Hell Castle

Chapter Chapter Five

I woke the next morning lying on Carter’s chest. I looked around. Then saw Loki asleep in the corner. They were still here, they stayed all night. I was a bit happy that they both took care of me. I put my head back on Carter’s chest. Lying like this was comforting. Cathy’s right “Laying on a man’s chest all night is the most comfortable spot; not to mention it makes you feel safe.” I wonder why I enjoyed laying on him so much. Suddenly Loki stood next to the bed. He looked upset.

“Loki?” I asked slowly sitting up slightly.

Loki reached down and flicked Carter in the face. “Get up!” he ordered. Carter woke with a jump. Pushing me off his chest and ran across the room. “Just what were you up to Carter?” Loki questioned as he chased Carter around.

“I didn’t do anything I swear General.” Carter was running from him. “Humans, epically women find it comforting to sleep like that. She must have done it in her sleep, honest Loki.”

Carter ran to keep out of Loki’s reach. I watched them in awe. I could not tell if Loki took it upon himself to play the big brother role or if he was really that jealous of Carter.

“Loki” I called. Loki stopped chasing Carter and came to me. “I have never slept with a man in any manner. But Carter is right, for women, sleeping on a man’s chest is comfortable and soothing. I must have moved onto his chest in my sleep; wanting to be comforted. You can stop assaulting him now.”

Carter smiled and blushed. He looked pleased that I had slept on him. A boost to his ego, I suppose. Loki, however, did not seem pleased in the slightest. He came over watching me closely. Loki moved the hair out of my face with a slow movement of his hand.

My bedroom doors opened with a loud bang. “Now look at this! This is not fair! You both slept with her! When will it be my turn!?” Eliot complained. I rolled my eyes. He reminded me of a whiny child who wanted a present at a birthday party, even though it was not his birthday.

Loki glared at Eliot “Do I have to do to you the same as Carter, Eliot?”

Eliot quickly lost all emotion.“You’re awake? How do you feel, Princess, I mean Rori” Eliot quickly came over to check my forehead and then my pulse.

“Yes, Eliot I feel all right”.

Eliot smiled at me. “She appears to be fine. All is well, once again,” he sighed relieved.

Loki went and sat in the corner of the room “Good. Now you can tell me why there was a fire set to my castle last night.”

I had not thought about that since I woke up. Thinking about it made me feel sick. “Father never found the demon that killed her did he?” I asked as I fidgeted with the blanket. Flattening it out, leaving no wrinkles to be had.

Eliot looked at me confused. “What do you mean? For all you know that was dealt with years ago?” Eliot assured me.

“No, it wasn’t” I corrected him. Carter watched baffled then turned to look for answers

“Loki, tell her that she has nothing to worry about.” I looked at Loki, knowing that he could not tell me that, for it would be a blatant lie and, I know better. Even behind that face of stone, I knew, that he knew I was right. “Loki?” Eliot asked trying to get some help.

“There was no foreign demon in this castle last night. I would have felt its presence.” Loki spoke with the division.

Carter gasped in astonishment “Are you serious” he complained.

“No? You could not smell or sense it’s presence when it killed my mother, right? What makes you think things have changed so much in fifteen years?” I questioned.

Eliot looked like someone shot his dog. “What makes you think that?”

I looked at Loki; “because if you did, it would not have been here last night to tell me it is coming back for me, now would it?”

I watched as Carter tried to make sense of the conversation. “Then who lit the hall on fire? Do you have an answer for that?”

I shook my head. I had no idea how the fire started.

“Isn’t it obvious,” Loki said looking out my window “She did it.”

“I did not! I don’t know how or what happened; but, I can assure you that was not me! I thought one of you might have” I reasoned. It was impossible for me to have set the hall and myself on fire.

Carter looked at me “Not if you were in danger and scared. If you possess a power it would show itself especially if you were in danger.”

I scoffed at his suggestion “If and that’s a BIG if. I have never had any hint of something of that nature. So if that was true then Zeek would of never of got close enough to have touched me. Now out. All of you go.” I ordered them. They hesitated

“Someone should stay with you to make sure you are safe.” Eliot suggested to me.

“I want to change, so get the hell out” I pointed to the door.

“Send Hidi in to watch her,” Loki ordered as he walked out.

I changed into a flowing pale yellow sundress. “Miss, will that be all?” Hidi asked.

I studied the figure staring at me in the mirror. “Yes,” I said sadly.

“The General asks that you meet everyone in the Library then.” Hidi left quietly shutting the door behind her. I looked so grown up. I could see my mother in me, much as my Father said. I wish she was here; I wish we were still a family. But she’s dead and gone; my Father dropped me off at my aunt’s and never looked back. Now I’m in a house full of demons. A demon is trying to kill me. To top it off, I have never felt more alone and deserted in my life. This is what best-selling novels are made of, or someone’s nightmare.

I walked into the library as requested. “Rori, you’re safe” my Father exclaimed in relief, as he wrapped me in a tight bear hug. In shock, I stood there. He pulled back to get a good look at me. Placing his hands on my face he inspected me closely.

“Your Majesty, she is fine as you can see. The attack was interrupted,” Eliot stated trying to calm his fears.

Father let go of me and started pacing around the room. “Same as before no scent, no evidence of his existence?” Father questioned them.

Carter nodded “Correct, your Majesty.”

“I knew he would show himself if word of your whereabouts were to surface. Do you think he will try again?” Father quizzed Loki. My Father looked worried; it was painstaking to watch him like this. Even though I am still angry with him; he is my Father after all.

“I don’t think...” Loki began.

“I have it” Father exclaimed “In order to protect Rori properly, she will just have to get married” Father spoke with a conviction of a hell-bent man.

“What?” I exclaimed.

He looked at me, pleased with his discovery; as if it was the best thing ever thought of; since the invention of the wheel. “I’m going to marry you off. That way you will be protected properly.” He smiled as he held my hand.

“Oh hell no! You think you can just waltz back into my life and tell me you are going to choose my husband. You’re crazy” I scolded him. This is unbelievable. He can’t do this, who does he think he is?

Father looked at me with a harsh expression. “I am the King of Hell. Moreover, I am your Father and as such, I have decided this is the best course of action.”

“You think? I am just as safe with Carter and Loki sleeping in my room. You have no right to make this decision for me” I snapped at him.

His face got red “Carter and Loki did what?” his voice became full of anger and hatred.

“They both slept in my room last night, in chairs to protect me.” I lied. I’m sure he won’t notice. He does not have the experience that my aunt and uncle have.

“Loki?” Father questioned. “Yes, as she said, in chairs. She slept alone. I told you I would ensure her safety that including her virtue.” Loki stood awaiting my Father’s response.

“Wait, wait, wait, my virtue is none of any of your concern. Just as the decision of whom I marry, if I marry, is my concern and mine alone. You, you demons, think you can hide in the shadows most of my life then come in and force me to do whatever you desire. You’re in for a rude awakening. This is my life! Mine! I will do with it as I please! For it is my life. When will you understand that” I pointed to my Father and Loki? “You have no hold over my life. If I want to sleep in the same bed as my best friend, I will. If I wish to spend my day sleeping, I will. If, and when, I ever decided to wed, it will be my choice! There are some things you cannot and will not be able to tell me to do, and this is one of them. What was it that you said, Loki? Ah, yes. You don’t always get your way. So get used to it”

I looked at them all disgusted. My heart pounding from the rush of adrenalin. My hands shaking because of my outrage. I could just break all the windows in this stupid castle for this crap.

My father came over to me, placing his hands on my face. With that angered look still on his face, he leaned down to look me in the eyes. “Full of fire just like your mother. Fine, I will give you candidates to choose from. A compromise. What do you think of that?” his smile made me sick.

“I don’t think you understand at all. Did you even hear me?” I shook my head in disbelief. He still thinks he is going to wed me off to some demon or man. He will never learn. Just what did my mother see in him.

“I will send Trent a list of potential candidates to choose from. Keep my daughter safe.” He smiled and vanished in a ball of flames.

“We will look forward to your choices” Eliot encouraged with a smile.

I stood there dumbfounded. This guy is harder to reach than a spoiled rich kid to whom you are trying to teach the value of responsibility. “So, who do you think will be on the list” Eliot asked. Carter hit Eliot knocking him over. “What?” Eliot whined.

“When will he learn” Loki mumbled as he sat in his chair shaking his head.

“Rori why did you lie,” Carter asked.

“Lie? About what?” Eliot asked looking from Carter to me, totally confused. Staring down at the floor

“He’s my Father right? Just like any Father he would have killed the men who slept with his daughter, no matter how innocent their intentions were or not.”

Eliot stomped his foot. “What! You two slept with Rori and I don’t even get to get a nap with her. How fair is that?” For an adult, Eliot acts childish a lot. It might be his inner womanizer talking too. What a blow to have Carter and Loki beat him. I walked over to Eliot and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I started to leave the Library “I don’t think I could handle any more obnoxious demons. Maybe I’ll get lucky and end up with just you three on that list” I spoke jokingly as I walk out of the room.

At dinner, everyone sat quietly going out of his or her way not to engage in conversation. Loki sat playing with the food on his plate, clearly lost in thought; Eliot sat eating small bites at a time, treating his food like fine china; then Carter looked everywhere but his plate, and his leg were constantly shaking. This was unbelievably awkward. I felt like I was the only one interested in the food at all.

After Owen, Loki’s butler, chief assistant, with much more jobs and titles; had spent so long on the food. I thanked Owen for the delicious chicken dinner. For a large castle, Owen did most of the work. It seemed that Loki didn’t like having many servants. Leaving Owen to be the head butler, cook, gardener, and assistant.

“Um, Master, Trent is here,” Owen said softly. Hearing this, Eliot stopped eating quickly perking up, Carter dropped his fork, and Loki instantly became alert, nodding to Owen.

Owen showed Trent into the dining room “Well, here is the list as promised, Princess. Please get back to me soon with your decision.” Trent put down an old-looking envelope. I stared at it, waiting for something to happen. Still, the envelope sat there.

Trent bowed to me “Anything else, Princess” he asked.

“Yes, tell my Father he’s..”

Loki suddenly placed his hands over my mouth. “That will be all Trent, thank you.” That Loki; what does he think he is doing. I was not finished with Trent. However, Trent nodded and vanished. Loki let go of me the moment Trent vanished.

“What was that for,” I asked annoyed. Loki walked back to his seat in silence. They sat in their seats quietly. Not moving or touching their food. Just looking at their own plates like they were waiting for it to begin entertaining them. They can’t be serious, they expect me to open this letter, here? I picked up the envelope when I did they all looked at me. Ya, they wish to see who is all on the list. I ripped open the envelope and pulled out the folded paper. It looked like it was blank. Maybe he understood after all. That’s wonderful he Is not as dense as he appears. I unfolded the paper. On it was ten names written in red ink. My joy was short-lived.


You will find ten names on this list. In no particular order. Some have asked for your hand, whereas others I believe would be suitable for you. Yet, per our compromise, you will be allowed to pick from them.

Zoon Vane

Loki Fyrn

Gale Marx

Raven Kinridge

Marcus Carter

Jeptha Hunt

Emery Sanh

Clement Fury

Eliot Gilma

Uriah Jeffrey

Make your choice,


I read the letter over and over. “F.M.L.” I groaned, tossing it down. Putting my head on the table; this can’t be happening.

“Let me see that!” Eliot snatched the letter off the table. “Loki is on the list as expected. Wait, what is Carter doing on this list? He is a low-level rank. I understand us, but Carter” Eliot started to complain.

“This is a joke right” I groaned “tell me this is some kind of joke he is pulling on me. Someone? Anyone?” I pleaded for them to tell me it was a joke.

“Everyone on this list is high ranking except me and Carter” Eliot stated surprised.

“What did you expect. The Princess should wed high ranking not low rank.” Carter moaned tossing his fork on his plate in defeat.

“Invitations from the King” Owen announced as he entered the room. “Mr. Fyrn, Mr. Carter, Mr. Gilma, and Princess Orcus.” Owen handed out the invitations. I didn’t bother looking at mine. I didn’t plan to go anywhere or do anything. This entire joke was starting to be too much.

“Loki when did you decide to have a party” Eliot questioned.

“It’s not my party. It’s hers. Yet, it appears I will be hosting” Loki effortlessly pushed his chair back excusing himself in a huff.

“The party is so Rori can get to know the candidates. It’s tomorrow” Carter said.

I began to hit my head on the table. Mumbling “I hate my life. I hate my life. I hate my life. Someone shoot me.” I begged.

“Enough!” Loki yelled “Owen, make the preparations; this will be a formal ball. I want it to go as smoothly and as elegantly as possible. Eliot, Carter get prepared. Rori, you go to your room and brush up on your manners. I’m certain they are rusty. The party starts tomorrow afternoon. I don’t want to see anyone till then.” Loki ordered as he rubbed his forehead.

Am I going to be alone? “What if that demon comes back,” I asked numbly.

“Then scream or just burn your room down like you did my hall. Short of hell freezing over, I don’t want to see you till the party; do I make myself clear” Loki whispered in my ear as he pushed me out the door. I could feel the anger and hatred in his voice. The night ended after that. We all did as ordered and went our separate ways.

I woke in the middle of the night cold. I heard tapping on my window. cautiously, I went to investigate the noise. What I found was interesting and amazing. A raven sat tapping at my window. I had a feeling that I had seen this bird before. Again, it tapped on my window wanting in. It made me think about my favorite poem, “The Raven”. I opened the window enough to let the small bird in. The raven flew over to my bed. It appeared to be well trained. I wonder whom it belonged to? I noticed a small paper roll attached to its right leg. Slowly, I removed the paper. Once I had removed it, the raven flew back out the window and off into the night.

I unrolled the paper slowly. On this paper, I read a message scrawled ‘Ready to welcome’ and a symbol underneath. A mostly completed circle two leg-like sticks with feet. I had seen this before, but I could not put my finger on it… but I had seen it somewhere. Suddenly it hit me. Like a ton of bricks; I remembered my old friend, Harvey, who practiced Celtic paganism. He showed me all sorts of symbols and meanings. I found his belief system to be fascinating, to say the least. The symbol I have found myself looking at is either life or death. Both symbols are identical except for the face. One faces up and the other face down. I could not think of any reason someone would send me a symbol of life, so this must be death. I took the paper over to the window. Looking out, overlooking the garden, I found nothing out of the ordinary. Who sent this, I wondered.

Though I tried, I just could not get back to sleep after that. I grabbed a candlestick holder and held it as my protection. Though it is unlikely to help, just having something made me feel slightly better. If someone is going to threaten me and Loki doesn’t wish to help, I will just do it myself. Staying away from anyone and everyone is a good start.

A tapping at the door preceded Hidi. “Miss Rori, it’s time to, oh you’re already up” Hidi had come in to wake me for the day. I sat in the corner of the room with my candlestick. “Miss Rori, what is the matter?” Hidi came over with her lively stride she looked upon me bewildered. Instinctively I thrust the candlestick holder at her to keep her at bay. I don’t know what good this will do or even if she is my enemy. However this case, I have to try to do something. It’s better than doing nothing, right.

To my surprise Hidi recoiled; her hand landing on the window seat on top of the paper that had been delivered in the night. Hidi looked at me horrified. Noticing she had touched something out of the ordinary, she glanced to see what she had found. After looking at the paper she darted out of the room. I could not help but wonder if I was safe at all-around any of them. I could very well be in the house with the very demon, or whatever it is, that’s trying to kill me. It would explain why no one saw or felt a new presence. If in fact, it was not a new presence.

“Miss Rori, may I enter” Owen called from the hall.

“What do you want” I snapped watching the door intently.

“Well, Miss Rori, Hidi says there is a note in your room of grave concern. I would like to take a look myself if that’s not too much trouble.”

“You mean the Death note,” I picked up the paper and throw it out the door slamming it and locking it quickly. I managed to push the desk in front of the bedroom door and the dresser in front of the bathroom door. It took some doing however, I stripped the bed and pulled the mattress over to the window, standing the mattress up to cover the window well to prevent anyone from surprising me. After situating the room I returned to my trusty corner. Thinking about what my next move should be.

“Miss, are you ok?” Hidi called from behind the door. I ignored her while I poured candle wax on the floor of my room to form a huge Pentacle for protection. As an added measure i poured salt on top that i took from the bathroom bath salt supply. I sat in the middle of the floor. I am not about to take any chances.

“Rori. Open up” Carter called to me.

“No, not going to leave the protection circle,” I whispered to myself.

“Rori, please don’t make us get Loki” Eliot called.

A threat? Ha. How do I know that when I open that door he won’t be there already? They can’t protect me. I can’t even protect myself. The best I can do is this lazy pentacle of wax and some bath salt. I am so screwed. I sighed placing my hands over my face. All I know is, that I am not opening that door. No way.

I laid down inside the pentacle all sprawled out. An old friend of mine, Harvey, had said trying to meditate in a stressless environment, would help you see the path that needed be taken. I slowly began to relax. One. Two. Three. One. Two. Three. I slowed my breathing and felt as if I was floating. “Rori” a voice in the distance spoke. “Rori, you are safe” it spoke again. “Let them protect you.”

“Who are you?” I pleaded. “How do I know I can trust them, please help me” I can hear music in the distance.

“Trust your instincts. They will guide you. I will always be here.” the voice right by my ear. “Now wake up.”

Opening my eyes I saw a part of a pentacle above me. The part I could see went over my whole room. So the rest of it had to be spread out over the house.

“Rori, open the door. I will break it down if you don’t let me in” Loki growled from my door.

“Keep out,” I said sitting on the dresser. I looked at the slightly discolored markings on my ceiling.

“Keep out? Are you serious, Rori, this is my castle! The party is in half an hour and I can’t be playing around trying to get you to open the door all day.” Loki seemed like he is being bothered. “You tried to hit Hidi with a candlestick, so I think someone needs to make sure you’re ok.” He is right I did try to scare her off.

“You didn’t want to see me until the party what do you care, jerk. If you cared at all, someone would have been here when that bird showed up. Now go away, not as if you care anyway. I have to get ready for this ridiculous party. If Hidi wishes, she can come in. I won’t do that again, but no one else. ”

I moved the desk and unlocked the door, so Hidi could get in.”

Cautiously, Hidi entered my room. Giving her surroundings a quick glance, Hidi sighed, settling her eyes on me. “Fear is a powerful thing, Miss. Heed these words. Now, we should get you dressed.” She brought me a blue Metallic Peacock dress with matching heels. It is ravishing. I got dressed fairly quickly after my bath. “Miss. you look fetching” Hidi complimented me. I smiled at Hidi, the dress is amazing.

“Who picked this dress,” I asked. Hidi fell silent. I nudged her.

A tapping at the door distracted me from Hidi “It’s your Father. I’m here to escort you to the party, Rori.” Father called. An escort, really? Hidi opened the door for him. Father walked in swiftly. Looking dashing in his black tux and red tie. His hair combed back. He came over, taking my hands in his. “You look extravagant my dear. Look at you all grown up.”

I smiled “You know this entire marriage business is ridiculous” I scolded him.

Gazing at me he nodded “Yes, I know. What better way to flush out the enemy.” I looked at him with horror. “Now, now, Rori. I do wish you to get married. I know I can’t force you to, so take this seriously. By forcing you to consider these candidates, the demon trying to kill you will have to come at you. He will slip up and I will get him. Trust in me” he argued.

I wanted to slap him. Using me as bait and still pushing the marriage thing in the same breath. This guy really was too much.

We stood in front of the doors to the ballroom waiting to be announced. “His Majesty King Meditris Orcus and Princess Rori Payne Orcus” Owen announced as the doors opened. The ballroom was full of men dressed in tuxedos. The extravagant décor and Gold and white theme flowed over the entire room. I spent the next three hours talking, dancing, entertaining and being flirted with by men, so to speak. Each of the candidates my Father had chosen was here. Each trying just as hard as the last to gain my attention. I wanted desperately to leave. I never liked going to dances or parties. The overabundance of attention from men was not enjoyable either. I felt nauseous.

I attempted many times to get away. Trying to escape to the kitchen, balcony, bathroom, hall anywhere I thought I would be alone. Each being foiled by another candidate walking up and talking to me or asking for a dance. Eliot attempted to save me once. That turned into him and Jeptha arguing over some bet they both had made a century ago. Carter had asked me to dance a few times only to be interrupted by Clement who took it upon himself to be in competition with Carter directly. Clement completely ignored the others and the threat they pose to him. Like they had no chance and it was between him and Carter. Men, or should I say Demons.

“Princess you must tell us more about your experience on Earth” Zoon insisted. It became quite apparent that Zoon was an arrogant self-centered masochist. He clearly took great pleasure in hearing about how I broke my leg and the torture my cousins put me through as a child.

“Zoon, don’t you think you have pestered the Princess enough” Gale questioned. Zoon gave Gale a cold look.

“How are you adjusting to the castle Princess” Emery inquired.

“It will surely take some getting used to,” I answered. Gale was more of a gentleman; the most considerate of the bunch. Emery appeared to be a gentle soul, but he was also holding back. His stature is a little off-putting as his muscled shoulders seem overbearing.

“Princess what do you think of the politics in the Demon Realm,” Raven asked.

“Uh Princess, what are your stands on war” Uriah questioned taking a puff of his wooden pipe.

“What is your favorite form of torture?” Zoon asked cozying up to me.

“What do you do for fun?” Emery requested.

“How do you plan to rule?” Clement inquired.

“Will you allow your husband to rule?” Gale wondered.

A wave of questions came flooding at me. My heart started to race, my chest felt tight. They are quizzing me all at the same time. They are so close as well. Suddenly a hand tapped my shoulder.

“Excuse me.” a voice called over the abundance of questions. I turn and see Loki standing behind me. His black tux and white tie matched his complexion. “May I?” he asked putting his arm out.

Safety at last; I gave a sigh of relief, smiling and taking his arm, “Yes, you may.” Loki led me out onto the ballroom floor. As another song played we began to Waltz. “Thank you, Loki,” I whispered softly. This party had become a nightmare.

“Nothing to thank me for. I thought you could use a good break.” Towering over me I looked up to see Loki looking into my eyes. “It’s my job after all. To protect you from danger as well as lustful demons.”

I laughed. I did not see the demons here tonight as lustful in the sense as they were out for my virtue, but for the throne that is definitely possible.

“You are faring better than I expected,” Loki observed.

“Well, just like any other party, it has to end sometime” I hoped.

Loki chuckled “I’m sure your Father has his eye on you. When he thinks you have had enough, he will call it off.” I was not that sure. I had had enough five minutes after arriving. “You look beautiful in that dress. You should wear dresses more often, they compliment you” Loki suggested.

I felt my face get red from his compliment, “Why to thank you Loki. You look well yourself.”

Loki laughed “I always look dashing. You, however, prefer to run around in pajama pants and a tank top if given the chance.”

I could not believe he knew that about me. “How in the world did you know. No one knows that” I demanded.

Loki gave me a mischievous smile “I have been protecting you from day one Rori. There is very little that I don’t know about you.”

A hand tapped on Loki’s shoulder “Excuse me I would like to take Rori for a walk before the party is over” my Father cut in.

“Of course your Majesty” Loki bowed and walked away.

My Father put out his arm to escort me. I kindly accepted it and we walked out onto the veranda. The cool evening air blew over my skin. The sun was in its final stages of setting and the stars were already decorating the sky. “How do you think the party went,” he asked looking at the garden.

“Depends, as in a lure for the murderous demon or a hunt for my soon to be Fiancé?”

He smiled at me “When I look at you, I see her; though you act like me more often than not. She is clearly there within you.” he placed his hands on my arms “This party was more than just a setup and to get you on the path to marriage. It also symbolized your return to the demon realm and entrance to the political side of things. You handled yourself with great ease, my dear. I am very proud of you.” I can now say I am getting tired of his shit. Doing things in secret and then telling me after. How can he expect me to trust him if he is always doing this?

“Rori, I know I have not been there physically or emotionally, for you. I know you feel, I have neglected you and my duties as a Father. I can assure you that can’t be further from the truth. Everything I have done since that horrible day has been to protect you. I even dispatched a special team to take care and watch over you. Though I could not see you myself, I have been informed on your life, every step of the way. You must understand that my actions and intentions are for your benefit. This party, the candidates, the move, it is all for what is best for you. I need you to pick someone as your Fiancé and soon.” His eyes looked pained and full of sorrow. He turned to look at the sky. “Please don’t fight me on this.” he pleaded with me.

I held one of his hands. Running my fingers across his palm and around to the top of his fingers. “Ok, I will take it more seriously.”

He embraced me in a hug. “Thank you.”

“In return, I want to know why them and what reason they were put on the list” I humbly requested.

“Always setting terms, much like your mother.” I looked up at him. Looking into his eyes I felt safe like I was at home. “Ok, you have earned that much. Zoon, Gale, Jeptha are high-ranking officers. They would make for good husbands and they are loyal. They know the ways of politics and warfare. Raven, Emery, Clement, and Eliot asked for your hand when you were young and again after rumors surfaced that you were alive and coming back. All four are respectable and high-ranking as well. Uriah is one of my best assets and advisors; he would prove a wise choice for a husband. Not only that, he is sympathetic toward the human world and very interested in it. You have a rapport with Carter, you both know each other and have a bond already. I took that into consideration when making the list.” he glanced back at the ballroom.

“What about Loki?” I asked.

“Ah yes. Loki. When I was contemplating bringing you back, Loki was happy and encouraging. He has looked over you all these years and has made many decisions that I could not make. When I suggested that I arrange a marriage he was not too pleased with me much like you. He found fault and disapproved of each one of my suggestions. He felt they were not good enough for you; not as a Princess but, just in general. I felt that putting him on the list would be fun. Then again, he did get flustered, as well, as quiet when I suggested that it be him I arrange the marriage with.” he laughed at the idea. I could not imagine Loki being flustered over anything. Ever. We walked back to the party, in time to see Raven, Gale, Carter, and Clement had a dance off.

Father said goodbye to Loki and left. Even though it was really his party he left early. Eliot and Emery kept me company as we watched the competition. It reminded me of a group of teens battling it out on the dance floor. Everyone appeared to be more lively and enjoying themselves.

As Clement took his turn showing off, my stomach started to feel funny. “Princess are you all right,” Emery asked concerned.

I looked down at my stomach, knowing this was some type of sign. “I’m not sure,” I said baffled. Then amongst the laughter that filled the room, I heard him. His laugh was low but there. I immediately felt sick, my chest felt tight then the room began spinning.

“Princess,” Emery said alerted.

“Rori what’s wrong” Eliot probed. Everything started to get blurry then nothing.

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