Gone (Book Two of the Dark Lycans Series)

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Four: Nightclub and Drink

The nightclub was in full swing now that it was midnight. I got in line for the door, and waited for fifteen minutes before I could go in.

The bouncer stopped and asked for my ID. I smelled that he was a werewolf.

"Watch the way you speak to me," I growled using my Alpha voice. His eyes widened and he apologized quickly.

He let me in and I smiled at the smell of alcohol and the sound of loud music. I walled straight to the bar and sat down at one of the empty stools.

One of the bartenders had his back to me, so I coughed to get his attention.

The bartender turns around and I recognize his smell as a werewolf from Blake's pack. His eyes widen in recognition.

"Alpha?" he asks in surprise, quite loudly too. I glare him and quickly put a finger to my mouth.

"Shush!" I hiss.

"What are you doing here? Where have you been?" he whispered.

"I was busy, but I found Alpha Blake and he will be returning in a few days. He was injured but he is healing now. I am going to give up my title and give it to him," I tell him quietly.

"That is great news, but will you not still be our Luna?"

"No, something happened that I cannot talk about that makes Blake and I no longer mates," I confessed, shaking my head. Hearing the truth out loud made my heart break, but I knew I would get over it.

He seems to sense that I don't want to talk much more about it, and thankfully drops the topic.

"Is there anything I can get you for now?" He asks changing the subject.

"Two Salts and a bottle of vodka," I tell him. He nods and gets as I ask.

"Thanks, and please pass on this information to the Betas, but tell them to not mention a word to anyone else," I whisper. He nods quickly and moves on to the next customer.

I swallow both pills and chug the bottle. It goes down my throat like liquid fire, but I welcome the burning pain. I slam the empty bottle on the counter and wait as the Salts start to take effect.

My anger subsides and euphoria replaces it. A familiar smell suddenly hits my nose, and I turn to see Derek laughing with a group of guys.

I get up and walk over to him, the guys around him whistle at me as I walk up.

"Hey Derek, what are you doing here?" I ask him. He glares at the guy who nudges him with his elbows and winks.

"Guys, this is my sister, Raven," he introduces. I give a mock bow and wink at them.

"Mind if I borrow him for a moment?" I ask. They shake their heads and I take Derek over to the bar.

"So, what are you doing here?" I say sitting on a stool and ordering a beer. Derek already has his own, and I take a swig of mine.

"I'm a lone wolf, I can do whatever I want. I felt like coming to a club tonight, but what are you doing here? Last I checked you were the Alpha and Luna of the Silver Bloods Pack," he says with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm giving up my position because I found Blake, and I have business I have to deal with. So I will be giving him my position as Alpha, and I will no longer be mated to Blake due to some serious problems," I mumbled.

"That's some tough shit, well you should join us, get your mind off it," he says gesturing to his friends.

"Sure," I smile. I finish my beer and let Derek lead me over to his friends. There were four of them, all werewolves so they were also all tall, well built, and handsome.

"So, what are your names?" I ask standing in front of them. My brother has his arm slung over my shoulder casually, his other hand holding a new beer.

The each introduces themselves. The blonde with green eyes was Flynn, the brown-haired was James, the black-haired was Zach, and the other blonde with blue eyes Mike.

"My name is Raven Silver," I said remembering my mother's maiden name. I sat down at a bar stool and they surrounded me with questions.

"Are you really his sister?" Zach asks.

My legs were crossed, and I rested one hand in my lap, the other on the bar holding my drink. I took a swig of my beer before answering.

"Well, half sister, same mother but different father," I answered. I was on my fifth beer, and I could hear my words becoming slurred.

"So since your not fully related you would be totally against sleeping with me?" James asks, wagging his eyebrows.

The hand resting in my lap grabbed the edge of my dress and tugged it up a little ways. I smirked as their eyes caught onto the gun on my thigh.

"Are you sure you want to do that?" I say. I think I am drunk now, I thought finishing my beer.

"Well this has been fun and all but I need to make a quick phone call," I tell them standing up. I go into the bathroom where it is quieter and take my phone out of my bra.

I dial Shades number and wait for her to pick up.

"Yes, who is it?" She mumbled.

"Its me Raven," I say, my words slurring.

"Well this Raven sounds a little drunk."

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not," I say. I want to giggle at my own words.

Well apparently being drunk makes everything seem hilarious, I think.

"Okay, I'll come pick you up, just hive me thirty minutes and I'll be there," she tells me.

"Awe, don't ruin all the fun! Come and join me," I whine.

"Okay fine, but only for an hour, then we are going home. Got it?" She asks.

"Okay sounds good to me!" I yell with a laugh, and hang up. I walk back out to the bar, and play on my phone until I get a text.

Hey Raven, I'm here but I might not get in until later. I am at the back of the line right now.

I read Shade's text and start heading for the door.

Wait just a minute, I'll come out to get you.

I open the door and walk over to the bouncer.

"I need you to let her in right now," I tell him. He thinks a little before nodding.

I look over to Shade, and wave her over. I give the bouncer a nod and lead Shade in with a smile.

"Hey, there's someone I want you to meet. Derek!" I called out. He came walking over a minute later, smiling at Shade.

"Hey cuz, what's up?" He asks pulling Shade in for a hug. It takes her a moment before she remembers.

"Hey long time no see," she says pulling away. I smile at the two.

"Okay you can go off and have fun now," I tell him. Derek smiles and goes over to join his staring friends.

Shade rolls her eyes when they whistle but waves at them. I laugh when they start arguing over who she waved to.

I look at Shade and see she is dressed in all black, with a nose and lip ring.

"So, this is new," I say pointing to her face with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, I've had them for a while but haven't had them in the whole time I've been here. Never thought there was a reason to let my dark side take over," she says with a wink.

"I kinda like the dark you," I comment dragging Shade to the dance floor. We dance to a few songs, before I hand Shade a beer.

She downs it quickly, so we head back to the bar. I can sense there was something wrong behind us, but I didn't pay much attention to it.

"Yes?" I hear Shade ask. She turned around and I looked at her before realizing what she was doing.

A drunk male werewolf was eyeing us hungrily, and lunged. Shade pulled out a dagger from her belt and stabbed his stomach.

She yanks it out and she rushes to the bathroom..

"Great! I just got this one sharpened," she says as I burst in. My eyes are wide when she doesn't seem to be worried.


"The cops will be here any minute. We need to leave, now!" I grab her arm and drag her out.

She yanks her arm from my grip and leads me out the door and towards where her bike was.

"So you know don't you?" She asks as we turn a corner.

"Know about what?" I mumbled feeling a little dizzy.

"You know, about me leaving?" I nod and look down at the ground.

"Yeah, I overheard them talking you. Why do you have to leave so soon?" I say getting angry.

"Hey, if I had a say, I would stay here," Shade growled.

"Maybe you do!" I yell hopefully. She slaps a hand over my mouth quickly.

"Shh, it is the dead of night and I don't want to be waking people up. We're already wanted as it is," she hissed.

I rolled my eyes and we continued our walk. Shade finally found her bike and we rode back to the mountain together.

We crept inside, and Shade helped me to my bedroom. I immediately passed out on the bedroom floor.

I am going to have one hell of a hangover tomorrow, I thought as darkness overtook me.

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