HANS: Alliance Series Book Four

HANS: Chapter 98

With my hair twisted into two wet braids, I exit the en suite bathroom.

Hans is sitting on the foot of the bed we’re sharing for the night, wearing sweatpants and nothing else.

I don’t even have to think about it; I smile when I see him. He’s just so handsome.

I’m in my usual pajamas of skimpy shorts and a loose tank top, but Hans drinks me in like I put an evening gown on after my shower.

This place is opulent enough that the idea isn’t even that crazy. This guest room is bigger than the apartment I lived in for most of my adult life.

Hans pats the bed next to him.

The bed is taller than I’m used to, so I have to climb onto it, then I shift so I’m facing Hans with one knee bent on the mattress and one leg hanging off the end of the bed.

“How do they live like this?” I ask.

“They have lots of money.”

I snort at Hans’s reply. “That’s obvious. I mean…” I wave a hand around. “It sounds like you’ve basically been living in secret, but these guys are just… living.” I purse my lips. “I’m not wording this right.”

Hans adjusts his position so he’s mimicking my pose, our knees touching on the mattress. “I get what you mean.” He takes my hands in his, rubbing his thumbs against my shower-warmed skin. “Short answer, they have each other for protection. And along with all the men who work for The Alliance, Nero has a security company that has even more manpower. I could hire people to watch my back, I have the money, but I don’t have the trust.”

“What about Karmine? You said she had a bunch of people working for her.”

Hans tips his head from side to side. “It’s a little complicated with that group. Karmine is in charge because she started it all. But they’re all partners. They’re all doing what they do because they want to be there. They hire out for little jobs as a way to stay busy and make some extra cash.” He squeezes my hands. “I actually have two of Karmine’s watchers at your parents’ place.”

“My parents?” I question, then my eyes widen. “Oh man.” I wince. “They really liked you after that dinner, but you’re probably going to need to do some groveling when they find out what happened to my house.”

Hans smirks. “It was a gas leak, remember?”

I roll my eyes, then sober. “Do you really think someone will go after my parents?”

“I don’t.” He continues to rub circles on the backs of my hands with his thumbs. “This is just a precaution. And when I told Karmine it was for you, she gave me a discount.”

“Well, in that case.” I heave out a breath. “I’m happy to delay telling them the truth, but my mom calls almost every day, and I haven’t had my phone since I left it somewhere in my house after I”—I lift my hand and drag my thumb across my throat—“that guy.”

Hans shakes his head and lets go of my other hand to reach into the backpack sitting behind him on the bed.

He pulls out a phone, then a little black case that’s about six inches long with a zipper running around three sides.

He hands the phone to me first. “There might be a few photos missing, but it’s synced up with your last backup. Same number too.”

My jaw drops. “Seriously?”

Hans nods.

I grin at him. “It’s kinda handy having a stalker.”

“Brat,” Hans says without heat. Then he looks down at the case in his hands.

“What’s in there?” I ask, getting nervous the longer he waits.

He slowly unzips it, then opens the case.

I press my lips together at the site of two syringes. One small, one huge.

“What are those for?” I’m not sure I really want to know.

Hans holds my gaze. “I would like to put a tracker in you.”

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