Hell Castle

Chapter Chapter Nine

“Miss Rori, how is Astreal doing?” Owen called from behind me.

Damn, I can’t listen in anymore. I turned to look at Owen. “He is sleeping in the bed you got him. Thank you.” I greeted him with a smile. I walked into the Library and right up to Loki. I stood inches from him. “Spill it, what is going on? Why is Father so interested in Astreal? Moreover, why does Astreal dislike him so much he exhausted himself.” I demanded an answer.

“Rori” Eliot called from the other room and interrupted a conversation with Loki.

“Shut up Eliot. You are just as clueless as I am. Loki, who has recently decided to call Astreal by his name, is going to spill the beans and I mean right now.” I sniped at Eliot in frustration.

“Yes, I knew that Astreal was an Obsidian from the first time I saw him in your arms, Rori. I also knew at that moment, that you had been chosen as his rider. He will accept no one else; because he stayed with you and allowed you to hold him in his most vulnerable time when he was sleeping. Having control over the dragons would require that you would have to be the eldest Obsidian’s rider. Being as Astreal is the only one of his kind, that now is you.” Loki pointed to me, looking conflicted he sat back down. “Your Father from a young age wanted nothing more than to reel in the dragons. Astreal is his last chance.”

“You expect me to believe that my Father wishes to control all dragons and become supreme. That he will use me and Astreal to accomplish this goal?” I questioned him.

“Believe what you like Rori. As long as you stand firm in your beliefs and do what you view as right. You will never have to worry.” Eliot said placing a hand on my shoulder.

This is ridiculous, but just how crazy is it, really? I went back to my room to check on Astreal. I found him right where I left him, sleeping away in his bed. Such an amazing creature, it just never occurred to me to wonder where he came from. How he got here. Why he choose me? I just did what felt natural and saved him, brought him back, and took care of him. I will do right by him. What does it say about my Father, if Loki doesn’t even trust him in this?

I went to sleep that night thinking about my Father. I wondered what reason he had for bringing me here. If I was just fine before. Why bring me here? It’s just too was confusing. I awoke in the middle of the night with a pain in my stomach. It was like someone had stabbed me and was twisting the knife as he or she jabbed me. I could not make a noise it was so painful. I looked over at Astreal, he looked panicked. “H-Help” I mumbled in a soft whisper; that is all I could get out. I was struggling to catch my breath. Astreal let out a cry then ran out of the room. I heard him scratching at a door, then I smelled fire.

“You stupid little runt that’s it, I’m going to teach you a lesson! Get back here!” I heard Loki yelling down the hall. The pain started to intensify. My body began to burn up. Astreal came running back into the room with Loki right behind him.

Loki came right up and went to swing but stopped. “Rori are you ok?” A tear seeped from my eye it burned my face. “Oh hell, not now?” Loki said as he yanked back the covers “Eliot, Carter, Hyland!” Loki yelled as he picked me up. Eliot ran in first. “Open the window and meet us at the river,” Loki ordered.

“What’s going on?” Hyland asked worriedly.

Eliot opened the window and Loki jumped out with me in his arms. “She’s awakening,” Eliot said in shock.

“So soon?” Carter questioned.

Loki laid me on the snow by the river. Astreal came over and cried at me. He could tell something was wrong. The snow on my skin burned with a sizzling sound. My body temperature was just too high. Eliot, Carter, and Hyland helped Loki move me onto the river ice. “Rori this is for your own good. Try not to resist.” Loki spoke as he moved the hair from my face. “No one lets her up. Keep her down and under the water, no exceptions understood.” Loki ordered. I started to shake, they are going to kill me!

“What?” Hyland asked hesitantly.

“If we don’t she could die from overheating, she’s half-human. This is what an ‘Awakening’ looks like; Hyland if you can’t help you need to leave.” Eliot ordered exaggeratedly. With one look they all dropped me into the icy river.

The ice water immersed me immediately. It felt like thousands of prickly needles were stabbing me, the pain was excruciating. I tried my best to swim back to the surface. Loki appeared in my way, he reached out and held me in a tight bear hug. I struggled to get free. He held me tighter and looked to be in pain from what he was doing.

Out of nowhere Astreal came to my rescue and bit Loki on the arm causing him to let me go. I rushed to the surface. I took a breath just in time for three sets of hands to shove me back down. They were really going to kill me, I knew it. The pain became intense, and slowly I could no longer move my body. Loki and Astreal kept getting further and further away. I felt a shock-rock through my body, I thought it was going to rip me apart.; then everything suddenly went dark.

“Is she ok? Wow, Loki what happened?” I heard Carter ask anxiously.

“Ah, stupid Astreal panicked and bit me thinking he was helping Rori,” Loki complained.

I opened my eyes. We’re back at the castle, I’m back in my bed.

“That was intense. Not to mention sudden.” Hyland said grinning at me.

“Some demons have to come into their power; not all of us are born with it,” Eliot explained.

Astreal came up rubbing on my face, his eyes moist and sad. “I thought you died. Don’t die, Rori.” A scared voice echoed in my ears.

“I won’t die I promise,” I whispered back.

“Good. Loki tastes funny. I don’t bite him again.” the voice said in disgust.

“Bite Loki? Why would you do that?” I asked tiredly.

Loki and Eliot looked at me funny. “Who are you talking to?” Carter asked.

“You hear me, Rori.” the voice called again. I looked over at Astreal. He licked my face pleased. “I protect Rori.”

I stared at him in disbelief. “Astreal? He talks?” I asked in shock.

“Well, he is the Obsidian. So yea, he can talk. But only you can hear him.” Loki spoke as he helped me sit up. “More importantly, how are you feeling?”

I looked down and saw that I was in a blue shirt and jeans. “Where are my clothes?” My room got quiet.

“Hidi changed you. The awakening shredded your nightgown. So we wrapped you in a blanket and brought you back here. Hyland helped Hidi with you. While Loki and I held Astreal.” Eliot said hurriedly.

“Awakening? Like a power awakening within me? Like dragons do?” I asked skeptically.

“Depending on what your power is and the extent of the power itself, you may have a hard time handling it,” Carter warned. Nice, not only am I half-demon and being attacked by an assassin I also just awoke to power I may not be able to control. My life is just full of surprises.

Astreal jumped on my lap and settled down, rolling over assuming the ‘belly rub’ position. I rubbed his belly, smiling at him. “You were really worried, huh?” I rubbed his belly faster making his back leg shake.

“Oh yes, I scared for Rori. I felt Rori’s fear.” Astreal explained enjoying his belly rub.

“He is just too cute!” Hyland cooed smiling at Astreal. Astreal jumped up and took off out into the hall.

“Where is he going?” Carter asked. I shrugged my shoulders. I had no idea where he was off to. Hyland placed her hands in mine.

“So, how was it. Tell me all about it.” She insisted. Loki popped her on the head. “Ow.” Hyland cried out. “What was that for Loki?” Eliot laughed and walked over to check my pulse.

“Just because you were born with your power doesn’t mean you have the right to nag anyone you come in contact with who has to go through an ‘awakening’. It’s petty.” Loki scolded. Hyland glared at Loki for a time.

“Well, you seem to be doing all right,” Eliot concluded. Then he started shooing everyone off the bed and out the door.

“Eliot?” Hyland questioned, then reluctantly left.

Eliot came back to my side. “Tell me how you feel now compared to yesterday.” I looked up at him. “I feel just fine. My body aches a bit, but other than that.”

Eliot looked skeptical, rubbing his chin as he thought. “It is to be expected. You are only half-demon anyhow.” He looked satisfied with this deduction. Scratching on the door filled the room. Eliot went and opened the door. Astreal came strutting into the room with a rose from the garden. I wish I had a camera, the flower and stem together were as long as he was. He hopped up on the bed and put the rose down on my lap.

“This to Rori. Rori like?” His voice flowed into my head.

“Awe, thank you so much! It’s beautiful Astreal!” I gave him a pat on the head. Astreal strutted off to his bed, where he watched me as I looked at the flower. What a nice gesture from Astreal.

“Did you see that little thing;” Loki was amazed.

“Astreal was running around with a flower as big as he is.”

After assuring that I was fine and I just wanted to sleep, one by one, my room became empty. Loki left last, he seemed to be troubled by something; yet, whatever it was, he kept it to himself. I got up to put the rose in the vase that Hidi brought in for it. Astreal got up and followed me. He jumped up and sat in the window seat watching me.

“Practice now?” He asked.

I looked at him confused. “Practice? Practice what?” For a cute guy, his vocabulary is limited.

“Burn.” His voice encouraged. Astreal looked at me, I swore he was smiling. I looked at the rose.

“Burn it,” I made sure I heard him right. Astreal nodded. I looked at the rose. It was so pretty, I really didn’t want to burn it. That is saying if I could burn it. “Fire,” I said looking at the flower. I waited for something to happen. When nothing happened I laughed, “I feel silly. I’m going to bed,” I said as I put the rose in the vase. Astreal looked sad and moped about. “Are you coming to bed?” I asked him.

Astreal slowly walked to his bed. “You no believe.” He said sadly.

“It’s late, I’ll try again tomorrow,” I said with a smile.

I woke the next morning feeling funny, I even had a fever to go along with it. I’m sick, that’s what happens when you are held under an ice-cold river. Astreal woke up feeling sick himself, rolling instead of walking. My poor little guy was clearly sick, I picked him up cradling him in one arm then walked down to breakfast. I opened the door to the dining hall with one hand.

Hyland sat next to Carter who was lost in conversation with Eliot. Loki, sat in his usual spot at the head of the table reading the newspaper. Everyone looked up and greeted me. They all seemed too chipper. Why do they have to be such morning people on the day I’m sick? I wanted to slap them all.

“Oh goodie, you’re awake. We can have a girl’s day out. What do you think?” Hyland said all too perky.

I looked right at Eliot. “If I am ever that chipper, shoot me, on the spot,” I demanded. Hyland laughed, assuming I was joking. Loki tilted his paper down enough to glance at me.

“Is something wrong with Astreal?” Eliot asked pointing to the clearly miserable little dragon in my arms.

“We don’t feel good,” I said hoarsely. Hyland looked at us like we were lepers.

“Oh, well, what’s wrong?” Eliot inquired.

“Ouw,” Astreal cried, “Rori! Make it stop!” Astreal yelled at me.

I looked down at him. “What do you want me to do? I can’t help if they’re this chipper.” I asked annoyed at the chipper people.

“Excuse me?” Loki asked irritated. “Why is he in here? We had an agreement did we not.”

“Ouw” He cried again. I didn’t feel good myself. I needed to take care of myself before I could help him. “Rori!” Astreal begged.

“How?” I pleaded, it was painful to hear him so miserable.

“Not over. Make it stop! Rori!” Astreal cried.

What is he talking about? Suddenly I realized. I grabbed onto Astreal tight and ran out of the room. He said it’s ‘not over.’ The only thing I could think that he was talking about was my awakening. I had not realized it because I attributed it to being sick; I thought I just had a fever. My body was hot, yet, this was no fever. I opened the door to the garden. The cold air and snow hit me. It felt like thousands of small needles stabbing me once again. “Ouw” Astreal cried.

“I’m sorry, Astreal. I’ll fix it.” I promised. I ran so hard that my feet soon became numb from the cold snow and my hot body. “There it is,” I told Astreal. The river was in sight. I could see the spot where Loki and the others put me under the night before. A sharp pain ripped through my body. “Gah,” I screamed in pain. I fell to my knees. Trying not to hurt Astreal and crawl to the water.

“Ow! Ouw” Astreal cried in pain. I had to do something, this was going to kill him before it was over. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a pair of hands grabbed onto me and tossed me on my back toward the river. I slid, holding onto Astreal, fighting the urge to convulse. We slipped right into the hole in the ice and down into the river.

Hitting the water I let go of Astreal. I could hear him screaming in my head in pain and at the same time, I was also screaming. The pain rips throughout my body; getting so intense I could not move. The hair on my arms stood up and then combusted. A blue fire wrapped around my body. I watched as Astreal faded and all I could see is this blue fire. I thought I was dying, I hurt so much.

Memories started flashing in my head. My Aunt telling me I could not go try out for Gymnastics like Cathy because I was not good enough; My dog, Buster, getting hit by the neighbor’s car; My mother crying; The yellow-eyed demon; My mother dying; My Father leaving me at my Aunt’s house; Carter coming at me during the party; Loki trying to scare and dominate me.

The visions just kept coming in flashes, my feelings of anger and betrayal building, and the more I see these memories, the more I see, and the more livid I get, the hotter the fire got and the darker the color. “Rori,” Astreal called to me. His voice sounded far off. “Rori, come. Home we go. Rori, come.” He called for me.

“Where are you?” I asked. I felt my heart calming down. The fire started to thin out.

“Come, Rori, come now.” he pleaded. “Astreal needs Rori.” Astreal started to cry. His voice sounded off because he was scared. My poor baby was scared.

He needs me. “I’m coming to Astreal. Where are you?” I asked. Hearing him like this was making my heart hurt. I thought about the times when we would set in the window seat reading. The day I brought him home. How Loki reacted the first time Astreal sat at his feet, jumping onto his desk and yelling for me to get him. Like Astreal was a mouse or something.

The fire in my body dimmed and was just about extinguished. As I looked around, I notice I’m looking at the treetops by the river. I glimpsed down, standing on the riverbank looking back at me stand Loki and Astreal. The more the fire dimmed, the closer I floated to the ground. Loki stood holding Astreal tight against his chest. Gazing at me Astreal looked scared; whereas, Loki appeared to be numb with an emotionless face. As my feet touched the frozen river, Astreal jumped out of Loki’s hands; running up to me.

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