Her Mythical Warriors (Book Two)

Chapter Chapter Nineteen: Escaping the Battlefield

“There’s the portal!” Akira shouted with excitement.

She couldn’t wait to check out another realm. Even though they haven’t found her fifth warrior, she has had too much fun to stop exploring the different dimensions.

“You’re a little too excited, little one,” Wolfric chuckled as he lifted Akira off her feet.

“Not again!” Akira shrieked as Wolfric ran toward the portal.

Akira squealed as she dangled in her Wolf Warrior’s arms, her heels tapping his shins as he ran. The portal’s cyan color was so pretty that Akira wished she could stare at it for a while. But no—her warriors had other plans.

“Damn you!” Akira shrieked as Wolfric jumped through the portal, Akira secure in his arms.

When they exited on the other side, Akira kicked her warrior in the shin as hard as she could. Wolfric laughed as he dropped her on her ass.

“Trying to break my leg, little one?” Wolfric asked, grinning down at her.

Akira stuck her tongue out at him, making him laugh harder. Akira shrieked when Malique came out of the portal and landed on Wolfric.

“How many times do I have to tell you to get out of the fucking way before someone lands on your sorry ass?” Malique growled as he pulled himself off Wolfric.

Malique didn’t get far before Darius landed on him, knocking him back to the dirt.

Akira chuckled as she watched her warriors struggle to gain their ground and stand. Zelious came through the portal and landed half on Darius and half on Wolfric. Akira watched as the dog pile became higher as the rest of their party came through. Fairies on top of warriors, and trolls on top of fairies. Pen went through the portal, Nibbles, and Aarush on his back. He darted into the sky to avoid the pile of squirming bodies. Akira caught Nibbles as he jumped off the dragonfly and into her lap.

“This is why I yell at you guys for not moving out of the way!” Malique bellowed from under the pile of bodies.

Akira smirked at Wolfric. “Is my Wolfie stuck at the bottom of a dog pile?”

He glared at her and moved to get up, but too many bodies were on top of him. She knew he didn’t want to hurt anyone.

Akira watched the trolls help the fairies off the pile, then step back as the warriors untangled themselves. Wolfric stood and walked over to Akira. She smiled up at him as he reached down and lifted her off her ass. Nibbles jumped to the ground and hissed his complaints.

Wolfric held Akira, so her nose touched his and stared into her eyes. She was at the perfect height to kick him in the dick if she wanted, but she didn’t. If he’s her chosen mate, she wants him to give her children.

“You are going to pay for this,” Wolfric said, staring into her eyes.

Akira smiled and kissed his mouth the best she could. He grunted and pulled her closer so he could deepen the kiss.

“It’s not my fault you can’t get out of the way fast enough,” she whispered against his lips.

He shook his head and set her on her feet. They stared at each other, unable to look away.

“Great, more trees,” Darius grumbled.

Akira blinked and looked around her for the first time. They’re in another forest.

“Let’s go that way,” Julianne said, pointing to the south.

“Why south?” Leviasen asked.

Jules shrugged. “Something is pulling me that way.”

Akira studied her friend. The fairy is a seer of some sort. Maybe they should follow her instincts?

“Let’s go then.” Akira lifted Nibbles into her arms and headed south.

“Wait up!” Wolfric shouted, catching up to Akira.

Akira smiled up at her Wolf Warrior. She turned her head when her merman stepped beside her on her right. She felt her vampire and Pegasus behind her and knew she was safe—no matter what they came across on this new adventure.


“Stop,” Wolfric whispered, pulling Akira to a stop.

Akira looked up at her Wolfie and noticed he was concentrating on something he could hear in the distance. She looked in the direction he was looking and felt a chill run down her spine.

“Something is going on beyond those trees,” Malique said.

“Should we continue forward?” Levi asked, watching the warriors.

“There is no way out except back the way we came. The forest ends in all directions,” Wolfric said.

“Stay close. We should be okay,” Malique informed them.

The group gathered close and continued forward.

When they left the forest, Akira sucked in a shocked breath. All around them was death.

“We stumbled into a war,” Julianne whispered.

“I need to help them,” Akira said, starting toward a fallen warrior.

“Akira, you can’t!” Wolfric took hold of Akira’s arm and pulled her back.

“I must.” Akira looked up at her Wolfie. “I’m a healer, and they’re in pain.”

“You can’t interrupt a war,” Wolfric said, looking into her eyes.

Akira looked between his brown and blue eye. She knew he was right, but she couldn’t help it—the healer in her called out to her. They needed her help.

“He’s right,” Darius said, moving closer to Akira. “Minotaur is not a beast you want to get involved with.”

“Who’s getting involved?” Akira asked. “I want to heal them….”

“Healing them is getting involved,” Wolfric growled.

Akira huffed, “I’m a healer. I can’t stand here and watch them hurt.”

“Maybe she can heal the ones closest to us, then we can get out of here,” Julianne suggested.

“No,” the warriors said simultaneously.

“Don’t make me use my Havent voice,” Akira threatened.

The warriors growled and grumbled.

“If you move one step away from us, I will throw you over my shoulder and run until I find the next portal,” Wolfric said, getting into Akira’s face.

Akira smiled up at her wolf. “Okay, Wolf.”

He smirked, then leaned forward and kissed her.

“If we’re going to do this, we need to do this now,” Malique said, watching Akira and Wolfric.

He didn’t like this idea. None of them could deny their Havent. Especially when she threatened to force them to do things by using her special voice that had complete and total control over all her warriors.

Akira took a step back from her Wolfie and smiled up at him.

“We’ll start with the ones to the east and work our way to the south so we can continue south once Akira has healed the ones she can reach,” Jules said as she stepped to the west of their position.

“Sounds confusing, but let’s do it,” Levi said, rolling his eyes at Julianne.

Akira saw the fairy roll his eyes and held back a chuckle. Those two were so in love, and everyone saw it but them.

“Let’s go.” Wolfric took Akira’s hand and led the group west of their position.

They moved through the chaos of the battle between the two Minotaur tribes.

An axe slammed to the ground in front of them, and the party stopped. The bull-headed creature that threw the axe paid them no attention as he pulled the axe from the ground and threw it through the air again—this time hitting his target.

“These creatures are ruthless,” Akira whispered.

“Do you remember their ancestors’ story?” Wolfric whispered in Akira’s ear.

Akira shook her head. She didn’t remember what little she’d found on the Minotaur.

“Wasn’t he killed?” Julianne asked.

“He was. And his offspring have hated humans since that day,” Wolfric said.

“But why are they fighting each other?” Akira asked.

“Why do humans fight each other?” Wolfric asked, looking down at Akira.

Akira looked up at him, then at the hundreds of Minotaur fighting around them.

“Land,” Darius chimed in. “It’s what all species fight for.”

“So this is a territory war?” Akira asked.

“It could be. Then again, maybe one of them fucked the chief’s daughter.”

Everyone looked at Zelious.

Zelious shrugged and explained, “my grandfather started a war because my father was sleeping with my mother. He won, of course, but in the end, my mother won because she got the one thing she wanted.”

“You?” Akira asked, smiling at her Merman Warrior.

He smiled at her, “okay, two things. My father, and later me.”

“I really don’t think any of this is any of our business. Let’s get Akira to that fallen warrior over there. We can work our way out of here,” Malique said, pointing to the warrior they had been heading to before the axe hit the ground in front of them.

Wolfric took Akira’s hand, and they were on their way again.

Akira knelt before the warrior and moved to touch him when she felt a small hand on her arm. She turned and smiled at Stella.

“Eat this first,” Stella said, a piece of the herb in her hand.

Akira sighed and took the herb from the troll. She made a face as she ate it, then turned back to the Minotaur before her. Akira healed the creature and jumped back when it jumped to its feet. He stared at her for a moment, then turned and ran back into battle.

“Next,” Akira said, watching the Minotaur fight another Minotaur.

It was going to get itself killed, but there was nothing she could do—except go on to the next fallen warrior.

The group moved to the next Minotaur. Akira healed it, and again the creature rejoined the war. Not caring if it got itself killed.

“This is useless,” Julianne mumbled.

“Yeah. What is the use of healing the Minotaur if they go back into battle to get themselves killed anyway,” Stella grumbled.

“Let’s get to the next one, so we can get the fuck out of here.” Wolfric took Akira’s hand and led her to the next fallen Minotaur.

Akira healed the fallen Minotaur and stood back as she watched it return to battle. They moved on to the next one, and she did the same. Her friends were right. This was useless. She turned to tell them so but didn’t get the chance as two huge hands lifted her off her feet and tossed her over a large shoulder. Akira looked up at the long horns on the Minotaur’s head.

“Put her down!” Wolfric thundered.

“She not belong here. She will be destroyed for involvement in battle….” The Minotaur didn’t get to say anymore as a scream was ripped from him.

Akira fell to the ground with a groan and turned over to look up at the face of her would-be captor. She looked past his bull face to the angry violet eyes of her Vampire Warrior. His teeth were still in the Minotaur’s neck as he drank his fill. The Minotaur fell to the ground, dead.

“No more interrupting wars,” Malique said, looking at Akira.

Akira nodded. She wasn’t afraid of her vampire, but he sure looked scary when his violet eyes darkened with anger. She squealed when he lifted her into his arms and headed south.

While Malique carried Akira across the battlefield, the others fought off the Minotaur, who came after them. They weren’t sure if they were angry because Akira was healing both sides of the battle or because the vampire killed one of them. Either way, it took them longer to get across the field than if Akira had ignored the pull to heal those in need.


“Never again,” Wolfric growled as he tossed a head onto the ground.

Akira wasn’t sure why her Wolfie had carried the head with him to the new portal. But they were all in agreement. This realm wasn’t fun.

“I’m sorry,” Akira whispered.

She felt horrible for putting her warriors and friends through this. They’d have gotten through the battlefield without interruption if she’d ignored the pull to heal. The Minotaur had been focused on their war and hadn’t cared about the newcomers. That is—until they found Akira healing both sides.

“Next time, we’re putting a bag over your head so you don’t see the injured or dying,” Wolfric said, getting in Akira’s face.

Akira pushed him back. “Don’t you think I feel bad enough? I had to watch all of you fight them off while Malique carried me off. I’m a warrior too, and I could have helped fight them. I know what I did made things worse. But I’m a healer, I….” Akira broke down and cried.

Wolfric watched his Psychi. She was correct, as always. She’s a healer, and they have trouble ignoring the pull to heal. He pulled her into his arms and kissed the top of her head as she cried against his chest.

“Next time, we will fight the pull with you,” he whispered.

“Yeah, as long as you don’t threaten to use your Havent voice, we’ll keep that from happening again,” Darius said, placing his hand on Akira’s shoulder.

“We love you, Akira. When the Minotaur tried to take you from us….” Malique turned from them, his heart pounding in his ears. When he’d seen that beast toss his Havent over his shoulder, he couldn’t stop the impulse to kill.

Akira turned from Wolfric and looked up at the back of Malique’s head. “You saved me. And you shouldn’t have needed to. We need to find how to block the pull….”

Her vampire turned to her, a sad smile on his face. She threw her arms around him and held him.

“If Malique hadn’t killed the Minotaur, I’m pretty sure Nibbles would have,” Jules chuckled.

“Let’s hope there’s nothing dangerous on the other side of this portal,” Zelious said as he stepped toward the yellow portal.

“Let’s find out,” Malique said, taking a step back from Akira. “After you, little one.” He motioned for her to go ahead of him.

Akira smiled at her Vampire Warrior, then looked at her other warriors. They stepped back from the portal, and Akira grinned. For once, they were letting her go alone. But it didn’t feel as good as she thought it would.

This time, she’s kidnapping one of them. She took Malique’s hand and dragged him through the portal with her.

She heard her warriors’ laughter as the portal pulled her away.

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