Hell Castle

Chapter Chapter Six

“She’s coming around” a voice called. I opened my eyes to see ten men standing around me. My head began to hurt as I tried to sit up. “Are you ok? Take it easy Rori, you just fainted” Eliot cautioned. How annoying, Eliot is cautioning me on moving, after I wake up. The first thing I want to do is get up off the floor.

“What happened, Princess” Zoon asked.

I remembered what happened before I fainted. I remember his laugh, he is here. Standing by me right now. “I should call it a night. I don’t quite feel well” I spoke softly. Trying my best not to act differently or reveal anything.

“Well, I guess that’s the party,” Carter said bummed. Everyone said goodnight and left faster than I had thought they would. “I’ll help you to your room” Carter came over and offered his hand. Quickly, I latched on to Eliot “No, that’s ok. Eliot can help me.”

Carter looked at me hurt, but nodded and stepped back. Loki gazed at me questionably as we walked by. Eliot placed an arm around my waist and one on my hand. “Nothing indecent Princess. If you were to fall I can keep you mostly standing this way” Eliot explained. After making it up the stairs with ease Eliot looked at me with prying eyes. “Rori, why did you refuse Carter. We all know you prefer him to the rest of us.”

I put my head on Eliot’s arm “I can’t trust him right now. ” I said sadly. There were only two people that I knew for sure who was not laughing, Emery and Eliot. Leaving eight potential suspects.

Eliot helped me into my room and called for Hidi. When Hidi returned, Loki and Carter both followed. I felt my heart race. I had no idea how to act or what I would do if they were, as my Father called, the enemy.

“Ok, what happened to her” Loki demanded.

Eliot looked at him shrugging “I don’t have the slightest idea.” Loki looked at me waiting for an answer. I shook my head and shrugged. Playing dumb was my only option at this point. If I tell them and one of them is, in fact, the one trying to kill me it will only make things worse.

“I leave you alone to talk to your Father for a minute and you start fainting all over the place. You best have an answer” Loki was getting irritated with me. I still could not tell him.

“Loki, perhaps we should just let her get some sleep. She probably just overdid it. Having all those demons trying to win her over all afternoon and night.” Carter warned.

Loki started scratching his forehead. Then walked over and leaned down to my ear “You are keeping something from me. I will find out” he turned “Carter, you stay here tonight, if the King is right he might make a move tonight as well.” I jumped up “NO!” they all turned to me “Uh, Eliot is just as capable as Carter. He will stay in my room tonight.” Loki stared at me with a stern look. Eliot stood confused and oblivious as to what was going on. Carter looked hurt, but no matter how much I wanted to trust Carter, if I put my faith in the wrong person, it very well could cost me my life. Loki agreed to let Eliot watch over me. Before leaving, Loki warned Eliot if he touched me in any manner of the indecent kind, he would “...rip your head off and fry your heart on the grill for breakfast.” Touching in an overprotective kind of way.

I went to the bathroom to get ready for bed while Eliot waited in my room for my safety. Hidi quickly helped me change and when I got back to my room Eliot had already made a pallet at the foot of my bed. Looking at me strangely “Why do you trust me? No, why are you going out of your way to avoid Carter and Loki? That is what I would really like to know.”

I gave him a sweet smile “What, you don’t want the attention or quality time. Were you not the one who was complaining, because I kissed Loki and Carter and also slept with them?” Eliot looked at me with a less than impressed look.

I waved Hidi out. “Night Miss.”

I breathed a sigh of relief as I walked back to my bed. “I realized I have two people whom I can undoubtedly trust. You are one of them, Eliot. If I were to trust the wrong person it could cost me my life, right. Best to be safe than sorry.” I pulled the covers up. Push away the people I want and should be able to trust.

As I lay in bed I started thinking. The only people I can rule out without any doubt was Eliot and Emery. Zoon, Gale, Raven Jeptha, Clement, Uriah, and even Carter were at the heart of the doubt. Loki, however, was not there, but still, he must be suspect. The sad reality is that there are eight demons that I cannot trust; two of which are sleeping under the same roof as me. It’s up to me to figure out who is to be trusted and who is a threat. I’m not sure which would be worse. That I had to suspect Loki and Carter or that the killer is on my Father’s list to marry. Either way, this is an important task and I can’t leave any room for error.

“Rori, if I am to protect you, you will have to tell me what’s going on. Don’t make the same mistake as your mother” Eliot pleaded.

I shot off of a bed. “What did you say?”

“What? That you need to tell me what’s going on? Because you do.” Eliot addressed.

I walked over and knelt down by Eliot “No the other bit.” He looked at me confused “Don’t make your mother’s mistake?”

“Yes, what did you mean by that?” I questioned. “Your mother had some suspicion she even had names,” Eliot said looking at me funny.

“Who” I demanded.

“I’m not sure, I believe she told Loki before she was killed, I think,” Eliot alleged frustrated. I leaned in giving Eliot a kiss on his lips then darted out of my room. I ran down the hall and up the staircase to the next floor, to Loki’s room, and knocked on the door. Loki answered the door with an unhappy look “What!” Loki looked startled when he realized it was me. “Rori? What are you doing calling on me this late? Go back to bed.”

“Who did my mother suspect?” I asked out of breath and painting.

“What? Rori goes back to bed.” Loki started to shut his door.

I slammed my hand against the door and kept it open “Whom did she say she suspected before she died!” I looked at him with an angered expression.

“Ok, there was Raven Kinridge, Jeptha Hunt and Emery Sanh.” I had a bit of relief wash over me. I slid to the floor to try and calm down and catch my breath. “Rori” Loki grabbed my arm preventing me from hitting my head. “You should know I looked into them after her death; they are clean, I found nothing to support her theory.”

“What’s going on, I heard a noise,” Carter asked as he came by. “Rori are you all right. Eliot! Eliot!” Carter yelled running up to my side.

I slowly sat down in the hall and began to laugh. “Oh, Rori I told you to take it easy,” Eliot said as he ran up. “

Uh, Loki she’s laughing. Why is she laughing?” Carter said confused.

“Maybe she’s gone insane” Loki questioned.

Shaking my head I looked at Carter, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for suspecting you” I looked at Loki “I’m sorry too.”

Loki looked at me baffled. “What are you talking about?” I finally was able to stop laughing.

“You missed something Loki. My mother was right. Well mostly, Emery is clean.” Eliot and Carter helped me to my feet. I left them there thinking. I felt better now that I could trust Loki and Carter again. I felt more at peace. Now the list is more doable for me. I don’t have to think or worry about them not being here to protect me until I’m able to protect myself. I walked back to my room; I walked halfway back to my bed when my stomach started to feel funny. I turned to see if someone was behind me. My room looked to be empty.

“Hello Kiddie” a voice called.

I slowly looked back to my bed. A Black figure with yellow eyes peering at me from my bed. I felt my heart sink.“I know who you are” I warned. I was unsure how much help a threat would be. But it was worth a try. He didn’t move.

“Your party was a bit of a drag. I think I like this better, just you and me,” he spoke as he patted the open space next to him on the bed.

“I’d prefer to stand” I declined his offer. His dark figure made it impossible to make out any details.

“I don’t want to be interrupted. We have much to discuss” he said as he got up. With a wave of his hand the doors shut and locked behind me. My heart started to beat so hard I could hear it in my ears. Where are they, Eliot should have come back by now.

“What do mean by discussing,” I asked.

Standing by my bed the yellow-eyed demon smiled. “I will allow you to live. In return, you will agree to accept my offer of engagement. Ultimately wedding me, upon that day, handing over the crown. I will let you be on your way to do what you wish. Oh, only after you provide me with a suitable heir to the throne, of course. A pleasurable arrangement I think for both of us. Don’t you think so?” he started walking towards me.

“If I refuse?” I questioned.

He smiled at me, “Rori, you think I have allowed you to live in peace without me watching you? Let me put this in plain terms for you. Refuse my offer and I will tear you apart and eat you raw. Just as I did your beloved mother and baby brother.” Even now that he’s close enough to touch me, his figure had no distinct characteristics. He reached out taking a lock of my hair in his hand. Watching me intently he played with my hair studying my reaction closely.

A wrapping at my door distracted him.

“Rori, open the door” Eliot called from the hall.

The demon looked at the door in surprise. Eliot tried to open the door, jiggling the knob fiercely.

“Rori” Carter yelled.

The demon turned back to face me. Gazing into my eyes “Don’t worry we won’t be interrupted. They’re not strong enough to get in.” I casually walked over to the window. Pretending that this demon’s presence was of no consequence to me. Though in fact, I am scared and want someone to rescue me as fast as possible. How troublesome, I can’t even save myself. Looking out at the garden, its beauty in the night was incomparable.

“If you were capable of killing me, you would have done it years ago. Why should I take your threat so seriously now?” I listened as they tried to get in; hoping I was buying enough time and still would be alive when they got in. I felt his hand gently touch my arm then he slowly started running his fingers down my arms.

“Princess, what makes you think I didn’t let you live for this purpose alone” he proposed to me as his hand lightly ran back up my arms.

An ear-piercing sound burst into the bedroom as the door slammed open breaking into shards. In that same instant, the yellow-eyed demon vanished. The pain in my stomach finally stopped. I looked back in relief. Loki stood glaring at me with an outraged expression. I felt a tear run down my face. My body started to shake as I came to terms with the facts of what just happened.

“Something’s off” Eliot stated.

Loki walked over putting his arms around me. I fell into his chest. I had been so scared, I had no idea how I managed it. “He was here tonight. He was here just now. and he wants me. I was so scared, Loki,” I cried.

Loki rubbed my back. “Shush little one. I have told you once I have told you a thousand times I will protect you. He won’t be able to hurt you. I won’t allow it!”

I refused to sleep in my room. I flat out refused to sleep alone. Loki and Carter were trying not to get frustrated with me. Where Eliot was more than happy to volunteer to have me sleep in his room, more specifically his bed. Loki shot him down with just one look.

“Just what do you suggest then Loki?” Eliot asked irritated.

“Just this” Loki walked up to me tapping my left temple with his right index finger. I felt a shock flow from my head down to my toes. “OW” Loki yelled in pain. Things started to fade as I drifted off to sleep.

I found myself walking down a dark hall; it looked to be an abnormally large hall. I could hear voices in the distance. My mother and someone else. I opened her bedroom door. A tall Black-haired man stood in front of my mother. Holding her wrists, she was crying. They turned to look at me. “No, no please, let her go, please.” Mother begged with tears in her eyes. The man smiled and his eyes turned yellow. “Hello, Kiddie come here.” He shoved my mom back onto her bed. “Run Rori! Run!” Mother screamed.

I dropped my teddy and ran as fast as my feet would take me. I came to the staircase landing. Using the rail I slid down and continued running. Hands came out of nowhere grabbing me up in a hug. “Got you” He whispered.

I screamed at the top of my lungs. He laughed as he took me to the kitchen. He tied me down onto a spinning butcher table. Smiling the entire time, he was clearly enjoying it.

“Please let my baby go. Please, she has nothing to do with this she’s a child” mother begged. She too is tied up, to a chair in front of me.

“Don’t worry mommy. Daddy will save us.” I assured her in my little voice.

She smiled at me. “I love you, Rori. Remember that as long as you live, this is no way your fault.” Mother confessed.

“Ha, you are right this is not her fault this is yours. For having given birth to a creature like her; for your sin, I will cleanse you. Then” He pointed at me with his knife “...I will rid this world of that abomination you call your child. The balance will be restored.” He believes that killing me will reset the balance.

“The innocence of a child can never be measured.” Mother said with a smile. The demon started cutting her up. I cried out for her, begging him to stop. He laughed and laughed. He started gutting her next. Her intestines fell out with one swift movement of his blade. I felt so helpless; I could not breathe; screaming at the top of my lungs “MOM” she just smiled through her tears. “I Love you, Rori. Remember that.”

I wanted to help her so much. I wanted to save her. His laugh, his eerie laugh just kept going on as he continued. “Mom” I cried out to her. After a time, she stopped moving. “Mom?” She stopped breathing. Blood covered the floor and the demon. I cried so hard I could not see anymore. He walked over to me. Wiping my eyes he smiled with that malice grin and those bright yellow eyes. “You can’t see if you are crying that hard Kiddie.” He leaned back, looking at me. The feeling of being helpless was being replaced by a feeling of anger. “Yes that’s it, get angry. All the better. I will enjoy this.” He waited a bit, pointing to my mother laughing. “I did that. Soon you will look the same, Kiddie. Count on it.”

I became so livid, my body felt like it was on fire. He touched the blade to my skin. The moment I felt the metal touch, me everything went bright. Fire burst out everywhere, covering me. He looked at me in amazement. Then a bit of fear came over him. I reached out like I was going to grab him. Quickly he disappeared. I looked for him but he was nowhere to be found. Looking back at my mother’s body I started to cry again as the flames subsided. Sitting by her side I cried, trying to make her move. Nudging her leg “mom” I cried for her. It was to no avail, she’s gone. I felt my body shaking fiercely. I opened my eyes looking back at me I saw Loki, Carter, and Eliot.

“Damn, Loki what did you do?” Eliot demanded.

“I just tried to put her to sleep without a fight.” Loki looked panicked. I began to sit up. My face felt wet, I touched my cheek, I must have been crying in my sleep. The light shining through the window made me feel at ease. Was that a dream or memory? I got up and walked over to the window. I didn’t feel like talking. I just wanted a quiet day. A quiet life instead of all this craziness.

“Rori are you ok? You were...” Carter started to try and comfort me. I started taking off my nightgown. “Whoa. Ok guys out!” Carter said turning and leaving.

I closed the curtain, so I could finish stripping. Hidi came in to help me. She ran my bath and put out my clothes for the day. After Hidi put me into another dress she left the room. I looked at my room. I know this room because I lived here after my mother died. Till Father sent me away. A dress, why dresses? She always gets me a dress. I dug through my clothes, putting on blue jeans, Chucks, stylish long sleeve top with a cross design, and a steampunk Victorian petticoat. I walked downstairs and outside.

The snow had stopped and was starting to melt. Such a beautiful view, looking at the woods, the snow glistening under the sun’s rays. As I walked, I was kicking up puffs of snow as I went; It was kind of fun, putting a gentle smile on my face. The woods are quiet and relaxing. Birds singing, the crisp air is fairly refreshing, and I felt like I was walking in a winter wonderland. Trees, the ground covered in snow with birds flying around making a fuss as the sun warmed up the earth. I miss hiking; I miss feeling free and alive. I spot a young deer ahead of me; possibly lost. My heart ached, another lost soul in this world. We stood locked in a staring contest. Suddenly the doe started to run away. “Wait” I called after her, as I took off in the chase. There was no reason why we both should be alone. I wanted to make sure that she was all right. I just had this deep desire to help that doe. I ran as fast as my legs would go, pushing myself to go faster and faster. The distance between the doe and I became so large that could no longer see the doe. I looked around I didn’t even see the deer tracks. I had lost her, now we were both lost and alone.

Sulkily, I continued walking in the woods. I was thinking on how things were before that party. I had always been treated differently than Cathy or Bart. I had fewer freedoms and more rules. My room was the largest in the house but it was also like a prison; large in size, but lacking in interesting and entertaining items, including love. Cathy and Bart had their rooms full of fascinating and enticing things, and were allowed to go shopping by themselves; however, I was never allowed out alone. I was not allowed to have a TV or computer. I got an allowance just like Cathy and Bart. Yet mine went into a bank account, I was rarely allowed to touch it. I was not allowed to date or go out with friends. So I put myself into my school work. I studied hard. I did my best to prove to them that I could do the same things and be safe. I wonder if it was my safety they feared for or their safety of being seen with me now.

I remembered when Carter came to my house to ask me out to the prom. It was sweet. Uncle Arthur was so opposed to letting me go to prom he nearly ran Carter out of the house with a mallet. It was funny. I still never got to go to prom. It was most likely over now. I wish I could have gone. I never really gave Carter an answer, I guess I had assumed that Bart had something to do with him asking me. I never would have guessed this would happen two days later.

I realized that I had walked to a road. I looked over and saw a bridge towering over a deep-looking river. I wonder just where I am. I walked over to the bridge sign. ‘Elk River’ where is that? Everything was covered in snow. The road appeared to be deserted, no traffic through the snow. How far am I from the castle? I have no idea how far I am. I felt like I had been walking all day. It was late in the day. I looked down over the side of the bridge. This must have been the bridge I saw the other day when I fell through the ice. Remembering falling through the ice made me cold and shiver. I wiped off the railing; climbing onto the side of the bridge I placed my feet wide enough to help me keep my balance. I stood still on top of a railing on a very tall bridge. I felt the soft breeze on my face, it was a peaceful breeze. I felt so calm like nothing could go wrong.

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