Gone (Book Two of the Dark Lycans Series)

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Two: Glass Prison

"Damn that hurt," I hissed, cradling my knuckle. Two of the joints were completely shattered in my right hand.

"Holy shit this stuff is thick!" I heard Shade exclaim. I looked over to see her face pressed up against the glass, using the reflection of the lights to figure out how thick it is.

"How much do you think?" I asked walking next to her.

"I'd guess about six inches." She shrugged. I snorted.

"No wonder I smashed my fist. And you know what? I never actually realized how hard I punch until now," I told her. Shade rolled her eyes at me.

"Yeah, well, I have been punched by you before and it is not fun," she looked at me pointedly.

"Sorry about that by the way," I cringed. She waved it off and went back to pacing around our glass prison.

"I passed out before I saw anything, but did you kill Blake?" Shade asked suddenly. I turned to her with my head hanging down.

"No, I blacked out before I could make sure. I couldn't hold on through those injections our mothers have us," I sighed.

"Well, he is going to have one hell of a headache if he didn't die. How many injections did May end up giving you before you collapsed?" I chuckled at her first statement. Racking my brain, I brought myself back to the cave.

"Three, she gave me three injections before I finally blacked out."

"I am pretty sure I only had one, but I wasn't paying attention enough to be sure." Shade said shrugging her shoulders. I smiled, and turned my attention back to my now bloody hand.

"Well this sucks," I said blowing a breath out of my mouth. She chuckled beside me, and took my hand in hers. She examined it, and poked the shattered bone.

I yanked my hand back with a hiss.

"You're going to make it worse stupid!" I growled at her. She rolled her eyes and grabbed my hand again.

"You know what, I think I remember this little prison," I said looking around. Shade raised an eyebrow and gave me a funny look.

"Really?" Her voice was skeptical.

"Yeah," I nodded with scrunched eyebrows.


"Now remember, this is not an area to be playing in. This is for extreme cases only, like if someone's Lycan is too dangerous, or if we have a prisoner. Understood?" My mother jabbed a finger at me, and I nodded quickly.

"Good." We walked out of the glass room, and I noticed that the walls were six inches wide.

"Why are the walls so thick?" I asked.

"So the people inside can't breakout," my mother explained.

"What if they have to go to the bathroom? Or if they are hungry? Or thirsty?" I pressed. She sighed and stopped walking.

My mother turned around and walked back into the room. She pointed to a spot on the wall, behind the dark blue cots.

"If they push this button, it will call us so we can talk to them. Then we will figure out what they want," she told me. I nodded in understanding.

"Where are Shade and Lily?" I asked as we exited the huge chamber, filled with multiple glass cells. Only one had cots though, the others were completely empty.

"Lily took Shade to see the training chamber, the place we went yesterday. Shade saw the restraintment center yesterday. Tomorrow we will all go to see where your animals are taken care of when they are not in their rooms," my mother said with a smile.

My face lit up in a grin, and I hugged her.

"Yay! Thanks mother!" I squealed.


"You have got to be kidding me," I deadpanned. Shade leaned back to look at me.

"What?" I let out a breathy laugh and stood up. I walked over to where my cot was, and behind it, I found a small red button.

"It was right there the whole time?" I growled. Shade peeked her head over my shoulder to see the button.

She snorted and laughed at me. I glared at her before pushing the button. I heard a small beep, and then nothing. I groaned in frustration and plopped onto the cot.

Shade was still laughing at me, and I flipped my middle finger in the air. It only made her laugh even harder though. She was sitting on her cot, clutching her stomach.

I felt the corners of my lips twitch, and I shoved her. She fell off the cot with a yelp, and her body disappeared behind the dark blue material.

I started laughing like a lunatic when her head popped up with angry eyes. She glared at me and slowly stood up.

Her eyes held a playful glint, and she got ready to lunge at me. I sat up into my knees, held out my left hand, and bent my fingers towards me.

"Bring it bitch!" I growled playfully. Shade grinned, and just as she was about to leap, the door at the end of the chamber opened.

Our mothers walked in, mine looking very pissed off, and Lily just a little upset. I felt myself cringe at the look on my mother's face.

"Crap," I muttered. Shade chuckled and I punched her arm lightly. She glared at me and rubbed her arm. I just rolled my eyes and stood up to meet our mothers.

They pushed open the glass door, which apparently won't open from the inside, and stood in front of us with crossed arms.

"Can someone help me? I smashed my fist trying to get out of here," I said showing them my hand. My mother glared at me, and I slowly put my hand back at my side.

"Or not, that's fine, I'll just wait until it heals on its own in an hour or two, " I muttered.

"I cannot believe you lost control like that Raven, you too Shade, I wouldn't have expected that from you," my mother scolded. I put up a hand and stared at her.

"Now wait a minute, I didn't lose control. Blake's Lycan was going on a rampage, killing everything. You didn't see what we saw. He is the one that lost control," I protested. My mother rolled her eyes and turned to Shade.

"Its true, his eyes were ice blue and he even spit in Raven's face," Shade exclaimed pointing at me.

"And that is when I had less control. I never lost it, if I did I wouldn't have known what I was doing. But I can remember every detail of what I did and why I did it." I crossed my arms over my chest but winced when my broken fist hit my elbow.

"And why did you attack your own mate?" Lily asked with a raised eyebrow. My mouth fell open and I dragged a hand down my face, with a groan.

"Do you not remember me telling you that Blake was the one who killed the cheetah kit?" I growled. My mother and Lily both face palmed themselves.

"I completely forgot about that, I guess I was just really upset that we had to fix his injuries for the past couple of hours. You put him in a coma by the way," she said pointing towards Shade and I. I smirked, but wiped it off my face when I was glared at.

"I'm still a little mad about the spitting in the face thing," I grumbled. My mother rolled her eyes and turned away.

"Come on," Lily said waving towards the door.

"Finally, I thought you guys were going to leave us in here forever," Shade moaned. I laughed, earning a smile from Shade.

We followed them out and up a spiral staircase, before opening a door. It led to the safe room, where I immediately ran straight to the kitchen.

I grabbed the two sandwiches that were sitting in the counter, and took a huge bite out of one. Shade snatched the other out of my hand and stuffed it into her mouth.

"Those were ours," Lily huffed. I swallowed the food in my mouth and shrugged.

"Well they are delicious," I said in a dramatic voice. She pursed her lips and made an irritated noise, before walking away.

We quickly finished the sandwiches and walked over to where our mothers were talking. They stopped talking when we approached.

"What exactly did we do to Blake that put him in a coma?" I asked. Lily grabbed a clipboard that was nearby and flipped through the pages.

"He had severe blows to the head, where I believe he hit it on the stone. He had six broken ribs, 4 fractured ribs, his nose was crushed, jaw was snapped in two places and dislocated, he had internal bleeding, ruptured spleen, scratches on his throat, and his shoulder was torn open." I looked over at Shade to see we both had success swimming in our eyes.

"Will he survive?" Shade asked.

"With our equipment, he should be ready to return to his pack in three days," Lily announced.

"Um, that's actually my pack," I corrected.

"You are going to give up your position as Alpha and Luna, and you will be staying here to train. We have to get rid of your father once and for all," my mother ordered. I gasped.

"You can't just make me give up the title I worked so hard for!" I shrieked. Shade snorted beside me and I glared daggers at her.

"Something makes me think that you didn't have to work at all for that position," Lily said with a raised eyebrow.

"That's what you think," I sneered. My mother rolled her eyes at me.

"You are going to give up your position," she commanded. I huffed and grumbled several curse words.

"You two behave and stay here, we need to go attend to your mate," Lily warned before opening the door. My mother narrowed her eyes at me before following Lily down the hallway, and into the medical room.

When they were out of sight, I turned to Shade.

"Can you believe they thought they had to tell us to behave?" I scoffed.

"Why would they think that simply telling you would be enough?" She said with a roll of her eyes.

"Only me huh? Don't tell me that you've become a goody-two shoes after all the fun times we had when we were little?" I gasped. She gave me a stupid look.

"What did you have in mind?" I squealed with excitement.

"Well, I was really looking forward to seeing the town a few miles away, I could use some new clothes." I grinned wiggling my eyebrows. Shade gave me a mischievous grin.

"What are we waiting for?"

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