Grayson's Veil

Chapter 39

Eleanor timidly opened an eye to Eilif licking his fingers.

The blush from her orgasm deepened into embarrassment while stars still danced through her vision.

She could not believe she let him lick her down there.

She felt so wanton. Already thinking of ways to get him to do the act again.

No wonder so many considered it a wicked deed. She was already addicted.

Eilif raised up and started kissing her body again.

Eleanor sighed into the kisses, feeling content in that moment.

His kisses went up her stomach, then down to her thighs.

Her aching sex throbbed again at the possibility of another licking.

But instead, Eilif stopped at her inner thigh, still giving her feather-like kisses. His fangs scraped the area lightly, making Eleanor’s skin break out in goosebumps.

Eilif glanced up at her. “This might sting, but I’d rather do it here than on your delicate neck.”

Eleanor looked down at him, her eyes still clouded with lust, “What?”

Without answering, Eilif bit down.

A pain stricken scream erupted from Eleanor’s throat.

Eilif winced at the scream but gripped her legs tighter and pushed his fangs in deeper.

Eleanor did not grab his head, nor try to move away. After her initial scream, she ground her teeth and tried to endure.

She gripped the sheets harder as he finally punctured the vein.

He shifted ever so slightly, and began to drink.

After hearing the first gulp, Eleanor was mortified to feel her lady parts throb more with desire.

Time seemed to slow down as Eilif continued to drink.

Eleanor began to feel weak and cold. She could not stop the shivers that took over.

When her teeth chatter filled the silence, Eilif pulled back.

He put his tongue on her new wound, and glanced at Eleanor.

He was instantly shocked at her appearance.

Her skin turned an ashy gray. Shadows covered her eyes while her eyelids dipped in exhaustion. Her breathing was shallow and coming out in pants.

‘That does not seem right,’ He thought in a panic, ‘the orgasm should have made this part more pleasant. She looks like she is about to die.’

As he was about to do the next part, he paused. Her blood on his tongue made him realize something.

“Lenore,” he whispered.

She looked at him with great effort.

“Your blood… it doesn’t taste like blood. It doesn’t taste like anything.”

Her eyebrows scrunched in confusion, but quickly relaxed them, too exhausted to continue to care.

She was so tired.

Eilif caught her head in his hand when she uncontrollably tilted it to the side. Her eyes looked dull as she stared at him, sadness being the only emotion that could be discerned through the haze.

“I am not going to let you die,” He said as he used a fang to slit his wrist.

“Drink,” He demanded when he put his bloody wrist to her lips.

Eleanor watched him, not opening her mouth until he explained.

“Lenore, please drink,” he begged.

Releasing a shuddering breath, Eleanor put her mouth on his wound.

She barely had any strength to drink…

Until the first drop of his blood touched her tongue.

The whole room throbbed in a blood red color. That’s all she could see. Red.

Another drop touched her tongue.

She closed her eyes and inhaled sharply at the flavor that enveloped her.

Her hands snatched his arm, holding it in place with a bruising grip.

Eilif gritted his teeth. It was unpleasant for him, but he couldn’t help being a little turned on by her forcefulness.

She began to drink heavily.

Sounds of her gulping were the only things heard in the otherwise silent room.

After several minutes, Eilif tried moving his arm. “Lenore that should suffice.”

Eleanor did not release her hold. She took another deep gulp.

“Lenore, release me.” His voice took on a more forceful tune.

She still did not release. She opened her eyes to stare at Eilif, showing off the red misty swirls that danced in her eyes.

Eilif smiled lightly at her defiance.

“That is enough Lenore, we will get you more soon.” He gently cooed at her, taking his arm away from her lips.

She let go, but not without whimpering.

Eleanor tentatively sat up, glancing around the room trying to decipher if anything felt different.

Eilif watched her, an ach growing in his groin from watching the blood trail down her chin and drip on her naked legs.

A soft, relieved sigh escaped Eleanor’s lips.

As she smiled, the red swirls in her eyes died down, bringing back their deep blue color. Everything returned to normal.

Her smile and relaxed state were short-lived.

Eleanor suddenly felt like someone punched her in the stomach. She held her midsection as she let out a cry.

Her heart began to burn.

She screamed while digging her nails into her chest to try to relieve the blaze.

Eilif yelled at Eleanor to stop, but her ears were muffled by the pain and an ever growing ring.

Tears streaked her face as she began to plead for it to stop. She could feel the burning start to travel through her veins.

Eleanor continued to try to alleviate the agony she was in.

She did not care if her idea of causing a different kind of pain made her look mad. All she wanted was relief, a distraction. Anything.

Darkness framed the corners of her vision. The pain was becoming too much for her body. Everything was engulfed in a burning sensation that only seemed to grow more intense.

She was beginning to welcome the idea of death, and regretting her decision in trying to stay alive.

Perhaps this was her punishment for trying to defy death.

Eleanor did not hear Eilif shout for her. Nor did she feel him cradle her in his arms. Or felt his tears that dropped onto her face.

As the darkness crept in, Eleanor knew this was her demise.

This was her punishment for accepting the help of another man, for leaving her husband, for becoming a conniving woman.




All her sins came to the forefront of her mind, making her wince with the last bit of energy she had.

But the final thing she saw before darkness took hold of her, was Grayson.

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