Her Mythical Warriors (Book Two)

Chapter Chapter Eighteen: Love Wins All

Wolfric stared at Akira and the older woman, who looked at him as if he was a beast, come to tear her apart.

“Wolfric,” Akira growled.

Wolfric looked at his Havent. “We heard in town that a man came to you and dragged you here, to….” He wasn’t sure what the town thought the man was going to do to their women. But the thought of some man dragging them…

“He didn’t drag us here,” Akira huffed. “This is Mrs. Darling. She’s the mother of….”

“We know the story,” Malique said, stepping beside Wolfric.

Akira rolled her eyes, “of course you do.”

“She was about to tell us where we can find Michael before you broke down her door,” Julianne said, irritation apparent in her voice and on her face. “I’m going to kill Levi,” she mumbled to herself.

Wolfric heard her words and held back a chuckle. So they knew about his spy.

“Wolfric,” Akira said, studying her Wolf Warrior. “You need to apologize to Mrs. Darling and fix her door.”

She watched him look from her to the older woman and back again. He huffed and apologized to the woman, then told Darius and Malique to fix the door.

Akira shook her head, “you broke it; you fix it.”

He glared at her, and she pointed to the door.

“Don’t make me use my voice.”

He closed his eyes, then opened them and moved across the room, took her into his arms, and kissed her.

“You’re lucky I love you,” he grumbled, then turned and headed to the broken door.

Akira turned to Mrs. Darling. “I am so sorry. My warriors aren’t good with this kind of thing.”

Mrs. Darling grinned at her, “you have very fine men. They love you dearly. I can tell by the fear in their eyes when they first arrived. Now, come, I will show you where to find my son.”


“Michael!” Mrs. Darling called out as they stepped out of the forest in front of a small cabin.

“Mother?” Michael said as he stepped outside.

“Michael. These fine ladies are here to speak with you.” Mrs. Darling pointed to Akira and her friends.

“Mother. I told you. I’m not interested in marrying….”

“Are you sure about that?” Akira asked as she took a step toward the handsome young man.

He stared at her, his eyes raking over her body. “You’re pretty enough, but my heart belongs to another.”

Akira grinned when she heard her warriors behind them growling at the way the man looked at her.

“I am so happy to hear that.” Akira moved closer to the man. “I am taken,” she said, pointing to the four large men standing behind Mrs. Darling and her friends.

Michael looked up at the large men Akira knew he hadn’t noticed before, his eyes opening wide.

“You’re a Havent.” It wasn’t a question, but Akira nodded anyway.

“I am here on behalf of the water nymph, Ahurani.”

“Ahurani sent you?” Michael asked, his eyes shining brightly with love.

Akira grinned and nodded, “yes. I have come to tell you that she loves you and wishes to be with you. But I must be sure you feel the same….”

“Of course I do,” Michael said, jumping down from the porch. “She is the only woman I have ever loved. She is the only woman I will ever love. The only reason I have not told her so is because I did not feel worthy of her. She is a mythical creature that deserves….” He shook his head. “Better than what I can give her.”

“She loves you. She is willing to turn human for you,” Akira whispered.

He blinked, and a grin spread across his face. “Take me to her.”

Akira nodded and turned to her friends. “He is worthy of our friend!”

Jules and Stella jumped into the air and shouted with joy.

“Let’s take you to your love,” Akira said, offering Michael her hand.

Akira ignored the growls from her warriors when the young man took her hand, and she led him toward the forest.


“Ahurani!” Michael hollered once they were at the pond.

“Michael?” Ahurani came out from behind a bush.

“Ahurani, I am so sorry!” Michael rushed at her and took her into his arms.

Akira watched the nymph cry as she wrapped her arms around the man she loved.

Wolfric moved up behind Akira and wrapped his arms around her as they watched the reunited lovers.

“I love you so much, Ahurani. I am sorry I let my fear of not being good enough for you tear us apart.”

Ahurani closed her eyes and leaned against Michael. “I love you too.”

“Does this mean you will marry my son?” Mrs. Darling asked, stepping forward.

Akira watched Ahurani open her eyes and look at the older woman. “Mrs. Darling?”

Mrs. Darling smiled. “Are you willing, child?”

Ahurani cried, “I wanted to marry your son the moment I laid eyes on him. He is my soulmate.”

Michael backed away from Ahurani and fell to his knee. “Then marry me.”

Ahurani looked down at Michael. “Are you sure?”

“I have never been surer of anything in my life.” Michael took her hand and pulled her to her knees before him.

Akira wiped a tear from her cheek and looked up at Wolfric. He looked down at her, his Wolfie grin making her want to take him into the trees and tear his clothes off. She shook her head and turned back to watch her new friend and her love. She felt Wolfric’s chest vibrate with a chuckle—as if he’d read her thoughts.

“You must be sure that I am all you will ever need,” Ahurani said, holding Michael’s face in her hands.

“I will never want for another,” Michael assured her.

“Neither will I,” Wolfric whispered into Akira’s ear.

Akira sighed with happiness.

“Then yes! I will marry you!” Ahurani cried.

Michael shouted joyfully as he pulled Ahurani into his arms and kissed her.

“The wedding shall be held tomorrow!” Mrs. Darling announced.

Michael and Ahurani looked at the older woman.

“So soon, Mother?” Michael asked.

Mrs. Darling grinned, “it should have been done sooner.”


Akira and her group were invited to the wedding and stayed the night in the Darling’s large house. The next day, Akira, Julianne, and Stella stood beside the bride as she said I do to the man she loved. Once the priest said, I now pronounce you man and wife, a bright light surrounded Ahurani.

“What’s going on?” Michael asked, fear in his voice.

Akira watched with awe as the nymph was turned human before their eyes. When the glow subsided, the beautiful nymph was no longer standing before them—but a beautiful human.

“Ahurani,” Michael whispered.

Ahurani looked at herself and smiled at her love. “I am yours, now and always.”

Michael lifted her into his arms and spun her around. They kissed for the first time as man and wife.


Akira and her group stayed with Mrs. Darling for three days while Michael and Ahurani went on their short honeymoon. When they returned, Akira, Julianne, and Stella listened to Ahurani tell them about the trip. All except for the private moments.

“Akira, I must talk to you in private,” Ahurani said, taking hold of Akira’s arm.

“Okay.” Akira let the woman drag her away from the others.

“I have sensed something different about you since I met you. I can’t place it, but something is off, but it’s not wrong.”

Akira looked at the woman, her left eyebrow raised. “What in the world is that supposed to mean?”

Ahurani shook her head. “I do not know. I know things will get harder for you until you discover your secret.”

“My secret? Don’t you think I would know my own secrets?”

Ahurani chuckled. “My dear friend. These are secrets you will need to discover on your adventure. I see that you are special, and that is all I can say….”

Akira smiled and stated, “you’re not the first to tell me I’m special.”

Ahurani shook her head, “but no one is brave enough to say how special you are. I hope someday you will see what I see. And maybe….” She looked behind her, then back at Akira. “Maybe someday Leviasen will make more sense.”

Akira opened and closed her mouth a few times. Speechless. How does she know there’s something different between her and Levi?

“Just please keep your mind open to possibilities.” Ahurani kissed her cheek, then turned and returned to her husband’s side.

Akira sighed. Keep her mind open to possibilities? She knows Levi wasn’t one of her warriors. He belongs to Jules. But what if there’s more to her story than even she knows? She shook her head.

Keep your mind open to possibilities.

“Are you okay, love?” Wolfric asked as he wrapped his arms around Akira.

Akira sighed and leaned her back into him. “Just fine.”

“You’re lying,” he whispered into her ear.

She shook her head, “no. Everything is fine. I was thinking about my past, my future, and what is to come.”

He tightened his arms around her. “Don’t think about it. Just live it.”

She chuckled and turned in his arms to face him. “I love you.”

He grinned down at her, “I love you too.”


The next day, Akira and her group said goodbye to their new friends.

“You better be faithful,” Akira said, pointing at Michael.

Michael grinned and squeezed his new wife closer to his side. “Never crossed my mind not to be.”

Akira smiled at him and looked at Ahurani.

“Thank you,” Ahurani whispered.

Akira ran to the woman and hugged her. “Stay safe,” she said as she backed out of the hug.

Ahurani smiled, “you too. And good luck. I hope you find your fifth warrior and everything you need to be happy.”

Akira nodded and whispered happily, “I already have what I need to be happy.”

Ahurani looked at Akira’s four warriors and friends and grinned. “So you do.”

Akira hugged Ahurani once more, then turned and walked to her warriors waiting for her. Jules and Stella hugged Ahurani before they followed Akira.

Nibbles jumped into Akira’s arms, and they continued their journey.


“What did Ahurani say to you yesterday?” Jules asked Akira as they walked behind the men.

Akira looked at her friend and told her everything the ex-nymph had told her.

Jules looked at Levi. “I have noticed something between you two as well.”

Akira sighed, “there’s nothing….”

“Oh, I know. He’s not one of your warriors. But the way he looks at you, he feels the pull too.”

Akira looked at Jules. “He does?”


Akira shook her head. “How does he look at me?”

“Like he knows you but can’t place you.”

Akira nodded and said, “that’s how I feel too.”

Jules grinned, “don’t worry. I’m not jealous.”

Akira chuckled, “I knew there was something between you two….”

Julianne stopped, pulling Akira to a stop as well. “I never said there was anything between us. I meant that I’m not jealous that you’re trying to steal my best friend….”

“I know, I was teasing you,” Akira laughed as she gave her friend a friendly shove, then ran to catch up with her warriors.

Julianne stared after her friend. Does she know Jules’ true feelings for the fairy prince? Jules has tried to hide it all her life. But was she truly hiding it?

“Keep up,” Levi said, giving Jules a shove.

Jules shrieked as she returned from her thoughts with a jolt of electricity from his touch. He stared at her, then shook his head and laughed.

“You need to pay more attention to your surroundings. What if I had been the Loch Ness monster?”

Jules glared at her prince. “We’re not in the ocean, and you’re too short.” She huffed at him, then turned and walked away.

Her heart was still racing from the startle he gave her, but she knew it was more from his touch. She closed her eyes for a moment and prayed to the Gods that one day she would find her true mate—so she could get over Levi.

She’s not worthy of a prince.

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