
Chapter 35

Toby's POV

It's bad, like really bad. Harlow hasn't spoken to anyone in three days. She barely gets out of the tent except to go to the bathroom or shower. She sleeps through the day and when I get in the tent at night she gets out. She won't be around me at all and that fucken hurts the most. She barely eats a thing and when I try to talk to her she just walks away. I know I fucked up badly and this is my fault but I don't know how to fix it when she won't let me near her.

We are suppose to be heading home today but there is no way I can take her back like this. She won't let me touch her and she won't let anyone get near her. Callum is even worried about her. I got the three of them to watch her while I headed to town to call my parents and let them know what was happening. I think it was best to stay a few more days so I was going to get some more food for us. Maybe if it was just me and Harlow she would open up to me. She had been like this when she realised her family wasn't coming back and it had taken me a almost a year to pull her out of it. She hadn't been that bad since because I had always been there for her to catch her before she fell. This time she fell and no one saw her to catch her.

I got into town early and phone my mum explaining to her what was happening. She told me she and dad would be heading our way in two days to help pull Harlow out of this. Harlow had decisions to make and she needed to make them soon otherwise she wouldn't have a choice. She told me that she was going to let Leo and Kody know as well. She hadn't spoke to anyone else and wouldn't until Harlow was ok. When I hung up and headed to the supermarket to grab some more supplies including ice and snacks which Harlow would like.

As I was heading back to my car my mum rang to let me know that Kody, Mac and Leo were going to come with her and dad and would bring more supplies. I didn't know if it was a good idea but something needed to happen to help Harlow because I didn't know if our friendship was strong enough anymore to pull her out of this like I do had before. I was part of the problem, part of the people who let her down the day she fell. She needed someone and I don't think that person was me anymore.

I headed back to camp only to find Harlow still in the tent. The other three had packed up there stuff and were heading back today. "Man, I don't know what happened to her, but she isn't the Harlow we knew. I haven't seen Harlow like this ever. I tried to talk to her but all she said is anyone she got close to always let her down and hurt her. She said she won't let anyone in again and swore to me that I should do the same. Man she is hurting and she is hurting bad. What the fuck happened between you two? I said to her you had her back and she shook her head saying I'm a burden to him. He is better without me around. He only feels sorry for me" Callum said. "Yeh man, I fucked up big time. She is like this partly because of me" I replied. I had told Harlow she was the problem and was always a burden even when she was younger. I told her I only felt sorry for her so tried to help. But I was angry with her about calling me out for going for a quick fuck. I was angry at myself for not being able to tell Harlow how I felt about her and now I think I had lost her good. I wouldn't blame her for never speaking to me again.

Hendrix's POV

It's been a fucken week since we have seen Harlow. Sue and Steve refuse to speak to any of us at all. Kody, Mac and Leo have taken off somewhere and wouldn't tell us where at all. Dean was going mental, he was worried because if anyone found out Harlow was actually carry his child she would become a target. She could be used to harm both of the clubs at this point. He didn't know how he would fix things with Harlow and was worried she would get rid of his baby.

We all had to apologise to Harlow for what we had done and were just hoping she would listen and believe when we told her what had happened. We were all at the club trying to get Dustin to hack into one of the boys phones to see where they were to try and find Harlow. There phones were apparently out of range. "We aren't going to find them without them wanting to be found. Leo will hide there location" Cameron said. "I don't give a fuck keep trying. Go after Mac's phone. I need to know my fucken sister is safe" I screamed out.

"You mean the sister you keep hurting?" Andy asked. He was pissed with me and Dean for what we had done. He had tried to find Harlow the night she took off from Dean's club along with a few of Dean's guys but had no luck. They were pissed off with what went down especially seeing Harlow was carrying the next air to Dean's club. "Don't fucken start with me Andy" I bit out. "Someone has to man. You keep hurting her like you are and you will never see her again. She is 16 now, in two years she is gone. You think you can keep treating her like your mum did?" He bit back. If this was anyone else I would fuck him up. I knew he was right but she needed to know her place and now she was pregnant her place was with Dean and to join the two clubs whether she liked it or not.

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