Her Mythical Warriors (Book Two)

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Nine: To Love, To Hold

Akira could hear her warriors and friends battling behind her. Still, she couldn’t pull herself away from the magnificent man coming straight at her. He was gorgeous. His skin was tanned to perfection, and his bare chest was full of muscles, which moved as he ran toward her. His dark brown hair was shoulder length, which gave him an even higher level of sexy.

He skidded to a stop before her and raised his spear, ready to plunge it into her heart. Their eyes connected, and Akira shivered. His gray eyes were full of anger and passion.

Passion for protecting his land, his people, and his family. Passion for the fight he should be getting right now—if she wasn’t in such awe of him…

He stared into her eyes and dropped his spear. Akira sucked in a breath when he lifted her off her feet and held her to his chest. She stared into his gray eyes as he stared into hers. His hand knocked the hat from her head, and her long blond tresses tumbled down her back. He growled and pressed his lips to hers.

Akira moaned and wrapped her arms around his neck. The kiss intensified, and when he pulled back, she was out of breath, but she never took her eyes off him.

“Hello, Psychi,” he said with a grin.

Akira grinned back, “hi.”

He looked around them when someone shouted, “Human!”

“We should probably get you out of here,” he said.

Akira nodded. She couldn’t seem to say anything; she was in such awe of her fifth warrior.

He looked at the others around them and nodded to Wolfric. “Is he your other warrior?”

Akira looked at Wolfric and grinned. “He is. So are the vampire, Pegasus, and merman.” She pointed to her other warriors.

Her new warrior nodded. “And the others?”

“They are our companions, our friends.”

“Come with me if you want to live!” her new warrior shouted to the others as he placed Akira on his back, then turned and ran away from the fighting.

Akira sighed and leaned her face on her warrior’s back, her arms wrapped firmly around his chest.

Wolfric watched the creature take off with their Psychi and grunted. “I guess our little Havent found her fifth warrior.”

“You know—that line is still corny,” Malique said, pointing to their Psychi and her fifth warrior.

“Let’s go!” Wolfric shouted, getting their group’s attention.

Jules turned to them. “Where’s Akira?”

“With her fifth warrior,” Wolfric pointed to where Akira was running off on the back of her warrior.

Jules’ mouth dropped open. “Seriously?”

Wolfric laughed and shifted into his wolf.

“We always knew she was special,” Darius cheerfully said, then shifted into his Pegasus.

Zelious climbed onto Darius’s back, and the trolls climbed onto Wolfric’s back. The fairies popped into their fairy form and jumped on Pen with Aarush and Nibbles. The group took off at a run when more shouts came at them, and a spear narrowly missed them. Malique’s vampire speed kept up with Wolfric and Darius as they made their way to their Psychi.


Akira held on tight to her warrior as he dodged humans aiming to kill him. He hadn’t picked up his spear after dropping it when he’d seen her soul in her eyes, so now he was without a weapon.

“How much further until we’re safe?” she asked, holding on as he leaned to the right to dodge a large hammer.

“Just up ahead,” he nodded toward the trees.

Akira laughed inside. Darius is going to be so happy they’re going to be hiding in trees again. Better than the stupid caves.

“What’s your name?” Akira asked, wanting desperately to know the name of her fifth warrior.

He looked at her and smirked. “You don’t seem afraid.”

She shook her head. “Wait until you hear the adventures we have been through to find all four of you.”

“Four?” he asked, his eyebrow raised in question.

She nodded. “I found my first warrior, Wolfric—that’s the big guy….”

He nodded, “the direwolf.”

She grinned, “yeah. We found each other when I was two.”

His eyes squinted. “I have a feeling there’s a lot to this story.”

She nodded vigorously, “oh yeah. I was in a plane crash when I was thirteen and lost for five years.”

He growled. “What kind of warrior loses their Havent…?”

She squeezed him, “please don’t be angry with Wolfie. He almost went crazy looking for me. It was the Gods who hid me. They wanted me to train with my ancestor before I went on this adventure, I mean quest, I mean….”

He snickered. “I understand what you’re saying.”

She sighed with relief.

He turned back to dodge an arrow and ducked into the woods.

“Won’t they find us here?” she whispered.

He grinned at her, “it’s protected with magic. Humans don’t understand magic.”

“Some do,” she whispered.

He looked her up and down. “You’re not human.”

She shook her head, “no, I’m not. I am a healer and the last descendant of Brynhildr, a Valkyrie Shield Maiden.”

He stared at her for a moment and grinned. “I know who Brynhildr is. Is she the ancestor the Gods wanted you to train with?”

She nodded.

“Then you must be a magnificent warrior.”

She squeezed him tighter. Finally, a warrior who believes in her.

He chuckled and patted her hands. “Don’t get me wrong, Psychi. I will be just as protective of you as your other warriors. You are my other half, after all. And when you find your chosen mate, I will be as protective of you as your mate or your guard.”

Akira sighed. “I can already feel our bond strengthening.”

He chuckled, “that’s because we have had time to ourselves before your warriors join us. The more time alone you spend with each of your warriors, the stronger your bond is.”

Akira huffed, “I wish I’d known that before. No wonder my bond with Wolfric is stronger than the others. I thought it was because he’s my… my chosen mate.”

He sighed. “I’m surprised they did not know this. Two of your warriors are demigods.”

Akira nodded. “They hate being away from me and get jealous when one spends more time with me than the other.”

“Too bad.” He tapped her arm again. “I will be spending plenty of alone time with you, little one. Even if I’m not your chosen mate.”

She hugged him, placing her head on his back. “I would like that. With all my warriors. Even if it’s sitting and talking about the weather.”

He scowled. “Who would want to talk about the weather?”

She giggled, “it’s a saying from my realm.”

He snorted, “strange realm.”

She nodded. They looked toward their path to the woods and found her group coming toward them.

“Can they see us?” she asked.

“Not while we’re here. We will greet them since no one is here to attack us.”

Akira nodded. Her warrior moved out from behind the trees.

“Akira!” Zelious shouted.

Akira could hear the relief in her Merman Warrior’s voice.

“Though it saddens me that I am your fifth warrior, and I have not gotten to spend as much time with you. I am glad that I don’t have to deal with as much heartache when you deny me as your chosen mate. As your other warriors will.”

Akira’s heart sank. She will deny them? How can she deny any of them? They’re her soulmates.

The group stopped before Akira and her fifth warrior.

“Follow me,” her warrior told the others, then turned and ran back into the woods.

‘Trees again!’ Darius complained in her mind.

Akira giggled.

“Something funny?” her new warrior asked.

Akira sighed and wrapped her arms around him. “My Pegasus Warrior is complaining in my head about trees. He’s tired of trees. We’ve been through many realms mostly covered in woods and forests.”

Her warrior chuckled, “I see you have bonded with them enough to speak to them in their animal forms.”

Akira nodded. Her head sliding up and down his back. His shoulder blades moved above her head as he moved branches out of his path.

“I can communicate with Wolfric through my mind,” she told him.

He turned his head and smiled down at her, “you are a very special Havent to have five Mythical Warriors.”

Akira grinned. “That’s what they tell me.”

He turned his head away and looked into the field before them. Akira sucked in a breath. In the middle of the clearing was a beautiful log cabin. It looked to be made of red cedar. She couldn’t wait to sniff it—oh, Gods, that sounded perverted and strange. But she loves the smell of cedar.

“We will be safe here!” he called out to the others.

Everyone ran to the log cabin. Akira stayed on her warrior’s back as he opened the cabin door. The room they walked into was large enough for him to remain in his present form and move around comfortably. He moved away from the door as the others piled in.

The trolls jumped off Wolfric’s back while Zelious climbed down from Darius’s back.

Akira wanted to introduce her new warrior to the others, but he hadn’t given her his name when she’d asked. Why wouldn’t he give her his name?

Everyone shifted into their human forms (except for the trolls—they’re already in their normal form.)

“Akira, are you okay?” Wolfric asked, watching her and the new warrior.

Akira smiled at her Wolfie, “I am more than okay. I found my fifth warrior.”

Her warrior reached behind him, lifted her off his back, and set her on her feet. Akira frowned. She liked riding him. Her cheeks turned pink at her thoughts; she’d like to do another kind of riding.

Everyone sucked in a breath when the new addition to their group transformed into a normal man.

“I didn’t know Centaurs could do that,” Akira said, staring at her new warrior.

He grinned at her, “not all can.”

“I’ve heard of the ones who can,” Jules piped in. Everyone looked at her. She looked uncomfortable. Julianne shrugged. “I read a lot of books.”

“You are also female, in male clothes?” the Centaur asked.

Jules pulled her hat off and let her long hair fall down her back. “Yep,” she said, popping her P.

Akira rolled her eyes. It was rare for either of them to act like that—but funny to see the men’s reaction when they did. The others stared at her for a moment, then looked back at Akira and her new warrior.

“I am Wolfric,” Wolfric said as he moved toward the Centaur, his hand held out to him. “Leader of Akira’s warriors.”

Akira smiled as she watched Wolfric and her new warrior shake hands.

“Malique,” Akira watched her vampire shake her Centaur Warrior’s hand.

“Vampire,” her fifth warrior said.

Malique smiled, “Upir.”

“Of course,” the Centaur said. “Sunlight.”

Malique chuckled.

“I’m Darius, the Pegasus,” Darius said, holding his hand out to the new member of their group.

The Centaur smiled and shook his hand.

“I’m Zelious, the newest member until you.”

Akira watched her Merman Warrior and Centaur Warrior shake hands.

Everyone stood back and waited for the Centaur to introduce himself.

Akira frowned. Did she do something wrong that her new warrior didn’t like her enough to tell her his name?

“You’re upsetting our Psychi,” Wolfric pointed out to the Centaur.

Her warriors looked at her, and even her friends looked at her with worry on their faces.

“I’m sorry.” Her Centaur Warrior turned to her. “I was raised to never give my name to a stranger. They can use the knowledge to control me….”

“But we’re not strangers,” Akira whispered. “We’re soulmates.”

The Centaur looked around the room, stopping at each face, then looked at Akira.

“But they are not part of the bond,” he explained, pointing to the trolls and fairies.

Akira took a deep breath. “If you want us to trust you, you must trust my friends. They are my family.”

“Aww, I didn’t know you thought of me as a brother,” Fin said, batting his eyes at Akira.

Stella smacked him upside his head, “she was talking about me, butthead.”

Fin frowned.

Akira rolled her eyes. “I was speaking of all of you. You are all my family; I don’t know what I would do without any of you.”

Her new warrior pulled her back against his chest and sniffed her hair.

“If you can trust them, so can I,” he whispered in her ear.

Akira felt a jolt of electricity flow through her blood. Shit, she was going to find her chosen mate soon. Is it the Centaur?

Her new warrior stood up straight and smiled at her warriors and friends.

“I am Niall Hasapis, prince of the Shagahoe Tribe.”

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