Her Elemental Dragons: The Complete Series

Her Elemental Dragons: Stroke the Flame: Chapter 23

Another day of travel passed by without incident, except that I was forced to ride with Slade and Reven for long hours while trying to ignore the feel of their strong bodies against mine as they pointedly did not make conversation. I loved my sword, but I really should have asked Auric for my own horse.

At least I wasn’t sore anymore. Like my head injury from Roark, my body had recovered quickly from the aches and pains of riding. It made me wonder if my new healing powers were working on myself as well.

After so many days on the road, we were all exhausted by the time we stopped to make camp in the forest. I set my bedroll as far from the fire as possible like I did every night, and both Jasin and Auric rushed to put theirs on either side of mine. Not that Slade or Reven seemed to care about being close to me anyway. Reven was brooding in the shadows as far away from me as possible, and Slade turned away from me when I glanced at him. How was I ever supposed to get close to them if they kept their distance like this?

On the other hand, maybe Slade and Reven were the least of my problems. Jasin and Auric had been glowering at each other all day, and as Jasin walked past me, he bumped into Auric hard and obviously on purpose. Auric muttered a word under his breath that sounded a lot like, “Barbarian.”

I couldn’t take it anymore. I got to my feet and glared at all of them. ‘I need a few minutes alone. Don’t follow me.”

‘Stay close,’ Jasin said.

“I’ll be fine,” I snapped.

I headed into the dark forest, shoving branches out of my way and kicking at rocks under my boots. But even once I was out of sight, I could still hear their low male voices behind me, though I couldn’t make out the words. I moved deeper into the woods, with the bright moon guiding my steps, until I found a large rock to sit upon. I listened carefully. Silence. Blissful, sweet silence.

It was the first time I’d been truly alone with my thoughts for days and I relished it. I’d gotten used to being in solitude for most of my life, and it was hard to adjust to suddenly being around four men all day every day. Even if I enjoyed their presence—when they weren’t being obnoxious males, that was. It felt right with all of them at my side, but I realized I still needed some alone time now and then too.

The male voices grew louder, intruding on my quiet moment. Arguing about something, it sounded like. Probably related to me. Maybe I should feel honored they were fighting over me, but I had a feeling it would only get worse as I got closer to each man. Would any of them ever be comfortable sharing me with the others?

Would I?

The idea of sleeping with Jasin didn’t make me as nervous as it once did, not after his mind-blowing kiss. But I had also kissed Auric only hours before and enjoyed it just as much. And then there was Slade, who I’d nearly kissed. Not to mention Reven, who I’d definitely wanted to kiss, if only because he was so gorgeous in his deadly, dangerous way.

How could I have feelings for all four men? It didn’t make sense. Lust, I could understand. Friendship as well. But I felt more than that for all of them. Not love, not yet, but the potential that I could love each of them someday. It had to be the magical bond pulling us together and nothing more, right?

I covered my face in my hands, feeling overwhelmed by it all. That’s when I heard something moving in the bushes near me.

I jumped to my feet and rested my hand on the hilt of my sword as I scanned the woods. Something was out there.

I was about to call the guys, when the leaves swept aside and the old woman I’d met on my birthday stepped forward.

‘Hello there,’ she said, as if it was perfectly normal for her to run into me in the middle of the nowhere. ‘Kira, isn’t it?’

‘You,’ I said, my mouth hanging open. ‘Are you the Spirit Goddess?’

She let out a low laugh. ‘Gods, no. Why would you think that?’

My heart sank and I sighed. ‘You were outside Stoneham on my birthday, and now you’re here. How?’

The old woman shrugged. ‘I get around.’

‘Are you following me?’ I asked, my eyes narrowing.

‘Not exactly.’

She settled in on a rock opposite mine and I slowly sat back down since I sensed she wasn’t a threat. She looked exactly as I’d seen her before, down to the same hooded robe. How had she wound up here, in the middle of the woods? We weren’t anywhere near a town this time and she was alone, without even a horse.

‘You can call me Enva,’ she said, as she folded her hands in her lap. ‘Let’s just say I have a special interest in you.’

“Do you know who—what—I am?”

‘I do, and I might be able to help you.” She cocked her head. “I’m sure you have some questions.’

‘Hundreds of them,’ I said. ‘Is it true? Am I the next Black Dragon?’

‘Yes, you are. Assuming you live long enough to claim that title.” She shrugged. “None of the others have ever made it that far.’

My mouth dropped open. ‘There were others?’

‘Of course,” she said, as if it were obvious. “You didn’t think you and Nysa were the only ones, did you?’

Nysa, the Black Dragon. Even hearing her name sent shivers down my spine. ‘I wasn’t sure. I’ve never heard of any others.’

‘Because she kills them all before they become a threat.’

I swallowed the lump in my throat. ‘But not me.’

‘She doesn’t know about you. Yet. Best thing to do is to keep it that way as long as you can.’

I nodded slowly. ‘We’ll do our best.’

‘See that you do.’ Enva examined her fingernails on one of her wrinkled hands. ‘Any other questions? I don’t have all evening.’

She was mighty pushy, considering she was the one who’d visited me. ‘Why did the Gods choose me?’

She let out a sharp laugh. ‘They didn’t.’

I blinked at her. ‘I…I don’t understand.’

‘The others were chosen. You were born.’

My mouth fell open as I absorbed this bit of information. ‘How?’

She gave me a sardonic look. ‘I’m pretty sure you know how that happens. I should hope so, or you’re going to be in for a big surprise when you reach the Fire Temple.’

I bit back a frustrated response and asked, ‘Did my parents know about what I was?’


I nodded slowly as everything I knew about my past realigned. The Dragons had been looking for me all along. My parents really were killed because of me. ‘But there was never anything special about me. I never had any powers or anything. Not until now.”

‘Animals have always been drawn to you. You’ve always had a way with plants and herbs as well. Those are all gifts from the Spirit Goddess.”

‘What about the healing? That only started recently.’

She nodded. ‘You came into your powers on your twentieth birthday, although you still have a long way to go. After you bond with your mates you’ll be able to take on their powers as well.” With those words she stood up. ‘I think that’s enough for one night. I’m sure we’ll meet again. If you live that long.’

She gave me a short nod before stepping back into the forest. I called out, “Wait!’ but she had already disappeared. Literally. Leaving me with a few answers, and even more questions than before.

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