Hell's Academy

Chapter 232: New Sense

The Jade Stem Plant really was too precious to the Authoritarian in Howard's mist, yet she was also somewhat surprised that the boy could be related to Demon King Earl.

If that was the case, then what she heard from the other Authoritarians, about the Arthraku seeming restless in the recent weeks could be because of him? She couldn't help but wonder.

'I heard that the Arthraku have started trapping more and more Authoritarians recently to rapidly increase their strength.' The Giant Silver Iguana, known as Araba, thought while studying him. "If that's the case, then I would need the Jade Stem Plant now more than ever. The Arthraku have sent 10 teams to try and steal one of my sons in the last 5 years, and they are still only in the S rank. If one of them gets injured in the next attempt, I'll have no choice but to watch them die if I give Howard the plant. Yet, there is also a real possibility here."

Araba walked up to the array and gently touched it before it seemed to slowly start to break apart. 'There is a possibility that if I do a kind deed for him, he will protect me in the future. Since I lost my husband a year ago, this is one of the only true chances I've seen to protect my children! I'd be better if I took it now then regret it later! After all, it really is just a plant! When will I get another opportunity like this?'

Howard smiled and watched Araba wave him towards her. However, at this point, she only had her hand through the array and had yet to leave it entirely.

She could grow her arms back after all, since she was already passed the SS rank even though her children couldn't. Just like growing a tail, the stronger a Silver Giant Iguana the easier it would be for them to recover lost limbs. In the G rank, it was said they'd even be able to regrow their body if just a tiny part of them existed! However, this is also the reason why the Arthraku wanted to capture her so bad! If they caught a Silver Giant Iguana, they could regrow limbs!

'I remember… I remember a long time ago that one of my sons got taken by an Authoritarian. I will never forget his brown hair and the madness in his eyes when my husband watched him get taken away. Since then, I've never left this cave, or even this array, I think this will finally be the time! The time I finally have a way of seeking my revenge!'

"You-you going to just stick your hand out?" Howard said with a smile. "Is there something you want first before I get the jade stem plant? I can figure that out from that at least from that shrewd smile of yours."

"I want a promise," Araba said, her black hair flowing behind her as she leaned her head through the array. "I want you to swear that you will do two things. One, you will protect me and my sons to the best of your ability, and two, you will replace the Jade Stem Plant with two Jade Stem Plants. And by protect us, I mean escort us out of the cave in a few months to a location with more of my kind! I know it seems trivial for you, but you have no idea how many times I wanted to leave this cave only to try and be assassinated immediately! I only leave once a year to get food and have to dry it!"

"Will you at least promise me those two things?" Araba said, sticking one more arm out through the array before tears started to fall down her eyes. "I know it sounds like a lot, especially for a plant you could get in 20 minutes. However, I will never forget your kindness if you help me out! Even if you want to have children when you're much older, I'd repay you instantly!"

"That sounds like a lot for a plant. Why do they want to kill you?" Howard said, sighing as he looked at the plant.

In the past, he would've instantly agreed, however, he had a lot of things he had to do in the Jarkalon Abyss. He at least wanted to make sure what he did had some sense to it! After all, he couldn't save everyone! He already had a lot of women waiting for him! 

He'd gotten older, and because of that he started thinking more logically. It would be stupid to go with a new beautiful women and spend weeks taking her to a new place only to find out he missed an opportunity to waylay the Arthraku.

He had to make difficult decisions! Otherwise, he could end up losing everyone he loved!

"My children and I are very precious to the Arthraku. You can consider one of them absorbing us to be a nightmare to the Horned. They will be able to regrow limbs of not only their bodies, but others. Tactically, it makes sense to protect us. Also, if you take me to the other Giant Silver Iguana, I will teach you about all the nations along the way! I will teach you where the Arthraku's weakest outposts are, and I will also introduce you to one of the strongest Authoritarians in the entire Jarkalon Abyss! You will not be disappointed if you help me!"

"Can I take a few months to return?" Howard asked seriously, "I really want to help you immediately, but I want to breakthrough to at least the SS rank first. I-I don't feel confident I could protect you yet. However, once I breakthrough, I can promise I will make my way back to you."

"You're stuck on the 6th barrier are you not? I can sense that, but you also have a mysterious strength I don't understand," Araba nodded her head. "How about this? If you come back in three weeks, I will personally help you crack the last barrier! Then, you should have no problem reaching the SS rank! It will kill two birds with one stone."

"Two months," Howard pointed at the plant, and smiled, "In two months, not only will I return, but I will personally escort you to the Authoritarians you seek. I have a feeling I have a target on my back right now. It would be hard to deal with two sets of assassins instead of just one, haha! But as promised, will you give me the Jade Stem Plant?"

"Kiss me, and look into my eyes while you're doing it, and I will give it to you," The beautiful Authoritarian leaned forward and smiled, waving Howard over to her.

He slowly walked over to her and smiled before gently putting his hand against her cheek. 

Their eyes met before he leaned forward, and without a second hesitation, kissed her under the dwindling light carvings its way through the tunnel.

"Mmmm, aren't you bold?" Araba smiled and pointed at the plant before kissing Howard one more time. "I-I haven't kissed someone since my husband died. I hope you don't take advantage of me on our journey to the other Silver Giant Iguana's in Grattle Falls, I might take advantage of you back."

"Hehe, I just haven't kissed anyone in two weeks, so I enjoyed it a little more than I expected," Howard pointed at the Jade Stem Plant, "However, can I really have it? I just met you and you're already giving it away from me."

"I sense something in your blood." Araba smiled.

What she was sensing was something that almost no human could sense, but Authoritarians like her, who had been in the Furnace for millenia could. She could sense that he was a man of his word. She could sense that he'd almost do anything to protect a woman he loved or even knew for that matter.

The Authoritarians called this the sense of magnanimity, and there had never been a time where Araba had read a person wrong.

She smiled, and stepped completely out of the array before she wrapped her arms around Howard. Her beautiful body pressing gently up against his chest before she closed her eyes.

"Kiss me for three more minutes, and I'll tell you what I sensed was," Araba pushed Howard against the wall and entrenched him with her lips. "Hehe, since I trust you now, I'm going to make sure you trust me too."

###contemporary romance

Howard left the cave with the Jade Stem Plant and found Lasinda cowering by a set of trees.

She looked terrified that any second something was about to jump up and attack her. However, Howard sneaking behind her and tapping her on the shoulder didn't help. She instantly turned out and screamed before her arm seemed to turn into a hundred spears made out of vines.

Howard smiled and side stepped her attack before he put down the plant. 

Lasinda, almost instantly, couldn't believe what he'd done! How the hell did he get the plant!

"You-you jerk! I thought you were going to die, or worse get captured and I was going to have to save you and then my father would die and I'd be left alone without a husband!"

"You realize I was only gone for an hour max, right?" Howard smiled, turning around and leaning down so Lasinda could get on his back. 

Almost instantly, she blushed, and hit him gently before she smiled.

"Yo-you realize what this means. I said I'd be your wife if you got that."

"Hehe, well, let's just sleep together tonight first!" Howard said, feeling Lasinda's legs wrap around him before she jumped on top. "I-I want to at least kiss you for a few nights before I commit to anything, haha!"

"I'm going to bite you later, jerk!" Lasinda smiled and put her head against Howard's back. "Hmph, now hurry up and find my father. And don't you dare turn around! I'm not crying alright! I'm just happy! Happy that you're not completely useless."

"Hold on tight. Araba told me where your tribe was," Howard stepped off his foot before he quickly shot into the sky. 


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