her.

She turned and looked at him. “Bastian, we’re Fated Mates too, even if we haven’t bought our home in the community yet.” She smiled at the look on his face. “Yes, Shar told me about that. They also told me that the Goddesses wouldn’t let us stay dead.”

Sebastian grumbled. She was right.

She smirked, then turned and headed for the car.

“Wait.” He said as he took hold of her hand again.

“Bas…” She didn’t get to finish what she was going to say as he pulled her against his chest and kissed her.

“The car is too slow.” He said when he lifted his head from the kiss.


He chuckled as he took her hand and pulled her to his garage. He opened the door and watched as her face lit up when she saw the Harley in his garage.

“This will be faster.” He said as he headed for his bike.

“Ohmigod.” She cried out as she followed him into his garage.

“Ready, Mafilia?” He asked with a grin as he handed her a helmet.

She nodded as she took the helmet from him.

The ride to the community was the best experience of Winter’s life.


“Get the cubs and pups into the cave!” Bridget hollered as she took hold of Ruby’s hand and ran for her house.

“No.” Joy said when her mother took her hand.

“This isn’t your fight right now.” Shar said as she knelt before her daughter. “This fight is for the adults…”

Joy shook her head, and Shar placed her hands to her daughter’s cheeks.

“Listen to me, munchkin.”

Joy nodded.

“When your war comes, we won’t stand in your way, but tonight, let Mommy and Daddy protect you. Okay?”

Joy sighed, then nodded, and Dustin lifted her into his arm, their son in his other arm.

Shar looked at her mate. “Get them to safety.”

Dustin grinned. “I will be back.” He promised, then disappeared with their children.

“Who’s trying to blow their way past Pearl’s defenses?” Maddy asked as she stepped up next to their leader.

Shar shook her head. “I don’t know. They have penetrated nothing yet, but…”

Shar didn’t get to finish what she was saying. Another explosion, this one louder and stronger than the others, had her and her sisters on the ground looking up at the hole in Pearl’s protection shield.

“Dark Wizards.” Pearl hissed as she joined her sisters.

“How did they find us?” Josie asked as she helped her twin sister to her feet.

“That would be my fault.”

The women turned to the stranger.

“Who are you?” Sharissa asked from her place, still on her ass on the ground.

“Sorry, I tried meeting you guys sooner, but I’ve never been to a town before…”

“You must be the White Witch who’d saved Winter.” Mara said as she studied the woman.

The stranger nodded. “Ember Delany.” She said as she held her hand out to Sharissa.

Shar eyed the woman’s hand for a moment, then nodded and placed her hand in the woman’s.

Ember smiled as she helped Shar to her feet.

“So, what’s going on?” Tamara asked as she moved to stand next to Shar.

Ember looked at Tamara. “It’s my old cult; they want me back.”

“But I thought they hated you.” Mara said. “That’s what Winter Said.”

“They want to kill her.” Pearl said.

Ember nodded to her fellow White Witch. “That they do.”

“Winter told me you killed your father.” Shar said as she eyed the Witch.

Ember looked back at Shar. “I did. He would have killed me if I hadn’t killed him. I knew I had to save Winter…”

“She’s your charge.” Pearl said as she eyed the auburn-haired White Witch.

Ember nodded. “She is. The Goddesses came to me and told me to save her, and that I belong with all of you…”

“Ohmigod.” Shar said as she backed away from Ember.

“What is it?” Josie asked as she placed her hand on Shar’s shoulder.

Shar chuckled. “She’s a secondary Fated Mate.”

“A what?” Tamara asked, confused.

Shar shook her head. “The Goddesses call them, Second Choice Fated Mates.”

The women stared at Ember.

“They’re finally replacing the ones we’ve lost.” Mara said with excitement.

“About fucking time.” Tamara said with annoyance.

“How did you know?” Ember asked as she looked at Shar.

Shar chuckled. “I don’t know. I’ve always been able to sense them.”

“She’s our leader.” Maddy said as she placed her arm over Shar’s shoulders.

“They’re coming through.” Pearl hissed as she turned to the shield.

“Are we ready to fight, ladies?” Lyvia asked as she joined her sisters.

“Are the cubs and pups safe?” Shar asked as she looked at her best friend.

Lyvia nodded. “Bridget shifted and told us to go help up here; she will protect the little ones.”

The other sisters chuckled, a Dragon protecting their young.

“Zephyrus came up here; he will be our surprise.” Saffron said as she joined them.

“Are we ready?” Dustin asked as he joined the women.

“Who’s the new girl?” Drezden asked as he wrapped his arms around his mate.

Shar introduced Ember to her family and explained who and what she is, and everyone grinned.

“Another Witch in the family.” Daryl said with a nod to the Witch.

“Here they come.” Dominic said as he turned to the sound of running footsteps.

“Everyone ready?” Daryl asked as he cracked his knuckles.

“I believe we are.” Dustin said with a grin.

“We’re ready.” Chelsea said as she and Tate joined them, her pack close behind them.

“Let’s teach these Dark Wizards not to attack the Fated Mates and their community.” Shar said with a growl as she turned and shifted into her White Cougar.

“Let’s go!” Daryl shouted as he started shifting.

Soon their enemy was upon them, and they were ready for battle.

‘Sharissa!’ Dustin hollered at his mate through his mind, when he saw a Dark Wizard sneaking up on her.

Shar turned, but it was too late. The Wizard was upon her. A bolt penetrated her side, and she cried out in pain. Dustin jumped over his mate and took the Wizard down. The Wizard screamed as the Cougar ripped his throat out.

“Shar!” Tamara screamed as she ran to her sister’s side.

“No.” Maddy and Josie cried as they ran to their leader.

Shar shifted to her human form and held onto the bolt, which was sticking out of her side.

“The battle hasn’t even started, and you’re already injured.”

They looked up to find Tate standing over them.

“What are we going to do with you, little mama?”

Shar growled at him. “How about getting this fucking bolt out of my side?”

Tate tilted his head back and laughed.

Dustin shifted and knelt beside his mate.

“They’re surrounding us.” Dylan said as he joined his family.

“This has gone too far!” Ember screamed.

“I agree.” Zephyrus said as he looked at Ember. He could sense something different with this Witch.

“Get this fucking thing out of me!” Sharissa screamed.

“As you wish, little mama.” Tate said, then bent over her and yanked the bolt out of her side.

Sharissa screamed, and Dustin slid under her as she passed out.

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