Her Elemental Dragons: The Complete Series

Her Elemental Dragons: Stroke the Flame: Chapter 22

In the morning we had a quick breakfast at the tavern, where I tried to ignore the way Minda looked at Jasin, before we headed to the market to get supplies and some new clothes. We passed by dozens of covered stalls with people yelling about their goods, from stoneware to cloth to fruits and vegetables. Reven, Jasin, and Auric all went separate ways, while Slade stayed by my side for protection, though he didn’t say much to me. We’d almost kissed last night and I’d felt a real connection with him finally, but then he’d erected even more walls between us. Now his face was as hard as the stone he could control.

We passed by a stall selling weapons, and Slade took a moment to compliment the owner on their fine craftsmanship. I eyed a sword that would be the perfect size for me, and even held it in my hand briefly to feel its weight, before I put it back and turned away with a heavy heart. I longed for a sword of my own to be able to defend myself better, but I only had a few coins to my name and didn’t want to abuse Auric’s generosity.

As we continued through the market to pick up the supplies we needed, I tried not to get off track, though it was hard not to be tempted. There were dozens of things I wanted, including some new clothes and a horse, but the more frugal we were now the longer the money would last us.

After Slade and I picked up all the supplies we needed, we found Auric at a stall selling old books, which made me smile. Where else would he be, after all?

“Find anything?” I asked.

Auric closed the book he was flipping through. “Not here, unfortunately. I did get some new clothes, and I bought you a present as well.”

He handed me a long, heavy package, and I immediately knew what it was. I tore the paper open and found the sword I’d been looking at earlier. The blade shone under the bright sunlight, while the hilt was simple and black, but it was exactly what I wanted. Auric had also gotten me a new sword belt made of black leather, which I couldn’t wait to strap onto my waist.

“Thank you so much,” I said to Auric. “But this is too much, really.”

“Nonsense. I saw you admiring the sword earlier and knew you had to have it, for your own protection if nothing else.” He slid his hand around my waist, drawing me close as his eyes gazed into mine. “If things were different, I’d buy you everything you could ever want. Gowns of the finest silks. Jewels to complement your beauty. An entire library full of books, or a whole arsenal of weapons, if that was more your style. But unfortunately, none of those things are practical right now, so this will have to do.”

“I love it.” I slid my arms around his neck. “Thank you, Auric.”

He brought his lips to mine, while Slade crossed his arms and looked at everything except us. I pulled away from Auric quickly, feeling awkward about kissing one of my mates in front of another. I wasn’t sure any of us were ready for that yet.

Slade cleared his throat. “We should get back on the road soon.”

We returned to the inn and found Reven waiting outside by the stables, looking impatient and bored. I couldn’t tell if he had bought anything or not.

“Have you seen Jasin?” I asked.

“He’s upstairs, first door on the right,” Reven said, with distaste. “Might want to knock first though.”

“Thanks.” I headed inside to find our wayward soldier while the other men loaded our supplies onto the horses. The place had cleared out since last night, and I didn’t see any sign of Jasin anywhere. My stomach sank as I realized what he must be doing. And with whom.

“Jasin?” I called out, as I rushed up the stairs.

I knocked on the first door, but then threw it open with a burst of anxious energy. Jasin stood inside without a shirt on, while Minda, the waitress from last night, sat on the bed with a smile. My jaw fell open and I could only glance between the two of them, completely speechless. Even though I’d suspected this was what he was doing, it was still so much worse seeing it in person.

“It’s not what you think,” Jasin said quickly. But I’d already turned on my heel and walked out of the room.

He rushed after me into the hallway, then caught my arm to pull me back to him. He moved close, his naked chest only inches away. Muscles rippled across his skin, showing all the contained strength and power in his body. I swallowed as I forced my gaze up to his face, but that wasn’t any better because he was so handsome he made my chest ache. Especially when I thought of him with that other woman.

“Her brother is about my size and I was trading my clothes for his,” Jasin said. “Getting rid of my uniform, like you suggested. That was all. Nothing happened, I swear it.”

“She was watching you change!”

“I was trying on a shirt to make sure it fit. She saw nothing more than you’re seeing now.”

I glanced down at his words, taking his body in again. He was so warm I could feel the heat radiating off him, and he smelled good, like a bonfire on a cool night. I had the strongest urge to press myself against him, tilt my head up to his, and ask him to give me some of that warmth too. But then Minda walked out of the room and gave us a smirk before heading down the stairs back to the tavern, and jealousy and hurt rose up in me again. I pulled away.

“Kira?” Jasin asked.

“It’s fine,” I said. “I just came to tell you we’re leaving soon.”

“No, it’s not.” He took my hand and led me into the room, then shut the door behind us. “I can tell you’re upset. What can I say or do to make it better?”

“I have no right to be upset. What you do with other women is no business of mine. We’ve never made any promises to each other and I know you didn’t choose this life with me.”

His dark eyes were intense and serious as he gazed into mine. “Kira, I’m yours and yours alone. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be but by your side.”

Gods, how I wanted that to be true, and how I wanted to believe him. But no matter how much I desired him and wanted him for myself, I wasn’t sure I could trust him. I pressed my back against the door, my heart racing. “You don’t need to say that. You don’t even know me.”

Jasin placed his hand on the door by my head, leaning close. “I want to know you. In every sense of the word.”

A rush of desire flared inside me at his words. He caged me against the wall, and though I could easily step away from him, I didn’t dare move. “Me and every other woman, it seems.”

“Not anymore. The moment I met you I knew the Fire God had chosen me for a reason, and that reason is you.” He used his free hand to cup my face, and I sucked in a breath at his warm touch. “The only woman I want is right in front of me.”

“And I’m supposed to believe you’ll be loyal? Or happy with one woman for the rest of your life?” I gazed up at him defiantly, even though he was making me melt. “You admitted you’ve slept with lots of women.”

“I have, yes. But that’s all in the past.” He arched an eyebrow. “You don’t honestly believe the other guys have all been waiting for you to come along, do you? I doubt any of them are strangers to a woman’s bed either.”

My cheeks flushed. “No, of course not, but you’re the one I have to bond with first. And I’ve never…ah…” I tried to duck my head, embarrassed as soon as the words slipped from my mouth, but he caught my chin and made me look up at him.

“Never?” His eyes flared with obvious desire, and then his gaze dropped to my lips. “Then it’s a good thing I’m well versed in the arts of pleasing a woman.”

His mouth captured mine, while his strong body pushed me back against the door he leaned against. With dominant hands he tilted my head up to his and gave me the most sensual kiss of my life, teasing a soft moan from my lips. His naked chest pressed against my breasts, and even through my dress I felt how firm his body was. I was suddenly overcome with the need to touch him and placed my hands on his waist, pulling him closer. I needed to claim him as my own in the same way he was claiming me.

His mouth moved to my neck, leaving a trail of light kisses that made me moan again, while my hands smoothed across his hard chest and strong arms. His powerful fighter’s body was solid under my fingers, and as his lips skimmed across my collarbone, all I wanted was to feel more of it. Forget the Fire Temple, I was ready to bond with him right now. Or at least get some of that practice in.

But then he straightened up and stepped back, making me instantly miss his warmth. I nearly pulled him back to me, but somehow regained control of myself. Except there was no denying I’d kissed him back as hard as he’d kissed me. And if he kissed me again? I wouldn’t stop him.

He ran his thumb slowly along my lower lip. “That’s only a taste of what’s to come. But first, I’m going to convince you that the only woman I want is you.”

Without another word, he grabbed his clothes off the bed and walked out of the room, still shirtless. Leaving me breathless and dazed and wondering what exactly just happened.

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