Michael's eyes lingered on Paris as she walked through the bustling restaurant. Her confident stride drew the attention of everyone around her. He knew he wanted to get closer to her, to find a way into her inner circle. But he also knew he had to be patient, waiting for the perfect opportunity to make his move. He watched as she laughed with her colleagues, her glossy hair catching the light and mesmerizing him like a halo. The anticipation of being near her filled him with both excitement and nerves, but he was determined to win her over.

"Hi, Paris."

"Michael, is that?"

"It's a drink I made with dry ice to make it look more appealing."

"How mystical," she remarked.

"It's a mix of pineapple and tequila shots. I made it specifically for you." He scratched the back of his head nervously.

"Thank you, Michael, but we shouldn't be drinking at work."

"I'm just experimenting with new drinks, that's all. Maybe just one sip won't hurt." He insisted.

"I appreciate it, but I'll have to decline."

"That's okay, we can go out for drinks after work." he asked.

"Maybe another time."

"Okay." He leaned in and kissed her on the cheek.

"Michael!" Her eyes widened in surprise. It made her feel uneasy and uncomfortable.

"I really like you, Paris," he said with a grin as he walked away backward.

As the sun began to set, Paris left the restaurant and made her way to the parking lot. Her heels clicked against the pavement as she walked, feeling a sense of relief wash over her after a long day at work. But then, she felt a presence close by that sent a shiver down her spine. An eerie feeling washed over her as she peered into the shadows, straining to see who or what was there.

"Alex?" she called out nervously, remembering the last time he had surprised her at this exact spot. The memory brought a mixture of excitement and fear.

"Is that you, Alex?" she called out again, her voice echoing in the empty parking lot. But there was no response—just the sound of crickets chirping in the distance.

He stood, a solitary figure in the dim shadows. The night pulsated with hidden life all around him, but he remained still and silent. Paris could make out the glint of his eyes, like two red embers burning in the darkness. It was a primal sight, one that stirred within her a mixture of fear and excitement; she knew she was staring into the eyes of a predator, waiting for his moment to strike. And yet, she found herself not afraid but rather eager for him to come to her first, drawn in by his powerful presence and the thrill of danger that surrounded him.

She wanted to make a snarky remark about being unable to resist but held back.

"What brings you here?" she asked instead.

Alexander did not respond as she spoke. He remained standing on the street corner, partially illuminated by the amber glow of a nearby streetlight. His skin appeared even paler against the dark fabric of his tight shirt.

"Perhaps for a drink?" she asked.

He hesitated. "Can I?"

"Have I ever said no?" Her gaze softened, but she still took a deep breath before continuing. "But you have to drink it from my wrist."

She put on a tough facade, but now a restriction was in place, even though she had allowed him to come close.

The Vampire's lips curled into a sly smirk as he pushed away from the wall and swiftly moved to stand behind her. Paris couldn't help but hold her breath at his sudden proximity.

“You know how I like it.” His hands on her waist sent shivers down her spine. She could feel the heat rising in her body as he pulled her closer, pressing her against his chest. His breath tickled her skin as he ran his nose along the side of her neck, sending goosebumps across her flesh.

“You’re only looking for a reason, Alex.” She scoffed but couldn't deny the familiar spark that ignited between them.

Alexander laughed softly, his voice low and intimate as he whispered in her ear, "You're always going to be my reason, Paris."

The sound of his voice sent chills down her spine as she melted into him, lost in their undeniable connection.

His touch went through her like a bolt of electricity, surging through every inch of her body and awakening every nerve ending. All her senses were heightened, her awareness fully attuned to the sensations he elicited in her.

She couldn't contain her pleasure; it burst forth from within her, radiating outwards and consuming her entire being. His deep voice rumbled like thunder in her ears, adding fuel to the fire.

She tried to resist, to push back against the intensity of what she was feeling, but it was futile against the overwhelming onslaught of desire that coursed through her veins.

"Oh, right. I'm just food," she muttered. The words flew out of her mouth without her even thinking about it.

“Paris!” His face contorted into a scowl, his voice a flood of emotions as he uttered her name.

Paris's heart raced as she turned to face him, her movements slow and deliberate. His face was a mask of stoicism, but his eyes betrayed the emotions swirling within him.

She reached out her hand and rested gently over his heart. She could feel the steady beat beneath her palm, a physical manifestation of the feelings he couldn't hide.

“You shouldn’t be near me when I’m still in love with you, Alex.” The words escaped her lips in a desperate, almost pleading tone. Her heart ached as she looked into Alex's eyes, knowing that he was the cause of this pain.

"Stop playing with my emotions," she continued, her voice betraying the love she still held for him. It wasn't fair for him to keep stringing her along while she still longed for his love.

Tears threatened to spill from her eyes as she struggled to keep her composure. But deep down, she knew she would do anything for him, even if it meant enduring this emotional torture.

“Why do you have to have a condition of love, Paris? When you could have me any way you desire?”

The moonlight danced across her features, highlighting the delicate curve of her lips. She reached out to him, her fingertips brushing against his cheek as she gazed into his eyes.

His heart stuttered at her touch, torn between desire and fear of what their love may bring. But even then, he knew he couldn't resist her any longer.

Paris looked at him with a sorrowful gaze, seeking optimism in his alluring emerald eyes--but they were not without hope.

“Would you rather have my body than my heart? Would you like it if I gave my heart to someone else, Alexander?”

Those were powerful words, spoken with conviction and purpose. The man's face betrayed a hint of unease, his eyes flickering uncertainly as they met hers. His body tensed, ready to defend against her words like a shield built of steel.

A tense silence stretched between them as they held each other's gaze. Their eyes glimmered with mixed emotions—anger, pain, and regret. The air was thick with unsaid words, suffocating in its intensity.

The tension building between them. Paris could see his struggle, his inner turmoil. But she couldn't back down now, not after everything that had happened between them.

"But you already have another man on your side, allowing him to kiss you,” he said.

“You saw us?”

He smirked. “I witnessed the entire thing. You let him come close to you. If you were so desperate for a man... why didn't you just sleep with me? I could have given you experiences beyond your imagination--”

Paris's hand cracked against his cheek in a split second with a resounding smack.

Alexander was stunned. He stared at her intensely, his eyes fixed on her without blinking, his expression giving nothing away.

The anger that had been simmering beneath her shock now boiled to the surface, fueled by a sense of humiliation and betrayal. How could he have said such demeaning words to her, delivered with cold detachment as if they meant nothing? The sting of tears threatened to blur her vision. Her body trembled with rage as she glared at him, her voice quivering with restrained fury.

All I want is love, Alexander. Can't you see that?" Tears started to stream down her face as she spoke.

“How could you even think of me in that way?” The grief that had consumed her since Alexander rejected her added more to her emotions.

"You're to blame for my shattered state. It's because of you that I'm miserable, crying myself to sleep every night. You, the deceiver, pretended to care and show affection, but it was all a facade. Everything about you is a lie, yet I can't help but love you. My heart yearns for you even when I know I can't have you. You are the only one who holds the key to my heart, yet you don't want it." She wept uncontrollably; she couldn't deny the overwhelming emotion consuming her.

Alexander stumbled backward, unable to control the trembling of his hands; he pulled his gaze away from her.

“It’s all your fault. You made me fall in love with you and you broke my heart. I love you so much that I hate what you did to me... I hate you. I hate you, Alexander.” Her body shook with sobs as she darted towards her car, tears streaming down her face like a waterfall of pain.

Alexander stood in a state of shock, his features frozen in disbelief. His mind raced as he tried to process the weight of her words, feeling a constriction in his throat at their intensity. When she spoke, her piercing gaze locked onto his, demanding an answer. But he was speechless, unsure of what to say or how to even begin to respond to her powerful words.

Alexander was a firm believer in never looking back. It was a philosophy that had served him well in matters of love and emotions. He thrived on solitude, relishing in the freedom it gave him. He had never allowed himself to truly care for another woman.

He seduced them, using his charm and charisma to lure them into his bed. He reveled in their bodies and drank from them, but he always kept his heart and emotions separate from the pleasures of the flesh. His mind was a fortress, impenetrable to love or attachment.

With a heavy heart, Alexander trudged back to his luxurious dwelling. Each step felt like a weight on his shoulders, dragging him down into the depths of despair.

Terrance trailed behind him, speaking to him, but Alexander's mind was elsewhere, and he barely registered the words being spoken.

As he entered his opulent abode, he continued walking without pause, lost in thought. He went through the grand halls and finally reached his office, shutting the door behind him with a resounding thud.

Terrance stood outside, bewildered by his sudden change in demeanor.

Alexander sank into a chair, consumed by numbness and grief. The room was silent save for the faint clock ticking, echoing the emptiness that now filled Alexander's soul.


He was an iceberg, coldhearted, blood-sucking monster.

'He didn't even attempt to stop me. It was clear that he never had any real feelings for me. How could he be so selfish and blind to the pain he'd caused?'

Paris sobbed uncontrollably in the car, her tears falling like a torrential downpour. She continued to cry for hours after she returned home, her heart heavy with memories of their time together.

How she longed for those sweet moments once again. Her mind replayed the countless times he had kissed her, how he planned their evenings together and waited for her arrival. The way his eyes would light up after just two days of being apart from her was enough to make her heart swell with love and longing. But now, all that remained were bittersweet memories that brought fresh tears to her eyes.

Breathing comes easily, but living without him is a struggle. How much time will pass before I can forget him... six months or six years?

She closed her eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath. The reality was...

Her emotions towards him would never alter. She still desired him deeply, and her love for him would never fade. Even if it meant loving him until the end of her life, it would always be just for him—Alexander.


"I can smell the celebration. We are getting close," the first man remarked.

"Don't count on it, little brother. Until Alexander is dead, there will be no celebrations," the second man cautioned.

"Do we really have to kill her, brother?"

"Haha... You always had a thing for Angels, didn't you?" Chuckled the first man. "They're all so vibrant and beautiful. But this particular Angel has no powers. She won't be able to defend herself against an attack."

He sipped his whiskey and continued, "Fortunately... she is the perfect bait. And soon, they both will have to die."

Pointing at the man who showed interest in the Angel, he ordered, "Make sure to add this poison to her drink."


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