Her Alpha’s Choice by Lily Pen

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Gabriella’s POV

As I burst through the trees, there was a wolf, its back legs twisted and broken, blood was pouring from a deep wound on its flank, and it was howling in agony.

My heart broke as I ran to the wolf, dropping to her knees beside it. “It’s okay,” my voice shaking. “I’m here. I’ll help you.”

The wolf looked up at me, its eyes filled with fear and pain. It let out a low whimper, and I felt tears welling up in my eyes.

Beginning to think of what I could do to help the wolf. Knowing that I had to get it out of the forest, to a place where it could be treated.

But right now, he was too injured to move on its own. I would have to carry it

Taking a deep breath, I reached down and lifted the wolf into my arms. It was heavy, and it took all of my strength to hold it, but I managed to do it.

But as I looked at the wolf, something else caught my eye. It had a collar around its n*eck, with a tag hanging from it. I dropped him down and picked up the tag, and read the words on it.

As I examined the wolf’s injury, noticing that the wound seemed to be caused by some kind of plant.

It was a deep, jagged wound, and it looked like something had pierced the wolf’s skin.

Looking closer, I noticed that the plant looked familiar. It was wolf’s bane, a poisonous plant that was known to be deadly to wolves.

I felt my heart sink. This wolf was not only injured, it was poisoned as well. It had to get help, and fast.

The tag read, “Handsome Matthew.” I felt a wave of relief wash over me. So the wolf had a name, and it was Matthew.

It felt like I knew him already, just from the few moments we had shared. Feeling a connection with him, a connection that I couldn’t explain. I just knew that she had to save him.

I picked him once again, hurrying towards the barn, my thoughts racing. I had to find a way to get Matthew to the rescue center, for some reason unknown to me, I was determined to save him, no matter what.

Chapter 6

Wed, 21 Fen


On getting to the barn, I put him down and went to gather the supplies I would need.

I grabbed some bandages, some antiseptic, and a few other supplies from the barn, then began to clean and bandage Matthew’s wounds.

As I worked, I couldn’t help but wonder how he had gotten so badly injured. Had he been in a fight? Had he been attacked by another wolf?

Taking a closer look at his injuries, trying to piece together what had happened. But I was only left with more questions.

As I examined Matthew’s wounds, noticing that they were all very precise, almost surgical in nature. It was as if someone had deliberately inflicted these wounds on him. But why? And who would do such a thing?

Feeling a shiver of fear run through me. Could it be that someone was out there, deliberately hurting wolves? If so, this place was indeed dangerous.

With a sigh, sat back on my heels and looked at Matthew. His eyes were closed, and he was breathing slowly and evenly. He seemed to be resting, and I hoped that meant he was beginning to heal.

Leaning against the wall of the barn and with my eyes closed, trying to clear my thoughts. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t stop thinking about the injuries I had seen, and the questions they raised.

When I opened my eyes again, I noticed that Matthew had shifted back into his human form. He was still sleeping, his chest rising and falling steadily. I couldn’t help but admire his handsome features, even in sleep. Feeling a strange connection to him, at connection I couldn’t explain.

Slowly, I reached out a hand and placed it on his arm. Feeling the warmth of his skin under my fingertips, and I felt a strange sense of peace wash over me. For a moment, It felt like home.

Just then, Matthew’s eyes fluttered open. I felt my heart sk ip a beat as he looked at her, his eyes filled with confusion.

“Who are you?” he asked, his voice raspy and weak.

Smiling. “I’m Gabriella,” I said, “and I found you in the forest. You were hurt, so I brought you here to help you heal.”

Matthew’s brow furrowed as he tried to sit up. “What happened?” he asked.

I looked at Matthew’s face, taking in every detail. His eyes were a deep brown, like rich. chocolate, and his lashes were long and thick. His skin was tanned and smooth, with just

Chapter 6

Wed, 21 Feb


a hint of stubble on his jawline. He had a strong nose and high cheekbones, giving his face a chiseled appearance. His l*ps were full and pink, and he had a small scar on his left cheek.

All in all, he was a very handsome man, and I found myself unable to look away.

On the other hand, he seemed to be studying me just as closely as I was. His eyes lingered on my face, and I felt a blush creep into my cheeks.

Quickly looking away, not wanting to be caught staring. But when I looked back up, I noticed that he was still looking at me, his expression thoughtful.

I cleared my throat. “Do you remember what happened?” Asking, trying to break the awkward silence.

“My name is Matthew Greenwood,” he said, his voice still a little h oa rse. “I’m not sure. what happened. The last thing I remember is walking in the forest, and then everything “Where am I?”

I hesitated, not sure how much I tell him. It was not my intention to alarm him, but I also didn’t want to lie to him.

went black.” He looked around, taking in the barn and the surroundings

“You’re in a barn,” she said, trying to keep her voice steady. “You were found near the edge of the forest, injured.

As I continued to nurse Matthew’s injury, I began to realize just how weak he was. His skin was pale, and his breathing was shallow. He needed more than a bandage to heal.

He needed food and water, and enough rest. But he also wanted answers. He needed to know what had happened to him.

But as I looked at him, realizing that I still didn’t have any answers. I didn’t know how he had gotten injured, or why he had been in the forest.

Suddenly, Matthew’s eyes rolled back in his head and his b*dy went limp. My heart leaped into her throat, and I quickly checked his pulse. It was weak, but it was there. He was still alive. I felt a wave of relief wash over me, followed by a surge of panic. I had to do something, and I had to do it quickly.

I raced out of the barn, shouting for help. “Help!” I yelled. “Someone help me!

As I ran, filled with doubt. What if I had made the wrong decision by helping this man? What if he wasn’t who he said he was? What if he was dangerous?

I had made a choice, and I had to stick by it. I couldn’t leave this man to die, regardless of what my instincts were telling me.

But I quickly shook the thoughts from my h

Likewise, I reached the edge of the forest and stopped, looking around desperately for


help. And then, I saw someone in the distance.

Standing my ground, my resolve strengthening. I had made up my mind – I would help this man. no matter what I would not let him die. I would do everything in my power to save him, even if it meant putting myself in danger. I took a deep breath. steeling myself for whatever might come next.

Then I saw the figure in the distance start to run towards me. It looked like a man, and he was moving fast. I wasn’t certain if he was coming to help or to harm, but I stood my ground.

Sizing my options. I was in the middle of a forest, with no supplies and no tools.

But I was not about to give up. I needed to find food and water. and Lneeded to do it quickly. I started by searching for berries, scanning the underbrush for any sign of the smail, colorful fruits.

After a few minutes. I found a bush heavy with ripe berries. I picked it up gently, careful not to damage the plant.

I then started looking for water, but I noticed a presence.

My heart pounded in my chest as I looked up at the wolf. It was a huge, powerful creature, and it was clearly not happy with her presence. I slowly backed away. my eyes never leaving the wolf.

Moving backwards until I hit a tree. I knew that I was no match for the wolf. Even though I was a wolf, but I was exhausted, and they looked wild, driven

Moving backwards until I hit a tree. I knew that I was no match for the wolf. Even though I was wolf. but I was exhausted, and they looked wild, driven by instinct and survival. I knew that if I tried to fight them. I would likely be seriously injured – or

In as much as I was exhausted. I had to do something. I couldn’t just stand here, something had to be done.

As the wolf slowly approached me, I tried to think of a way to get out of this situation. And then, I had an idea. It was a crazy idea, but it was all I had.

I stared running, as I ran, I could hear the rogue wolf closing in on me. I pushed myself to go faster, but I was already exhausted.

And then, I tripped on a root, and fell to the ground. I scrambled to get back up, but it was too late. The wolves were upon me.

The first wolf lunged at me, and I closed my eyes, preparing for the worst. But instead.



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Chapter 6

of feeling teeth sink into her flesh, I felt a warm tongue on my cheek. I opened my eyes, and saw the wolf licking her face. The second wolf was doing the same thing.

As the wolf circled me, I felt the fear rising in me. This was it, I thought, this was the end.

Just as the rogue wolf was about to pounce on me, a new wolf burst into the clearing, something about the wolf was familiar. It was larger than the other wolves, and it looked. absolutely furious.

With a snarl, it charged at the rogue wolf, knocking it to the ground. The two wolves began to fight, their teeth and claws flashing in the sunlight. I could only watch in

horror, my heart racing.



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