HANS: Alliance Series Book Four

HANS: Chapter 99

Cassandra glances down at the syringes, then back up to me. “Would that mean you can always find me?”

I nod as I search her eyes. “Will you let me?”

The thought of us being separated and not being able to find her has been clawing at my insides since the very first day we met. When I’d be out of town for hits, I would have nightmares about going home and her being gone. Missing. And ever since I stormed across the street with that book in my hand and got to touch her, got to put my mouth on her, that clawing sensation has turned into razors on my soul. And now that I’ve had her, now that I’ve made her mine, I know I wouldn’t survive losing her.

I wouldn’t be able to do what I did before.

Because no amount of death and destruction could soothe the loss of her.

“Okay,” Cassandra says quietly.

“Okay?” I ask.

She bites her lip but nods. “I want you to be able to find me.”

I exhale in relief and reach for her, running my hands up and down her thighs, feeling her warmth. The proof she’s alive and with me.

Cassandra blinks at me with her big, beautiful eyes. “I don’t know how you found me in Mexico, but if you hadn’t⁠—”

“You were never out of my sight,” I tell her, not letting her finish that sentence. Because I was there, and we never have to think about what could have happened. Not ever.

“I don’t think I ever thanked you for that.”

I grab her hand and pull it to my mouth, kissing the back of it. “You don’t ever have to thank me.”

She swallows, then looks back down at the case. “Will it hurt?”

I kiss her hand again, then reach over and flip the lid closed.

She doesn’t need to see the needle. The gauge is large, in order to fit the slender pill-shaped tracker, and I hate the answer I have to give her. “A little. But I’ll use the small syringe to numb the area first. That will be the worst part.”

She nods again and puffs out her cheeks as she blows out a breath.

I was worried she’d say no. Most reasonable people would. And I wasn’t sure how I was going to handle that. But my girl has proven herself to be not so reasonable. And I’m grateful for it. Because I actually do know how I would have handled it. I would have badgered her until she let me. There is no other option.

I place my hands on her thighs, needing the feel of her skin under my palms. “There’s a couple of places I can implant it. Usually, it goes in the back of the neck, the inner arm, or the upper thigh. It might be a bit sore afterward, but only for a day or so.”

Cassandra lifts her right hand and touches the inside of her left bicep. “This is where the doctor put my birth control implant. Can you do it there? I remember it not hurting too much after.”

I nod and lift my hand to brush over the skin where she’s touching. I can feel the tiny piece of plastic under her skin, and it makes me wish I could put the tracker right under the surface, where I could see it any time I looked at her. “It will need to be deep enough that no one can easily feel it.” I brush my thumb over the spot again. “And I’ll need the tracker to be far enough away from this spot so your doctor”—who better be female—“won’t notice it when she’s replacing this one.” I don’t know how often that is, but I know it’ll need to be changed out eventually.

She sets her hand over mine, where it’s still gently holding her upper arm. “It’s good for another year and a half, but…” Cassandra bites her lip. “What if…”

My chest starts to tighten. “What if what, Butterfly?”

“What if I didn’t get it replaced?” she whispers.

That tightness squeezes even more. “What would you do instead?”

Her chest rises and falls. “Have your baby.”

The binds around my heart snap, and the clenching muscle expands painfully.

Have my baby.

I reach for her face.

“You would do that?” My voice is choked.

She nods her head jerkily. “I want to.”

My throat burns, and that spot between my eyes aches with pressure. “Wh-why?”

She reaches up and holds my face the same way I’m holding hers. The same way she did downstairs to calm me.

“Because I never realized how much I wanted to make a family until I met you,” she whispers. “Because I love you, Hans. And because I’m pretty sure you love me too.” She changes my life.

Because I love you.

Heat streams from my eyes. And I try to tell her that I do. That I love her with all my being. But only a strangled sound comes out before I crush my mouth to hers.

This woman.

This strong as hell Butterfly.

She is the reason I fought for so long.

She is the reason I didn’t give up.

The reason I didn’t lie down and die next to the rest of my family.

She has given me life.

Cassandra pulls me closer, tugging at my shoulders and my sides. Her fingertips dig into my bare skin, promising me this is real. That she’s really real.

I roll us so she’s on her back.

She wraps her legs around my waist and presses her heels into my lower back.

“I love you, Hans. My big, perfect Grizzly Bear.”

I seal my lips to hers and swipe my tongue into her mouth, trying to taste the words as she says them.

Her hips rock up into mine, and I’m not close enough anymore.

I pull away and slide off the mattress so I can stand at the foot of the bed. Then I grip her sleep shorts.

Cassandra lifts her hips, helping me as I pull them off and toss them to the ground, leaving her bare.

My woman.

I grip her hips and drag her so her ass just hangs off the end of the bed.

My ribs feel like they’re trying to press out through my skin. Like my heart has grown too big for my body.

I shove her thighs apart and see the shine of her arousal.

I push my sweatpants down and free my throbbing cock.

Cassandra lifts her knees, exposing even more of herself to me. “I need you to practice,” she pants. “Practice putting a baby in me.”


With one hand, I press down on her stomach. The skin there is so soft, so incredibly wonderful to touch. I can’t wait until it’s swollen large. With my child.

I grip the base of my dick with my other hand and line my tip up with her entrance.

I have to blink to clear my vision, but I watch Cassandra’s pretty face as I push inside her.

Her lips part and her back arches. And I keep pressing forward.

I keep pressing forward as her muscles tighten around me.

I keep pressing forward until my hips are flush against her and I can’t push any deeper.

From here, standing above her with my dick all the way inside her hot pussy, I can see everything.

I can see her stretched around me. I can see her nipples straining against her thin shirt. I can see the flush across her chest. I can see the tears in her eyes.

And I can finally breathe.

I grip her hips and hold her on my length as I lean over her. “I’m going to fill you so full, every single night, that you’ll be leaking my cum for the rest of your life.”

She moans, and her pussy flutters around me.

I release her hips and grab her left arm, holding it straight out against the bed.

I rock my hips and reach for the case.

“I’ll always be with you.”

I take a tiny packet out and rip it open with my teeth, then smooth the damp wipe over her skin, sanitizing the area.

“You’ll never be rid of me.”

I withdraw the small syringe and bite the cap off.

“You’ll never be lost from me.”

I lean over Cassandra and push the needle into her skin.

“I’ll always take care of you.”

I depress the plunger, and her body tenses around me.

I know this part hurts. And the sting of the anesthesia is more pain than I ever want to cause her.

“Shh,” I soothe her as I pull the needle free and set it back in the case.

She arches, but I hold her arm in place and gently rub my thumb over the injection site.

“I’ll give you as many babies as you want.” I slide out just an inch, then slam back in. “As many as you can fucking handle.”

“Hans.” She reaches for me with her free hand and digs her fingers into my shoulder.

I keep her arm pinned but work my hips, sliding my dick in and out.

“It’s Daddy, now,” I groan. “When we’re working to fill this belly, you’re gonna call me Daddy.”

Her body trembles. “Please, Daddy.”

With my free hand, I tug down the top of her tank top, freeing her tits. And I shove my hips forward with more force and watch them bounce.

I close my fingers around one and wonder what she’ll look like with these swollen too. I wonder if she’ll let me suck on them, taste their sweetness.

My balls squeeze, and I decide that she will.

“You’ll let me drink my fill of these, won’t you, Little Girl?” I pinch her nipple and tug on it gently.

Cassandra nods and grips her other breast.

I pound into her harder. “You’ll let me do whatever I want to this sweet little body.”

“Yes. Anything you want.” She pulls at her other nipple.

Her pussy is gripping me with every thrust.

“Because you know I need to own you,” I grit.

She lets go of her tit and slides her hand down her stomach until she’s rubbing her fingers against her slick clit.

“Because you know I need to consume every bit of you.” I shove myself deep inside her.

I tug her nipple one last time, then let go and pick up the big syringe.

I line the large needle up with her arm.

“You’re going to hold still, Butterfly.” I rock my hips once. “You’re going to make yourself come on my cock, right now, but you’re going to hold still. Because you’re a good girl. Because I need to do this. And because I love you too.” I press the needle into Cassandra’s flesh and inject her with the tracker.

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