Hell's Academy

Chapter 190: Dreamland Domain

Howard tried to active his Ki to the maximum, but the array around him seemed to be like a pair of claws constricting him from every side. 

He saw Necrolith taking small and thoughtful footsteps while his dark eyes looked back at Howard one more time. He seemed to be getting excited that Howard was going to have to watch his girlfriends get plucked off the ground one by one and murdered in front of him.

Obviously, Howard tried his hardest to not let that happen, but the more he struggled, the more Gorgolith's array seemed to constrict him like a snake. Whatsmore, it was only growing stronger the more he struggled! How the hell was he supposed to escape from this?contemporary romance

"Hahahaha! I was always the weakest brother, but made up with brains what I lacked in brawns," Gorgolith's hand trembled while array symbols spun in the air around Howards body. A few looked like mini pyramids floating in the air while others seemed to be ancient symbols from millenia ago.

Each one of the symbols seemed locked in an intricate web with other symbols. However, what immediately caught Howards attention was the number of symbols! It was at least a 1000 symbol array! Only a level A array maker could create such a powerful array!

'He's almost as good at making arrays as Harkel! However, there has to be a weakness! There has to be something I can do!"

"Howard, they can't see me yet," Necrolith laughed and pointed at two gigantic ice walls that had formed around Howard's girlfriend. "The Archelon Zombies are also really loud up close! Hahaha! Don't you love it! I'm less than a kilometer away from them, and they have no idea I'm about to pluck them of their most precious lives right in front of you! Aren't you excited!"

"Gravanal is right over there!" Howard's veins popped out of his head while he struggled to move his finger even an inch. "He-he's going to be back here in an instant!"

"Hmph, he can't cross the barrier where that line is," Necrolith smiled before he stepped off his back foot! "Now watch this! Watch your girls disappear into a cloud of blood! Then-then you can know my pain!"


Where a gigantic mountain had once been, a gigantic crater had formed after Gravanal and Yesran clashed for the thousandth time.

Because of their Domain Ki, it seemed like two forces of nature were literally attempting to tear each other to shreds. 

In the distance, White looked on with its head on its paws while it whimpered watching its master create an entire mountain with just a flicker of his fist. It seemed like such a strong and terrifying attack, however, the next moment a line of white light shot through the center of the mountain and burst it into bits.

Across from Gravanal, a red haired man seemed to have turned into a blade rushed towards him quickly. The three brothers he was facing, Yesran, Enrana, and Amitu, where part of what had once been a tribe of peaceful warriors known as Forcanknot Nation, and had weapons that they grew in their bodies that they released when they attacked.

Though this sounded like an extremely terrifying ability, Forcanknot had been mostly ignored by the other Nations for years. Their Nation, once a small enclave by the Jarkanlon Abyss, had been an abundant area full of crops and vegetation. 

Though it was impossible for most other nations to grow crops, the Forcanknot could use their weapons in their bodies to form protective barriers around their plants to nurture them to adulthood. However, for many generations, the Forcanknot's crops mostly got taken by other Nations. Their children suffered, while some men woke up to find their women had disappeared.

The three brothers, Yesran, Enrana, and Amitu, had known for a long time that the Forcanknot had great combat capabilities, but their nation had never bothered to hone them. For years, they worshiped a deity of wisdom, that spoke of the importance of peace and modesty.

Yet on the night that they'd normally celebrate Indelsin, the god that had granted them so much 'peace', they decided to do something that no one in their nation had ever done. They completely decimated the entire population of their country in order to absorb their weapon seeds into their body to almost 1000 times increase their strength!

When they were done, only the three of them remained, but they had entered into the SS rank! Now, no one would ever look down on them again! 

Yesren never felt proud of what he did, but it had also been over a thousand years since that day happened, but he seemed to have changed in some ways. For one, he seemed extremely upset that Gravanal had killed zombies, yet who the hell was this man kidding? He was clearly here to try and kill Gravanal, with the excuse that he'd interfered with those weaker then him!

'They-they are sure as hell good at pretending to be righteous,' Gravanal activated his Dream Ki before three gigantic towers of white light shot like arrows into the three white blades shooting towards him. "Hmph, what a bunch of jackasses. In a second, they're going to realize they can't kill me and run away! However, I can tell, before that happens, Howards probably going to be dead! Either that, or he's going to go insane! I have to scare them away now!"

"Hmph, you've gotten stronger," Yesren's sword like body seemed to morph into a thousand blades connected on a string before he flung forward with his hand. The next moment, the gigantic pillars coming towards him got cut in half while his two brothers appeared by Gravanal's side.

Gravanal sighed, and held out both hands before what appeared to be two mountains of stone appeared next to him. He bit his bottom lip and watched the two brothers shatter through the mountains almost instantly! This had got to stop! They were beginning to figure out his moves!

"Dream Land Domain Activate!"

"No you don't!" Yesren laughed before he pulled on a small string that he'd secretly wrapped around Gravanal's neck. Gravanal looked down in shock while he watched blood from his neck begin to flow out. He felt terrified! He couldn't let them kill him! Not before he exacted revenge!

"You're dead! Hahahaha! And with your death, we'll finally have a way into the G rank! Now brothers, cut him in half! Detatch the rest of his neck so we can finally rebuild our home!"


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