Chapter MINE

My heart has always been a burial place where love has never taken root. I've been alone for far too long to settle down with just one person.

But somehow, a rose bloomed on a ruined wall of my heart.

Even with the thick grim that no one could pass through the vault of my heart, how did this one person get through it?

she hates me. She’d made it clear with the slap. but she also loves me.

It’s better like this. She’ll forget me and find someone else. Be with someone else, smile for someone else, and love and kiss... who isn’t me?

Then why am I not happy?


It had been a fortnight since they last saw each other, and Alexander had confined himself in his bedroom for those two weeks. He refused to let anyone in, including Terence. He would shout, "Leave me alone!" at servants who dared to walk by his door.

Despite his best efforts to move on, she remained in his mind every waking hour and even invaded his insomniac dreams at night.

Terence's stomach twisted in concern; it had been two weeks since he last saw the arrogant Vampire. He couldn't shake off the feeling of unease and decided to check on him.

With trepidation, he knocked on Alexander's door but was met with silence. Not even a faint shout or murmur came from inside.

Growing suspicious, Terence ventured inside and made his way to the kitchen. As he opened the refrigerator, he noticed that the blood bags Paris had been kindly supplying were still fully stocked and untouched. This discovery only added to Terence's growing worry. He wondered why Alexander had not been drinking lately.

As soon as Terence emerged into Alexander's bedroom, he was willing to face the consequences of potentially angering his master by invading his privacy and entering without permission.

Terence found him lying lifeless at the foot of his bed.

"Master..." he cried out, running towards him. "Mas-Alexander!" But all he saw was a ghost in his eyes.

"Paris..." Alexander kept repeating her name over and over. "Paris... I love," he said.

Terence couldn't help but feel happy for him as strange as it may seem.

Alexander's mind was consumed with one desire as he drifted into unconsciousness: he wanted her; he wanted Paris.

Terence lifted the man's body and placed it gently on the bed before disappearing into thin air to retrieve Paris from her apartment.

“Miss Noel!” Terence's sudden appearance startled her, his face contorted with worry. She could see the panic in his eyes and immediately knew something was wrong.

“Terence! What is it?” she asked, concern lacing her voice.

“Please, come with me. It's Alexander...he's not doing well,” he blurted out urgently.

Her heart began to race. “What do you mean? What's happening?”

“He hasn't been drinking,” Terence said, his words coming out in a rush.

Her mind raced with possibilities, and fear gripped her chest. “Why? Does he hate me so much that he would rather die than drink my blood?” she exclaimed, her voice trembling.

“There isn't time to explain. You need to come with me now,” Terence urged, his urgency palpable.

Just like dried rose petals never fade their fragrances, Paris's care for Alexander will never fully fade away. It clung to her and will always be present in her. Even though he didn't love her, she knew he would always need her.

Her heart ached with a fierce desire to aid him. Without hesitation, she pleaded, "Take me to him."

Terence reappeared in Alexander's opulent master suite with Paris. She sprinted towards the motionless body on the bed, her gaze taking in every detail with a sharp intensity. Alexander's once handsome face now appeared sickly and pale; his skin stretched taut over his bones as if he had been starved for days.

Agonized, Paris cradled his head in her lap, desperate to comfort him in his fragile state. Her piercing gaze shot up to meet Terence's guilty stare, accusing him with just one look.

"You were supposed to be taking care of him," she seethed, her voice trembling with anger. "How could you let him get so weak?"

Terence remained silent, his expression unreadable as he processed her words and the pain that was evident in her eyes.

’All this time, Alex didn’t feed himself. ‘Why?’ Though I was suffering the separation, I still ate for this jerk so my blood wouldn’t fall short, and here, he was starving himself to death.′

Paris's frustration boiled over, and she couldn't help raising her voice. "Don't just stand there, get me a knife!"

She didn't mean to snap at Terence, but the situation was causing her great distress.

Once more, Terence remained silent and retrieved a knife from his pocket. He handed it to Paris. Next, she sliced her wrist and attached it to the Vampire's mouth.

Paris apologized, "I'm sorry for yelling at you, Terence."

"It's okay," he responded calmly. "I'll leave now."

Once Terence exited the room, Paris hesitated to touch Alexander's face.

She was seeing Michael. He persistently showered her with romantic gestures and gave her undivided attention until she finally gave in and agreed to go on a date with him.

The redolence sweet taste of her blood, the only one that he couldn’t get enough of... and her toxic scent that he couldn’t resist...woke him up. “PARIS!”

"She left, Master," Terence told him, and he didn't hesitate to inform him this as well, "She had a date with Michael."

“No!” Alexander shouted. There was desperation in his voice.

Alexander’s heart plummeted at the news. The thought of Paris dating another man filled him with an intense mix of anger and jealousy.

He took off running as fast as possible without bothering to change clothes or do anything else beforehand.

Anger coursed through Alexander’s veins like wildfire. How could she do this to him? How could she sacrifice all her love and choose to spend her time with someone else, someone who didn’t understand the depth of her feelings?

"Alex!" she said, her voice surprised when she saw him standing at her door.

He glared at her, his eyes burning with anger. For a moment, Alexander feared he would lose control and hurt her. But, with a deep breath, he forced himself to calm down.

On the next breath he took, he immediately drew her and pulled her close. He couldn't resist any longer and gently held her face before pressing his lips against hers, catching her by surprise. He was always so quick to take the lead.

She felt a slight shiver run through her as they kissed. Despite wanting to push him away, a part of her had missed him deeply. Paris couldn't help but feel pleasure ignite within her at the touch of his lips on hers.

“Stop, Alex...” she said softly. She placed a hand on his chest and moved back gently, pushing him away. He felt empty without her touch, and he yearned to kiss her again.

“Alex, I can’t. I-I’m seeing Michael.”

“Please, Paris, don’t do this. Don’t leave me.” His voice quivered with fear as he pulled her close, clinging to her chest.

She grabbed his face and made him look at her. " It's just a date, Alex. I promised him I'd go out with him."

"Then don't go," he pleaded and hugged her again.

His arms around her always meant power, passion, and comfort. "I know you believe that I only need you for your blood, but it's more than that. I want you... I need you for all that you are."

"You silly vampire," she chuckled, "you don't have to prove yourself to me. Just don’t do rash things like this again."

"I'm in love with you, Paris." He braced himself, admitting to her. "I want to be with you, and I want your heart—your beautiful heart."

“Alex...” Tears fell at his words.

It felt odd initially, but saying it to her and watching her tears made him feel weirdly wonderful.

She stood frozen in place, looking at him in disbelief. Her eyes scanned over him with curiosity and wonder. This had to be some dream, she thought.

Suddenly, his cold hand appeared on her cheek, and she jumped back in surprise.

"Paris," he whispered.

"You can't do this to me, Alexander. It's too late now. I have promised Michael I’ll go on a date with him.” She apologized and explained.

"You told me you loved me," he accused. "Was it all just a lie, Paris?"

She could feel his overwhelming presence, but the intensity of his closeness was deadly.

Hardly daring to look in his eye, she held her breath and turned away from him. "Please, let me go, Alex."

"If you truly don't care for me anymore," he pleaded, "look me in the eyes and tell me that you don't love me."

Her heart pounded against her rib cage, threatening to burst out.

"Alex..." she whispered his name, trembling with emotion.

He gazed intently at the back of her head, his hand gently resting on her stomach as he pulled her closer.

"Just say it, Paris. Tell me you love me," he implored in a hoarse voice. She could feel his body against hers.

His words were a soft and tempting whisper in her ear with an alluring hint of danger. His hands traced down under her skirt, sending shivers down her spine.

"Please.. s-stop." She couldn't help but close her eyes as a wave of sensation washed over her. Her head rested against his chest.

"I've been patient enough, Paris. I can't hold back any longer." His seductive words and heated tone electrified her.

He pressed himself against her, his desire evident against her lower back. His breath and excited murmurs in her ear quickly eroded any resistance she had left.

“There’s still time. Admit that you need me. Admit that I'm the only one for you, Paris,” he whispered into her ear, trailing kisses down to her neck while pressing himself against her more intensely.

While his finger brushed against her sex. His torture had only just begun, leaving her with unimaginable lust, a hellish desire, and an ache between her thighs.

Never in her life had she felt so helpless, so vulnerable. It enticed her beyond her limit. To hell with her Angel image and commit this sin. Ignore making a fatal mistake and enjoy the carnal bliss.

But what about the promise she made to Michael?

“Alex, stop!” She pushed his hands away. “I have to go. I need to see Michael.”

“Are you serious?” Alexander's anger flared, and Paris looked away, keeping quiet.

He stepped back from her, feeling like the biggest fool for letting her go to another man. He ran his hands through his hair in frustration.

Why the hell does she still want to date someone else? When I can give her everything she could ever want and lay it at her feet, no one else can fulfill her desires like I can. No man will ever be good enough for her.

His love for Paris was even greater than he realized. The intensity of his feelings for her was overwhelming. He knew now that he had been in love with her since the first moment he laid eyes on her. He never imagined he would become so enamored with her.

“Do you still want to see him, even after I told you everything?”

She glanced up at him, wondering how he would react if she answered with a 'yes.' He might not be happy about it, but she didn't care. Her main goal was to let someone down gently and spare their feelings.

“I am a person of my word,” she states flatly.

Alexander approached her with purpose, each step echoing off the floor. Paris couldn't help but gasp at how menacing he appeared, his intense gaze fixed on her.

He gripped her shoulders tightly and leaned in until their foreheads almost touched. “You're mine, just remember that, Paris. I'm only letting you go to end things with him and... if you don't come back to me by sundown, I can't vouch for my actions, Paris. And I won’t show any mercy.”

Although his eyes and words were filled with anger, she knew deep down that there was none in his heart. Alexander may have let her go harshly, but she didn't want to dwell on it. It was a difficult situation, but it was necessary to make amends.

At that moment, she would have done anything he desired as a lover. But then he transformed into a beast, his threatening words causing her eyes to tear up.

He couldn't bear the thought of her being with someone else, so he let her go.

"Come back to me, Paris," he warned her. He wanted all of her - her body, heart, and soul.

And yet, he let her leave without any guarantees.


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