Her Mythical Warriors (Book Two)

Chapter Chapter Thirty: Accept Me For Who I Am

“Did he just say, shag a hoe tribe?” Malique asked, staring at the Centaur.

Akira held back her laughter in respect for her new warrior, but when the rest of her group shrieked with laughter, she could no longer hold it in. She laughed so hard she couldn’t breathe.

“I don’t understand what is going on,” Niall said, looking around the room at everyone.

Akira moved over to her Centaur Warrior and wrapped her arms around him, still laughing. “So sorry,” she said, trying to breathe. “We are not trying to disrespect your tribe. It is just….” She didn’t know how to explain their reaction.

“What is a hoe?” Niall asked, his arms automatically wrapping around Akira.

“A hoe is a slut,” Darius said.

“A slut?” Niall asked, still confused.

Akira cleared her throat. “A whore who doesn’t get paid.”

Niall scowled. “My tribe is not a whore, a slut, or a hoe!”

Akira turned his face to her and kissed him. His temper simmered, but just barely.

“We didn’t mean to disrespect you or your tribe,” she whispered. “It is how we think, especially the guys. Minds always in the gutter.”

He looked into her eyes and sighed. “I would like to claim you now.”

Akira blinked up at him. “Seriously?”

He nodded, “in my room.” He motioned down the hall with his head.

Akira felt her skin prickle. She turned to Wolfric, who nodded. Akira grinned and leaned up to kiss her new warrior.

Without taking his mouth from hers, Niall lifted her into his arms and carried her to his room.

“That’s enough,” Wolfric said, trying his hardest to not laugh again. “We already disrespected his tribe. And we’ll be heading there soon.”

“We are?” Julianne asked, wiping tears of mirth from her cheeks.

Wolfric nodded, “we have to. Niall is their prince. He will have to introduce Akira to his parents and tell them he will be going with us. I hope he’s not the oldest.”

“But the tribe is actually called shag a hoe,” Darius jested, still laughing.

Wolfric shook his head and lost to the laughter.

“I’m sure it’s not spelled the same,” Jules said, trying to breathe through the laughter.

“S H A G A H O E,” Stella spelled out.

Everyone turned to her, and she pointed to a poster on the wall. They looked at it and burst into laughter.

“Do they even know what shagging is?” Darius asked.

That only made them laugh even harder.


Niall laid Akira on his bed and stepped back.“I am surprised your alpha let me take you off by myself.”

Akira’s eyes squinted at him. “He’s not my alpha.”

Niall laughed as he joined her on the bed. “He’s the leader. Trust me, he’s the alpha.”

Akira sighed. “I guess, in a way, yes. But remember, I have the Havent voice.”

Niall chuckled as he leaned closer to her, “please use it here whenever you want something….”

She placed her hand on his cheek. “I would hope I wouldn’t have to use it here.”

He growled and moved over top of her, “you’re right. Here, I am willing to do almost anything you want….”

Akira smiled and reached for him. He leaned over her and pulled her shirt over her head. Akira shivered when his hands touched her bare skin.

“Please,” she begged.

He grunted, stripped them of their clothes, and positioned himself between her legs. He paused and looked down into her eyes.

“Do you accept me for what I am, Psychi?”

She reached up and touched his cheek. “Why wouldn’t I?”

He puffed out a breath of air. “I am a Centaur. I have heard of many Havents denying their Centaur Warrior.”

Akira sucked in a shocked breath. “How could anyone reject their warrior?”

He smiled as he leaned down to kiss her. She moaned and wrapped her legs around his hips. He lifted his head and looked into her eyes.

“You know, you haven’t told me your name.”

Akira stared at him for a minute, then burst into laughter. She’d been so worried about him not giving her his name, and she hadn’t given him hers.

“Akira,” she whispered.

He grinned, “I know. Your warriors called you by your name, but I wanted to hear you say it.”

Akira smiled and touched his cheek. “You are my warrior,” she reminded him, looking into his gray eyes. “I have a direwolf who is beyond overly protective. I have a vampire: who likes to suck the blood out of anyone who attacks or disrespects me. I have a Pegasus: who turns things to stone, and a merman: who likes to fuck me underwater. Tell me, where would you not fit in that group?”

Niall chuckled as he pushed forward, entering her.

Akira closed her eyes and moaned.

“Look at me, little one.”

Akira opened her eyes and stared into the gray eyes of her Centaur Warrior. She still couldn’t figure out how all her warriors called her little one. Even before they hear one of the others say it.

“It won’t be long before I will love you and not want to be anywhere without you,” he whispered.

She touched his cheek with the tip of her fingers and swept his hair behind his ear.

“Don’t worry, I will be right there with you.”

He grinned and quickened his pace. Akira moaned as his cock slid in and out of her. She will never get tired of sex with her warriors. Not even when they ganged on her.

“Akira,” he breathed, his lips touching her neck. “So incredible.”

She sighed as she held him closer and moved with him.

He slowed his pace and wrapped his arms around her, holding her to him. He moved slow and deep, making her want to cry out with pleasure and need.

“You are mine,” he whispered into her ear.

She sighed. “I belong to all my warriors.”

She meant what she said. No matter what the fates said, she belonged to every one of her warriors.


When Akira and Niall returned to the living room, Wolfric moved over to her and pulled her into his arms. She squealed as he ran down the hall with her.

Niall turned and watched them leave. “What’s up with that? I thought he was okay with it.”

The other warrior chuckled.

“Wolfric always gets a turn—rarely does he not take it.” Darius shook his head as he looked down the hall where the two had disappeared.

Malique grinned and said, “And if all of us take her at the same time, he gets seconds.”

Niall shook his head. “I knew he was the alpha, but really?”

“Alpha?” Zelious asked, his left eyebrow raised. “You do realize that two of us are demigods, right?” he asked, pointing to himself and Darius.

Niall nodded, “yeah, I know. But he’s the leader.”

Everyone looked at each other. It made sense. Wolfric is their alpha—or is Akira? She does have that Havent voice of hers…

“So, when should we head out and tell your parents you’re leaving the realm?” Julianne asked, tired of listening to them talk about having sex with her friend.

She will hear enough of it tonight from Akira.

Niall stared at the female fairy. Tell his parents? Leave the realm? He has never been outside of this realm before. Can he survive outside of the powers of this realm? Will he still be able to return to his true form?

“Don’t worry, Brother. If I can change into my Pegasus outside my home realm, and Wolfric can shift to his direwolf, you will be able to shift into your true form.” Darius patted Niall on the shoulder.

‘How the fuck did he know what I was thinking?’ Niall felt a panic attack creep through his body. How did he get into his head?

The female fairy placed her hand on Niall’s arm. Niall looked down at her.

“It is okay. All warriors can sense each other’s feelings. It’s the bond between the five of you and your Psychi.”

Niall took a deep breath and nodded. The fairy made a good point; he’d heard about the bond between the six soulmates. But he had never thought he was one. His parents had tried fixing him up with many female Centaurs. But they all felt uncomfortable because he could shift into a human.

“Sorry, man, I didn’t mean to upset you,” Darius said, watching Niall.

Niall nodded and said, “it’s okay. Our tribe deals with a lot of magic.”

Darius nodded, “mine too. That’s part of why the Gods killed my parents.”

Niall frowned, “that’s horrible.”

Darius shrugged. “The only one I really miss is my mother. But that was over a thousand years ago.”

Niall laughed, “yeah, I think I’d miss my mother more than my father, too.”

A door opened down the hall, and Akira and Wolfric rejoined them. Akira moved over to the fairy female, wrapped her arms around her, and whispered into her ear. The fairy laughed, and the two women moved to a couch and sat down.

Wolfric walked over to Niall, a knowing smile on his face. He slapped Niall on the back and nodded.

“Welcome to the circle, Brother.”

Niall’s left eyebrow raised, then a searing pain struck him in the chest.

“Hold Akira, Jules,” Wolfric said as he held Niall up.

“On it,” the female fairy said as she held Akira.

“What the fuck?!” Niall bellowed as he listened to Akira scream.

“It’s alright. It’s just the completion of our circle,” Wolfric assured him.

Niall wanted to claw at his chest, but Wolfric and the vampire held onto him, keeping his arms at his sides.

Akira cried from across the room, her body going into convulsions.

“Darius, Zelious!” Jules cried out, fear in her voice.

“Let’s sit,” Malique said, helping Wolfric get Niall to the floor.

Niall looked at Akira. Her other two warriors were holding her; her convulsions had stopped.

When the pain subsided, Niall took a deep breath and looked at Wolfric.

“What the flying shit was that?” he asked.

Wolfric snorted. “Check it out,” he said, pointing to Niall’s chest.

Niall pulled his shirt down to see the area he’d felt the pain. He sucked in a breath. The sign of a healer was tattooed to his chest. Well, looked more like seared to his skin, but still. He looked at Akira, who was smiling at him. He truly belonged to her.

Akira pulled her shirt down and showed them her finished circle.

“I have all my warriors,” Akira whispered, a tear sliding down her cheek.

Zelious and Darius held and rocked her.

Zelious looked at Wolfric and Malique.

Wolfric grinned, “as I said, welcome to the circle.”


Akira woke in the middle of the night, restless. She sighed as she looked at her five warriors. She grinned. She finally has all her warriors. But when is she going to choose her chosen mate? From what she understood, they must all be together for it to happen. They fuck, then she explodes with information, or feelings, or whatever, and she feels who is her chosen mate. She doesn’t get to choose. It has already been chosen for her.

She moved to get out of the bed covered in men’s bodies, but her wolf tightened his hold on her. She chuckled as she pulled out from under him. She almost fell on the floor as she tripped over Niall, who was lying on the other side of Malique.

She made her way to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked older—wiser. She pulled the shirt down and smiled at the completed circle: she’s a Havent, a true mythical creature. And they said she was a dud; she giggled as she walked to the toilet.

When she finished her business, she returned to the bedroom and smiled at the bed. Five men—and only one will be hers… She frowned and turned from the bed. She needed to go outside and get some fresh air. She couldn’t think about having to choose one of her warriors. Even Niall was a part of her soul, and she was already falling in love with him.

How could fate let her fall in love if she was going to lose them?

She made it outside before the panic attack could hit. The cool air felt good on her hot skin. She walked to the outside wall of the cabin and sniffed the wood.

“Mmmm,” she moaned.

She giggled as she moved over to the porch stairs and sat.

She looked up at the stars and sighed. Everything is finally coming together. Now she had to find her chosen mate. But can she live with the choice? She shook her head. She’d come out here to escape her thoughts, not think about them more.

A sound had her turning toward a path. She jumped to her feet and looked around; no one could pass through the protection without Niall’s permission. She moved across the yard and stopped—the sound was some kind of musical instrument. Something told her to follow the sounds. She took a deep breath and followed the path.

The path led to a pond. She searched for where the sound was coming from. She heard crying and rushed into the water. The water came up to her knees, and she struggled through it as she made her way to the crying.

When she found the source of the music and crying, she stopped and stared. She never thought she would see so many mythical creatures as she had since she started searching for her warriors.

But this, this was sickening.

She didn’t know if she wanted to puke or kill the stupid Fossegrimen.

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