Give Me More (Salacious Players’ Club)

Give Me More: Chapter 39


“They didn’t say anything?” Drake asks, turning his head toward Hunter, his now buzz-cut head leaning against the headboard.

“Not really,” Hunter shrugs. “Garrett had some questions, but other than that, they just sort of…moved on.”

“Wow,” I say, running my fingers through Hunter’s dark curls against my bare leg. The lights are back on now, which means I can drink them in, both of these gorgeous men, somehow all mine.

“They probably figured we were fucking the whole time,” Drake adds, and the three of us laugh together.

“They did,” Hunter replies.

“How did that feel? Coming out to them, I mean,” Drake asks.

“It felt good.” He seems so at peace now, as if he breathes a little easier and is more present than before. Hunter has always lived in a state of constant anxiety, always on edge and desperate to make the right decision and do the right thing. Never for himself, of course.

But now, he just looks freer than I’ve ever seen him.

“You know, I never came out, not officially.”

Hunter and I both look at Drake with our brows furrowed. “What?” I ask.

“I just never actually told anyone my sexual orientation. I mean…I remember the look on your face when I told you I kissed a guy,” he says with a laugh, looking at Hunter. “But you never really asked me to elaborate or gave me shit about it. You just…accepted it.”

Hunter is wearing a heavy expression as if he has something on his mind. “I used to hate people who could express themselves so openly. My father taught me that. He made me hate what he hated, and I realized, over time, that I didn’t hate anyone but him. I was jealous of people like you, Drake. People who could live without fear.”

Drake’s hand lands on Hunter’s shoulder, giving it a reaffirming squeeze.

“I think you deserve a proper coming out,” Hunter adds. “So, go ahead.”

Drake laughs. “I just fucked you and you want me to come out now?”

“Yep. You deserve to say it out loud.”

With a proud grin plastered on his face, Drake states with confidence, “I’m bisexual.”

Tears spring to my eyes as I clutch his arm harder. I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy in all of my life.

“Hey, me too,” Hunter replies, and the three of us laugh again. It’s ridiculous and touching all at the same time. But that’s how we’ve always been. We never stopped being us and we never will. Sex doesn’t change that because we loved each other then and we love each other now.

With my head on Drake’s shoulder and Hunter’s head in my lap, I let out a long yawn.

“We should get home. You’ve had a long day,” Drake says, and I notice Hunter watching us for a moment before anyone moves. Something about the way his friend said that, as if he knows the kind of day I’ve had, like he knows my work schedule—which he does—makes this slightly uncomfortable.

“Let’s just get this awkward conversation over with,” Hunter blurts out as he sits up to face us.

I feel my eyes widen. “You want to talk about it?” I try not to put too much emphasis on the word you, but it’s there. Hunter never wants to talk about the awkward stuff—never.

“Yes, if I’ve learned anything, it’s that getting the tough conversations out of the way now prevents a lot of bullshit later. Plus, I’ve been reading up on poly relationships and the number one thing they say over and over is to have open communication, so if I want you both, I need to just get used to it.”

Drake and I are staring in shock at Hunter. After a moment, I bite my lip to stifle the smile I feel growing across my face.

“Well…” Drake starts.

“Wait. Let me preface this by saying…I left you two alone on purpose. I wanted you to get closer. I don’t want you thinking you can only fuck when I’m there to watch, like you’re a couple of performing monkeys or something.”

“Okay…” Drake replies.

Hunter is reading his expression. “Did you not have sex this whole time?”

“Almost the whole time…” I add.

“Seriously?” Hunter asks, staring at Drake in confusion.

“Well, it’s not like we had any rules to follow. I didn’t know.”

Finally, Hunter laughs. “Well, that’s your fucking fault.”

“Great,” Drake says, throwing his hands up. “Two months I kept my dick to myself, and now you’re saying I wasn’t supposed to?”

“Don’t worry,” Hunter adds. “You’ll be making up for it soon. I love watching you two fuck.”

As we start to get our clothes back on, I can’t help but wonder if it’s supposed to be harder than this. It really shouldn’t be this easy; I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Once we’re dressed and ready to go, the three of us move toward the door and pause.

“What if someone is out there?” Drake asks, looking at both of us.

“Well…we just made out in front of a room full of people so…what are you worried about?”

Drake responds with a shrug as he pulls open the door, and sure enough…Eden St. Claire is standing on the other side. She’s coming out of a room of her own alone, but her eyes instantly freeze on us as she assesses the damage—my messy hair, Drake’s wrinkled clothes, Hunter’s smug expression.

As Salacious’s resident Madame and the embodiment of female sexual prowess, Eden doesn’t shock easily. But as she stares at us for a few long seconds, I can’t help but notice the curiosity in her eyes.

“Don’t look so shocked, Eden,” Hunter replies as he holds open the door for us.

“Oh, I’m not surprised. I’m actually a little relieved. I was waiting for this to happen.”

“I have a feeling we’re going to get that a lot,” Drake replies.

I feel her arm loop through mine as she smiles at me. With her dark black hair pulled into a ponytail, she smiles at me wickedly. “Seems only fair that you add another girl to the mix to even things out.”

“Get away from my wife, Eden,” Hunter says in warning.

“Why does everyone say that to me?” she asks, and we all laugh. I have no interest in being with a woman, but no one can resist the appeal of Madame Kink herself.

The four of us continue down the long hallway toward the exit. Eden is still clutching my arm as Hunter watches with annoyance and Drake with playful interest.

“You’re a lucky girl, Isabel,” she mumbles quietly before planting a sweet kiss on my cheek. Then she pulls away and heads in the opposite direction. “Have fun, guys.”

With a smile, I reach for Drake’s hand and loop my arm through Hunter’s.

“I personally think that is a fantastic idea,” Drake says, and a laugh slips through my lips. It feels ridiculous to be this happy, but I am. And even though I really don’t see myself taking Eden up on her offer, I know what she said is right.

I am one lucky girl.

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