Giles' Keeper

Chapter 7

‘Thank you for coming my soul, my heart ached for you.’ Giles whispers, the wind teases the grass to life, dancing at his whim.

“I enjoy coming here Giles.” I blush, setting down the journal I get to work on plucking the turkey of it’s feathers. I stare at my hands, watching the action silently.

‘Would you like me to look at the journal my sweet?’ I stare into the cavern shyly before I glance towards the journal.

“Would you mind? I was never taught to read- or write.” I feel the need to admit, shame once more washes over me. Giles sounds so intelligent, I feel like an imbecile compared to him. He likely knows astronomy… I wonder if he could teach me that stuff one day.

‘Of course my sweet, open to the first page.’ The owl releases a call as it swoops in, wings outstretched as it carefully lands on the rocks, perched on a set of rocks near by, so close I feel like I could touch him, run my fingers over his soft feathers. The bird hops down, moving closer, I hold my breath as it’s intelligent eyes watch me eerily. It’s golden eyes filled with intelligence. It’s so beautiful.

“Are… are you the…” I shake my head flushing. “Sorry, that was silly of me.” The ground rumbles, rocks tumble to the lower level of the cavern.

‘You’re mind is not silly my sweet, ask as you will, grow your mind.’ The scent of smoke thickens, warm in the cooling air. Smoke oozes from the cavern’s mouth in snake like tendrils.

“It’s crazy- I know it can’t be.” I murmur, the owl pauses to stare at me, head tilted. “Are you the owl?” I ask, holding my breath as I stare at the owl, the creature blinks once, the wind dies down and everything holds it’s breath.

‘The owl and I are separate, he’s granted me the use of his eyes- a friendship if you will.’ It takes a moment for me to absorb his words. Magic? Is he speaking of magic?

“You can see as he does?” I ask curiously.

‘Yes, we share his eyes, he reports back to me as a guard would.’ I look back towards the cavern in shock.

“Are… do you have the magic you spoke of?” I ask in a conspiratorial whisper, my eyes widen in shock. Could he be a dragon?

‘Yes, my sweet, I am of the legends.’ The wind begins to blow, smoke seeps into the air as tendrils emerge from the cavern, the darkness shifts, shadows dance within. My heart stops as from the darkness emerges large deep purple eyes, bolts of blue lightening spread over the spance of the wise eyes.

“Your eyes…” I can’t find the words to explain them, they are large, the darkness that surrounds him crackles in the shape of a shadow, the grandeur steals my voice.

‘Are of a myth my sweet… It’s imperative that you keep your tongue still- I can never be found, my existence and my species depend on your silence.’ He speaks slowly, his voice low a warning clear in his tone.

“I understand, not a word will be spoken of what you are Giles, you can trust me. I swear on Papa’s life.” I promise him solemnly. He blinks, eyes staring at mine, they crinkle under inspection.

‘You take my breath away my sweet soul.’ His words make my stomach flip and a stain to paint my cheeks vividly.

“I am nothing more than a filthy farmer Giles.” The ground rumbles, and the owl takes off with a screech of displeasure.

‘You radiate beauty my sweet, don’t dismiss your tender heart and soulful eyes.’ He murmurs, eyes watchful as he over looks the clearing his eyes narrow.

“Thank you Giles, you’re words make me blush.” The wind gentles as the eyes sink back into the cavern slowly.

‘You deserve those and more my sweet, for now, it’s all I can offer. I hope soon, I am able to court you in the way of my people.’ He promises quietly, it takes a moment for the owl to return to the cavern, weary. I toss the fully plucked turkey into the mouth for Giles, stunned with the relevation. He’s a dragon… With magic. The owl returns close, hopping towards the book, it’s head cocked at the pages.

“Can you read this… journal?” I ask, watching as the owl’s head tilts to the second page curiously.

‘I can… It’s from- Joesph Gregory, a fine man and dedicated Keeper.’ He answers as the owl sits back expectantly and I turn the page.

“Joesph? Is he a-”

‘Joesph was the man who saved me years ago, this land belongs to the Gregory family, the caves as well as the farm.’ He murmurs, the owl takes off to the sky, leaving us for his own meal.

“Joesph was my grandfather?”

‘No, great, great, grandfather.’ He muses, the wind settles, grass dances as the night calms with his voice. ‘Joesph found me after a long flight, I had been wounded in my journey, I crashed into this clearing, the cavern was nowhere near this size. Back years ago.’ He explains lost in thought.

“You were injured?” I ask as I turn to lean against the cavern, watching the darkness for answers.

‘Yes, mortals fired upon me with flamed boulders, I was weary and flying too close to the ground. I bled into the pond upon this land, it’s now a landmark to be seen from the sky.’

“You have to stay here to protect it? And yourself?” Strange I’ve never heard of this pond… I wonder if Joesph wrote of it in his journal. Giles doesn’t answer right away, lost in thought I assume.

‘I stay to be protected, when I am able to depart from the human realm, the pond will be taken care of. My magic is much stronger than that of lower importance in my race.’

I frown at his words nodding slowly, confused. “What keeps you here? If I may ask.” I pick at my apron nervous to know what this means.

‘The legend must come true before I can be granted my shift.’ The scent of smoke thickens.

“What legend?” I ask softly, staring up at the stars. This is the most we’ve talked at one.

‘The legend of my people’s future my sweet.’ He hums, I watch as tendrils of smoke ooze from the depths of the cavern, dispersing over the wind languidly. ‘The first born daughter of the Keepers has the key to unlock my prison.’

“What happened to her? Has she not come along to free you?” I’m met with silence as he ponders my words, a soft rolling chuckle rumbles the earth.

‘She has, but the legend has not been fulfilled.’ Giles offers amused with a slight smile in his voice.

“What is the legend?” Clouds roll across the night sky, obscuring the bright stars.

‘The legend speaks of a young woman, the first born daughter of a Keeper is said to be the key to any king’s plight.’ He starts, his voice drifts over the wind, a smooth echo that teases my mind.

“King?” My brow furrows in confusion, glancing back towards the cavern.

‘Yes King.’ He pauses, the wind settles and nature grows quiet as if to give him brief moments of piece, respecting him. I’ve gone mad. I want to scoff at myself. ‘I come from royalty my sweet, Wingrove has lineage dating back centuries- we are a name of the ages. I am set to take the throne after my father Draven Wingrove.’ He answers and I can hear the reluctance to admit his lineage.

I’m stunned to be speaking with a royal being, stunned that he’s a dragon. I never knew my family was so important. “You’re a King?”

‘Yes my sweet, I am a King.’ He chuckles as if amused with my question. ‘The legend speaks of a Keeper giving her blood in sacrifice for her keep- you can only gain what you have given.’ He speaks cryptically.

“Like a ritual?”

‘You could think of it like that my sweet.’ He agrees quietly and I stare up towards the sky, the gray clouds roll by give me a distraction.

“What else does the legend speak of?”

‘The words of the legend go as follow. The Keeper that compares as equal to her keep is the one destined to release him from his plight.’ Sitting up I frown confused.

“Is Meryl daughter alive?” I finally ask astounded with the possibility. It can’t be… I’ve seen her grave.

‘Madam Joelene was laid to rest young, Meryl was heartbroken over her passing.’ He admits with a downtrodden voice.

“How did she pass, do you know?” It’s a story that was never shared with papa

‘She befell an accident under Jonathon’s care.’ He admits quietly. Jonathon?

“Who’s that?”

‘Jonathon was Edgar’s older brother. Meryl outcast him from the farm once he learned of the fateful accident of Madam Joelene.’ I’ve never heard of a Jonathon in the family, it’s completely new to me.

“Papa had a brother?” Why does he not talk about it?

‘Jonathon was banished once Meryl learned of his actions.’ He explains with a low rumbling growl, the earth vibrates, rocks slam to the ground just as angry as he is.

“His actions? What could he have done to be outed like that?” It must’ve been big.

‘Jonathon had used his sister to see what would happen if you had drank from the pond. It lead to her death, her body could not handle the magic that touched her soul… she was rejected by the Dragon spirit.’ He said in a low sorrowful voice, my chest aches in understanding.

“He was greedy? He wanted the magic for himself?” I ask confused and hurt.

‘Jonathon wanted to wield the magic, he claimed it was to protect his keep better, the goddess and gods that protect this earth could see through his desires, they refused him. Meryl outed him, it is believed that the gods smited him shortly after, to protect their children’s lives.’ The earth rumbles and rocks tumble inside the cavern, the owl screeches taking off towards the sky.

“Children's… as in Dragons and such?” I ask softly, enthralled with this history lesson; I never knew the earth had so much to offer. This sounds like a fairy tale.

‘As in magic bearing beings yes, I believe they viewed Jonathon as a threat to humans as well. It would start another war, one no one would be able to win.’ He answers quietly, I can hear the tiredness in his voice.

“Jonathon was meant to be your Keeper? Before he hurt Joelene?” I wonder if Papa is bitter for needing to take over for his brother’s destined roll.

‘Yes, Edgar wasn’t meant to be my Keeper at that time. After Jonathon was outed Madame Bellina deteriorated quickly, it didn’t take long before Meryl and Madame Bellina perished… Edgar was ill prepared to become my Keeper. It’s a shame he was on his way to destroying your destiny.’ He murmurs and I can hear the exhaustion creeping into his voice, I start to feel guilty keeping up this late. Maybe I should head home soon… But there’s so much more to learn.

“He lost his family so quickly… I never knew he had so much weight placed on him at once.” My eyes stare at the setting moon and I sigh. I should’ve left earlier. “I guess I should leave to let you rest Giles… thank you for telling me so much history.” I offer him a shy smile, I never knew so much about my family, I understand why Papa rarely talks of his. Such a sad history.

‘Very well my sweet, thank you for the company. It’s always nice to have a conversation. Fair well on your journey.’ He bids me, I head for the exit, hearing the owl release it’s own call as it swoops back towards the path. Glancing over my shoulder, I’m met with his stunning eyes, it takes my breath away.

“Sleep well Giles I’ll see you tomorrow.” I wave shyly before I start the journey home, lost in thought.

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