Give Me More (Salacious Players’ Club)

Give Me More: Chapter 38


I don’t want to talk. Isabel and I already talked enough. I know we should talk. I know that Drake probably needs to hear me say a lot of things, but talking isn’t really my strong suit. I’d rather show him.

Our kiss lasts longer than I intend it to. The point of the kiss was meant to prove that I’ve made progress. I’m not done…but I am better. And I’m not afraid to show anyone how much I want this man.

Now it seems the kiss is turning into something else entirely. His tongue glides against mine as we taste and explore each other’s mouths. In a way, it almost feels like our first kiss.

We’re both panting by the time we tear our lips apart.

“I made some modifications to room twelve,” he mumbles against my mouth, and I pull back to look into his bright blue eyes.

“You did?” Why didn’t I know about this? I might have been doing most of my work from Maggie’s house these past two months, but surely, I would have known about room changes. Room twelve is basic with an extra-large bed, made mostly for parties of three or four. It’s roomy but basic. Not equipped with anything extra, so I’m curious to know what sort of modifications he could have made.

“Yeah, I told the team not to tell you. I wanted it to be a surprise.”

The deep timbre of his voice is so familiar to me, but not having heard it for two months means that now it’s sending shock waves of warmth and excitement through my body. How did I go so long avoiding this attraction? It wasn’t Pandora’s box we opened. It was like breaking a dam. Now that these feelings are flowing, they will never be put back. Never be hidden. Never be ignored again.

“Well, I’d like to see it,” I reply, a slight shake to my voice. It’s hard to hide the emotion from this moment. He should be furious with me, and I expect him to rage at me for leaving, but he’s not. He’s as happy to see me as she was, and to think I was ready to grovel. I want him to make me pay, but it turns out, he just wants me.

“Come on,” he replies, pulling me out of the room. Room twelve is only two rooms down. The light above the door is off, which means it’s not in use, and Drake is faster with his master key than I am.

When he opens the door, I’m anxiously waiting to see what changes he’s made, but as we step in, I try my best to hide my disappointment. My eyes search the room for anything, but I can’t seem to find a single thing that’s different.

The door closes behind us, Isabel at my side. She takes my hand as I turn toward Drake.

“What—’ I ask, but my voice is cut off as the room goes dark. In fact, it’s pitch black. I’m struck speechless by the bright green spots scattered throughout the darkness. Two lines lead a pathway around the room. The hard edges of the furniture are all glowing so that the only thing we can see is what was in this room to begin with, but we can’t see each other at all.

My mouth hangs open as Isabel’s fingers wind with mine. The loud music from the main room carries into this one, through speakers installed in the ceiling, to muffle the noises from the other rooms, and it’s so surreal, I can hardly move.

Drake’s hand touches my back and I lean into it.

“We still have plans to do something bigger, like a whole section of the club like this, but for now…I thought you’d appreciate this,” he says.

Flanked on both sides by these two people, I’m hit with a sudden emotion that I didn’t see coming. “I don’t deserve you,” I murmur, and his hands feel their way up to my face, pulling me closer until our mouths meet. Isabel’s fingers slide up my spine until she digs them into my hair.

“Shut the fuck up,” Drake mutters into my mouth. “That’s bullshit and you know it. You always think you need to make yourself better for us, and I get it. We were both born into shitty situations, but that doesn’t make us any less worthy, Hunter. You are not your father, and I’m not my mother.”

Something about hearing those words in the darkness, without seeing his face, makes them hit even harder.

“You can decide right now who you are and what you want,” Isabel whispers from behind me, placing warm kisses along my back, her lips against my shirt.

“I think it’s pretty clear what I want,” Drake replies, and with that, he grinds himself against me, making me feel his rock-hard length through his pants. “And what do you want?” he asks, his voice thick and raspy with need.

“I want this,” I growl, grabbing his cock through his pants. “And this,” I add, snaking an arm around Isabel to pull her between us, moving my mouth to hers. She hums in delight as I stroke her through the fabric of her yoga pants.

My patience has worn thin, and I need them now. In a rush, I undo the buckle on my pants. “Get naked,” I command as we lose the rest of our clothes in a hazy mess of limbs and lips.

Drake guides us to the bed, the three of us never letting go of each other. When I feel Isabel’s sports bra slide over her head, I find her breasts in the darkness, running my tongue in tight circles around the sensitive bud of her nipple. She clasps onto my head, pulling me closer. I lay her on her back as my mouth continues to explore her body.

As I tug her pants down, I feel Drake’s weight settle behind me. His lips travel down my spine, one vertebra at a time. In the darkness, our senses are heightened and everything feels more intense.

When I have my wife’s naked body in my hands, it’s like everything makes sense again. Quickly, I flip her onto her stomach, pulling her up to her knees as I bury my face in the heat between her legs. She lets out a loud moan of pleasure as I thrust my tongue inside her. Her scent and taste are so familiar to me, I devour her, erasing every moment of our time apart.

“God, I missed this,” I growl into her heat. She hums in response.

Drake is behind me, his hands roaming my back and reaching around to my front, stroking my cock. A part of me tenses with him behind me. Am I ready for this?

But there’s a resounding voice there too, reminding me of everything these two have given me. I can give just as easily as I can take. And I want to give.

Drake’s strokes pick up speed, and I have to force myself not to come already.

“Drake,” I groan, pulling my mouth away from Isabel.

“Yeah?” he replies with a grunt.

I lean up to my knees as I turn to him and say, “I want you to fuck me.”

Isabel freezes in my hands, and Drake doesn’t respond. Just grabs hold of the back of my neck and steers my mouth to his, tasting her on my lips.

“Good,” he groans, “because I want to fuck you.”

With that, he forces me forward, and I return to Isabel, kissing my way down to her warm cunt. She writhes and moans with her ass in the air for me as I slide a finger inside her, which only makes her moan louder.

“That’s my girl,” I mutter against the soft skin of her ass. “Come for me, Red.”

I curl my finger inside her, and her breathing picks up speed. She screams, but the pillows muffle her voice.

When I feel the mattress dip behind me, I realize Drake has returned. I was so focused on Isabel, I hadn’t even realized he left. Glancing back, I see the glow in the dark, green markings of something in his hands. Then I hear the click of a cap.

Well, fuck. They even put glowing paint on the lube bottles. Clever.

When I feel the warm liquid seep down my backside, I let out a moan into Isabel’s skin. I pull my finger out of her heat to kiss her clit and bury my face in her again. She presses her hips back against my face, and when I feel Drake press his thumb against my ass, I stop breathing.

“Relax for me, Hunter.” He groans as he rubs a little harder, slowly easing his finger inside. I try to relax to let him pass, but I’m too overcome with the sensation. As he finally breaches the tight ring of muscle, I growl low and loud into Isabel’s wet pussy.

“Yeah? You like that, don’t you?” Drake says, sounding pleased. “You’re so fucking tight. I can’t wait to be inside you.”

I’m thrusting my hips back and forth now, eager for more, desperate for it.

“More…” I grunt.

“You want more? I’m so fucking ready to give you more.” His voice is like gravel, sweet friction to my soul, and I need every word.

Isabel is still panting into the pillows as she purrs and pleads for me. I need to make her come before I’m too distracted to get her there. So I kiss and lick her sweet cunt, rubbing tight circles around her clit.

“Yes,” she cries. “Right there.”

I don’t stop, and neither does Drake. He’s working in a second digit when Isabel finally unfurls in my hands, letting out another squeal into the pillow. I’m too enthralled by her orgasm to notice that Drake’s fingers are gone, and in their place…the blunt head of his cock.

Slowly, he thrusts. I’m bent at the hips and clinging to Isabel as he eases his way in. The sensation is jarring at first, the feeling of being so full and tight. I’m letting him into my body. I want him to have it. Take me, use me, fuck me. Make it hurt or feel good and last forever, I don’t care. I just need this and I need more of it—this indescribable thing that breaks me apart and makes me whole all at the same time.

“How are you?” he asks, a large hand skating its way up my spine. I realize he’s buried as far in as he can go, his hip bones pressed against my cheeks.

“I’m…” my voice trails. I don’t know what I am right now, but if he’s asking how I feel then I don’t have the words to answer that. I’m both lost and found. In agony and ecstasy. Nothing and everything all at once. “I’m perfect,” I reply.

“I need to fuck you now,” he says, and my cock twitches. It’s hanging heavy and hard beneath my body, and as Drake pulls back and pounds back in, hitting a spot that makes my cock leak at the tip, I drag Isabel to me.

Before Drake starts fucking me hard, I pull Isabel’s body to mine, lining up my own cock so that on his next pistoning thrust, his movement pushes me into her. I’m physically connected to both of them. We are one. With each violent jolt from Drake, I’m shoved into Isabel. She leans back against my chest, letting me find her mouth with my own as I kiss the life out of her.

The darkness swallows me whole as I let their touch and embrace be the only things I feel. Her mouth, his hands, her cunt, his cock. I’m not quite sure when my orgasm starts or if it’s been here this entire time, but as the pleasure brings me to life, I hold tight to them. We are moaning and breathing as one.

The feel of Drake’s cock pulsing inside me is my salvation. His voice echoes like a boom against the walls as he comes, taking his pleasure from my body. And there is no shame or fear in this moment—only love.

When our climaxes have both crescendoed and calmed, I feel his warm lips against my back. And I realize something that might sound cheesy or ridiculous, but this man is my soulmate. If soul mate means a person whose heart mirrors mine, a twin flame, so compatible that one cannot fully exist without the other, then without a doubt, he is mine.

And I’ve known that all along, but we called it something else before. We’ve always been best friends, but maybe that’s what best friends are—soul mates in disguise.

I guess that means a person can have more than one soul mate, because these two are so crucial to my happiness that I’d live a miserable existence without them. But I’m done thinking I don’t deserve them. As long as I give them all of me, then I deserve them, and I always have.

There’s not a drop of light in the room for our eyes to adjust to, but for the first time in my life, I see things very clearly.

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