Giles' Keeper

Chapter 8

Each night that passes my heart grows more fond of Giles and his tales. A yawn escapes me as I near the farm, it’s been harder and harder to leave Giles at night. It seems as if each night I’m more late to return home. I nearly fell asleep while cleaning the linens the other day. If Papa hadn’t slammed the door I’m sure I would’ve been asleep mid folding. My eyes stare at the slowly lightening sky and wince.

Tonight it hadn’t been a question of conversation that kept me, I had managed to talk Giles into sharing more history and his soothing voice had asleep in mere moments. He managed to wake me up as late as he dared in hopes of me getting home in time. Yet here I am dragging my feet. My head aches with the lack of sleep, my bones weary from so much time spent on the rocky cavern floor.

I’ve yet to venture inside to catch a glimpse of Giles, but I also don’t dare sitting in the center of the clearing, too afraid of the creatures that reside. Too many close calls with coyote’s to chance. The owl cries out it’s upset, heading towards the barn to nest, I watch it with a small smile, knowing even as tired as Giles is, he makes sure I return home safe. Rubbing my eyes I face the cabin and freeze, Papa sits on the porch rocking with a blank expression.

Oh no. It’s a look I’ve rarely seen much less had to face, my stomach bottoms out, heart sinking with dread. An icy expression fills his eyes, he doesn’t speak, but he doesn’t have to. His body screams his message clearly. Shame fills my body as my cheeks heat, I want nothing more than to turn into a hermit and run to the wilderness for protection. If I hadn’t been dragging my feet before I surely am now, my legs feel weighted with lead as I approach the porch.

“Where were you?” He asks in this frigid tone, his body locked tight, unmoving as he stares at me as if daring me to lie. I’m in so much trouble.

“For a walk?” The question screams of uncertainty as I glance at him, he doesn’t move a muscle, he doesn’t even blink.

“I’m disappointed.” He states and my heart shatters, I can’t face him as I stop, standing at the porch, my features flame with my embarrassment.


“Don’t.” He mutters quietly, shaking his head with a look of utter disappointment, his eyes tell me all I need to know. I’ve messed up, horribly. “I told you never to return to that evil place.” I quiver under his heavy gaze, his disappointment makes me want to cry and plead for forgiveness.

“Papa- I just want-” He raises his hand, turning his features away with a hateful stare, I fear it’s directed at me.

No, you ignored me- disrespected me and my orders.” He shakes his head, his eyes filled with a bitterness. “Has he been luring you back? Using his powers to seduce you?” Papa sneers angrily.

“What?” I ask confused. How could he think such of Giles? “Papa- I only bring food, that’s all!” That’s all I can say. His features burn at my answer, blood red as he shakes his head slowly, his disappointment grows tenfold as he quivers with unspoken rage.

Only? You associate with- with that thing.” He sneers, spitting out the insult with venom dripping from his voice. My chest tightens as I stare at him. What is his problem?

“Thing?” I ask quietly, insulted on behalf of Giles, while I may not understand him or what he is. It’s harsh to consider himself less than a being. Especially if he’s royalty, from ancient lineage.

“Yes, thing, disgraceful thing!” Papa yells, his breath rattles from his chest as he glowers, his cane jabs into the air. “He demands things of you only your husband should! Wants you out at night, risking your life for a meal? That thing should be out hunting for himself, not making demands of such from a woman.” His features burn hot with his anger, he chokes on a cough as he shakes his cane again.

“Why do you feel such anger? What has he done to upset you?” My chest hurts with the amount of anger radiating from his form, his body shakes as his eyes widen for a moment before they narrow more hate filled than before. My defense of Giles only sparks more rage within Papa.

“You speak with it? He is seducing you- taking advantage of you!” Papa shouts with rage, his chest heaves, struggling to draw in air as he explodes with a series of wet coughs.

“Papa- it’s not like that, it’s nothing more than being his Keeper.” I try to argue, watching as he swats his cane towards me, as if to slice through my words enraged.

Keeper?” He stands swiftly, eyes red, his knuckles white as he beats his cane against the porch making me jump at the sound of wood cracking against one another. I’ve never seen him this mad. “You are his Keeper?” He seethes, his voice rattles, features red as his veins bulge. I watch as he sways and his eyes glaze.

“I- uhm…” My throat constricts as he points to the steps of the porch silently beckoning me. Twisting the fabric of my apron in my fingers I struggle to walk, my legs shaking worse than a newborn deer as he stares me down.

Answer. Me.” He growls, the closer I get the more I can hear how his breath rattles from his chest.

“Yes.” I whisper, unable to project my voice any louder. It doesn’t seem to matter as he swings his cane against the wooden support of the porch, the sound echoes with my cry of shock as I stumble backwards landing in the dirt. The wind picks up, swirling dirt into the damp air in a mock tornado.

“I told you to never return to that clearing!” He hobbles to the stairs, taking each step it creaks under his thundering steps as he stares me down, keeping me trapped.

“Papa- please, it’s not- I just wanted to help-” I scream in shock as his cane digs into the dirt beside me, making me flinch as the sky darkens, thunder claps overhead as the ground begins to shake ominously. Dirt spews into the air with impact spraying into my face as pebbles sting my cheeks.

“Stupid girl! Why can’t you listen to me? Obey me?” He hollers, sputtering as he takes a gasping breath, his cane presses painfully into my chest as I try to sit up. The owl screeches loudly, flying past Papa’s form as it circles above.

“Papa- you’re scaring me.” Tears roll down my cheeks as I lay still, afraid to twitch.

Good!” He snarls, thumping the end of his cane against my shoulder in reprimand, his features darkened with rage. I flinch against the stinging pain that stabs sharply through my torso. The owl cries again, diving down towards Papa, making me cry harder. He swats in the air, pushing the bird back before his eyes flash, his hand clutches at his chest as he gasps for breath.

“Papa!?” I cry as he stumbles away, eyes glazing over as he looks at the sky, feeling the treacherous vibrations of the earth.

“It’s too late.” He mutters as he stares around, his eyes meet mine as he hits the steps a resolve forms. “You.” He points his cane once more as the owl swoops low, screeching, his talons stretched out wide ready to strike his prey.

“Papa- it’s not too late. I’m sorry- I promise I won’t disobey you again.” I plead with him hitting my knees as my stomach churns, he shakes his head, spitting on the ground.

“It’s too late, you’ve been tainted, it’s sick, twisted mind has sunk its claws into you- seduced you.” What? My chest hurts at the anger, the rage that pours from him, the wind picking up terribly, the owl careens off course in the strong gusts.

“What? He’s not like that. Giles is nothing like that.” Papa gasps and dread fills me as his shocked eyes stare back at me. His brows lower over his eyes, narrowed as he falls silent, pissed. What have I done?

“Giles?” He questions, his voice low, venom seeps from his voice as he watches me. I don’t respond, swallowing my tongue as everything falls silent apart from his labored breathing. “You’ve spoken with it.” He continues after minutes of staring me down. Papa doesn’t ask me, making it a statement with a lethal stare as if daring me to lie to him again.

“He has a name.” I struggle to keep my voice even as I raise my chin, attempting to hide my fear. This is wrong. Papa has never reacted to me in such a way, not even when I’ve managed to lose an animal on the farm or messed up tools.

“I see.” He mutters the rage that was so present on his features disappears as he struggles to stand up. He stares at the ground, listening to the thunder as rain starts to pelt the earth in stinging stabs. The cold rain pelts my skin as a tremor racks my body and dread weighs my stomach down making me feel the urge to be sick. I’ve messed up. It’s a sudden realization that makes me want to cry harder.

Papa stares at me as an emotion flashes in his eyes that looks like regret before he turns swiftly to the house, moving inside in a subdued manner, resigned. “I’ve messed up.” I sob allowed, unsure if I’m trying to plead to Papa or Giles, I can smell the heavy heady scent of fire in the air, the smoke unbeatable by the cold rain. My chest shudders as it starts to ache as a welt grows on my shoulder as I look around suddenly afraid.

‘Don’t cry my sweet, it makes my soul weep to see you hurting.’ The wind whispers as it touches the salty trail of my tears.

“I’ve messed up.” I cry again, overwhelmed with anguish as I feel a burden sink in my belly. Papa hates me. Scrubbing at my dirt stained cheeks, I’m suddenly afraid as I stare at the cabin unsure what to do. Do I go inside? The owl sits a top the tool shed, his unblinking eyes meet mine. Why do I feel so alone?

The wind is like a blanket as the ground steadies again, the animals quiet in their own angst as their hooves settle. A warmth teases my skin, soothing my tears and anxiety. ‘My sweet please don’t shed tears, they burn my soul.’ Giles pleads quietly through the wind, the owl flaps its wings as it moves through the window finding shelter in the oncoming storm. I don’t know what to do.

With one last glance at the house I shuffle towards the barn with my chest aching, the rain comes down in heavier sheets, thunder claps before lightning strikes the earth, connecting the sky and earth for a brief moment in time. The goats bleat their upset, stomping in the stall as Mable snorts, shaking her head vigorously. She stares out her window, snorting as she stomps again, the scent of smoke strong in the barn.

“What have I done?” I hear my voice crack, how brittle it sounds with emotion. Mable turns to stare at me, shaking her head as she spins in her stall agitated. I move without thought as I reach for a flake of hay, dropping it in her feeder, I reach out to pet her velvet soft nose. The strong scent dissipates as the wind billows through the open hallway, rain pelts into the trough angrily.

Sliding down the wall my butt is chilled with the frigid cobble floor. My head falls back against the wood, thumping hard as I stare at the cabin suddenly afraid for what’s to come next.

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