Her Alpha’s Choice by Lily Pen

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Gabriella’s POV

The two wolves circle each other, growling and snarling. They are both covered in blood, and their eyes are wild with rage.

Then, they spring at each other, claws bared. They tangle together, biting and scratching, fighting for dominance.

I watch in horror as the wolves tear at each other, their bodies locked in a deadly embrace.

One lunges forward, teeth bared, and the other parries the attack, sinking its teeth into the first wolf’s shoulder.

The first wolf yelps in pain, but it does not give up. It twists and turns, trying to free itself from the second wolf’s grip.

As they struggle, their fur flies in all directions, soaked with sweat and blood. The air is filled with the sounds of growling and snarling, and the smell of fear and anger.

The wolves roll over and over, tumbling across the forest floor. They are a whirling mass of fur and teeth, a blur of motion that is hard to follow.

Finally, they come to a stop, facing cach other on their hind legs. Their eyes meet, and for a moment, they are frozen, each sizing up the other. Then, they spring into action, claws outstretched.

The air is filled with the sound of tearing fabric as their claws rip into each other’s hides. Blood splatters across the ground, a shocking crimson against the green of the forest.

Finally, the familiar wolf emerges victorious, but at a terrible cost. It is bleeding heavily from multiple wounds, and it is clear that it does not have much time left.

It stag gers towards me, and I drop to my knees, reaching out to it. The wolf collapses at my feet, its b*dy going limp. I can feel the warmth of its breath on my hand, and I whisper a silent prayer.

I stay with the wolf until its breathing stops, until its heart is still and silent. Then, I bury my face in my hands and so b.

My heart pounding in my chest. I am filled with a mix of emotions

relief that the

other wolf has been defeated, and fear for what comes next. I reached out a trembling hand, gently touching the wolf’s fur.

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Chapter 7

But at that moment, I felt a connection to this creature, a bond that transcends words.

It is him. I can see it in his eyes, in the way he looks at me. I am not certain how I know, but I do. The wolf is Matthew, the man I had helped in the fore

so long ago. I had saved him then, but now it seems he has returned the favor.

I cannot believe that this is happening. I am not sure if it is real, or if I am dreaming. But I know that I must do something, anything, to help him. I reach out, and gently stroke his head.

Matthew’s eyes begin to flutter, and I can tell that he is struggling to stay conscious. I lean in close, and whisper, “It’s okay, Matthew.” I keep my voice soft and soothing, and I continue to stroke his fur. His eyes close, and his breathing slows.

Matthew opened his eyes, and slowly sat up. He looked at me, and I saw a flicker of recognition in his gaze.

“I know where my pack is,” he said, his voice a low rumble. “We cannot stay here, in this forest. It is not safe.”

I nodded, understanding what he was saying. The forest was full of danger, and we could not stay there. We would have to leave, and find somewhere else to go.

With my help, Matthew got to his feet, though he still looked weak. I could tell that he was in pain, but he refused to show it. He was strong, stronger than I could have imagined.

Together, we made our way out of the forest, step by step. The trees seemed to part for us, and the way was clear. I felt like we were being guided, as if the forest itself was helping us to leave.

As we reached the edge of the forest, I stopped for a moment, taking in the sight before.


I looked at Matthew, and I could not help but wonder who he was. He had not told me much about himself, but I could sense that he was hiding something. There was a story there, a story that he was not yet ready to share.

And yet, I could not help but feel that I knew him. I had a sense of familiarity, as if we had met before. I did not understand it, but I trusted it. I trusted him.

As we reached the border of the pack territory, I saw a group of wolves approaching. It recognized them as members of a pack, and I knew that we were safe. They were a sight. for sore eyes, and I felt a sense of relief wash over me.

The wolves surrounded us, their eyes wide with curiosity. They knew Matthew, and they were clearly surprised to see him here, with me. But they were not hostile, and I

Chapter 7

knew that they meant us no harm.

As the pack soldiers took Matthew in their care, I could see the respect and affection they had for him. He was clearly a member of their pack, and they treated him with the utmost respect. I felt a sense of pride, knowing that I had helped him to get here.

“Thank you,” I said to the pack soldiers, my voice barely above a whisper.

They nodded, and one of them said, “You have done a great service for our pack.

I could not help but wonder what Matthew’s role was in the pack. He was clearly someone of importance, someone who was respected and admired. But I did not know why.

There was something about him that was mysterious, something that was hidden from


I was curious, but I did not want to pry. I knew that Matthew would tell me what I needed to know, in his time.

For now, I was content to just be with him.

It was not just the fact that Matthew was a member of the pack that struck me, but the way the pack treated him.

There was a special reverence in their eyes, a look of awe and wonder. It was clear that they saw him as more than just a member of the pack. He was someone special, someone important.

As I watched the pack soldiers care for him, I felt a surge of hope. I had a feeling that everything was going to be okay, that I had found a place where I belonged. And it was all because of Matthew.

The pack was unlike anything I had ever seen before. The buildings were made of natural materials, and the whole place was alive with the scent of earth and pine. I could hear the rustling of leaves, and the chirping of birds.

There was a sense of peace and calm, a feeling that I had never experienced before.


As we made our way through the village, I noticed that some villagers were staring at us. There was a look of shock on their faces, as if they could not believe what they were. seeing.

Some of them looked at me with suspicion, while others looked at me with curiosity. I tried to ignore their stares, but I could not help but feel a little self-conscious.

It was then that I realized that I must look a mess, after everything that had happened. My clothes were torn and stained, and my hair was a tangled mess. I tried to smooth it

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down, but it was no use.

Matthew must have noticed my discomfort because he took my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. I looked at him, and he gave me a small smile. His eyes were full of warmth and understanding, and I felt myself relax a little.

“You’re safe here,” he said, his voice low and reassuring. “No one is going to hurt you.”

His words calmed me, and I let out a breath that I had not realized I was holding. I knew that he was right, that I was safe here.

As we reached the largest building in the village. I realized that this must be the pack house. It was made of wood and stone, and it was much larger than any of the other buildings.

The windows were made of stained-glass, and the roof was covered in moss. The whole place had a feeling of grandeur of importance.

We stopped in front of the door, and Matthew turned to me. “This is where I live,” he said. “Come inside.

I took a deep breath, and followed him through the door.

As we entered the pack house. a man came to greet us. He was tall and muscular, with a scar on his check. He was dressed in a simple tunic, but his eyes were sharp and inteligent. I knew immediately that this must be the Beta, the second in command of the pack.

“Matthew,” he said, a smile playing on his l*ps. “I am glad to see you have returned. And you have brought a guest. His gaze shifted to me, and I felt myself tense up.

“This is Gabriella. Matthew said. “She helped me when I was injured.”

As I looked around the pack house, I noticed something strange. I had expected to see an Alpha, the leader of the pack. But there was no sign of him.

There were no portraits or statues of him, and no one had mentioned him. It was as if he did not exist. I felt a pri ckle of uncase, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was not right.

But I pushed the thought aside, and tried to focus on the present moment. I was in a new place, with new people, and I needed to adjust.

The Beta left us, and a man dressed in a white coat came to greet us. He was the pack doctor, and he ushered me into a room with a bed. He started to inspect my injuries, asking me about what had happened. I told him the truth, about how I had found Matthew injured in the forest, and how I had helped him.


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Chapter 2


And then, the doctor looked at me with a strange expression. “You do not know who Matthew is, do you?” he asked. I shook my head, and the doctor let out a small laugh. “Matthew is the Alpha of this pack,” he said.


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