Her Rockin' Shifter (Shifter World - Book Twelve) (Series of 13 Short Stories)

Chapter Chapter Seven: Tate’s Backup

“What the fuck, Vampire?” Dustin growled.

Tate smirked. “She wanted it out. And you know as well as we all do, these bolts are tricky.”

“May I see it?” Ember asked as she held her hand out to the Vampire.

Tate handed the bolt over to the Witch, and Ember looked it over.

“She’ll be fine.” Ember said with a nod, then looked up at the Vampire. “Why don’t you throw this at the one in front.” She said as she nodded towards the man walking towards them. “You’re the strongest here, and you have excellent aim.”

Tate chuckled. “Finally, someone who appreciates my strength.”

Dustin and his brothers rolled their eyes.

Tate took the bolt from the Witch and turned. With a wicked grin, he threw the bolt at the man who was leading a group of Dark Wizards towards them.

The Dark Wizards stopped when the Wizard fell to the ground without a sound, the bolt having penetrated his heart, causing instant death.

“Okay, now things are getting dark.” Josie whispered.

“What did you expect?” Dominic asked as he looked at his mate. “They’re attacking us and almost killed Sharissa.”

Josie nodded. “Yes.” She said as she looked down at her still unconscious sister. “Is this how it will be for our cubs?”

Dominic pulled his mate into his arms and kissed the top of her head.

The future of their children finally hitting them.

“We will always be there for them.” Dominic said as he held onto his mate.

“Incoming.” Ember said as she watched a fireball head straight for them.

“Okay, things are getting fun now.” Zephyrus said with a grin as he jumped over his family, landing between them and the fireball.

They watched as he opened his mouth and sucked in the fire. He puffed out smoke and patted his stomach as he burped.

“Didn’t know you could do that in human form.” Daryl said as he watched the Dragon.

Zephyrus smirked at his Alpha. “Subject never came up.”

“Here they come!” Lyvia hollered as she pointed at the Dark Wizards running towards them.

Zephyrus turned to the group of Dark Wizards and blew the fireball right back at them; only his fireball was extended and more powerful than any fire a human could conjure.

“Everyone form a circle around Sharissa and Dustin.” Lyvia said as she moved to stand between her best friend and the oncoming Dark Wizards.

“Protect our leader!” Josie hollered as she raised her fist in the air. With wide eyes, she covered her mouth. “Where the fuck did that come from?”

Lyvia chuckled. “I think the Goddesses like playing with us.”

“She’s the first, which makes her our leader.” Pearl said as she stood next to the women.

“But we don’t stay dead.” Josie said.

Chelsea shrugged, then turned to her pack. “Let’s show these fuckers that they can’t come here and mess with our packs.”

Her pack cheered, and Daryl shook his head but smiled as he turned to his pack. “Let’s show them.”

Everyone nodded, then started shifting again.

“We’ll stay here until Shar is conscious again.” Josie said as she nodded to her mate.

“It’s true!” They heard a Dark Wizard scream.

They turned just in time to watch Zephyrus’s Dragon take out a group of the Dark Wizards with a thick flame.

The sound of a motorcycle had everyone turning to the road that led into their community.

“It’s Sebastian and Winter.” Dustin said when he saw his friend.

“They must have seen the explosions of the attack.” Pearl said as she watched Sebastian swerve around a group of Wizards.

“Oh, no, you don’t.” Ember said with a growl as she spun her wrist in a circle and took the Wizards out who were about to attack Sebastian and Winter.

“What the fuck?” Dustin said as he watched the wind blow the Wizards away from his friend.

“So, that’s it.” Pearl said as she watched the Witch.

“What’s it?” Ember asked as she turned to Pearl.

Pearl shook her head. “We’ll discuss it later.”

“Look out!” Sebastian hollered as he skidded his bike to a stop.

Everyone ducked the fireball as Sebastian pulled his mate to the ground.

“Enough!” Ember screamed.

The ground shook, and everyone stared at her as she raised her arms then slammed her hands against her thighs. Sounds of thunder vibrated through the community.

The Dark Wizards froze in place and turned to the Witch with sparks of electricity crackling from her body. Ember pointed at a group of Dark Wizards, and every one of them fell to the ground convulsing.

Zephyrus’s Dragon swooped down to another group and picked several of the Wizards up in his claws and flew away with them. The Dark Wizards screamed as they watched the Dragon fly away. The screams of the men falling from the Dragon’s claws echoed through the night.

“Just give us what we came here for!” One of the Dark Wizards hollered.

“You seem to be on the losing side!” Pearl hollered at the Wizard.

“Let’s just get out of here before they kill us all.” A Dark Wizard said as he backed away from the group of Fated Mates.

The first man who had spoken snarled. “Fine! You win this time, but we will be back!”

With those words, the Dark Wizards vanished.

“I don’t think that will be the last we see of them.” Pearl said as she turned to look at Ember.

Ember shook her head. “No, I don’t believe it is.”

“They want you, don’t they?” Maddy asked as she walked up to the White Witch.

Ember frowned. “Yes, they do.” She looked around at the Fated Mates and their community. It looked like every storm in creation had swept through the streets. Which they had, and they’re called; Ember. “Maybe I should turn myself in.” She whispered.

Winter moved from under her mate and ran to her guardian. “No!” She said as she took Ember into her arms. “You will NOT turn yourself in. You’re one of us.” She said, then looked at the others. “Right?”

“She’s right.”

The soft voice had everyone turning to find Shar conscious.

“Shar.” Lyvia cried as she fell to her knees beside her best friend.

Shar smiled. “I’m okay. And you’re not going anywhere.” She said as she looked at Ember.

Ember looked around at everyone; they were looking at her with…with caring faces. No one was looking at her with hate. She fell to her knees and burst into tears.

Pearl knelt beside Ember. “You will never see hate from any of us.” She said as she held her close.

Ember nodded as tears slid down her cheeks.

“And you’re NOT turning yourself in.” Winter said as she knelt on the other side of her guardian. “We won’t let them take you.” She said with conviction.

“You’re stuck with us.” Lyvia said with a smile.

“Of course, you lot finish before I get back.”

Everyone turned to find Tate standing behind them with two men at his side.

“Who are they?” Daryl asked.

Tate laughed. “Our backup.”

“Backup?” Daryl asked, confused.

Tate nodded. “Boys, meet the Fated Mates.” He said with a grin. “Everyone, this is Bomont and Finch. My brothers.”

Everyone blinked as they stared at Tate and the two men.

“Brothers?!” They all shouted at the same time.

“But, I thought you’re the only true-born Vampire.” Shar whispered.

Tate moved past the others and stopped in front of Shar. “You look better, little mama.” He said with a grin.

“Answer me.” She said as she watched him.

Tate sighed. “Yes, I am the only true-born Vampire.” He said with a nod. “Bomont and Finch were born before I was. They were changed when my parents were.”

“Oh, wow.” Shar said as she looked around Tate at his brothers. “Why have you never mentioned them before?”

Tate turned and looked at his brothers. “Because they didn’t know I existed until the Goddesses came to them when all of this Fated Mate stuff started. They found me a year ago, and promised to stay away from all of you until we needed them.”

“How did they not know about you?” Dustin asked as he stared at the two Vampires who hadn’t said a word or moved an inch.

“They left our parents not long after our father turned them.”

“What?!” Everyone hollered at the same time.

Tate nodded. “An asshole turned our father into a Vampire. He couldn’t bear the thought of losing his family, so he turned them. Our mother was the only one privy to what was going on. My brothers never forgave them and left.”

“Do they talk?” Shar whispered.

Tate chuckled. “They do, but not much around strangers…”

“Why did you bring them here now?” Daryl asked.

Tate looked at Daryl. “Because we need them. The Dark Wizards won’t stop until they have what they want.” He said as he looked at Ember.

“We’re NOT giving her over to them.” Winter hissed.

Tate chuckled. “No, we’re not. But we will need all the help we can get. My brothers have been in every war there has been, in over two thousand years. They’re well trained.”

“Are you willing to help us?” Chelsea asked as she walked up to the two silent Vampires, who were nothing like their brother.

Bomont smiled at her. “You must be our little sister.”

Chelsea snorted, and the two Vampires chuckled.

“Chelsea, they wouldn’t be here if they weren’t willing…”

“I want to hear it from them.” Chelsea said, and everyone agreed with her.

Tate threw up his hands. “Fine.”

“We are ready and willing to help our little brother and his packs.” Finch said with a nod.

“They’ll be back for me.” Ember said as she watched everyone around her.

“What will you do if they come for Ember?” Shar asked as she pulled herself to her feet with her mate’s help.

Bomont looked at Shar. “Protect her.”

“We’re here to help, little mama.” Finch said.

Shar snorted. “Only Tate can call me that.”

Tate grinned. The fact that his family accepted his brothers; made him extremely happy. It had taken him longer than this to accept them at face value.

“We trust you, Tate.” Daryl said as he walked up to the Vampire. “If you say we can trust them, our faith is in your words.”

Tate nodded. “The Goddesses have spoken.”

“Those crazy-ass women like to make things more and more complicated.” Shar grumbled.

Everyone laughed.

“Look at the damage.” Saffron whispered as she looked around.

Daryl pulled his mate into his arms.

“Easily fixed.” Pearl said as she closed her eyes.

“May I help?” Ember asked.

Pearl smiled as she held her hands out to her fellow White Witch. They used their combined powers, and together they fixed the streets, the houses, and the magic shield. When they were through, most had gone to their homes. Pearl looked into Ember’s eyes.

“What am I?” Ember asked.

Pearl smiled. “You, my dear. Are a very rare White Witch.”

Ember nodded. “Just like you are.”

Pearl laughed. “Yes.”

“Sometimes, I scare myself.” Ember whispered.

“Don’t fear your gift.” Pearl said as she wrapped her arm around the girl and led her to Bridget and Zephyrus’s house so that she could retrieve her daughter.

When they entered the nursery cave, Pearl laughed. She had been wrong; they hadn’t gone home, they’d gone to the caves.

“I can’t believe we have Dragon Shifters.” Ember whispered.

Pearl smiled as she looked at the new member of their family. “Almost as unbelievable as having an Elemental White Witch.”

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