
Chapter 37

Harlow's POV

As we walked out of the hospital Dean, Hendrix and Cameron were waiting for us. "What the fuck is going on? Where the fuck have you been Harlow?" Hendrix bit out. I hid myself behind Leo placing a protective hand on my stomach. "Back off Hendrix" Kody bit back. "Don't tell me what to do. My sister disappears for a fucken week and is pregnant with Dean's baby and you tell me to back off? Do you know the target she would have on her back if this got out?" Hendrix fumed.

Leo and Toby were moving me away from them all and I was thankful because I didn't want to be there with them. Dean was watching what was happening between Kody and Hendrix and didn't seem to notice us moving. "Hendrix I'm telling you, back the fuck off. She has just had a scare and is bleeding don't fucken do this now" he seethed. I didn't want them knowing anything at all. This was my business not any one else's. with that everyone seemed to snap there eyes towards me.

I was next to Toby's car by now and just needed to get in and get away from them all. "Harlow" Dean called but I heard the car unlock. "Harlow please hear me out. I'm so sorry" Dean called. I heard all I needed I threw the door open getting into the car and slammed it shut. Toby and Leo got in as well taking off quickly. "No need to take your anger out on my car Harl's" Toby said. I wasn't in the mood for jokes at all. I glared at Toby and he put one of his hands up "ok sorry not the time for jokes" he replied.

I was so angry, angry at him for hurting me, angry at Dean for cheating on me, angry at my brothers for cheering him on and not sticking up for me and angry at Kody for blurting out my business to the people I hated the most.

"Hey Harl's, let's get a motel room, you and me so they can't find you and then tomorrow I'll take you to the clinic yeah?" Leo asked me. I just nodded my head and Leo started looking on his phone for a place to stay. "I'm coming too. I'm not letting Harlow out of my sight" Toby said. I rolled my eyes, I wasn't 10 anymore. Him following me around wasn't going to work. "Harlow I'm not losing you now. I will be there whether you like it or not. You can't get rid of me that easily" Toby replied.

"I got somewhere close to the hospital. Pull over and I'll drive us there" Leo said. "Just tell me the address and I'll take us. I'll call mum and explain what's happening later" Toby replied. Leo gave him the address and we headed over. It wasn't anything special a room with two beds in it and nothing else. Toby called Sue and she agreed it was best because everyone was at there place waiting for me to turn up. She told Toby that after the appointment tomorrow I would be expected at her place so she could check on me herself. He agreed then hung up. We ordered food which I just picked at before we got into bed. I knew I wouldn't be sleeping tonight, I was worried about what would happen tomorrow.

The next morning I was up at 6am, the clinic opened at 7 and I wanted to be there. I had a shower and got myself ready while Leo and Toby slept. I wasn't going to wake them, I needed to do this by myself. I quietly got everything organised and headed towards the door. I was going to walk to the hospital. "Harlow wait for me. You aren't going alone at all" Toby said. I rolled my eyes and continued to the door. "Harlow seriously wait up" Toby said. "It's fine I'm doing this alone" I replied. Leo grabbed hold of me, "you aren't doing this alone. We got you, ok" Leo said. He sat me on the bed while he and Toby got ready and then we drove over to the hospital.

We headed into the clinic and I was the 9th person there. We took our seat and filled out the forms before waiting to be called. About 45 minutes later I was called into the office. "Hi I'm Michelle, I'm one of the midwives here" the woman introduced herself. "This is James he is a trainee and we were wondering if he could shadow you today while we look at what has caused your bleeding" Michelle asked. I nodded and then she got to work. "Your HCG level which are your pregnancy hormones are in the high end of the normal range for 8-9 weeks which is good. Now what were you doing when the blood started?" She asked. I explained everything which she noted down before sending me for a proper ultrasound.

We were called into the room to have a proper ultrasound. The woman explained what was going to happen with her first doing an external ultrasound then she would move onto a internal one to get a clearer picture. I lifted my shirt and she squirted the gel on my stomach. She explained things as she went and let us hear the babies heartbeat. That was my smudge on the screen and I was mesmerised by it all. She moved the wand around to the other side and there was another little circle like thing. I asked what it was but she told me the doctor would discuss it with me. She then sent me to empty my bladder half way and change into a gown to prep for the internal ultrasound. James was in the room as well as Leo and Toby. I walked back to the bed and the tech placed a blanket over my lap. She explained what she was going to do before taking the internal wand and putting a condom and lube on it. She inserted the wand which was a little uncomfortable but have a better view of smudge.

Once she was finished she asked if I wanted the pictures which I did then she sent us back to speak with Michelle. We waited close to an hour before we were called back into the room. Michelle, James and another woman were waiting for us. I sat down in the chair waiting to hear what had caused the bleeding. "Well Harlow, this is a tricky one. Your little one is measuring perfect for 9 weeks gestation and has a strong steady heart beat. However you also have another foetus which didn't survive. I'm so very sorry. This is known as vanishing twin syndrome" Michelle stated. "Oh. Will the other baby be ok?" I asked.

"At this stage everything looks fine, you have a slightly higher chance of losing the surviving twin as your body expels the one that didn't survive. We will do some extra scans to monitor you. Again I'm so very sorry. If you like we can arrange for you to speak to a social worker" Michelle said. I shook my head no. I didn't know how to feel. I was still pregnant but I had also lost a baby. I didn't know if I could be sad because I was technically still pregnant. "We recommend you get another scan at 12 weeks to check how things are progressing" Michelle said. I thanked Michelle and left feeling numb.

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