Hale: A Single Dad Sports Romance (Hale Brothers)

Hale: Chapter 8

I park the car near Hale’s house and sit for a few minutes without moving. Everything is going well. Story and I are getting along amazingly. In just two weeks, I’ve set up a routine for myself, enjoying every second with her. Until her dad gets home, that is.

Hunter Hale…fuck, he frustrates me to no end. He’s an incredible father, I can give him that. A very talented soccer player, a legend who made a name for himself in Europe, which isn’t easy coming from our side of the world. But as a human being? He sucks. The way he snaps without any hesitation or remorse, the way he only sees the negative and expects the worst. It’s horrible. I feel like I’m walking on eggshells around him, and it’s not what I expected. I couldn’t have imagined working for him would be this unpleasant.

My phone dings, and I take it out of my purse. It’s another message from Hayden, and I have no desire to deal with him. I shove my phone back in my purse and climb out of the Range Rover Evoque, the car Hunter insisted I use. Story’s at school, so I’ll have a few hours to myself after I finish cooking. Tomorrow is my day off, but I want her to have the food she likes. Just like her father, actually. Hunter always compliments my cooking, but it gives me an icky feeling instead of making me feel flattered. I’d rather he not talk to me at all, pretend I don’t exist. It would be a thousand times better.

The first thing I register inside the house is the scent of cinnamon and freshly brewed coffee. Knitting my brows together, I lock the front door and go through the living room to the kitchen. I stop in my tracks, meeting Hayden’s gaze.

“Want some?” My best friend smirks at me, taking a bite of his cinnamon roll.

I blink away my confusion, huffing through my nostrils. His insistence pisses me off, just like his brother’s asshole behavior. They’re cut from the same cloth.

“What are you doing here?” I ask, propping my hip against the kitchen counter.

“Waiting for you.” He shrugs, taking a sip of his coffee. “You haven’t answered my texts.”

“Because I already told you my answer.”

“It’s the wrong one, Pip.”

I roll my eyes and go to wash my hands. I don’t have time for his attempts to guilt-trip me into going to the party tonight. Tomorrow is my day off, and I want to enjoy it peacefully in my sister’s company. Sleeping and being hungover isn’t what I have in mind.

“Pip, summer break is almost over, and I want to let loose a little.”

“Go ahead. You don’t need me to have fun.” I open the fridge. I’ve already marinated the chicken and cut the potatoes, and the oven is preheated, so I just put the pan in and set the timer. It should be delicious, and I have no doubt Story is going to love it. So far, the only time she scrunched her nose at one of my meals was when I made steamed salmon because her dad asked me to. But she ate it anyway, confessing to me later in a conspiratorial whisper that she’d never liked it.

“Pip, I need my best friend there to enjoy the party.”

“That’s something you tell your girlfriends. You’ll be perfectly fine without me,” I mumble and turn around, almost bumping into Hayden, who’s hovering over me with an irritated look on his face.

“Why do you need me, Hade?”

“I want you to have fun. You spent most of the summer at home, nervous about not finding a job. You’ve got a job now. You have nothing to worry about. It’s time for you to at least enjoy the end of summer break.”

He has a point. I barely went out this summer, fussing over things I couldn’t control and being a mood-killer. Is that how I want this summer to end?

“We’re going to Bo’s beach house.” Hayden wiggles his eyebrows, winking at me with a ridiculous grin. “It’ll just be our friends—no outsiders, no groupies.”

It sounds good. Like, really good. “When?”

“I’ll come pick you up around eight.” Hade smiles, visibly happy with himself, while I frown. I was planning to spend the night here and go home in the morning. Do I need to talk to his brother about it? Give him a heads-up? “I can talk to Hunter, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“It has nothing to do with your brother,” I snap, and Hayden’s eyes widen.

“How are things between you two?”

“He’s my boss,” I comment dryly, skirting him and plopping onto a stool.

“I’m aware.” Hayden sits beside me. “Do you want me to talk to him?”

I punch him in his shoulder. “Don’t you dare get involved.”

“What the hell happened? You’ve been in this house for…what? Two weeks, and you already can’t stand him?”

“It’s not like that.”

“Then what is it? Because I was sure everything was going fine.”

“Being Story’s nanny is a blessing. I love spending time with her, helping her with her homework, cooking for her, and playing with her. It’s all good.” I fold my arms across my chest. “Her dad is complicated.”

“How so?”

I open my mouth to say something, but then I think otherwise and shut it. “Hayden, I love you, and I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, but he’s my boss. And I’m not going to speak ill about him, especially in his house. Besides, he hasn’t done anything bad. We’re just too different, and sometimes we don’t understand each other.”

Hade sighs and slings an arm over my shoulder. “If his behavior starts to really bother you, please tell me. I know what an asshole he can be.”

“Thank you.” I cuddle into him, closing my eyes. “Can you come earlier? I’m sure Story would be happy to see you.”

“Totally.” Hade kisses my temple, then leans away and looks around the kitchen. “Maybe I should just stay? What you’re cooking smells delicious.”

“It’s for Story, not you.”

“I don’t believe the whole thing is just for my niece. Do you cook for my brother too?”

“I cook for all of us. I eat here too.” I get up from the stool. “And if you want to stay, call your brother, or at least text him. He won’t be happy to know you barged in again without letting him know.”

“I’ll shoot him a text.” He takes his phone out of his pocket and glances up at me. “What are you going to do?”

“I had plans to take a shower and read.”

“Reading is boring,” Hade whines, sulking. “Will you watch something with me?”

My plans to continue my book are dumped into nothingness. The dude’s like a dog with a bone. He won’t stop until he gets his way. “Okay, fine. Wait for me here. It won’t take long.”

“Take your time, beautiful. No rush.”

“I still have a dish in the oven, Hade.” I give him a pointed look as I edge to the door. “I’ll be quick.”

The last thing I need is to set the whole place on fire. Though with how cold the atmosphere between me and Hunter is, maybe that’s exactly what we need. A little spice to heat things up…but I’m just the nanny. He’s entitled to act however he wants. His trust issues aren’t my problem. I’m better than that.

I close my bedroom door and pad to the living room. Story and Hayden are laughing, and even singing. From the moment I brought Story home and helped her with homework, the house has turned upside down. Hayden’s presence created a warm and funny atmosphere. Oddly enough, Hunter’s return didn’t ruin it. The guy was in a good mood, and I thought it was because of me, because I’m off today and won’t be getting in his way. I won’t be shocked if my guess is right.

I stop in the doorway, watching Hade and Story play Monopoly. Smiling, I step inside and head to the table.

Story looks at me, and her mouth drops open. “You’re so beautiful.”

“Thank you, honey.” I plop down onto the couch beside her. Her gaze roams my face, and she has a fascinated glimmer in her eyes. Abruptly, she switches her attention to my best friend and purses her lips.

“Uncle Hayden, I have no idea why you don’t want to date Piper. She’s stunning.”

Hade blinks, then blinks again, and then he just bursts out laughing. “Kid, Pip is gorgeous, no doubt about that, but she’s my friend. I don’t want to ruin that.”

“But why?”

I bite my bottom lip, trying to cover up my smile. Hayden is perplexed; he doesn’t know what to say. I keep quiet, enjoying watching him squirm. Until I hear Hunter’s voice behind my back.

“You’re asking the wrong question, baby.”

I turn my head and peer at Hunter’s face. He holds my gaze for a second, then focuses on his daughter.

“Why is my question wrong?”

“You’re asking why Hayden doesn’t want to date Piper. But it should be up to Piper to decide if she wants to date your uncle.”

“I’m perfect boyfriend material,” Hade yelps, and this time I can’t help myself. My loud giggles fill the room as I cover my face with my palms. My best friend is the most delusional person ever.

Hunter chuckles. “I think Piper’s reaction speaks for itself.”

When I finally stop laughing and take my hands away from my face, I see my boss sitting across from me. His dark green eyes find mine, and a very strange feeling forms in my chest. It’s warm and pleasant, and I don’t want to look away. He has chiseled cheekbones and serious stubble forming on his jaw. His full lips quirk into a broad smile, barely visible lines bracketing his mouth. Why can’t he be like this all the time? Things would be a thousand times better.

“Pip has no idea what she’s missing,” Hade mumbles, snatching his phone from the table. He glances up at me and subtly nods at the door. “We need to go if we don’t want to be late.”

“Okay.” I follow my best friend out of the room, feeling someone’s gaze on my back. It could be Story’s, but I’m sure it’s Hunter’s. I know what it feels like when he’s watching me.

We stop by the front door when I hear footsteps, and Story appears in the doorframe. She grins at me, walking closer. “I’ll miss you.”

“I’ll miss you too.” I kneel to get a better look at her face. “Have fun, sweetie. I’ll see you on Sunday morning.”

She inches forward and plants a smooch on my cheek. “See you.”

I stand up and smooth my hands over my dress. It’s a white summer dress with lacy details on the chest and a skirt that ends just above my knees. It’s incredibly simple, but it fits my body perfectly. Riley calls me a sexy bombshell any time I wear it. Once in a while, I want to look hot instead of cozy.

“I have practice at eleven.” Hunter’s voice reaches my ears, setting my whole body on alert. He lingers by the door, his eyes glued to my face. “It’d be great if you could be here at nine.”

“Of course. You don’t have to worry about it.”

“Great.” He nods, hiding his hands in his pockets. “Have fun.”

“Oh, I’ll make sure she has a lot of fun today.” My best friend grabs my hand and pulls me out the door. “Bye, Hunter. Bye, Story.”

“Bye,” I mutter, waving to Story. She waves back and runs down the hallway to her room. I shift to look at her dad and instantly regret it. The intensity of his gaze burns holes in my body, awakening butterflies in my stomach. His eyes travel down the length of me, his pupils dilating and darkening. The heat in my lower abdomen makes me let go of Hayden’s hand. No, no, no. I don’t want him to act like that with me. I don’t want him to look at me like that. It’s better if he continues to be an ass…because I can’t be attracted to my boss. No fucking way.


I tear my gaze away from Hunter and focus on Hayden. He’s standing near his car, his forehead wrinkled. “Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, sure.” I shrug, hurrying to his vehicle. “Can you please tell me who else is going to be at Bo’s?”

Hayden starts the engine of his car once we are both inside. He cocks an eyebrow at me with a grin on his face. “If you’re looking for a hookup, I’d suggest Bo. The guy is still not over you.”

“My hookups are none of your business,” I hiss, and he cackles, patting my knee.

“Nonexistent hookups, you mean?”

I flip him the bird and shut my mouth.

“Pip, I’m just joking.”

“And I’m not talking to you.” I stick my tongue out at him and look out the window.

The idea of hooking up with someone sounds appealing. I have no problem giving myself an orgasm, but sometimes I just want someone else to take care of my needs. It’s been a while. Maybe I should go wild? Maybe even with Bo? At this point, anyone is better than having fantasies about my best friend’s brother.

I didn’t like the way I felt when he was watching me. I didn’t like my arousal skyrocketing from just feeling his gaze on my body. Most of the time he annoys me, with his snobbish behavior and closed off personality, and I should focus on that. I don’t like him. End of story.

What a wonderful lie.

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