Her Home

Chapter 15 — Getting Advice

Rebecca woke up and looked out the large window across from the bed. It was still dark she moved to cuddle into Vincent but found that he was gone. She rolled over to pick her phone up from the bedside table. It was three in the morning, maybe he was in the bathroom. She waited about ten minutes before deciding he couldn't be in the bathroom and got up to find him.

She walked out of the bedroom and looked up the hallway toward the living room. It was completely dark. She looked the other direction and noticed that a light was on. She headed that way and heard something drop in the floor and Vincent curse. She smiled when she realized the light and noise was coming from the room, they had decided on being the nursery.

When she got to the doorway she stood there and watched as Vincent tried to figure out where the piece he held went to the rest of crib. He dropped the piece and picked up the instructions looking over them. Rebecca tried not to laugh at the sight of the big bad mafia man being beaten by a baby crib.

"Are you just going to stand there and watch or are you going to come in?" He said without turning around. He picked the piece back up and attached it where it belonged. Rebecca walked further into the room and looked around. Everything that had been bought had been delivered just before Vincent forced her to eat something for dinner even though her concern for him had made her feel so upset her stomach hurt. She noticed the dresser that she bought that matched the crib Nadia had bought. She continued to look around the room but stopped when she noticed a rocking chair beside the window that she hadn't bought and didn't remember any of the other girls getting while they were out earlier. She furrowed her brows and turned to Vincent.

"Who bought the rocking chair?" She asked him. He stopped what he was doing and looked at the chair than back at her.

"Lidia," he said as if it was normal for her to do nice things for her. Rebecca was shocked.

"Well at least she doesn't hate our child," she shrugged. She wished she could figure out why Lidia didn't like her so much. Vincent walked to stand beside her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her to him. "She doesn't hate you," he kissed the end of her nose, then her cheek and finally lightly on the lips. He pulled back and grabbed her hand pulling her toward the rocking chair. "She didn't buy it but it was her idea to send it over," he told her taking a seat pulling her down onto him lap. "My great-grandfather made this for his first wife, Sofia, when she was pregnant with their first child. She loved it and would spend hours rocking both children in it all the time. When he got married to his second wife, Giulia, he put it away until his oldest son had his first child and he gave it to him to give to his wife and then it went to my father who gave it to my mother. I had forgotten about the tradition until Lidia asked me if I planned to give it to you. Lidia had it delivered while you all were shopping." He rested his chin on her shoulder and wrapped his arms tighter around her.

"Why didn't he give the chair to his second wife? Did she not have any children with him?" Rebecca asked him.

"He said that while he loved Giulia very much, Sofia was his true love and when she died giving birth to their third child he couldn't even look at the chair let alone imagine anyone, even Giulia, sitting in it," he kissed her on the cheek before turning to look out the window. Rebecca watched him. He looked as if he was thinking. She decided to kiss him on the cheek to pull him out of his thoughts. "What was that for?" He smiled at her.

"I love you," she smiled shyly. Vincent chuckled.

"I love you too. That's why I want you to have this chair," he smiled down at her. Her eyes widened. "Vince. You don't have to do that."

"I don't have to but I want to," he said firmly. "I really, really want you to have it. Because no matter what happens, you are my true love," he watched as a few tears fell out of Rebecca's eyes. He wiped them away. "I know that I'm supposed to be tough and not say things like this but I can't help myself when it comes to you. I can't imagine life without you, Rebecca. I love you more than you will ever know." He tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear when it fell in front of her eye. "I want to spend every day showing you how just how much. For as long as you let me." Rebecca couldn't hold her tears back any longer and burst into tears. She grabbed his face with both hands and pulled his lips to hers.

"I love you," she said when she pulled her head back. "I love you so much. I should be making grand gestures for you right now. Your father is in the hospital and you are with me loving me," she sniffed. "You are going to be an amazing father. I was wrong to ever doubt that. I am sorry for that." Vincent smiled at her before he kissed her. He pulled away and placed his hand on her stomach.

"I couldn't sleep knowing that there is someone out there that wants to hurt my family," he sighed. "I hope we didn't make a mistake getting back together. I can't lose either of you." Rebecca saw tears in his eyes before he looked away from her.

She cupped his cheek and moved his head so he was looking at her. "You will protect us. I know that," she looked him in the eyes.

"What if I can't?" He gulped looking back at her. "His father should have been protected and look what happened." Rebecca pecked him on the lips and smiled.

"I have faith in you," she smiled before setting her face with a serious look. "I want you to be positive and focus on the problem now, okay?" Vincent nodded. "Do you know who did it?" Vincent nodded his head and looked out the window again. "Then what are you waiting for?" His head whipped back to look at her. He gave her a questioning look. "So, now you set up a meeting, right? Try to work it out?" Vincent chuckled. He assumed she had watched a Mafia movie or two. At least they got one thing right.

"We already met with them. This is what happened after," he sighed and ran his hand that wasn't on Rebecca's stomach through his hair. "That's why you ended up with more guards." He gave her a meek look hoping she wouldn't yell at him. "I wondered but I didn't want to bother you with me," she shrugged. She wrapped her arms around his neck. "So, will you show me how to shoot now? You know... Safety," she bit her lip before snuggling her face into his neck. Vincent kissed her quickly, "go get dressed in something that isn't a hot little nightie," he stood up causing her to do the same. Rebecca raised her eyebrows. "Right now?"

"I can't sleep," he shrugged. "I will meet you at the door," he said kissing her cheek and walking out of the room.

When she was done getting dressed, Vincent led her to the elevator and pushed the button for the basement floor. He led her to a door near the end of a long hallway. It opened up to a room that was looked a lot like the hallway they had just left. There was a counter that held a couple sets of headphones and safety glasses. Vincent walked to the counter and motioned for Rebecca to join him. He handed her a set of headphones and glasses then pulled his gun out of the holster on his side.

"Okay," he said taking a deep breath. He told her how to handle the gun safely before standing behind her and showing her how to hold it and aim. He was shocked at just how good she was. She missed the target the first couple times but after that she got closer and closer to kill shots.

After an hour of shooting he finally took the gun from her and smiled when he saw how big her smile was. He grabbed her hand and led her back upstairs and to bed where he wrapped his arms around her and rubbed circles on her stomach.

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The next morning Vincent got up and made breakfast like normal. He made sure that Rebecca ate more than she felt like she needed then kissed her and told her he would see her later in the day. When he had left, Rebecca quickly went back to their room and got dressed in a pair of jeans and stretchy shirt so that she was comfortable before heading out of the apartment.

A half hour later, the car stopped in front of Vincent's parents' house. Hoping out when the driver opened the door for her, she sent him a smile and a thank you, "I hope you don't mind waiting?" She said shyly. Kert, had been driving her around for about a week and she had tried getting to know him but he hadn't really warmed up to her. She felt awkward that he took her wherever she wanted to go. Even going to the store late at night when Vincent told him to any time, she mentioned wanting something specific to eat.

"We both know it's my job to wait for you wherever for however long you need," he said with a curt nod. She didn't know what else to say to him so, she turned and headed for the door.

She knocked twice quickly and waited for someone to answer the door. While she was waiting, she realized that everyone might be at the hospital with Francesco. She wished she had thought to call and check now. She had rushed out of the apartment before she had lost the nerve to do what she came to. The door opened just as she was about to turn around. The maid, who she remembered was named Lola, stood in front of Rebecca with a wide smile.

"Miss Rebecca," She greeted. "It's so good to see you. Vince is not here though," she frowned. Rebecca shook her head and smiled.

"I know. I am actually here to see Nadia. Is she home?" Lola nodded her head.

“Yes, she is. Please, come in and I will find her for you," she said stepping to the side to allow Rebecca to enter the house. She shut the door and walked to the doorway in front of them. “Have a seat in here," she motioned, “and I will find her.” Rebecca nodded and entered the living room taking a seat on the couch. She looked down and began to pick and her fingernails.

"Rebecca?" Nadia's voice came from behind her. Rebecca turned to look at her. She stood up and turned as Nadia walked around the couch to greet her.

"I hope you don't mind me stopping by. I know I should have called," she started but Nadia held up a hand to stop her.

"You're family. No need to call. You don't even need to knock," Nadia laughed waving her hands around. Rebecca looked at her hands trying to fight the urge to start picking again. She knew Vincent didn't like when she did that and she wanted to break the habit. "Rebecca dear, is there something the matter?" Nadia asked breaking Rebecca of her focus on her hands.

"How do you do it?" The words burst from her mouth. Nadia raised her brow.

"Do what dear?" She motioned for her to sit down again on the couch. Rebecca did so and took a deep breath.

"How are you okay with the danger? With everything that comes with being the wife to a... a..."

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"A mafia man," Nadia finished for her. Rebecca felt herself blush from embarrassment. "It's okay to say it. At least around those who know," she sent Rebecca a smile and she felt a little better. Nadia placed a hand on top of Rebecca's as she started to pick at her fingernails. "Vinny said you had a nervous habit," she laughed a little. Rebecca looked away from their hands and at her. "He thinks it's cute," she smiled. "You don't have to be nervous, Rebecca. I understand your question. You know I wasn't raised in this lifestyle." Rebecca's eyes widened in shock. Nadia smiled. "It took me a long while to get to the point I am at."

"How did you do it?" Rebecca sounded almost as if she was pleading for all the answers to life. Or at least this life.

"I was so in love with Francesco. From the second I first saw him, I loved him. But his world was completely different from mine. I grew up on a farm in Italy. My parents were soft spoken and any type of violence was foreign to me. When he told me who he was and I knew of the family name as does everyone in Italy. I was scared at first but when he told me that he could never leave, I decided that I loved him enough to try and accept everything that came with him. It was after all a part of him and I loved him," Nadia shrugged as if it was no big deal anymore. "I will be honest with you; it took me years to get used to the guards following me everywhere and even more years to get past the danger." Rebecca felt deflated and looked down at her hands she didn't know if she could wait that long. "But, the one thing that came easy from the very start," Nadia lifted her head so she was looking at her, "was being there for him. When everything became too much and he needed someone to hold him, to tell him he was loved no matter what, I was there. When the power went to his head too much, I would put him in his place," Nadia smiled like she was remembering several times that happened. "I can tell you are a good, strong women and I know, with all my heart, that you can be the queen Vinny needs. But you have to want to be. You have to decide if the love you have for him is enough." She grabbed both of Rebecca's hands and looked her directly in the eyes. "No matter what you choose, no one, least of all Vinny, will blame you." Nadia's smiled widened.

Rebecca felt a tear fall down her face. She didn't even realize that she had been crying. She was getting tired of her hormones already. She smiled at Nadia. "Thank you so much for speaking with me about this. I wanted to talk with Vince but I was worried he wouldn't want to hear any concerns. Not to mention I want don't want to worry him while Francesco is in the hospital. He has enough going on," She wiped the tears from her face. Nadia pulled her into a hug. "I hope this helped you," she said when she pulled away from Rebecca.

"You did. So much," Rebecca told her. "I have an appointment before work," she continued while she stood up.

"Is it a baby appointment?" Nadia asked as she led Rebecca toward the front door. Rebecca nodded and Nadia squealed.

"If you see Vince, please don't tell him. I don't want him to worry. I just really have some questions for my doctor is all," Rebecca shrugged.

"I won't say a word," she made a zipping motion against her lips and smiled. She pulled Rebecca into another hug at the door. "I hope you decide to be a part of this family. I promise that it isn't as bad as you think. We really do love each other. You won't find a family that is more supportive of one another than this one." Rebecca nodded.

"I am looking forward to getting to know everyone more. And thank you again for talking with me."

"Any time dear," Nadia opened the door and waved before turning to go back to the car. She smiled at Kert as he opened the door for her to step in.

"Where to now?" He asked before he shut the door.

"The hospital. I will just stay there until work so you can get off early," she smiled at him. He nodded and shut the door. He ran around to the driver's side and got in. "Do you have a special lady, Kert?" She asked him as he drove down the driveway. She smiled when she saw the smile on his face. "I'm sure she will be happy to see you early today. Maybe I will speak with Vince and see if I can get you an extra day off so you can see her more. It can't be good for your relationship with all the time you spend driving me around."

"That's not necessary, Miss," he said looking in the rearview mirror. Rebecca smiled as an idea to get Kert to like her more started brewing.

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