Hell Castle

Chapter Chapter Eight

I lay in bed for a while as my head kept racing. Soon, I found myself in a dark place. I looked around for anyone. ‘Loki? Eliot? Hello. Carter? Anyone?’ I called out for anyone and everyone I could think of. Then out of the dark, a gold wire shot out and wrapped around my left leg. Pulling my feet out from under me and then dragging me through the dark woods. A woman laughing in the distance scared me. I abruptly stopped, and the wire began to curl around my wrists, tying me down.

A red-eyed woman came into view. Her disheveled white and silver hair made her look distraught. Lingering over me in a long, black gown that made her all look the more insane. In one hand, she held a long knife and in the other, a picture of the human anatomy with the heart circled. “I’m going to have your heart, my dear. You will be mine” she screeched. She came at me with the knife. Holding me down with her other hand she cut off my clothes. Sticking the knife in my chest giggling like a madwoman. I screamed as the blood came gushing out of my body. I woke up with a jolt kicking, screaming, and crying. Loki and Carter were sitting in my bed trying to hold me down.

“Calm down, it’s just a dream” Loki assured me.

“Shush, Rori, it’s all right, you’re safe, here with us, it’s just a dream,” Carter told me.

I fought them as I started pulling up my nightshirt to see my stomach. I had to be sure I was not cut open. Through the tears, I looked at my bare belly, completely intact. Realizing it was just a dream, I started to cry hysterically, gasping for air. I leaned on Loki crying into his chest. Loki stayed still looking at Carter. “Embrace her you, idiot. Calm her down. It was just a night terror.” Carter whispered.

“You do it.” Loki protested.

“No, she leaned on you. You’ll just make it worse if you reject her while she’s like this.” Carter warned.

If Eliot was sitting where Loki was, I would have learned over there. The dream felt so real. I thought she was really cutting me up. I could feel the knife pierce my skin and my warm blood pouring out. I could still feel it, like a phantom limb. I thought I was really dying.

Loki rubbed my back, as I used his legs as a pillow. It took time, but I finally stopped crying. Thinking about the dream made me feel sick, and I could not think about it without bursting into tears again.

“That must have been some night terror. She’s calm now. Should we leave her to sleep?” Eliot conjectured.

Carter got off the bed, “Yes, she needs to sleep, but I’m not sure she will after that. She was shaking and fighting us in her sleep. To Rori, that dream was as real as you and me. Going back to sleep after that won’t be easy.” Carter came over and took my hand. He knelt down and started whispering. “Do you want to go back to sleep?”

A hand shot out of nowhere knocking Carter over with a thud. “Don’t ask such stupid questions. I’ll make sure she goes back to sleep. Just go back to your rooms.” Loki ordered as he picked me up and put me back on the bed. I rolled over on my side, facing away from him. He walked to the other side of the bed and sat with me. He reached over and started rubbing my back. “I don’t trust you alone with her,” Hyland whispered. “You are a sneaky leach after all.”

“Hyland; shut your trap and get the hell out of here. Who gave you the idea you were welcome in this room?” Eliot whispered in a hostile tone.

Eliot and Carter ended up dragging Hyland out of my room. Loki sat beside me rubbing my back. Soothing me to sleep. When I woke up the next morning my head was laying on Loki’s chest. I was nicely tucked under my blankets and Loki slept on top of them. Separating us enough so that we weren’t sleeping together. My hand was clenching his shirt so tight, that I couldn’t feel my fingers anymore. I wondered how long I had been asleep like this. Loki would never let this happen; I could not help but feel secure laying like this. Loki started to stir, he was waking up. I gently closed my eyes to see what his reaction would be. His breathing changed as he gave a waking groan. I felt his fingers gently brush the hair out of my face. My bedroom door opened and shut quietly.

“Morning Master” Owen greeted in a whisper.

“Morning Owen.” Loki greeted back.

“What do you need?”

“Well, Miss. Rori had asked me to deliver something to the king. I just returned, I came to inform her that it was done and she has a letter in return.”

Loki moved a bit as he attempted to sit up. “What do you mean I did not authorize anything,” Loki questioned.

“Well, it was an order from the Princess last night. I was to deliver the note to the King, personally.”

Loki sat, quietly for a moment. “Hmmm..., very well, lay it on the desk, then you may go. She’s still asleep. Tread carefully.”

Owen walked out of the room stepping softly to not wake me. Closing the door softly behind him. I opened my eyes and yawned. I pretended to just realize I was laying on Loki and shot to the other side of the bed. “I’m sorry.” I apologized to Loki for lying on his chest.

Loki got up walking to the end of the bed. “Did you sleep all right?” I watched as Loki straightened his shirt.

“Yes, thank you for all that you did.” As I answered I could feel my cheeks heating up and getting red.

“Then it is all right. Don’t apologize for it.” Loki walked over to my desk. He picked up the letter and brought it over to me. “Owen brought this back for you.”

I took the envelope from Loki. I worried as to what it could say. I had not expected a reply so quickly or was hoping for no reply at all. Maybe a verbal ‘Ok’ or something, not a letter, though. As I opened the letter, Loki swiftly walked out of my room.


Though I wish only the best for you, and as your Father, I have always tried to do what I viewed as the best. However, you are right we don’t know each other. I will have to learn that I can’t make all the decisions for you. You do deserve more freedom to make your own choices. I will respect this.

You are brave, my daughter. Stay safe.


His letter was not what I had anticipated. I was glad to see that he is willing to trust me.

Hidi came in to help me get ready for the day. “Hidi, I can dress myself. Thank you though.” I declined her help putting on my clothes. She looked at me confused. I realize this is her job but I have no need to be dressed by other people. Made me feel spoiled and helpless. “Instead, could you help me with my hair?” Hidi beamed with excitement; she ran over more than pleased to do that. After twenty minutes of her pulling and yanking on my head, she finished the double French braid I had asked for.

“Ah, all done Miss.” She spoke pleased. I looked in the mirror at the finished product. She had done a good job. It was tight and not a single hair strand was out of place.

I walked into the dining hall to find an empty table. Owen brought out a plate for me. Bacon, Eggs, Toast with Butter and Orange juice. It was unusual for me to eat alone. Someone was always there making sure that I eat enough. This quiet meal was a bit unnerving. I ate some of my Eggs and toast. Feeling out of place, I could not eat anymore.

After eating, I walked around the castle looking for any signs of life other than Owen and myself. The Library was empty, the ballroom vacant, and everyone’s bedrooms are just as empty as the rest of the castle. “Where did everyone go,” I asked out loud. I made my way back to the kitchen where I was sure I would find Owen making preparations for lunch. I opened the door to the kitchen. It too was empty. Nothing was cooking, no signs of life. Owen had even vanished. This is getting weird.

“Owen” I called. He didn’t respond. This was quite unusual for Owen, he has always been prompt and responded with unnerving speed. I walked out into the hall again. “I’m going to burn down this house!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. Then I waited, nothing still. No classes, because my teacher is gone. Therefore no homework, this is a plus. Oh well, I guess I might as well go about my day.

I started by going out to the greenhouse; I wanted to get an African Violet for my room. They are pretty and amazing, I had one in my room back at my aunt and uncle’s house. Opening the door to the greenhouse I heard a noise coming from the treeline. It was almost like an animal crying. I found my curiosity provoked, so I walked cautiously toward the noise. “Ouw”! The sound more clear this time. Just inside the treeline, I spotted what looked like a small puppy. As I got closer, it looked more like an oversized lizard. The odd lizard looked back at me with a scared expression and it seemed to be crying.

“Ouw”, it cried again. I felt my heart ache as I looked at this poor creature. Kneeling down by the lizard, I assessed the injury and its leg had been caught in a rabbit trap. I slowly reached down to disengage the trap. The lizard watched me intently; after one hand had ahold of the trap, I reached with my other hand, to pull it open. I pulled so hard I thought my arms would be ripped from their sockets. Then the trap gave way and the lizard fell backward. Laying on its back, it cried out in pain. The poor thing, its leg was almost severed, and the puddle of blood in the snow showed it had been there for a while.

After whimpering a bit, the odd lizard passed out from emotional stress. I could not bring myself to just leave it there, something bigger could come along and kill it after all the struggling it went through. I took off my coat and placed the lizard in it, wrapping it snugly in my coat, I headed back to the castle with haste.

I took some antibiotic ointment from the bathroom cabinet, a towel, cut up one of the hand towels, a hand bowl of water, and some aspirin. I washed off the leg gently with the towel, I put an antibiotic on the wound then gently wrapped it with the strips of the cloth. It should be stitched up but I could not find a sewing kit anywhere. It will hurt just as bad later, as it would right now. I crushed up half of an aspirin and opened the little lizard’s mouth sprinkling the powder on its tongue. It hastily tried to spit out the aspirin but it was too late, the power had already dissolved. I tossed my bloodstained coat by the door to get it out of the way. I wrapped the lizard up in the throw blanket I had in my room and sat in the window with it. Looking out over the garden as the snow started to fall again. I hushed the little thing soothingly.

“Rori we’re back. How was your...”Carter spoke as he walked into my room. Startled, I looked at my bedroom door. Carter stood frozen eyeing at my coat open on the floor covered in blood. I opened my mouth to speak but he was faster. “Oh no, Eliot, Loki hurry!” Carter screamed as he ran to me. Eliot and Loki showed up behind him a split second later.

Loki holding my coat “What happened?” He demanded worriedly.

“Shut up!” I scolded in a whisper. They all looked at me confused. “If you would let me explain, that’s not my blood. I am just fine. Now quiet your voices, before you wake the baby!” I glared at them. I didn’t want them waking the baby. It took me way too long to sooth it to sleep. I would be more than upset if they wake the pained little one.

They gazed at me shocked. “Baby?” Eliot questioned with horror. I nodded and pulled the top of the blanket away from the baby lizard enough for them to see. Carter took a look then recoiled like someone threw scalding hot water on him. He hid behind Loki trembling. “Get off me, Carter! What’s the matter with you?” Loki barked at him.

“It’s...it’s...it’s a dragon.” Carter stammered trembling. Eliot stepped back putting his hands up.

Loki stormed over pulling the blanket off the lizard. Luckily it didn’t appear to faze the poor little thing. Loki looked at it with stern eyes. “Where did you get this?” Loki pointed to the baby lizard.

“I found it, and I’m going to keep it,” I said pulling the blanket back over it.

“Oh no, you’re not. Take it back to where ever you found it. My house, my rules.” Loki ordered as he tried to take the lizard from me.

I leaned over covering the baby with my body. “No! It’s mine, it needs me!” I argued sternly.

“That thing is dangerous. Demons keep away from them. You’d be wise to do the same. They are nothing but trouble, that thing you are protecting will end up killing you!” Loki’s voice full of anger. “It’s a baby now, but when it grows up, that’s when it will turn on you and eat you in one bite,” Eliot warned.

“I don’t care” I looked at the little baby lizard, well, dragon “Astreal is not like the others. I know it; I can feel it.” It is small and all it needs is love and someone to care. I can give it all that.

“You named it?” Loki gasped surprised “I have only been gone a few hours and you already bring a baby dragon in my home and get attached to it, in that short of time!”

I got up and walked over to my desk. Carrying Astreal in one hand I handed Loki my Father’s letter. Loki read it slowly. “Fine, keep it. When it tries to eat you for dinner, don’t come crying to me.” Loki stormed out of the room.

I looked at Eliot “Eliot can you look at Astreal’s wound? It’s deep, it might need stitches.”

He shook his head at me “Sorry, Princess, but I don’t work on dragons. However, I will go see what books I can find on them for you. Maybe you will find something helpful.” Eliot left the room quickly with Carter hot on his tale. Eliot brought back a few old leather-bound books. I read them as fast as my eyes would allow me.

I learned that dragons eat plants mostly. On occasion, they would eat fine meat like chickens and some fish. All dragons mature at different rates, and they are loyal to one partner for their entire life. If a human, Angel, or demon were to befriend them, it is said that a dragon will protect its chosen rider at all costs. Most riders have a connection with their dragon and can communicate with ease, no matter where each of them is. Most dragons have a familiar forum like a cat, a dog, a fox; something to that nature. It is rare that a dragon is born without this other forum.

The ones that don’t, are of royal blood; the bloodline leading the original dragon. These dragons will never have another forum other than the dragon. These dragons are referred to as the ‘Obsidian Dragons.’ Very powerful and very intelligent. Some dragons will even follow their partner or rider in death. Dragons are known for being hostile and just as careless, often causing the death of their partner and or rider. Many have decided against being around dragons for this reason alone. It has been over 200 years since the last Obsidian Dragon lived. It is widely thought that the Obsidian Dragons are extinct. I looked at Astreal, sleeping next to me so peacefully. I could not imagine this beautiful creature harming anyone.

Astreal woke up just before Hidi called me for dinner. I unwrapped him from the blanket. After a bit, Astreal stood on his own. I smiled like a happy mother. This was just amazing. Taking a few steps then running all over the bed. I had read that if you look at their scales on their back you can tell the sex. Sharp pointy scales it’s a male, and rounded scales are female.

Astreal came over and rubbed on my leg. “So you’re a boy, I was right; Astreal is a fitting name” I whispered to him. He tried to chew off the bandages. I laughed at him and slowly reached down to remove the bandages that he found constricting. Astreal sat calmly as I freed him. Once I pulled off the last strip of cloth he instantly goes up and started running around again. His leg fully healed. I watched him with a smile of amazement.

“Miss, it’s time to eat.” Hidi came to retrieve me for dinner.

“Ok” I looked at Astreal. “Stay here and be good. I will bring back some food for you.” Astreal stopped running, he looked at me and then sat down waiting. I had read that they were intelligent, but this was a whole new level. I shut my door and locked it. “Hidi can you bring in some water for Astreal?” I asked as we walked down the hall. Hidi nodded.

It has been two weeks since the day I found Astreal. He has not grown much. I have been eagerly awaiting his teen years but at the same time, I have thoroughly enjoyed having him so small. I sat in the window seat in the library with Astreal sleeping on my lap as I did my homework. Astreal rarely left my side, he followed me everywhere just about. Loki made exceptions, of course, Astreal is not allowed in the Kitchen, Dining Hall, Ballroom, Loki’s Room, and guest rooms. I found that his requests were quite reasonable, thus far.

“Do you have to bring that thing in here?” Loki asked annoyed from behind his desk. “Astreal, he has a name. And he loves sitting with me as I read and do my homework.” I defended Astreal. Astreal looked up at Loki with sleepy eyes.

“Come on Loki, it’s better than him running around chewing on everything,” Eliot said annoyed. Eliot is only upset after finding out that Astreal chewed on his cane in the hall. It was made from a red oak, which just so happens to be dragons’ favorite tree to chew on.

“You two should be ashamed of yourselves, picking on a cute thing like Astreal. He makes Rori happy, is that not enough?” Hyland said as she brought over a clover for Astreal to snack on. “Here you go, little guy.”

“Is he really that cute, Hyland?” Carter asked. Hyland nodded as she walked back to sit on Loki’s desk.

“Hyland, I thought you were leaving?” Loki suggested as he tried harder to be distracted.

“Oh Loki, don’t pretend that you didn’t miss me,” Hyland said patting Loki’s head.

Loki caught her wrist and placed it on her lap. “What gives you the impression that I’m pretending?”

I shut my Physics book and, looking out the window I spotted something odd. It looked like something was in the greenhouse. I felt Astreal shaking in my lap. When I looked down I noticed that he too has seen the figure in the greenhouse. He was not shaking like he was scared, it was more like he was trying to growl. I nodded at him and he jumped off my lap and darted out the door. I followed right behind him. I grabbed my cloak as I opened the door to the garden. Astreal beat me to the greenhouse and he stood there waiting for me to catch up. For a small guy, he sure can run fast. We both stood just outside the door waiting for the figure to leave. It walked around the greenhouse without noticing our presence. As the door opened Astreal grew and blew fire at it.

“What the….”

Oh no, “Father?” I asked.

“Rori, what is the meaning of this?” Father scolded me. When he looked down at Astreal he stumbled back.

“Astreal, it’s ok. Calm down.” I called to him. Astreal didn’t take his eyes off Father. “I heard rumors, never in a million years would I have thought you would have been chosen” Father spoke aloud.

“Are you ok, your Majesty?” Loki asked as he walked to Father’s side. Father nodded. “That’s it, Rori that thing has to go. He nearly maimed your Father.” Loki ordered.

Astreal leaped into my arms and started to cry. “What? He was just protecting me from an unknown figure.” I defended Astreal, I was not about to let Loki make me get rid of him.

“Calm down Loki, you can’t separate them even if you wanted to. Do you realize what that little thing is?” Father asked pointing to Astreal.

“It’s a nuisance, nothing but trouble.” Loki glared at us.

“No, Loki I don’t think you realize what has happened. Rori, what is its name?” Father asked as he gestured to us.

“Astreal, I named him Astreal.” I petted Astreal to calm his spirit. Loki looked at us in wonder and suspicion.

“Loki, you of all people should recognize an Obsidian Dragon when you see one,” Father said with a smile. “And this Obsidian Dragon has chosen my Rori to be his rider. How wonderful.” Father clapped with a large smile.

Loki rarely looked me in the eye for the rest of the day. All the while Father kept talking about Astreal, I started to get the feeling that this was not a good thing. Father was overly excited about Astreal and my friendship. Everyone else kept quiet and treading carefully when talking about it. Most of all, Astreal was not taken by Father. Astreal had never shown any aggression to anyone until he showed up. Something that I had read in one of the books on dragons said that they are quite a good judge of character.

Should I trust his opinion of Father or should I trust what I already know of Father? After an evening of non-stop talking Father finally left. “Oh. My reason for coming. Here. They are invitations to a ball I will be held on March 20th...in 16 weeks. It is a formal Ball of sorts; so be punctual. I will be back for Rori’s birthday as well. Take care.” Father waved and was off.

Astreal collapsed after Father left. “Astreal!” I said panicked. I gently shook him to try and wake him up.

“Astreal is fine Rori, he just passed out from exhaustion. He was on high alert for so long and he is still quite young.” Loki explained. I looked up and saw everyone appeared to be in low spirits.

“What’s with the long faces?” I asked.

“Rori go put Astreal to bed. Then come back for dinner.” Loki ordered.

He was right; if Astreal was exhausted then he needed his rest. I took Astreal up to my room and laid him in his bed. Owen bought a bed that looked just like mine for Astreal. As long as he doesn’t get bigger than a Lab dog, he will always have his bed. It was so nice of him. Hyland, Owen and I are the only ones that liked Astreal. After tucking him in, I walked back down to the Library.

“Loki, what are we going to do?” Hyland asked worriedly.

“I have seen that look before; he wants to use the Obsidian Dragon to his liking, right?” Carter asked, his voice seeming sad.

“He can’t exactly do that. He came here to warn us to keep a lookout, but now that the Obsidian has chosen a rider he has no control over it.” Eliot said.

“Astreal is the first Obsidian Dragon in over two hundred years and his powers are unmeasured. Having an Obsidian under the King’s control would make him omnipotent. But, Rori has been chosen by Astreal. I don’t see the King having control over anything that girl does. She’s too much like her mother. She will never allow anyone to tell her what to do or anyone to have control over her.” Loki said sternly.

“If you’re so sure about that, Loki, then why have you looked so worried from the moment the King hinted at that? You knew Astreal was an Obsidian didn’t you.” Hyland asked.

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