Her Forever

(Book 2)- Chapter 57


Dear Benjamin,

If you are reading this, then the truth has come out and our life has taken a turn for the worst. I have agreed to things that I deeply regret, but I hope this letter will give you a better understanding as to why I had to, why I had to betray a future Luna as well as the Alpha of the infamous Night Crawler pack….


Lolli was in the pack house of the Celestial Moons, their pack was small but thriving nevertheless. Even though it had only been around for 20 years, they were strong. The warriors were out training as her and her mother were cooking lunch with the few omegas that they had in the pack house, they were made up of mostly warriors and their lack of omegas could oftentimes make it hard at meal time.

Her brothers had just come back from basic training with their father, Alpha Emil, and were sweating and tracking mud onto the floors. “Boys!” Their mother, Luna Alaina spoke harshly. “You are tracking mud all over the floor. Why don’t you go jump in the lake and wash off before lunch, take your sister Aria with you,” she scolded but held in a large smile as the boys grabbed their sisters hands. The boys were troublemakers and wrestled so harshly in the house that even the indoor furniture saw the brunt of their matches.

Lolli continued to stir the deer stew that was to be given to the pack. Her mother and the three omegas worked their daily routine as Lolli began to get lost in thought. Had she made the right decision not to become Alpha? It was proposed to her as a pup but it never interested her. She had a strong need to take care of those around her but making decisions for the pack regarding warriors, patrols and finance rarely appealed to her. She loved the one-on-one experience and was often found with the doctor tending to pregnant she-Wolves.

Currently, she was studying to be a midwife. That was her calling but the guilt always slipped in when she saw her brothers training and seeing their bruises, she didn’t like to see them hurt. Their Wolves had not come yet so their healing abilities were a bit slow. Smiling to herself she could only remember what her mother recently told her: “You are a kind soul Lolli, you don’t possess the fiery passion of war and battle, your decision is just. Your kind heart deserves to do what it loves and handing the pack to your brothers is a good decision.”

Lolli glanced at her mother, there was flour on her cheeks as she kneaded the dough for the homemade bread she had promised her father. Lolli continued to chop the vegetables until she got a mind-link from one of the warriors. “Lolli, can you bring more water to fill the water dispenser outside?”

Lolli chuckled, “Sure thing.”

She decided to do one better and make a large batch of pink lemonade, complete with fresh lemons and ice. The tub was large that she was going to carry, but that didn’t seem to matter to her. She was strong, she had Alpha b***d in her so she was stronger than the average Wolf. Gracefully holding the large container, she felt her Wolf stir. Looking around from side to side, she saw nothing that would be harmful but kept alert as she trotted across the pack territory to the training field.

Lurking in the shadows, was none other than Anana. Her demon had fully taken control over Anana’s body and Anana was officially no more. The demon had worked hard on her, she was to be the next large coven leader in Bergarian but he had other plans. Her soul was now tucked away in the corner of his mind as she screamed and banged on the edge of the invisible glass that now separated them. The slippery slope of choosing a few wrong choices earlier in her life caused this, she never wanted to be a bad soul but with such a powerful demon twisting word choices to gain her favor of an outcome did it.

Anana had lost her mate, one that she had been meant to share with her twin sister. They were to be mated in a wonderful ceremony in her coven back in Begarian but Anana’s cheating ways came through when the demon would randomly take over her body. It wasn’t his fault her mind was too feeble to realize what she was doing. “She never had proper training to tame him anyways, it was all her and her family’s fault really,” his demon stewed at the thought. Once her mate rejected her and only took her sister, the girl slowly slipped away and had nothing to live for. Now they were rogue and he was in charge and the new found freedom was boring him. He had no one to fight with constantly so he found other ways to earn money and then kill any bastard that got in the way. Make them both suffer, he would say. Now that he royally messed up in helping Derek, he wasn’t just banned from Bergarian; he was also being hunted in the Earth realm. Why not stir up some more trouble before Hades hunted him down?

The young girl was carrying a large pitcher of lemonade with a few slices of lemons and sugar in a bag. It looked like she was walking on her toes, happy and pleased with her decision to give the warriors a sweet treat. Anana snarled at the thought. The warriors deserved nothing. She was able to sneak in past the patrol like it was nothing using minimal scent cloaking magic. She crossed her arms over themselves in her new trench coat. Her head was covered and she eye-stalked the little Alpha she-Wolf as she smiled and waved goodbye to the warriors.

“Now or never,” Anana squealed to herself. She walked past the trees and toward Lolli since she was now out of sight of other Wolves. Lolli wasn’t paying attention and was easily grabbed by Anana on her bicep. “Hush now,” Anana covered her mouth as her reeking breath breathed into Lolli’s ear. “I’ve got a proposition for you dearie and you are going to want to hear it.” Anana grabbed her and pulled her into the woods and covered them both with a cloaking spell, no one would be able to hear or smell them for the time being.

Lolli stepped back, observing the small opaque orb that covered them. Anana brushed the invisible dirt off her trench coat and smirked. “W-what do you want?” Lolli asked. She was docile, not at all Alpha material, it was a good thing she passed the torch to her brothers. “I have a task for you to do,” Anana’s voice was sweet. “You are to help me steal the future Luna of the Night Crawler pack not far from here,” she said it like it was nothing.

Lolli looked at her in confusion. “Why would I do that? That is none of my business, let me go! I will not help you!” Lolli went to walk out of the orb but was stopped by a sudden zap. The electricity that came from Anana’s fingers flipped Lolli around so she was now facing her enemy again. “I said you will complete the task, and you will do it unless you want you and your entire pack to suffer the consequences.”

Looking on in fear, Lolli clutched her hands to her chest. Now she used her Alpha abilities to realize that she as well as her family were in danger. She could feel the strong, dark presence of something within this Witch, she was nothing of what she had met before in past greetings of passing covens. Lolli had been so obtuse over the years, thinking she lived in such a carefree world, now the real danger had come to find her.

“Do not hurt the pack,” Lolli said as sternly as she could, which came out more like a kitten’s growl. Anana chuckled at the sudden braveness of the girl. It wouldn’t help her however, in fact it only made things more interesting.

“Here’s the deal,” Anana spoke as she walked toward the red head. “You help me, and I won’t destroy your pack with the wave of my hand. It would burn with the heat of the 2nd circle of hell and not even charred bones would be left to bury. It would be easy really, you are so small and insignificant and the council wouldn’t even know they were missing a pack,” she taunted mockingly. Lolli tensed as she felt the truth in her words. “So, this is what you will do….”



She told me that she could not access the pack with her magic. A high coven leader and her fellow Witches cast a spell over your pack. No Witch will be able to penetrate it, unless they have been invited to join us. Anana obtained the Amulets of Saron, which let her pass through strong cloaking spells. I had to carry one amulet over and meet her on our designated day to bring the Amulets together for her to pass over.

I did it to save my pack, my heart hurts every day trying to find another way to get rid of her, but she is powerful. She met me every day to make sure I followed her exact instructions. My brothers and sister were close collateral and constant reminders that if I slipped, one would have an “accidental death.”

I didn’t mean for us to meet during these circumstances, and I know you would not accept me now for taking your Luna from you. Just know this was a hard decision to make, you Luna is the most beautiful and wonderful person. I do care for you and hope in another life we can meet. Once I know my family and pack are safe I will leave this world for the guilt of this I cannot bare.

Your Loving Mate,


Benjamin whimpered as I read the last paragraph. As angry as I was, I couldn’t blame her. The Alpha in her wanted to protect her own pack. Sampson was seething beneath the surface, we had to think fast before all of our mental capacity for making a plan would be gone. Trying to mind-link Keith, I could feel the strings of the links come back to life, no more static invaded the call I let out to him.

Keith stumbled into the doorway and looked from side to side, trying to figure out what happened. “Keith!” I ordered. He stood at attention and put arm over his chest.

“Alpha, I’m sorry…”

“No time,” I interrupted. Get Sorceress Bohdi on the phone, have them try and do a tracking spell on Anana, ready the warriors. As soon as we hear something we leave.”

“Bruce,” I mind-linked

“Alpha,” he replied

“Get a group of trackers to the Celestial Moons pack. They are in immediate danger.”

Before I could hear a reply, I cut the call. The women were running frantically trying to grab children and put them in the safe room, most of the women and children would hide until we returned from saving Rosalie and Lolli. Even though Sampson was still angry at her, we would have done the same with her decision.

My father came in stomping down the hall, his large body having to turn so he could get through the doorways. Even after giving the Alpha title to me, he was still a raging beast.

“What the hell just happened? I was in the training room in the basement and all the damn doors went into safety mode and locked me in. Jack? What the f**k?” He was fuming.

“Anana was able to penetrate the border, she’s been taken!” I roared. My father let out a menacing growl and started ordering omegas to pack bags as well as grab the pack doctor. My mother ran into his arms and started crying silently. “Odin, she started the change, she doesn’t have anyone to help her! Her changing slowed down significantly as soon as that Witch took her out of my arms! She is in so much pain, we have to find her!” My mother’s tears were captured by my father’s fingers as he kissed her.

“We will find her love. Get the leftover trackers, even the ones training. This will be a good experience.” My father stomped towards the door and shouted more orders as the warriors came up with the SUVs ready to load up medical supplies. My mate was going to be found, it won’t take me a week to find her like last time. I’ve got the Witches council in my back pocket and I was going to f*****g use them.

Benjamin looked like a lost sheep staring at the note in his hand. His eyes glanced at the last bit of the paper, where his own mate said she wasn’t going to come back. I ran up to him and patted his shoulder. “It won’t come to that, we will save her before anything happens. Now suck it up and get into Wolf form.” He crumbled the letter and didn’t even bother to take off his clothes, he shifted mid-jump off the stairs to the outside of the pack house.

Several warriors were in shorts as they stood ready for their orders. This was the second time my mate had been taken for me and it was going to be the last. “Listen up, your Luna has been taken at the worst moment. Her Wolf felt the threat of her pack being in danger and was forcing a shift.” Many warriors started murmuring and the doctor stopped putting medical supplies in the back of the truck. He looked at me in worry. “She had just started her shift, she is in the worst danger she could possibly be in. Her shift has slowed so she is feeling every damn break. It is imperative we find her quickly and get her home. The Witches council will be heading this as well, now, WOLVES SHIFT!”

The tearing of clothing and howls ripped across the law, few trackers caught several scents and were scattered. I jumped in the SUV with Bohdi just on the other line…

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