The midnight sky was a blanket of deep blue, scattered with millions of shimmering stars. Not a single cloud marred its vast expanse, allowing the full glory of the celestial bodies to shine down on the city below.

Suddenly out of thin air, Terence appeared outside of the Paris apartment, his tall frame silhouetted against the glow of the fluorescent lights in the hallway.

Using his foot he tapped hurriedly on the Paris door. She swung it open and gasped at the sight before her - Terence stood there with Alexander's limp body slung over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. The moonless night seemed to amplify the eerie stillness that hung in the air as she took in the shocking scene before her.

“W-what happened?” Paris stammered, eyes wide with shock.

“He’s dying, please help,” Terence pleaded, his voice trembling with desperation.

“We should take him to the hospital... Does he even have a Doctor?” She looked at the figure, barely conscious.

“He needs you. He needs your blood. It will save him. Please have mercy.” Terence's words were choked with emotion as he gazed up at her with pleading eyes.

Paris hesitated, her mind racing with fear and uncertainty. But she couldn't turn away from someone in need, especially not someone she cared for deeply.

“C-come in.” She stepped aside to let Terence into her small apartment.

“Over there on the sofa,” she directed, her voice calm but her heart pounding with worry.

The man's face was pale and sunken, and she could see the pain etched into every line of his face. But she knew that she had to act quickly if there was any chance of saving him.

With a gentle sigh, Terence lowered Alexander onto the plush velvet sofa. Paris recoiled in shock at the sight of Alexander's deteriorating body, with patches of decaying flesh. She stood there, frozen in horror, unable to find her voice. Paris could barely bring herself to look at him, her heart racing with fear and sadness.

Terence raced into the kitchen, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. In his hand, he gripped a sharp knife, glinting under the bright kitchen lights. Startled, Paris could feel her heart pounding against her ribcage as she watched him approach. Only then did she realize she was in shock, her mind a jumbled mess of fear and confusion.

"Your blood now," Terence stated, offering her the knife with an intense look in his eyes.

Her hands trembled as she reached out for the weapon, unsure if this was truly what needed to be done.

“Are you sure? Will this work?” Her panic escalated at the thought of hurting herself, but Terence's assured nod gave her some sense of comfort.

"Trust me," she managed to say, her voice shaky as she tried to keep the fear out of it.

Without taking her eyes off Alexander's face, Paris took the knife and brought it to her wrist. She hesitated for a moment, steeling herself for the pain that was sure to come. With one swift motion, she slashed through her delicate skin and let out a pained groan as the knife cut deep.

The sensation of burning agony spread through her body, making her feel weak and dizzy. Her focus was unwavering as she refused to acknowledge the sight of her own blood, determined not to faint. She kept her eyes locked on Alexander until the very end, refusing to back down or give up.

Without hesitation, Terence took her hand and guided it to Alexander's mouth. As he began to softly suckle, Paris could feel the sparks of electricity coursing through her veins at their touch. The connection she felt for Alexander was immediate and undeniable. She knew deep down that she meant nothing to him, that her blood was all he needed from her. And yet, she couldn't help but be drawn to him.

Sitting on her folded legs, Paris gazed at Alexander's face, taking in every detail. Despite his decaying charm, there was still a striking beauty about him that captivated her. She couldn't resist the pull towards him, even as she reminded herself of the harsh reality of their situation.

With gentle movements, Paris shifted behind Alexander and cradled his head in the crook of her arm, like a mother tending to her child. She gazed down at him with tender affection as he continued to nurse from her.

Her fingers traced along his cheek, feeling the coolness of his skin against her touch. As she ran her fingers through his hair, she noticed how dry and brittle it felt, a result of his lack of nourishment.

But despite this, Paris couldn't resist the intimate closeness between them. The act of feeding him her blood was both exhilarating and comforting, creating a bond between them that went beyond words. Every sensation was heightened in this moment of intimacy, and Paris savored every second of it.

Their bodies nestled together effortlessly as if they were two pieces of a puzzle finally fitting perfectly into place. The contrast between Paris's warm skin and the Vampire's cold flesh sent small shivers down her spine, and his cool breath against her arm made goosebumps erupt on her skin.

“I’ll leave you two alone,” Terence interrupted their moment, Paris became aware of his presence for the first time. She felt a sudden rush of embarrassment and bashfulness as if she had been caught in an intimate act. But when she met Terence's eyes, he smiled understandingly before disappearing into thin air.

Alone once again with the Vampire, Paris couldn't help but feel a sense of maternal instinct kick in. She lightly rocked back and forth.

“Please be okay,” whispering words of comfort and protection to him.

Maybe it was fatigue from all-day work or losing blood at an alarming rate, that began to catch up with Paris. Her body slowly succumbed to exhaustion and she found herself drifting off into sleep.

The morning came and passed, the sun steadily rising higher in the sky. As the afternoon arrived, Alexander slowly regained consciousness after what seemed like a near-death experience. His body felt almost entirely new as if it had been restored from the brink of death.

With his eyes opening slowly, he took in his surroundings. The first thing he noticed was the intricately painted crown molding above him, followed by the walls of the unfamiliar room. He surveyed and scrutinized every detail, trying to piece together where he was and how he got there.

Barely able to groan, he managed to raise himself into a sitting position. A wave of dizziness and disorientation washed over him, making him feel like he was waking up from a severe hangover. As he looked around the room, his eyes fell upon the legs of a woman on either side of his body, adding to his confusion and discomfort.

‘Did I fuck a girl?’

Disoriented and confused, he struggled to recall the events of the night before. His memories were hazy, a jumble of...nothing. He couldn't even remember sleeping with someone.

He tried to piece together and the last thing he remembered was—dying. Was it possible that he had slept with this girl?

He cranked his neck and turned his head to see the face of the girl lying next to him.

"NO!" Panic rose in his chest.

"Paris..." Alexander's panic rose as he saw Paris's face, it was drained of color, her features turning pale and cold. Even her once vibrant pink lips had turned dry and blue, a ghostly shadow of their former self. Paris lay still on the ground, all warmth and life seeping out of her.

"Goddammit!" Alexander cursed, realizing the gravity of the situation. "I drank too much of her blood."

Desperate to revive her, Alexander gently held her close, and tapped her cheeks, “Paris... Paris, wake up.”

Then he called out for Terence. But when there was no response, he knew he needed to act fast. With trembling hands, he searched for a phone to call for an ambulance, praying that it wasn't too late to save Paris.

“Paris... don’t die on me, baby...” He mumbled to her cold cheek.

“TERENCE!” Alexander yelled.

“Master!” Terence appeared in the apartment, his form materializing out of thin air. His face was etched with worry as he addressed his employer.

“GET THE DOCTOR. QUICK!” Alexander bellowed, his voice filled with urgency. He carried her to the bed.

“Yes, Master.” Without a moment's hesitation, Terence vanished and quickly returned, bringing the Doctor with him.

“Alexander, you’re alive. How the—” The doctor's astonishment was cut off abruptly by Alexander's rude interruption.

“Fuck me, and give her all your attention.” Alexander scowled at the doctor, pointing towards the figure on the bed before them.

The doctor nodded nervously and rushed to the bedside, his expert hands gently examining her. “Did you feed on her completely?” he asked, taking her pulse and lifting her eyelid to check her pupil.

“Yes,” Terence interjected from behind Alexander, adding to the confusing situation.

As Alexander furrowed his brows in confusion, Terence narrated the events of the previous night.

But something deeply unsettling caught the doctor’s attention.

“She’s not human,” he declared, drawing both men's attention back to him.

“What?!” They both exclaimed in unison, their voices filled with shock and disbelief.


Vampires are often described as bold, daring, and confident creatures, but in this moment, Alexander was more like a trembling hare.

The golden blood that ran through her veins had been drained by him, leaving Paris unconscious for two days straight as she worked to recover. Anxious and filled with guilt, Alexander refused to leave her side, constantly monitoring her fragile state. At this moment, he was no longer the fierce and fearless vampire he portrayed himself to be; instead, he was a worried and remorseful lover.

He desperately tried to hold on to his brave facade, knowing that the pressure behind him was growing stronger by the minute. He had created a mess and now needed to fix it if he wanted her to continue being his blood savior.

As if awakening from a long winter's sleep, like a bud, she unfurled her limbs like the petals of a delicate flower, stretching and reaching toward the warmth of the sun.

Like a blank canvas, her skin began to bloom with vibrant shades of red and pink. The hues mingled and danced across her flesh, Each color seemed to breathe life into her.

The transformation was mesmerizing, like watching a flower blossom before one's very eyes. And just like a painting, the colors bring her to life.

But behind her beauty, a secret burned within her heart, hidden from the world.

As Paris stirred awake, Alexander was by her side in an instant. "I'm here," he murmured, gently grasping her hand in his.

Her eyes fluttered open to see him, but she struggled to speak as her throat felt dry like desert sand.

“W-water,” she weakly whispered her request.

"Yes, of course," Alexander quickly responded and instructed someone to bring some ice chips.

She squeezed her eyes shut, still drowsy from sleep.

Alexander took a small piece of ice and gently wet her dry lips. Paris flinched at the unexpected touch.

“Open your mouth,” he urged her, and she complied.

The icy sensation met the warmth of her tongue, causing her to mewl softly as she sucked on the crystal. She couldn't help but ask for more, and before she could fully comprehend what was happening, Alexander pressed his lips to hers and transferred water from his mouth into hers. He indulged in unrealistic behavior. It was almost as if he enjoyed playing with her like this.

Alexander repeated this several times until she was satisfied with her hydration. Paris didn't resist or ignore his actions; instead, she allowed him to provide her with much-needed relief. Once she had enough, she shook her head in gratitude.

"You almost died," she said, her voice filled with worry.

"So did you," he replied, his concern evident in his tone.

He ran his fingers through her hair and gazed down at her with fondness. "But you saved me."

She trailed off, trying to remember. "How long was I out for?"

"You were unconscious for two days, Paris."

"And you took care of me?" She couldn't help but feel a warm glow inside when he nodded.

"I'll always take care of you, Paris..." He pulled her close and held her tight. She took a deep breath, feeling as though she was falling in love with him all over again. But then she remembered the danger of it all.

"Well, I'm doing better now, so you don't have to stay--"

"I want to stay, Paris." His husky voice sent shivers down her spine as she resisted the urge to hug him back.

Paris glanced down at her wrist, suddenly self-conscious. "You probably wondering what kind I am?"

Alexander gently kissed her forehead before turning away giving her privacy.

"Let's save the questions for later. Right now, you need to eat," he said with a smile. The blush on her cheeks deepened as he smoothed her hair.

"Why don't you freshen up. While I fetch some food."

Paris nodded in agreement, grateful for all his help.

Paris emerged from her bedroom, the soft fabric of her dress flowing against her skin as she made her way to the living room.

There, she found Alexander sitting on the chair next to the small square table, adorned with various delicious food. The aroma wafted through the air, a mouth-watering mixture of herbs and spices that had been carefully cooked in her kitchen with ingredients pulled from the refrigerator.

“Hi,” she greeted him, with a smile.

Alex stood up from his chair, his hand outstretched towards her. “You look beautiful, but still weak. Come, sit, and eat.” He took her hand gently in his.

“Alexander, I think we need to talk first,” Paris started.

“We will, but first you must eat.” He pulled out a chair for her and began to fill up a plate with various dishes.

“I can serve myself,” Paris protested.

“I insist,” Alexander insisted with a warm smile. And true to his word, he made sure that Paris ate until she was full.

“Are you trying to fatten me up?” she teased, giving him a playful glare.

“Perhaps,” he replied with a mischievous grin, playfully feeding her another bite.

“Enough, Alexander. I can't possibly eat anymore. If I do, I'll need a nap afterwards.”

“I'm glad to hear that you're satisfied,” he responded with a content smile on his face.

After finishing her meal, Paris felt a heavy lethargy settle over her. She groaned.

"I can't believe I overate, now I feel so fat. I blame you." She complained, rubbing a hand over her full stomach.

Without warning, Alexander scooped her up in his arms and carried her towards the bed.

"What are you doing?" Paris asked, surprised by his sudden action.

"You said you wanted to take a nap after eating," he replied as he placed her gently on the soft sheets and climbed in beside her.

Initially resistant, Paris couldn't help but relax as she snuggled into his side. But then she remembered something important and sat up abruptly. "No, no, I'm fine," she insisted, casting a worried glance at Alexander.

He simply smiled and brushed a stray hair from her face before tracing the curve of her cheek with his finger. Her heart fluttered under his touch and she could feel herself losing control.

Gathering all her courage, she finally blurted out what was on her mind. "I-I'm not entirely human, I'm actually half-angel."

Alexander's expression remained unchanged, but his eyes seemed to hold an understanding that Paris couldn't comprehend. Without saying a word, he reached for her hand and held it gently in his own.

Everything made sense - the golden blood running through her veins, the unexplained powers she possessed - it all came together like pieces of a puzzle forming a picture of who she truly was: an angel living among humans.

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