Hale: A Single Dad Sports Romance (Hale Brothers)

Hale: Chapter 28

“Soccer is my new favorite sport. It’s just…it’s so, so good. All the emotions, all the action. Everything,” Riley murmurs, a dreamy smile on her face.

“And yet you never wanted to watch it with us before. What changed?” Hayden asks my sister as we wait for his brother to join us at the edge of the field.

“It feels different when you’re actually at the stadium. This atmosphere is contagious!” she exclaims. Thank God her crush on Hayden is over. It was ridiculous that she’d barely speak in his presence. She got over it pretty quickly, but my best friend will always be her first unrequited love. Such an accomplishment. “Plus, Hunter is amazeballs.”

Hade blinks and glances at me, knitting his brows together. I’ll let him figure out on his own that Riley has a crush on his brother now. She told me the other day that she’d love for me to meet a man like Mr. Hale, because apparently men who love their kids are real husband material. I have no idea where it came from, but I agree. The way he loves Story? It’s on another level.

Though waking up in bed with him, being pressed to his solid chest after he took care of my needs and lulled me to sleep by telling me about his years in Spain and in England…it feels like more than we agreed on. It feels deeper, more intimate, and it’s starting to bother me a little. Not because I don’t like it, but because I’m afraid I’m going to fall for him. This shit is scary, and I’ve yet to figure out how to stop it.

“I thought we were going to wait for Hunter in the locker room,” Riley says, and I focus my attention on her.

Loud, uncontrollable cackles burst out of Hayden’s mouth. “You’re hilarious,” he says between fits of laughter.

“What did I say? What’s so funny?” My sister frowns.

“Who on Earth would let anyone inside the locker room? It’s a freaking locker room. People get naked and⁠—”

“Ew!” Riley slaps my best friend’s hand and scrunches her nose in annoyance. “Can we not talk about naked men? I’m still a kid.”

“I thought you were wiser now, kid,” Hade teases, and my little sister’s cheeks turn red.

I look away and notice Autumn Dunn approaching Hunter. Unease instantly worms its way into my veins, and Hayden and Riley’s banter turns into white noise.

Their exchange is brief, and when he walks away she doesn’t stay to watch him, just heads in the opposite direction with a cameraman in tow. I don’t trust her, so I decide to keep my distance from Hunter and be incredibly polite and professional when others are around. I don’t want anyone to think there’s anything between us. I’m just his daughter’s nanny, and he’s my boss.

A player sidles up to Hunter, and they stroll toward us. I think the guy is LACFC’s goalkeeper, but I’m not sure. A warm palm slips into my hand, and I look down to notice Story. She’s beaming, and I can’t help but smile back.

“Are you happy your daddy won?” I ask.

“Yes.” She leans against me, pressing herself closer. “I was so nervous, and then he scored, and then his little heart…he did it for me because he promised to win this game.”

“Your dad knows how to keep his promises,” I tell her, thinking back to his promise to me. Oh God. I need to stop daydreaming about him all the damn time. A day off is exactly what I need to clear my head. “And I think you should tell him you want a cat.”

“My birthday isn’t until December, but you’re right. I’ll talk to him tonight,” Story states, and I chuckle. The girl really knows how to get what she wants from her parents. “I can’t wait for you to meet my mom. She’s going to love you.”

I highly doubt it. “I hope so.”

Just then, someone stops in front of us, and I look up to meet a pair of crystal blue eyes. I blink. The intensity of his gaze sends shivers down my spine. He flashes me a lopsided grin and then crouches to Story. “Hey, little munchkin. How have you been?”

“Marek!” Story yelps, letting go of my hand and throwing herself at him. He catches her in his arms and stands up, whirling her around and making her giggle. Who is he? I shift my gaze and see Hunter talking to Hayden and his parents. Riley is sitting on the field, typing something on her phone. I look back at Story and this LACFC player just as he puts her on the ground. “You were amazing on the field.”

“I could’ve done better.” He taps his finger on her nose, sneaking a glance in my direction. Involuntary, my lips stretch into a smile. Well, he’s kinda cute. “The second goal was totally my fault.”

“No it was not.” She stomps her foot on the ground and crosses her arms over her chest. “Dad always says that football is a team sport, and it’s not your fault your teammates failed to stop your opponent.”

“Your dad knows what he’s talking about,” he says. Then he looks at me. “Hey. I didn’t see you here last game, so I thought I should take the chance and introduce myself. I’m Marek.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Marek. I’m Piper.”

“She’s my nanny.” Story comes up to me and takes my hand in hers again. “And my best friend.”

“You have a very beautiful best friend, Story.” Why the hell does my neck feel hot? “Any chance⁠—”

“You know, Marek, I don’t think it’s nice of you to hit on my nanny right in front of me.” I’ve forgotten how to breathe and will die from lack of air in my lungs. This can’t be happening. Did she really just say that? “Is that why you decided to talk to me?”

“No, of course not.” Very convincing, Marek. Try again. “I’m just⁠—”

“Is everything okay?” Hunter’s deep voice goes from my ears to my toes, setting my body on fire.

“Marek tried to flirt with Piper.” Story pouts, looking her dad in the eyes.

He shoots me a quick glance and kneels to her. “They both are adults, sweetie.”

Excuse me? Here I am thinking he’d be jealous, but instead he says that? Ha! Mr. Hale, you clearly have no idea who you’re dealing with.

“Your dad is right, Story. There’s nothing wrong with Marek talking to me.” I meet his gaze for a moment. His expression darkens instantly, and then he looks at Story. “Just…he shouldn’t have made it so blatantly obvious.”

“Sorry, Story, honestly,” Marek mutters hoarsely. “I shouldn’t have flirted with Piper when you were here. It was wrong of me. Sorry, Hunter.”

“That’s okay.” Hunter bends down and takes Story in his arms. He bores his gaze into mine, looking expectant. “I’ll go change, and then we’re heading home. Do you need to get anything from your room, or are you planning to go straight home?”

“Hayden promised to give me and Riley a ride, so…” I hold his gaze and then sneak a glance in Marek’s direction. Purposefully. It doesn’t go unnoticed by Hunter. He narrows his eyes on me, clenching his jaw. “I’ll be back on Monday morning, just like we agreed.”

“Great,” Hunter bites out. Then he shifts his gaze to his teammate and nods. Looking visibly pissed, he stomps away from us. Well, Mr. Hale, this is all your fault. You should think more carefully about your words next time. This is just a little payback.

I chat with Marek for a few more minutes but don’t tell him anything personal. I joke around, and he shakes his head when he realizes I’m not going to give him my phone number.

“Hope to see you around,” he tells me, stepping aside.

“You too.” I smile and wave. “Bye, Marek.”

“Bye, Piper,” he says and heads into the locker room.

I watch him go, then edge to my sister. “Ready to go home?”

“Definitely.” She stands up, and we saunter to the exit. I know we won’t leave till Hunter comes out, so I’ll have a chance to say bye to Story and her grandparents. Maybe her father too, but only if I feel like it.

I’m lying on my bed with Riley. We’re watching Hocus Pocus, eating gummy bears, and talking about her classes, her little dates with Josh, and my time with Story. I feel content and joyful. The atmosphere in this house is completely different from the way it was before. Wade makes our mom happy, and when she’s happy…this place blossoms.

“Do you want something to drink?” Riley asks, standing up from my bed. I shake my head, and she pauses the movie on my laptop. I roll my eyes and watch her walk out of my room.

My phone buzzes. The second I see Hunter’s name, my heartbeat accelerates. He didn’t even look at me when we were leaving, only saying good-bye to my sister. What made him change his mind?


I’ve been thinking about going somewhere with Story once the playoffs are over.


Are you giving me a heads-up about days off? Isn’t it too early?


No, I’m telling you to start thinking about what to pack.

He can’t be serious, can he?


We’re going to Spain, by the way.

By the way? Does he want me dead? I’m going to have a heart attack at twenty years old because of this man.


I thought you were angry with me.


I am.

I watch the three dots on my screen with my jaw hanging open. I didn’t expect him to admit being jealous so quickly, but lately he’s been full of surprises. And I’m all for it.


We’ll discuss your punishment once you’re back here on Monday. Brats like you deserve to be spanked.

I suck in a breath as my sister enters the room. Monday can’t come soon enough.

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