Chapter THE DEAL...

As if words have wings; they’ve traveled fast, far away to the land where evil resides.

"There’s a girl whose blood is a boon to his life? Alexander will become stronger than ever, and nothing could defeat him. We need to cut the supply off."

They were plotting an insidious scheme... Meanwhile, Alexander was preparing for Paris' arrival at his mansion, determined to secure the deal this time. His previous attempt had failed, but he hoped this one would fulfill his goal.

Paris studied herself in the mirror, examining the form-fitting dress she had chosen for the meeting. She couldn't help but think it was a bit too low on top. This wasn't a romantic outing, after all; it was just a business meeting. While she started to second-guess her outfit choice. Terence was already here. He'd come to pick her up.

As they drove to the Mansion. He could sense she was nervous as they made their way there.

Paris called her mother earlier today but deliberately avoided mentioning Alexander. She didn't want to worry her mother by revealing that he was a Vampire. Besides, Alexnder had no intention of dating her, so it wasn't necessary to bring it up.

The car halted, and Alexander himself stood on the front porch to greet her. As soon as she caught sight of him, her breath caught in her throat. He stood tall and proud, his chiseled features illuminated by the evening sun. His confident stance and impeccable sense of style made her heart skip a beat. But his eyes sparkled with mischief, making him look devilishly handsome. She knew she was in trouble, but she couldn't tear her gaze away from his enchanting figure.

Her presence was nothing short of breathtaking. She glided towards him in a sleek, form-fitting black dress that accentuated every curve of her body. The fabric clung to her like a second skin, leaving little to the imagination. Long and lean legs were elongated by a pair of nude pumps, making her appear even more statuesque. As she neared, he couldn't help but catch his breath at the sight of her beauty before him.

“You look absolutely stunning.” He said, extending his hand to her with a gentle smile.

“Thank you.” She beamed, letting him guide her inside the magnificent dwelling.

“You have got a beautiful house,” she said.

“Maybe later, I could take you on a tour?” he suggested.

“I would like that.” She replied with a smile.

“Perhaps we could take our meeting in the den.” he added, proposing the idea. Paris gave a subtle nod.

With his hand in hers, he led the way confidently. She felt ready and no longer nervous; she had prepared a speech just in case she needed to be precise.

"Please," he urged her to enter first before following behind her. Paris strode deeper into the room, taking in every detail of her surroundings. The walls were adorned with handsome wood panels, and a plush couch sat in the center of the room, the soft cushions on the couch inviting her to sink in and relax. The fireplace added to the intimate atmosphere.

"Can I get you something to drink?" he offered.

"I'm good, thanks."

Paris settled onto the left arm of the couch. Alexander followed suit and took a seat on the opposite side.

"So, you're an Angel?"

She looked down and nodded. "But a powerless one. I'm just like any other person, except for my ability to heal," she clarified.

He scooted closer to her. "Powerless or not, you'll always be my Angel, Paris."

His words made her heart soar with happiness.

“Since I tasted your blood, my body has rejected all other kinds. Now, I can only drink from you, Paris,” he revealed the truth behind his statement. “You’re a miracle that happened to me. And I can no longer live without you Paris.” He inched closer to her. His words may seem simple, but their impact was devastating.

Was it possible? Had he changed his mind and fallen in love with her? She couldn't help but laugh at the absurd thought.

"So, I'm going to be your food?" she asked, trying to lighten the mood.

“Paris.” He pulled her onto his lap.

“I know it may sound unpleasant... but..." he coughed slightly. "Would you consider helping me by providing your blood?"

“Yes. I will,” Paris sung her arm over his shoulder, savoring the moment of closeness with him.

Alexander was pleased with her answer, but then he became curious. "Why? Why would you do this for someone like me?"

She hesitated before admitting, "I have my reasons."

"What reasons?" He pressed for more information, and she finally revealed.

" are my reason."

"Me?" His eyebrow raised in surprise as she blushed.

"Now my life has a purpose," she confessed with a shy smile.

“Paris, you really are an Angel.”

“Half-Human.” She changed her form.

“Still an Angel.” He reverted it.

“I see myself more as a human than an Angel.”

He shook his head but didn't argue. “So, about the compensation—”

“I don’t want anything in return, Alex.” Paris interrupted gently, cutting him off.

“Why not?”

“I don’t need anything from you.”


“Alex, if my blood can keep you alive, nothing else matters. I don’t want any payment for it.”

“But I can’t accept that. It wouldn’t be right for me to take advantage of you like that.”

"Just think of as an Angel's work." she shrugged.

"You are truly an Angel yourself. But I feel like I should do something in return," he insisted.

"If you really want to, you can donate the money to a charity of your choice or help plant trees. I don't need the money."

"That's very kind of you, Paris, but still--" Alexander started to say.

She interrupted him by gently holding his face in her hands. "That day when Terence brought you in... barely alive? I never want to see you like that again, Alex," her voice trembled. "I was so scared and worried. I thought I might lose you, and I never want to feel that way again."

She gazed into his eyes, seeing a mix of gratitude, and something else she couldn't quite place. It was a look that made her heart skip a beat.

Alexander was taken aback by the raw emotion in Paris's eyes. He could see the genuine concern and care she held for him. It was a stark contrast to the other relationships he had known in his immortal life. There was something different about her, something that touched a part of him he thought long dead.

Silence hung in the air between them, the crackling of the fire in the fireplace the only sound in the room. Alexander reached up to gently grasp Paris's hands that were cupping his face, a small, tender smile playing on his lips.

"Thank you, Paris," he finally whispered, his voice laced with sincerity. "I promise to protect you with everything I have, for as long as I exist."

Paris felt her heart flutter at his words, a warmth spreading through her chest.

She shifted and gracefully rose from his lap, standing tall, facing him. "So, it's decided then."

“There’s just one condition. A request.” he said, his voice low and smooth like velvet.

"What condition?" she narrowed her brows, curiosity, and caution mixing in her expression.

"I don't like bags or bottles. I would prefer to drink it... off of your neck,” he said.

"Oh." Paris gulped as she felt a shiver run down her spine.

“Well, may I?" he asked.

“N-now. You want to drink now?” Paris hesitated, her heart starting to beat faster in her chest. The air seemed charged with anticipation as she waited for his response, feeling a mix of fear and excitement coursing through her veins.

“Yes. I’m very hungry and you look very tempting.” He said making a flimsy excuse, he couldn't deny his hunger for her. Paris was undeniably attractive, and he was in the mood to play.

"Do you want to straddle my lap or lie down?" he offered, giving her the choice.

"What?!" She was taken aback by his forwardness.

"On the couch or on my lap?" he repeated patiently.

She felt pressured by his question. "Don't you think that's too...intimate?" she hesitated. "Maybe you could just bite my neck from behind while I stand? You know, like a vampy style." She suggested nervously.

Alexander chuckled.

"I suppose I could, but it's not particularly appealing," he replied smoothly.

“Maybe you could drink it from my wrist like the last time.” She offered him her wrist.

He ignored her hand.

"Couch or my lap?" he asked, applying pressure to her decision.

She gulped nervously. "I must say you're being very..."

"Stubborn and demanding," he filled adding to her sentences.

"Immature," she added with a hint of annoyance.

"Simply choose one, and commence." He disregarded her comments.

"Fine," she finally caved in.

With confidence, she reached down and grabbed the hem of her figure-hugging dress. Alexander couldn't help but watch as she slowly pulled it up her smooth thighs, revealing more and more of her tantalizing skin. His fingers curl on the armrest, remembering how soft and warm her skin had felt against his when he had caressed it before.

Paris could sense his enjoyment and decided to take things a step further. She walked closer, placing both hands on his broad shoulders, before boldly straddling him and settling onto his lap. She avoided meeting his intense gaze, feeling too nervous under his intense scrutiny.

Whispering cautiously, she asked, "Is this okay?"

Her heart raced with anticipation and a hint of fear as she waited for the Vampire's response.

He seemed delighted by her actions, his dark eyes gleaming with desire. He could have stopped at any time, but he didn't instead, he caught her waist in a firm grip, his voice low and commanding as he whispered, "Come closer."

Her body tingled with goosebumps at his touch, and she couldn't help but move closer to him. As she did, she brushed against his semi-hard erection, causing a surge of desire to course through him.

'Fuck,' he almost moaned, unable to contain his arousal. She settled herself comfortably in his lap, but he couldn't help noticing that she wasn't positioned quite right. A thought formed in his mind as he gazed at her tempting lips.

Alexander couldn't tear his eyes away from her, mesmerized by the gentle rise and fall of her chest as she breathed.

"You are very sexy, Paris," he whispered in admiration. She blushed at his words and bit her bottom lip, causing him to feel a surge of desire that made his pants feel even tighter.

"Lean closer," he commanded in a velvety voice, "so my lips can touch your neck, Paris."

The sound of her name on his lips sent shivers down her spine and made her body temperature rise. She was feeling hot and flushed with desire for this vampire before her. With her heart pounding in her chest, she complied with his request and leaned forward.

He couldn’t help but notice how close his face was to her ample cleavage. With a simple tug, he could release her breast and take her nipple into his mouth, feel the hard bud against his tongue. His fingers were itching to pull down the neckline of her dress, but he resisted with all his might.

Paris spoke softly, breaking him out of his daze. He let out a low moan.

"It might hurt a bit, but I'll be gentle," he assured her.

"O-Okay." Her stomach clenched as they drew closer, their faces and hearts mere inches apart as they held onto each other.

She caught a whiff of his cologne mixed with his natural scent as his hand curved around her hip and traveled up her back. Her breathing quickened, but her heart was pounding in her chest with anticipation.

Alexander savored every moment of this sensual encounter, reminding himself not to go further than they had agreed upon.

"Are you ready, Paris?" he asked, his voice husky as he brushed his thumb across her skin. It sent shivers down her spine and made her tremble even more.

Closing her eyes tightly, she tilted her head for him to access her neck. He pressed his nose against her skin, inhaling her fragrance as goosebumps appeared all over her body.

The sound of Paris' racing heartbeat only fueled Alexander's desire. He ran his tongue along the sensitive skin on her neck, causing her to gasp and grip his shoulder tightly.

This was beyond intimacy; it was pure sex appeal that intoxicated them both.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Alexander surprised her by extending his canines and piercing her skin. She gasped in shock and her grip on him tightened even more.

As he sucked on her neck, Alexander could feel the rush of blood filling his mouth and he drank deeply.

Paris's muscles were tense, but as his hands ran up and down her back, she began to relax into his touch. He continued to drink from her neck while his tongue lapped at the wound, making sure to clean up any remaining drops of blood.

Their gazes locked, with his eyes fixated on her and hers on him. Alexander inched closer, drawn to her parted lips that seemed to beckon him even more.

"Paris, may I kiss you?"

"Please," she exhaled, and he brought a hand up to run through her hair before pulling her towards him. He pressed his mouth against hers, kissing her deeply.

Carefully lifting her off his lap, and laid her on the sofa, hovering over her. With one knee, he gently parted her thighs and positioned himself between them. He intensified their kiss, exploring her mouth with his tongue. His hand traveled down to her chest and squeezed her breast, eliciting a pleasurable moan from her that he eagerly drank in. He loved that sound.

She was tiny, delicate, pure, and untouched. Alexander noticed this immediately and could not resist the temptation to taste her innocent blood.

Being famished and loss of blood the intense heat from their kiss put her in a trance, causing her to lose consciousness and blur her vision.

She had not expected such an overwhelming reaction from just a simple kiss. As he gazed into her eyes, he was satisfied with the effects of their passionate embrace. She appeared completely dazed and under his spell.

“Alex, I feel... I feel lightheaded.”

“Okay, let's stop here.” Alexander wiped away the dampness on her forehead. He could also sense perspiration forming behind her hairline.

Lifting her in his arms, he brought her to his bedroom. As he gazed at her peaceful face, he couldn't comprehend his own response to her.

She had set something alight inside him, and now he was consumed with an overwhelming desire for her.


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