Hell's Academy

Chapter 231: A Proposal

There were a lot stronger Authoritarians in the Jarkalon Abyss than even in 1000 Monster Valley.

By adult hood, most Authoritarians reached the A rank at the least, and the SS rank on average. For the people of the the Great Slavensen Nation, they had rules about Authoritarians. One, never fight them unless they attacked first, and two, never kill any young Authoritarians.

However, obviously, Lisanda was unaware of Howard's Authoritarian blood, nor any idea of how strong he actually was in battle. To her, he just seemed to have a very quick speed, but she had no idea of his might. If the Authoritarian trapped him, then what would happen to her?

"I'll just talk to him!" Howard said, jumping quickly across the dozens of boulders against the cliffs. There was a large drop that had to at least stretch over 1000 kilometers down. "You can stay outside, and wait for me okay! Most Authoritarians like me, haha! You'll see!"

"What are you absolutely insane? You're going to talk to an Authoritarian! It's a she by the way, and she has children! If you enter the Cave I think you're going to, she'll slaughter you! She's as Half Silver Giant Iguana! Though that might not sound impressive, she's terrifying! You may be fast, but she could kill you easily as crushing an ant!"

"I-I thought you wanted this for your father?" Howard stopped roughly a kilometer away from the cave and put her down. "You-you should at least let me try! If you think I'm fast, wait until you see how strong I am! And… you should probably change. You're starting to smell."

"I-I can't believe you!" Lasinda jumped of Howard's back and looked up into his green eyes. "You just met me and you already want to run off and die! You're just like everyone who took over for my father! I see you one moment, and the next you're dead! Well go ahead! Abandon me too! You're the first guy I saw that was around my age in forever! Well, too bad! I'll forget about the marriage proposal! Hmph, go die!"

"I'll be rather quick," Howard smiled before he activated his Dream Ki, cousin a large breeze be left behind him. Lasinda's brown dress shot up in the wind while her black hair flew back behind her. She was in utter disbelief! Did he have an ability to get even faster!

"What the hell?! I'm alone now! You're such a jerk! I don't even know where we are!" Lasinda stomped her foot and watched some rocks fall down beneath her feet. 


The rocks bounced for several miles before they seemed to disappear into the amber clouds down below. Immediately, she paled. What the hell was she supposed to do now if she died! She was already lost, but at least before she was in an area where she foraged when she was a kid! This was in the middle of no where!

'Great… I'll give him 10 minutes, or until I hear a scream," Lasinda jumped up to a nearby clearing and walked over to sit down on a nearby boulder. "However, what a guy. That speed. Only my father could reach speeds that fast."


Howard entered into the cave where he sensed the Jade Stem Herb.

There were hundreds of tunnels leading in every direction, but the herb was rather nearby in the center of what seemed to be some type of nesting grounds. 

Right next to it, however, instantly shocked him. He noticed some arrays on the walls. What kind of Authoritarians used arrays.

"Strange, that looks like a high level array. It has at least 500 symbols," Howard slowly walked towards it and took a deep breath. 'I'm guessing the Authoritarian in this cavern must be pretty special. These look almost as intricate as the ones on the tomb of the Great Last King.'

"Stop right there, Authoritarian boy," A voice appeared all around Howard, causing the rocks to tremble, as he walked forward. "What are you doing here? As you can tell, we don't take kindly to intruders. If you happen to be one of the Arthraku, don't underestimate my ability to use arrays. I will kill you before you get a chance to drain the Ki in the air!"

'Oh right, the Arthraku can use Ki Drain," Howard shook his head in response. "No miss. I actually am hoping to destroy the Arthraku. I came here to inquire about the Jade Stem Plant."

"The Jade Stem Plant?" The Authoritarian's voice sounded somewhat concerned. "You-you want to get my prized possession? I'm sorry, but there is nothing you can do that would convince me to give it up. Unless, of course, you have a really good reason."

"I don't have a good reason. However, I just need a part of it! It's to save someone's life!" Howard said with a smile. "However, if you give it to me now, I can give you three back in return! I sensed four in the nearby area, haha! Yet, the closest one is over 1000 kilometers away, and I don't have time to get it. Would you at least give me a chance to see you?" Howard pleaded. "Please, can you give me an answer?"

Howard waited a few minutes and sighed before he slowly began to walk towards the array. He took a brief pause and sat down by a rock while the Silver Giant Iguana watched him from a distance using an array called a detector array. contemporary romance

She could sense he was strong, probably strong enough to shatter the array.

It roughly had the ability to stop three SSS rank attacks, but she sensed something strange from Howard. He seemed to have some type of aura emanating out of him that scared her. Yet, she also didn't want to let him in. Who the hell would trust a kid they just met with one of their prized treasures?

'If he's as fast as I think he is, what's wrong with going 1000 kilometers to get another one? There has to be something else that he wants to talk about.'

'However, I can't just go out of the array. I guess that only leaves one option.'

The Jade Stem Plant, again, could not be underestimated in the amount of value it possessed. It could be used to regrow back multiple limbs, and could even heal damaged Ki Hearts, but most importantly could cure any disease. 

The Arthraku when they hunted Authoritarians were notorious for using any means possible to capture them including using poisons that could stop the heart in less than an hour. Though this poison was hardly ever used by the Arthraku, it was used quite often on SSS rank Authoritarians or those that had the potential to reach it.

The Silver Giant Iguana happened to have a son that was born with the potential to enter into the SSS rank. She couldn't let him enter! She had to ask him to leave, yet she was also curious about him! Why did he seem like a human and an Authoritarian at the same time?

"I'm sorry that I came here, and didn't go to get the other plant. However, my new friends father is dying. I lost my father right in front of my eyes. It was one of the most horrifying things that happened in my life. And I know that you're scared because of the Arthraku, but I really am here to destroy Arthraku Nation, or make sure they never hurt any other Nation again. I-I'm also here to train! Would you please… please come out and speak to me!"

Howard sighed and looked into the distance. 

He was almost ready to turn around, but he decided to wait one more second. Please, I can give you something valuable that I can leave here and come back to get when I get the other Jade Stem Plant! You really can trust me! I promise! What I leave will at least have 100 times more value than this plant!"

"We can talk,' A beautiful woman jumped down from above and appeared right next to the Jade Stem Plant. She had beautiful green hair like Monica with two large horns on her back that seemed sharp enough to cut through anything she wished to destroy. "However, first, let me see the object."

"It-it's called a Ki Jar, and I got it from Demon King Earl," Howard said with a smile. "If you don't mind, I can give it to you in exchange for the plant? However, if you try and use it, I'll warn you, you could be killed or worse."

"The Demon King Earl? You mean the only one that ever got the Arthraku to bow on their knees." She suddenly seemed a little bit surprised but confused at the same time. "How would you have that? You're an Authoritarian are you not?"

"I'm… I'm related to him. His daughter had a fling with an Authoritarian, haha!" Howard smiled and rolled the jar towards the beautiful woman standing in the shadows. She seemed to have porcelain skin that was much whiter than a normal human beings. It almost looked like she spent her entire life in the dark. "Would you mind please considering trading? I'm good for it!"


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