Grayson's Veil

Chapter 38

When Eilif reached Eleanor’s room, he tuned into his senses to see if she was awake. He could only imagine after such a long journey that she was most likely physically and mentally taxed.

At first, he heard nothing, already putting him in a dismal mood. Then came the undeniable sound of muffled movement, making him sigh in relief.

Eilif knocked gently on the door. “Eleanor? May I come in?”

He heard her run to and from whatever she was doing. “One moment please!”

After several seconds, the door opened a few inches. Eleanor peeked her head out, hiding the rest of herself behind the door.

She looked up at Eilif through her lashes, a blush decorated her pale cheeks. “Y-yes?”

Eilif chuckled at her sudden bashfulness. “May I come in?”

Eleanor nodded, opening the door wider.

Stepping past the door frame, Eilif inspected the room. There was a large canopy bed with sheer white drapes in the center of the wall to his left. The walls were a soft blue with paintings of the countryside framed in gold. The cream-colored rug covered nearly the entire floor, gold designs decorated the center and the edges of it giving off a royalty feel. A dresser and a vanity sat across from the bed, next to a door that, no doubt, led to the private bathroom.

A fireplace and two blue and gold chairs sat on the opposite side of the vanity, near the window. Eilif went to the fireplace where the warm, cozy fire was burning, but instead of soaking up the heat, he turned to the window that was covered in cream-colored curtains. Pulling back the curtain, he noticed the full moon was rising higher in the sky.

He frowned as he watched the heavy clouds start to roll in. He needed to begin his plans for Eleanor.

“How are the accommodations? Do they please you?” He asked innocently as he lowered the curtain and turned towards the diffident woman.

While closing the door, Eleanor spoke. “It is a beautiful room; I am not accustomed to this type of kindness.” She paused, debating over her next words. “H-how did the meeting go?”

Eilif stepped forward, grabbing a piece of her hair to play with while looking her over.

She wore a simple long sleeve cotton night dress. It fell to her ankles with ruffles at the hem and on the wrists. The neckline showed off her beautiful neck and collarbone, just barely holding onto the shoulders.

He wanted to see more of her.

“Do not worry about the meeting,” Eilif breathed as he dropped the bit of hair in favor of touching her neck, gently dragging his fingers down to her collarbone.

Eleanor tried to cover up the shiver he caused but failed.

He smiled at the attempt. In all honesty, Eilif forgot about questioning the council about Eleanor’s transition. But because of the recent threats, he decided himself that she was needed on their side. He needed her on his side.

Eilif kissed her cheek. Then her forehead. Then her other cheek. Then, finally, her lips.

There was barely any pressure to the kiss, practically a graze at first. But when he felt her move towards him for more, he deepened the movement.

The intensity and need grew with each kiss.

Eleanor gasped when she felt the door on her back, not realizing Eilif had been making her walk backwards. When her mouth opened, Eilf nipped at her lip.

She moaned at the bit of pain.

“Mmmm, I love the sounds of your breathy moans. They are music to my ears.” Eilif murmured softly against her lips.

Eleanor’s eyelids fluttered shut. She sighed while relaxing her body into his, giving him silent permission to continue.

A deep rumble raised from the back of Eilif’s throat. The need to claim her intensified the second her body pressed against his.

Eilif began kissing and nipping her skin as he traveled down to her collarbone. He grazed the spot with his fangs where he was going to bite her, causing Eleanor to mewl.

Her nether region began to throb as he continued to work on her neck, his hand roaming her delicate curves while his other hand tangled itself in her hair.

Eleanor rested her hands on his shoulders, her fingers gently rubbing small circles.

A yelp slipped past her mouth when Eilif licked up her neck to her ear.

“My Lenore, do you trust me?” Eilif whispered as he nipped at her ear.

Eleanor’s eyes rolled to the back of her head at the husky desperation in his voice. When the question finally registered in her head, she stiffened.

‘Do I trust him?’

Eleanor grabbed Eilif’s head and raised it until his eyes met hers. The beautiful, odd silver eyes were glowing and swirling with hunger and passion.

She felt safe with him. She felt she could rely on him, even if their time together has been short. He has shown more concern for her than anyone in her life.

Tears brimming her eyes, Eleanor smiled and nodded.

Eilif smiled back, kissing her watery eyes.

Satisfied with her answer, he grabbed her waist and lifted her so that her legs wrapped around his midsection. Her legs squeezed gently to try to get him closer.

Kissing her chest, he walked them to the large bed.

Eleanor giggled as he tossed her onto the soft bed. She covered her face in embarrassment as Eilif moved gracefully on top of her.

Slowly, he began to pepper her skin with wet kisses. The need to feel her skin under his fingertips overtook his mind as he gently pulled Eleanor’s night skirt up.

Peeking through her fingers, Eleanor’s face flushed a deeper red when she saw the lust in his eyes and felt his fingers on her thigh.

Eilif subtly sniffed the air, trying to gauge if she was as eager as he was. Her arousal filled his nostrils, making him groan in delight.

With his animal instincts starting to surface, Eilif bit at her neck, not hard enough to break the skin but enough to send a jolt through Eleanor’s body. She gasped, releasing her hands from her face, and arching her back against the bed.

Eilif took advantage of the movement, grasping one breast and pinching the erect nipple with his thumb and pointer finger.

“Ah!” Eleanor cried out. She clenched her thighs together, trying to alleviate some of the heat that was becoming a full-blown blaze between her legs.

Eilif moved his hand that was on her thigh to the inside of her legs while he replaced the hand on her breast with his mouth.

The feeling of his mouth on her nipple, even with the fabric in the way, made Eleanor writhe and whimper. It was a new sensation and she could barely keep her sanity as is.

She gripped Eilif’s shoulders when he used his teeth to pull down the upper part of her gown. Once her breasts were completely out, Eilif leaned back to admire them.

Licking a fang, he purred. “Perfect,” he whispered, causing a gush of fluid to flow out Eleanor’s vagina.

The heated throb only grew as Eilif bent his head down and closed his mouth around the extremely sensitive nipple.

Eleanor panted and moaned as he worked her breasts. Sucking, licking, pinching, it was becoming too much for Eleanor as her entire body burned with need.

Eilif noticed her wiggling increase. Smirking against her breast, he moved his hand that was on the inside of her thigh, up.

His finger on her outer lips made Eleanor shiver uncontrollably. She wanted to beg him to hurry, but she could barely form the words through her lust-filled haze.

Deciding he was done torturing her breasts, Eilif started kissing his way down her stomach.

As his mouth continued leaving a trail of goosebumps, he ripped off her gown. The damn thing was in his way, and he was having none of it.

Eleanor barely noticed.

Eleanor blushed harder as Eilif pushed her legs open tenderly and felt his warm breath on her opening. She brought her fingertips to her mouth, biting them while she waited anxiously.

Her heart skipped two beats when she felt him open her lower lips.

She was utterly exposed to him.

Being completely distracted by the newfound vulnerability that she was feeling, Eleanor squeaked out a gasp as Eilif licked her. She was not expecting him to taste her down there.

It was considered a taboo act for the mouth to enjoy each other’s parts. Not that she was complaining now that she was experiencing it.

Another slow lick made Eleanor grab the sheets and twist.

Then, he flicked his tongue on her clit.

Her body jolted like she had been shocked.

She tried to shut her legs but Eilif kept them open. She whimpered and twitched when he flicked her clit again.

Eilif continued to torture her with his tongue, building her pleasure higher and higher.

Tingles began to appear at Eleanor’s toes and started working its way up her legs.

She panted, bucking her hips up to get Eilif closer, to completely satisfy her.

He pulled back.

Eleanor blubbered a protest as she looked down at him. “Wha-“

Before she could ask what was wrong, his finger entered her as his tongue went back to work.


Eleanor’s hands grabbed Eilif’s head, tangling her fingers in his braided hair in an attempt to hold on to something other than the bed sheets.

Her body hummed with pleasure as Eilif worked her towards her peak. His finger pumped more and more as she started grinding on his face and hand.

Entering another finger, Eilif curled his fingers in a ‘come hither’ motion.

That was the final motion to send Eleanor tumbling over the edge.

She screamed in ecstasy, grabbing her own head and arching her back.

Eilif waited until she collapsed against the bed before gently removing his face and fingers.

He watched her eyes slowly blink. Her body was releasing endorphins at that moment, making everything that he will now do more agreeable.

He smiled in satisfaction, ‘she is ready.’

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