Gone (Book Two of the Dark Lycans Series)

Chapter Chapter Two: The Shattered Pack

I'm the Alpha, and the Luna of my pack. That has to be a first, I thought running a hand through my long hair. I was sitting on Blake's bed, staring at the files on my lap.

It was information on the packs that were coming this afternoon. The Silver Bloods Pack once every few months would invite packs from around the world to compete in the Games.

It was tradition for members of each pack with the same ranks to fight, so I would have to fight the Alphas and Lunas of each pack. Jackson gathered up the information on the packs that were coming so I could see who I was up against.

Many of the Alphas were older, but that didn't make them weaker, only more experienced. The Lunas would probably be no problem, since most packs didn't allow females to become warriors or fighters, so they didn't have much training.

There was one though, that caught my eye. Her name was Shadow, of the Shattered Pack in Asia. She was beautiful, and it took me a while to figure out why she seemed familiar.

I opened up her file and found the list of her relatives. My eyes widened when I saw her mother's name. My mother, May Blackwood, was an extremely good friend of her mother, Lily White.

I blew a frustrated breath out of my mouth, I missed my mate terribly. Blake I wish you were here, I thought sadly. My wolf whined at me, why do these things always happen to us?

I don't know Akira, I don't know, I sighed tiredly. I got up and walked over to my closet. Since I would be fighting later, I put on a sports bra and a pair of spandex capris.

The blonde in my hair had finally faded, so it was back to its natural bronze color. I pulled it back into a high pony tail, grabbed my bag and headed downstairs. Outside, the sun was warm, and the sky clear of clouds.

I walked barefooted to the outdoor training area, relishing the cool grass under my feet. Quite a few pack members were already training for the fighting events tomorrow.

The training area was filled with sparring mats, weight equipment, and even an obstacle course. I carried my bag with me to the punching bags. I set my bag down in front of a 600 pound bag to warm up.

Inside my bag I found my hand wraps. I decided to use my white ones, and wrapped them around my hands. Spreading my legs, I got into a good stance in front of the big red bag.

I took a deep breath and punched the bag hard with my right fist. My eyes widened, and I stepped back in shock as a loud crash sounded. The bag was lying 15 feet away from me, a hole where my fist hit. Sand was slowly spilling onto the grass.

Akira, what the hell was that? I asked feeling very confused.

I didn't do anything, that was all you. You have somehow gotten a lot stronger, she said, sounding distracted.

Snapping back to my surroundings, I realized that everyone that was exercising, was now staring at me.

"Alpha?" I turned around to see a boy standing behind me. He looked to be about 17, but covered in muscle, like all male werewolves.


"Did you just do that with one punch?" Honestly, I kind of expected him to ask that. I noticed everyone was listening around us.

"Yes I did, but that would be the first time I have ever done that," I tries to explain.

"I've never seen anyone do that before. Hey, I wonder if you'd be the first person to break the 1,500 pound punching bag," he exclaimed, suddenly becoming excited. And from the faces of my pack members, they were wondering the same thing.

"I'll try," I shrugged. Some of the pack members started whistling and cheering. My brows furrowed in confusion, but I decided to forget it.

I walked over to where the guy was waiting. The punching bag was black, and it even looked heavy.

"What the hell is in this thing?" I asked poking it.

"A solid metal center surrounded in sand to make the outside a little softer," he said patting it.

"Well, here goes nothing." I got into a good stance with my wrapped fists up.

"Wait," he said holding out a hand to stop me. I raised my brow at his commanding tone.

"I meant no disrespect Alpha, but I wanted to ask if you plan on letting your wolf help you?" I put my fists down, and thought for a second.

You should be strong enough without my help, Akira said.

"No, I will not use the help of my wolf," I said with certainty. His eyebrows shot up, and he looked doubtful. When I put my fists back up, he stepped back.

I took a deep breath again, and threw my fist hard at the bag. It started swinging, but didn't break. I threw another punch and it swung even more.

Preparing to break it, I swung my right, then left fist at it again. I spun around and kicked it as hard as I could with my right foot. The bag suddenly flung off its holdings, and burst into pieces on the ground.

My startled pack members jumped away to avoid being hit by the bag. Even though I was completely shocked, I smirked rather than show my surprise.

"We're in deep shit," I heard someone say. Looking to my left, I saw Luna Shadow White and Alpha Blackthorn of the Shattered Pack standing with shocked faces.

I quickly unwrapped my hands, and walked over to them.

"I'm Alpha Raven Blackwood of the Silver Bloods Pack. Welcome," I said holding out my hand to shake Alpha Blackthorn's. My voice sounded different, and held much more power.

The Alpha eyed me warily, but shook my hand. I almost laughed seeing fear filling his eyes.

"Its nice to finally meet you Alpha Raven, I hope we can be friends." Luna Shadow said hopefully. I smiled at her and nodded.

"Let me grab my bag, and I'll show you where you will be staying," I told the gathering up my things.

"Can someone clean up this mess please?" I called out to my pack. I heard a few volunteer almost immediately.

"Thank you." I led them to our pack's guest house, which is like a hotel. Every participating pack had a floor to themselves, complete with bedrooms, bathrooms, a living room, and kitchen.

Most of the packs brought their Alphas, their betas or Third in commands, and some other pack members. They had to leave someone in charge, so often times they only brought 8-10 total werewolves.

The Silver Bloods Pack held it on our territory since we already have the setup, and we have a very large territory.

I left the Shattered Pack to themselves to get settled in, since the Games usually takes a few days to complete. When I walked back to the training area, my pack members started cheering.

"What's this all about?" I asked Jackson who had walked up to me.

"You broke the 1,500 pound punching bag with 4 punches and one kick. Also, you scared the Alphas of the Shattered Pack," he said in a 'duh' tone. I chuckled quietly, and told my pack to calm down.

"For these games, we are going to show the other packs why The Silver Bloods Pack is at the top!" I shouted to everyone. They cheered and yelled in excitement. I laughed when Jackson picked me up and set me on one of his shoulders.

I punched a fist into the air, making everyone cheer again. Jackson set me down, and I became somewhat serious again.

"Alright, get back to training, the other packs will be here soon. I will be sparring if anyone wants to get some good practice," I announced heading over to the mats, my bag still slung across my back.

I set my bag down, and started stretching. I was extremely flexible, and it was fun to be able to do lots of tricks using it. Movement caught my eye, and I realized a man was waiting on my mat.

"Alpha? I would like to spar with you so that I may improve my skills, and determine what my weaknesses are," he spoke with a respectful tone.

"Very well. I will ask you questions as we spar to help me determine some things, as well as test your focusing ability. You must answer my questions as well as watch my movements. Understood?" I asked him getting into a solid position. He nodded.

"This is the scenario, you do not know my skill level, nor my fighting ability. But based on my height, approximate weight, and that I am female, do you attack or defend?" I questioned as we began circling around each other.

"Since you are small, I assume that you are faster than me, but not necessarily as strong. So I defend, because I can take the hits, but you can easily dodge if I attack."

I smirked at him, "Very good. Many make the mistake of attacking, and I am extremely fast and good at dodging."

I ran at him, and he stepped to the side at the last second. But because I was expecting it, I put out my leg as he stepped away, and he tripped.

"Never make your moves obvious to your opponent. I was able to use your dodge to my advantage because I was expecting it. Like chess, you must think about your opponents reactions to your moves as well." I spoke as I helped him to stand.

We got back into our fighting stances, and I watched his feet again.

I spoke as we circled each other, "Always watch your opponent for weaknesses and signs of attacking opportunities. Watch their feet, hands, and other parts of their bodies. The slightest movements can give away their attacking time. But you also have to make sure you are not showing any signs, or giving away your attacking strategy."

I noticed that he took wide steps as we circled, and when he took a step to the side, I rushed at him. I slid on my back partially under him, lifting one leg by my head. My leg slammed into his front body pushing downward. He fell back onto the ground.

I stood and helped him up once again.

"When you circled, your steps are very wide. Keep your strides short and quick, and never cross your feet, it is one way your opponent can trip you up," I told him.

"Do you have any weaknesses?" He asked panting slightly.

I chuckled and shrugged, "Not that I know of. I have never lost a fight in my life, so I don't think I have any."

We were circling each other once again, and I decided to mess with him. I kicked out with my right foot, aiming for his chest, but he caught it.

When he smiled, I smirked, and his face fell. Twisting and rotating my hips, I put my hands on the ground, letting them hold my weight. My left foot kicked off the ground to meet my right one.

I heard a grunt of pain as my foot made contact with his jaw. He dropped my foot, and I pushed off the ground, landing on both feet.

I saw him laying on the ground holding his jaw, that looked to be dislocated.

"Oops," I said wincing. He groaned and sat up. I knelt beside him and inspected his jaw.

"This is going to hurt." I said before jerking my hand on his jaw, snapping it back into place. He gasped in pain, holding his jaw.

"Thanks Alpha," he said massaging his jaw. I gave him a smile, and he stood up.

"That's good enough for today, get some rest." I told him and went back to my house. I made myself a sandwich and went to bed. I fell asleep quickly, tired from the day's events.


When I woke up, I felt different somehow. Shrugging, I thought it probably nothing and jumped in the shower. I let the cold water fill my muscles with energy. I put on a pair of black basketball shorts and a blue sports bra.

I went barefoot again, and walked to the training center. I was pulling my hair up when a girl ran up to me. She looked about 12.

"Alpha! Alpha!" She yelled. I nodded for her to speak.

"The Broken Pack and Fallen Pack are here. Their Alphas wanted to see you," she said quickly.

"Alright, let's go," I told her and she led me towards the pack's guest house. There were two groups of werewolves standing in front of the hotel. The Broken and Fallen Packs.

"Is there a problem?" I asked the two Alphas that were conversing with each other. They turned to me and raised their eyebrows.

"Who are you? We asked for the Alpha, not some stupid little girl," one replied in a very rude voice.

I smirked and put all of my Alpha power in my response.

"I'm Alpha Raven Blackwood of the Silver Bloods Pack."

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