Gilded captive heart

Chapter 30

As the days passed, Nova's coronation drew near, and the entire kingdom buzzed with anticipation. Amid the preparations for the grand event, Nova couldn't shake the growing sense of unease that had settled over her and the brothers. The council members played a pivotal role in the upcoming coronation, and Nova had been growing increasingly curious about their motives

Nova had spent hours in discussions with the council members, trying to understand their perspectives and hidden agendas. Each council member had their own motivations, some genuinely supportive of Nova and the brothers, while others harbored doubts and ulterior motives.

Nova's diplomatic skills were put to the test as she navigated the intricate web of council politics. She sensed that the council was not unified in their support for her as queen. Whispers of dissent and political maneuvering echoed in the palace corridors. Nova couldn't help but wonder who among the council members could be trusted and who might be working against her and the brothers.

The day of the coronation finally arrived, and the kingdom was transformed into a spectacle of grandeur and regality. The palace gleamed with opulence, and the citizens gathered with a sense of reverence.

Nova stood at the center of it all, resplendent in her royal attire. The brothers, equally regal in their appearance, flanked her. The ceremony unfolded with intricate rituals and speeches, while the council members observed from their seats of power.

As Nova approached the moment when she would officially become queen, her heart swelled with mixed emotions. The coronation had become a pivotal juncture, where her relationship with the brothers would be tested, secrets would be unveiled, and the kingdom's future hung in the balance.

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