Hell's Academy

Chapter 191: Array Suppression

Howard always thought nothing could topple his family dying in front of his eyes, but this moment, right now, seemed to be turning into a close second.

Necrolith's fist bulleted into the fluorescent ice wall blocking his path before it shattered. Harley, who he still remembered kissing just a few weeks ago, went flying up into the air, before a large bone shot through her shoulder and sent blood raining down on the gigantic Arhcelon Zombies below.

He couldn't take it! Even if he died, he had to activate Fire King's Last Stand.

'Nah, Hah hahahaha!" Gorgolith laughed! "Trying to activate an array in another array? Don't you know what array suppression is?"

'I-I'm not standing here and watching them die!' Howard activated his Dream Ki, Fire Ki, Dark Ki, and Silver Ki at the same time. "You-you can't stop me! You-you're not going to be able to hold me back! I'm not letting them DIE! Even if I destroy my body, they're going to live!"

"Idiot, just breath," Gorgolith smiled, "You know, you might make a good Night Lord. Let's see what happens when you watch them die in front of you."

"Harley, no!" Howard watched in horror while Harley landed in a pile of zombies while Necroliht slowly walked towards her. Her beautiful dark brown hair, which she normally kept up in a bun, instantly got covered in a spray of her own blood while a Granite Fist Zombie hoisted her in the air.

Her feet flailed, while Necrolith laughed and turned towards Howard. This was it! This was exactly what he wanted Howard to see! He wanted him to feel true pain!

'Hmph, brat, I might have not done this if you didn't bring up my past,' Necrolith spit to the side of him while the Archelon Zombies parted in two. It almost looked like a large ocean had cleared a way for a powerful deity, yet at the same time, a malevolent force could be sensed emitting from Necrolith.

He stopped a foot away from Harley while a slight smile appeared on her face. She started to laugh while Necrolith stopped right in front of her. He couldn't understand? What the hell could be so funny.

"Hmph, you got any last words girlfriend number 3? Let me guess, you're the nonchalant one that gets last dibs on Howard. Right when you're all about to go to bed, does he kiss you first and Monica last? What? Surrpsied I know your names! I know everything about you three! I could sense it! I could sense you in his room the day before I attacked! Hahaha! Pathetic! It is nice being second best?"

"You-you're an asshole," Harley attempted to knee Necrolith in the face while blood started to ooze out the side of her mouth. "However, you-you really think… you really think I'm just going to die like this? I plan on turning into a pheonix! I plan on spreading my wings and flying! I-I'm not losing here!"

"Well, let's test it shall we!" Necrolith smiled before his hand blossomed with a large amount of shadow Ki. Stepping off his front foot, he almost instantly seemed to scatter all the sand around him into the air.

Yet, as he did, he suddenly felt a slight burst of fear enter inside of him. 

He looked down as he swung forward, before he noticed the ground beneath him seemed to be shattering. How had he not seen this coming!

"Take this! Fire Burial Explosion Arts! Ulimited Frontier!" Priscilla sent out a large burst of Frie Ki right towards Necrolith's groin while his hand shot forward. Instnatly sensing the danger from the attack beneath him, he could only try and stop his attack in order to jump into the air.

Yet, while he was doing that, two more holes in the ground appeared on his left and right side that instantly burst with a large amount of Fire Ki that seemed to completely surpass his expectations! Had he been tricked? What the hell was happening!

"Get the hell away from my student!" Annibel's voice appeared before another powerful flame surged towards Necrolith. He looked over in shock before he realized he was getting attacked from five sides! This-this was all a trap! How had he been so stupid!

'They-they sent their students here, and hid under ground! What a bunch of clever idiots! However, do you really think this is enough to kill me?! Hahahaha!" Necrolith crossed his arms before all the six attacks burst against his body. All he had to do was survive this one attack, and he'd still be fine! These attacks were nothing! 


Necrolith disappeared into a cloud of dust before the dozens of zombies around Harley burst into bits of blood. Reslan, shooting out of the ground, caught her in the large palm of his hand before he stomped his foot in rage.

Annibell had made them wait for almost an hour underground before they could even move an inch! Was it really worth letting one of their students die just so they could kill a single Night Lord!

"You-you made us wait too long dear! She-she's bleeding!"contemporary romance

"It was worth it," Harley smiled, "I��m finally worth something, mom. If only you could see me now."

"He's still not dead," Annibell hopped out of a hole in the floor and spun her arm around while she walked towards the smoke. "However, Reslan, no matter what, don't let him get away! Hmph, you Night Lords didn't move for 500 years, so we left you alone, but now! Now you dare try and kill my two students in front of me! You're about to pay."

"Im-impossible," Necrolith's body trembled in the smoke while it slowly started to dissipate. Five of his sixteen skulls started to crack while his hands started to crumble. "What-what did you do? I-I'm supposed to be immortal! What the hell did you do?"

"Ever heard of research," Annibell smiled before she stepped off her back foot and harpooned Necrolith right in the gut. Instantly, he felt an extremely terrifying darkness swell over him. "Hmph, thank you for leaving a bone the last time we fought, jackass. Hmph, We gave your bones to Jenny, one of our students, and she noticed a little secret about you Night Lords. Do you want to hear what it is?"

"Tell me, hahahaha!" Necrolith laughed. "What is it?" His head started to fall off his spine while his teeth chattered in fear. "Did-did she figure out we all suffered! We all suffered more than you can imagine. Did she know that I had to watch my wife get taken into a tent by a king! Did she know that!"

"No, but she did figure out you're just humans deep down inside, and with the right ingredient, even you can die!" Annibell turned her fist into Necroliths' fist before he burst into shards of bone. His once ossified exterior blew away in the wind while Annibell turned to look at Harley laying on the floor. 

"Girl, you get the next week off," Annibell sighed watching Gorgolith run and escape in the distance. 'Now, damn it, let's hope can find a piece of that bastards bone too. Jenny said, if we can just get one bone of a Night Lord, she can figure out a way to kill them."

"Does that mean she can kill us too?" Reslan said, crossing her arms, "She reminds me of a mad scientist, hahaha! Is there anything that girl can't do?"

"Don't get too happy yet." Annibell pointed at Howard. "Our allstar student, Howard, seems to have transformed into some type of hideous being. Shall we go help him remember who he is?"


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