Hale: A Single Dad Sports Romance (Hale Brothers)

Hale: Chapter 9

“So, Piper, how’s life?” Bo asks, taking a swig of his beer. I shrug and take a sip of my drink as well. I came outside to enjoy the quiet of his beach house, to listen to a sound I’ll always love: waves. “Is it so bad you don’t want to talk about it? Or is it so good you don’t think we ordinary people deserve to hear about it?”

“Oh, screw you, Bo,” I mutter, hitting him on his forearm. “I just…I don’t know what to tell you. Everything’s fine.”

His dark brown eyes are focused on me, and a faint smile crosses his lips. “Why were you so afraid to tell me you were going to work for Hade’s brother?”

“Afraid to tell you?”

“Remember, we talked at the beach, and you said you didn’t want to jinx⁠—”

“Oh, that wasn’t the job I was talking about. I meant a job working for Mr. Russell. At the coffee⁠—”

“No fucking way,” Bo yelps, startling me. “Didn’t Hade tell you what happened with that dude? He was harassing a girl from our college who worked for him.”

“No, I didn’t know. Hayden didn’t mention it until I said I was going to work for him,” I say pointedly, taking another sip of my drink.

“Did you meet him?” Bo bends to get a better look at my face.

“Just during my interview. He seemed fine.” I look away, fixing my gaze on the waves as they reach the shore. Back and forth, back and forth. The motion is so simple, and yet it has the power to calm my nerves and make me feel at home.

“You should’ve left right away.” Bo grabs my hand and makes me look at him. “Something is wrong with that dude.”

I pull my hand out of his grip, and my brows pinch together in annoyance. “Well, eventually Hayden showed up with Story and suggested I work for his brother. I haven’t seen Mr. Russell since.”

Standing up from the porch, I shake the sand off my dress. I hate when people treat me like I’m some damsel in distress. I’m fully capable of standing up for myself, and I appreciate when people treat me accordingly. Even Hunter being an asshole doesn’t affect me much since I can always return the favor. I know my worth.

“Piper, I-I didn’t mean⁠—”

“Please stop.” I stomp back inside the house, thankful for the blaring music that fills the whole space. No one is paying any attention to me as I head down the hallway. I need a minute to myself before I go back to my friends.

I walk into the bathroom and close the door, leaning my back against it. Why am I so snappy? Especially with Bo? I know he likes me, and he’s always ready to support me in any way he can. His overprotectiveness isn’t new, and usually it doesn’t bother me. Usually, but not now. Why?

Pushing myself off the door, I breeze to the sink. I brace both palms on the vanity and stare at myself in the mirror. My dilated pupils are the best evidence of my not-so-sober state. That was the plan, right? To let loose a little? To relax with my friends? Yes, but the reality is very different. I don’t want to be here.

At first, everything was fine. I was happy to see my friends, hang out with Hayden, and forget about my responsibilities. My mood was light and playful until Sean said something about college. Hearing my friends talk about their classes, about professors and classmates, sounded foreign to my ears. I instantly felt out of place, like an outcast. They didn’t even notice when I snuck away because I was tired of listening to their plans for next semester. I was outside for twenty minutes before Bo found me sitting on the porch.

My days off are all over the place, so there’s a chance I won’t see my friends once school starts. I feel sad about it, about the situation I got myself into. If only I wasn’t so stubborn, I wouldn’t be alone in the bathroom, whining to myself about how miserable I am. I’d be in the living room with everyone else, drinking, dancing, and laughing. Thinking about the parties I’m going to attend, all the boys I’m going to go out with, and my grades. I could’ve had all that, but instead I’m alone, and I just want to be at home. Or with Story…

A smile forms on my lips the second I think about Hayden’s niece. She’s my personal ray of sunshine these days, making me love every minute of our time together. Everything in her is genuine and pure, so I’m drawn to her. She’s like my sister, and I can’t wait to introduce her to Riley. Hopefully her father won’t change his mind. He does that all the time.

I turn on the faucet and splash some water on my face. Irritation swirls inside my chest. One fleeting thought about Hunter Hale, and I’m ready to scratch his eyes out. At least that would save me from feeling his gaze on my body.

God, I’m hopeless.

Leaning against the countertop, I fold my arms over my chest. Hunter is the most complicated man I’ve ever met, and, considering who my mom is, that’s really saying something. Her collection of men usually consists of guys who proudly fly their red flags in her face, and she continues to ignore them until it’s too late. My boss isn’t that horrible, but his behavior is shaped by his experiences. He expects only bad things from others, doesn’t give them a chance to explain themselves. Good thing I can sass him back and shut him down with ease.

The bad thing? It turns me on.

I freeze. My breath hitches in my throat. Did I just acknowledge the fact that arguing with Hayden’s brother makes me not only angry, but also horny? I lick my lips, shifting a little and spreading my legs apart. I haven’t had sex in four months. The last time I touched myself was more than a month ago, and right now it’s the only thing I want to do.

Slowly, I press my palm to my chest and glide it over my breasts, feeling the hard points of my nipples. I slide my palm down until it reaches the hem of my dress. My vision is blurry, and my heartbeat pummels my chest, going up into my ears and echoing in my head.

Moving my hand lower, under the hem of my dress, I slip two fingers beneath my panties. Oh God, I’m so wet already…for someone who isn’t even here. For someone who’s been playing hot and cold with me for two weeks, making me irritated when he picks fights with me and lets me off the hook after I talk back. For someone I work for. For someone who’s my best friend’s brother. I’m dripping just thinking about Hunter Hale.

I press my fingers to my aching clit and slowly start to rub it between my fingers. The friction does wonders to my body, sending my mind into overdrive. Massaging my spot, I sigh loudly as my head lols back, and pleasure ripples through my veins as my orgasm builds in my lower abdomen. Hunter’s image pops into my head, and it feels like he’s watching me. His dark green eyes are fixated on me. Both of his hands are hidden in his pockets, and his posture is tense. He’s shirtless, wearing only shorts. A sexy-as-fuck motherfucker.

My movements become more frantic and more hurried. I rotate my hips, meeting my fingers as I slowly push them inside me. Oh my fucking God. I need to come, viciously. It’s the only thing on my mind, and I’m drowning. One more second, one more, and I’m going to explode. I moan, and it echoes through the bathroom, bouncing off the tile and coming back to me. Floating on cloud nine, I feel my insides squeeze and contract around my fingers. My legs are shaking, and it takes a good five minutes to get myself back on track.

After washing my hands, I quickly dry them with a towel and step out of the bathroom—instantly regretting it. Bo is there, and the smug smile on his face says it all. He heard everything.

“How did you like my bathroom?”

“It’s beautiful.” Beautiful? Piper, you’re a dumbass.

“The acoustics in there…damn.” He licks his lips, steps closer, and wraps his arms around my waist. “Never in my life have I wanted to break down a door as much as I did tonight. Why didn’t you ask me to join?”

“Bo, we’ve been there, and you know the promise I made.”

“Hayden doesn’t need to know.” He tips his head, his eyes zeroing in on my mouth. I’m still riding the waves of my orgasm, barely thinking straight. I put my hand on the back of his neck and pull him into me for a kiss.

It’s hard and fast, but something is missing. Feelings are missing. There’s no passion, no eagerness. I don’t feel anything, and it scares me. I gave myself an orgasm thinking about one man. And now, when a very real guy is kissing me, I feel numb.

I gasp for air, and Bo’s mouth moves down my cheek and to my throat. He licks my skin and suddenly sucks hard, leaving a hickey on my neck. It snaps me out of my daze, and I stumble back.

Bo opens his eyes. “Piper?”

“I hate hickeys, Bo.” I press my palm to my neck. “You know that.”

“Shit, Piper, I’m sorry.” He runs his fingers through his hair, flashing me a smile. “I’m just so into you, it was hard to stop myself.”

I hate myself. Period. “Um, thanks…I just…I don’t think I can do this.”

“What? Why?” He takes a step forward, and I instantly take a step back. I want him to keep his distance. What remains of Pip needs a bit more recovery time than just a quiet moment.

“It’s for the best,” I mutter, ambling to the living room.

When I spot Hade, I go straight to him. He’s sitting on the couch, talking to Decker and Nelly, when I plop down beside him. My best friend drapes an arm over my shoulder, pressing me to his side. I cuddle closer; my cheeks and neck feel hot. I just had an orgasm thinking about his brother. And a few minutes later, I let his friend kiss me. I’m pathetic.

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