Gilded captive heart

Chapter 31

The kingdom buzzes with excitement as Nova's coronation day arrives. The palace is adorned with opulent decorations, and citizens from across the kingdom gather to witness the grand event. Nova stands at the center of it all, resplendent in her royal attire. The brothers flank her, equally regal in appearance. The ceremony unfolds with intricate rituals, speeches, and a sense of awe.

After the coronation concludes on a joyous note, the palace grounds transform into a scene of celebration. The citizens rejoice, and the atmosphere is filled with music and feasting. Nova, elated by the successful coronation, enjoys the festivities with the brothers by her side. It's a moment of unity and happiness.

Amid the revelry, Kira, who has been seething with jealousy, decides to put her nefarious plan into action. She discreetly approaches key members of the court, those with the brothers' ear, and administers a potent truth-altering potion to them. Unbeknownst to Nova and the brothers, these courtiers slowly succumb to the effects of the potion, which begins to cloud their judgment and alter their perception.

As the festivities continue, the courtiers, under the influence of the truth-altering potion, begin to voice their doubts and concerns about Nova's suitability as queen. They question the brothers' judgment in choosing her and subtly cast doubt on her abilities.

The joyful atmosphere begins to shift to one of uncertainty and tension. Nova, amidst the celebration, can feel the change in the air but remains unaware of the source.

The brothers, enjoying the post-coronation revelry, are taken aback by the sudden change in the courtiers' demeanor. Their bond with Nova is put to the test as they grapple with the unexpected discord unleashed in the aftermath of the coronation.

While Kira's manipulations are in full swing, the unscrupulous merchant from the shadowy deal notices the growing discord in the court and seizes the opportunity to implement a more sinister plan.

Under the cover of the post-coronation celebration, the merchant discreetly assembles a group of hired thugs. They are tasked with the dangerous mission of kidnapping Nova, disrupting her relationship with the brothers, and exploiting the ensuing chaos for their own gain.

As the night grows darker and the revelry continues, the hired thugs stealthily approach the palace grounds, searching for the perfect moment to strike and capture Nova, unaware of the peril that is about to befall her.

Amid the chaos of the post-coronation festivities and the discord sown by Kira's manipulations, the hired thugs make their move. They swiftly and efficiently seize Nova, drugging her to keep her sedated during the kidnapping.

Nova's world goes dark as she is carried away from the palace, her fate uncertain. The brothers, still reeling from the effects of the truth-altering potion and the turmoil in the court, are initially unaware of her disappearance.

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