Hale: A Single Dad Sports Romance (Hale Brothers)

Hale: Chapter 29

I’m sitting in the living room with my laptop on the coffee table, staring at the screen without seeing anything. This isn’t what I want. I’d hoped to open my school in January. Yet now my lawyer is telling me it can’t happen any earlier than February. It’s messing up all my plans and will make it almost impossible to do everything on time. I’m screwed.

I reach across the table, close my laptop, and lean back against the couch, shutting my eyes. I didn’t sleep well last night, and I feel exhausted. And also incredibly stressed. I have no idea what I can do to make the process move along any faster. Or if I should do anything at all. Opening in February, three weeks before the first game of the season, when I’ll be busy with constant practices? I wouldn’t be able to dedicate even a single day to my school. It’d look like a half-assed attempt to do something great, while in reality it’d be absolute shit. Not how I envisioned it at all.

The sound of the door closing helps me find my way out of my thoughts. I open my eyes and sit up, anticipating seeing her for the first time since Friday. Without her, something is missing. She brings life to this house. Her sunshiny personality and her warmth fill even the darkest corners. I’ve never experienced anything like that at home, and it feels good. So good I don’t even want her to leave on her days off. I want her to be here all the time…and it’s the complete opposite of what I had in mind when we agreed on a casual relationship. A real recipe for disaster.

I hear her footsteps, and the next thing I know, our eyes meet. Her face lights up with a smile as she tucks strands of her hair behind her ears. “Hey, you.”

“Hey.” My gaze roams over her face and down her body. She’s makeup free, and her long hair cascades down her shoulders. Her white dress with pink flowers accentuates every line of her perfect body, showing off her narrow waist. It ends just above her knees, making her legs look long. Piper is one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen in my life. It’s effortless; it’s just how she is. “How are you?”

“Good,” she answers, sashaying into the room and stopping near the couch. I extend my hand to her, and she takes it, letting me haul her onto my lap. Her hands are on my shoulders, and I wrap my arms around her waist. I crack a smile, noticing a playful glint in her eyes. “How have you been?”

“I don’t know. Everything is fine, but…” I look away, scrunching my nose. “It’s nothing.”

“It doesn’t seem like nothing. Is there anything I can help you with?”

It might be nice to talk about my problems, especially to someone who won’t judge me. “I got some news from my lawyer, and I feel lost.”

“What happened?”

“I wanted to open a school for kids. To teach them to play football. To share my knowledge and encourage more people to fall in love with the game.” I sigh, tightening my grip on her waist. “I’ve been super excited about it, and I’d hoped to use my break to prepare. Now? The timing sucks. I won’t be able to do anything myself, and I hate it. There are basically two options. Either I proceed with my plan and open the school, hire people who will help me do things right…or I postpone it, deal with everything without any rush, and open the school next year.”

“I thought LACFC had their own academy.” I nod, confirming her words. She’s silent for a moment, and then she tilts her head. “If you want to coach kids, why don’t you talk to them?”

“Because I want something of my own.”

“I get it, but what if you use this setback in your favor? What if, instead of rushing things and letting someone else take your place, you coach kids at the LACFC Academy? In the meantime, you can get ready to open your own school, but without any stress. You can make sure everything is exactly how you want it.” She speaks softly, her hands working magic on my shoulders. Why is she so fucking good at everything? “Right now, everyone sees you as a soccer legend, a great player. But do they know anything about Coach Hunter Hale? I highly doubt it.”

“You kinda just boosted my ego and crushed it at the same time,” I tell her, and she laughs heartily, adding more pressure as she continues to massage my shoulders.

“Sorry.” Piper presses her forehead to mine, and my skin flames up in an instant. “I’m not an expert, obviously, but since I started working for you, I’ve gotten to know more about soccer. Not every great player can be a great coach, and not every great coach is a great player. The only one I can think of right now is Zinedine Zidane, but that’s just because you talked my ear off with your stories about Real.”

“Guilty,” I breathe, my palms sliding down her hips. “What exactly do you think I should do?”

She sits up straight, putting her hands on my chest. “I think you should start by talking to LACFC to see if they’re interested. You should be honest with them, don’t hide the fact that you’re planning to open your own school next year. Who knows, maybe they’ll be interested in a collaboration? You’d be teaching younger kids, and they can go to their academy later. If they’re talented enough, of course.”

I blink. My head is spinning. “Can I say it again? I fucking love your brain.”

“I love it when you praise me,” Piper murmurs, her gaze darkening. “Makes me feel special.”

“You are special.” My voice is hoarse as I roughly grab the back of her neck. I bring our lips closer, kissing her. It’s a knock-me-off-my-feet type of kiss, one that makes me lose my mind and forget where I am. Nothing matters except the person in my arms, except her lips moving with mine, except the emotions the kiss brings. Sometimes simple intimacy is the only thing I need to make me feel alive. “Wanna take a bath with me?”

“I need to pick up Story from school,” she moans as I nibble on her skin.

“Not for three more hours. We have time.”

“What about my punishment?” Piper wiggles on my lap, making me groan in her ear. She’ll be the death of me, no fucking doubt.

“Tonight.” My answer is curt as she leans away, her eyes sweeping over my face. “My mom is taking Story to the hairdresser, and they told me they want another sleepover. She’ll go to school from my parents’ house tomorrow.” I take her with me as I stand up from the couch, and she locks her legs behind my back. “I was supposed to tell you not to come home today, but I’m too selfish for that. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Never,” she whispers as I carry her upstairs.

“That’s great,” I tell my mom, pressing my phone to my ear. Standing in the kitchen with a steaming mug of coffee, I stare out the window. “The most important thing is she’s happy with her new haircut.”

“She’s very happy. I’m sure you’re going to like it too.” Mom laughs, and I hear Story’s excited chatter in the background. “She’s talking to Amelia now. Your ex-wife is trying to figure out what to buy her daughter for her birthday.”

“Story wants a cat,” I mutter, taking a sip of my coffee. To say I was surprised when she told me that is an understatement. I have nothing against cats or dogs. I’ve just never had one, and I have no idea what to do with them. It’s a whole new territory for me, and I’m as excited as I am scared.

“She wants a cat from you.” Mom chuckles lightly. “I’m afraid if Amelia also gets her one, it’ll drive you up the wall.”

“I’m not that hopeless.”

“You’re not, sweetie. Plus, you have Piper, and I’m sure she’ll be happy to help you. Speaking of which…” I pinch my brows together, setting my mug on the counter. “How come Amelia has never talked to Piper? I was sure you introduced them when you hired her.”

I snicker, and my head tips back as I laugh. “Mom, I would’ve introduced them if my ex were interested in getting to know her daughter’s nanny. All she wants to know is that she’s treating Story right, nothing else.”

“What can I say? Amelia never ceases to amaze me.” Mom sighs. “Any fun plans for tonight?”

Fuck Piper till she passes out. “Not really. It’s been a long day, and I just want to watch something and go to bed.”

“Hunter, do you know why I’ve been having Story over so often?” The change in her tone is noticeable, and I frown.

“Because you want to spend more time with your granddaughter?” I ask, picking up my mug and taking a sip.

Mom laughs, and my lips break into a lopsided grin. I’m sure there’s more to her logic than that, but it’s fun to tease her. “That too, obviously. But I also want you to start living again. To go places, meet someone new, go on a date.”

“Are you talking to my dad?” Story’s voice rings out so suddenly, I choke on my coffee.

“Yes, honey. Why? Are you done talking to your mom?”

“Yes. Mom had to go,” my daughter states, and I listen carefully. “And my dad doesn’t need to go on a date. He already has everything he needs at home.”

Right as she says it, Piper strolls into the kitchen, holding a box of donuts and a bottle of wine.

My mom says, “Sweetie, I’m sure⁠—”

“My dad has Piper and me, and he doesn’t need to go on a date.”

“Aw, sweetheart, Piper is your nanny. She can’t be your dad’s girlfriend.”

“I never said she could be his girlfriend, Granny.” Is my daughter scolding my mom? It definitely feels like it. “You just don’t get it.”

“Mom?” I say, holding Piper’s gaze. She sets the donuts and the wine on the counter and steps closer to me.


“Can you please stop talking about my love life with my daughter? I don’t appreciate it.”

“Yes, sorry. It kinda got out of hand. I’ll take her to school tomorrow morning, and then Piper can pick her up. Can you please call her? Or should I?” My mom’s voice is uncertain. I’m sure my daughter’s words destabilized her. Just like they did me.

“I’ll tell her, don’t worry.” I put my mug on the counter and hook my hand around Piper’s waist, pulling her to me. She smiles, pressing her hands to my chest.

“Good. Bye, Hunter.”

“Bye, Mom.”

I end the call and slide my phone into my pocket, holding Piper’s gaze. She left right after she brought Story to her grandparents’, saying she was happy to have another night off. I almost believed her…but I was sure she was craving my cock, the same way I want her pussy. My insatiable desire to have her has become hard to ignore. Not that I really try.

Piper is wearing yet another dress, but this one is way more revealing. A classic little black dress, and she’s nailing it like the beauty she is. She collected her hair into a high ponytail, moistened her lips with some glossy lip balm, and added mascara to her eyelashes. She’s all dressed up and just for me.

“Donuts and wine?”

“I wanted something sweet and something to drink.” She nuzzles her nose in my neck, and I close my eyes, enjoying the feeling. “Will you drink with me?”

“You want me tipsy?” I joke as she sucks hard on my skin. Digging my fingers in her waist, I hiss through my teeth.

“I want you naked and balls deep inside me,” Piper purrs, and my dick comes to life, wanting nothing more than to obey her. “And I want you to fulfill your promise…and punish me for my behavior.”

“Oh, I will. Don’t you worry.” I spin her around, her back colliding with my chest. Pushing away her hair, I kiss her bare shoulder, feeling her tremble in my arms. “You’ll be wetting my dick in no time, taking me in your tight pussy. But first…”

“Yeah?” A breathless whisper comes out of her mouth, and I smile.

“We’re going to have dinner, drink wine, and watch something together.” I sink my teeth into her collarbone, biting her slightly and drawing another moan out of her parted lips. “And then we’ll go to my room, where you’ll take off your clothes and prove to me what a good girl you are…always obedient and ready to do as I say.”

“Oh God, yes…” She presses her butt to my groin, and I cup her breasts with my hands. So fucking full. “I’ll do anything you want.”

I smirk and lightly push her away, slapping her ass. “Go to the living room. Turn on the TV and find Lupin. I’ll get our food.”

Piper takes a few steps forward, grabs the bottle of wine, and then looks over her shoulder. “Yes, Daddy.”

I blink, then blink again. My cock swells, begging me to send my plans flying out the window and go fuck her now.

“Careful with your words, baby. You don’t want to get on my bad side.”

“Who knows?” She heads out of the kitchen, swaying her hips and making me sweat. Fuck.

We’re sitting in the living room, watching the last episode of season one. Piper leans her back on my chest, and my hand rests on her belly. She has a glass of wine in her hand, sipping on it from time to time, while my empty glass sits on the table. Whiskey is great, but I don’t want to be drunk. Not with her.

“Did you talk to anyone from LACFC?” she asks suddenly, glancing over her shoulder.

“I did.” The first thing I did when she left to pick up Story was call my rep. We talked things through, and then I called the team manager. I had no expectations, was just curious to know their thoughts. To my surprise, he was ecstatic to hear I wanted to try coaching. “I have a meeting with management on Wednesday. We’re going to discuss my involvement in LACFC Academy and the plans for my school.”

Piper sets her glass on the table and turns around to get a better look at my face. “What about your lawyer? What does he think?”

“Mr. Smith was more than happy to know I changed my mind and wasn’t going to rush things,” I say, and she smiles. “The team manager loved your idea. That my school could teach kids younger than eleven, and then the most talented could try out to join the Academy.”

“Aw, I’m so glad I was able to help.” Piper inches closer and presses her lips to mine for a kiss. I taste the wine on her tongue as I suck it into my mouth. She moans into our kiss, and I instantly know we’re not going to finish the final episode tonight.

I break our kiss and stand up, looking down at her. “I’m going to clean up, while you…” She nods without taking her eyes off my face. “You’re going to wait for me in my room. Fully dressed.”

Piper frowns, knitting her brows together. “Okay.”

I take our plates and glasses from the table and saunter into the kitchen. I can’t stop smiling, remembering the puzzled look on her face. She has no idea what I’ve planned for her, and that feels even more exciting.

The second I step into my room and close the door, she stands up from my bed. I undress and climb on my bed, sitting comfortably with my back pressed to the headboard. I lock eyes with Piper and see her fiddling with the hem of her dress.

“Take your clothes off,” I command, wrapping my hand around my cock and pumping it slowly.

Piper does as I tell her. She licks her lips and starts to undress. Taking a deep breath, I focus my attention on her face, banishing all other thoughts from my head. It’s time to deliver her punishment.

“Get on all fours and crawl to me, baby.”

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