GIFTED RILEY by Lacy Mierr

Chapter 27

Chapter 27: Passion Against Doubt


“She may be improving her fighting skills, but she’s nowhere near ready to take on hunters. Not having a wolf doesn’t help either.”

His words were like a blow to my chest, they surprised me in the worst. way possible. I thought we had formed some type of bond. It hurt to know that he thought of me that way, that he resented me for not having a wolf.

I was… well, according to him nowhere near ready, a glaring weakness in his eyes. Did he think I was a child playing dress-up?

Shame burned hot in my throat. Was that it, then? Was that the reason he hadn’t declared us mates? Because he was secretly ashamed of me? Ashamed of how much of a risk I am?

I can’t really make assumptions. I would only know what is truly going. on in his mind if I asked him, and that’s exactly what I was going to do.

I squared my shoulders and pushed the door open, wearing a mask of confidence I didn’t really feel. “Are you guys talking about me?” I asked innocently.

My eyes shifted to Vera standing by the corner of his office. She was watching us with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

“I should go, I have some things to attend to,” she drawled out. Her gaze lingering pointedly on me the entire time. She waltzed out of the office in a very Vera-like fashion.

Chapter 27 Passinn Aganar Dover

I couldn’t help but wonder what that knowing look was all about. It wasn’t the first time I’d caught it that glint in her eyes whenever she saw Nicolas and me together. As if she knew something I didn’t.

Well, that was a mystery for another day. Right now, Nicolas was front.

and center.

With a deep breath, I decided to cut to the chase. “Nicolas,” I started, my voice firm, “Why haven’t you announced me as your mate yet?” It was high time he knew exactly where I stood.

His brows furrowed in what looked like genuine confusion. “Announced you? What do you mean?”

“Don’t play coy,” I countered, a hint of frustration creeping into my tone. “You chose me, ME. I had no choice in the matter. And then you brought me here. Yet, you still haven’t made things official.”

Nicolas shifted uncomfortably, averting his gaze. “It’s just not the right time,” he mumbled, the words lacking emotion.

“What does that even mean?”

He looked at me, with angry eyes now. I could see his wolf. It seemed. like he was beginning to lose control. “It’s not the right time, Riley.”

I scoffed. When was he finally going to tell me the hard truth without trying to sugarcoat things to ‘protect’ my feelings. I wasn’t going to wait for that anymore. I was going to push until he had no other choice.

“Why? Because I don’t have a wolf? If that’s what you’re waiting for, because I’m such a ‘risk’, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but it’s never going to happen. I’ll never have a wolf.”

Chapter 27 Passion Against Dout

I pause for a moment to see the effect my words have on him, and suret enough he looks surprised. Good.

“If you hated the fact that I don’t have a wolf so bad, then why did your bring me back with you?” I continue my assault.

He flinched, a flicker of surprise crossing his face. “Wait what? Is that what you think? That I despise you for not having a wolf?”

“Isn’t that the truth? You’ve been avoiding me for the past three days. You’ve barely spoken to me, barely looked in my direction. Every time I turn to look at you, you’re turning away from me. What am I supposed to think?”

He froze for a moment, his eyes widening in shock, and… pain? Maybe I’d gone too far, maybe I should have been gentler with him.

No! I had to tell him how I’d been feeling.

He rose to his feet, crossing the room to meet me. “You have to understand Riles. I do this for your safety. You’re so precious to me, but I have so many enemies, and I wouldn’t want them to use you to get to me. That would kill me,” he paused, reaching out a hand, hesitantly at first, then he cupped my face gently. “I do this for you.”

I stood there, motionless. With a sigh, he let his hand fall to his sides and walked away from me. He ran a hand through his hair as he paced around his office anxiously.

His words did nothing to calm me down. I didn’t believe him for a second. They were all excuses. Deep down, I knew the truth. Nicolas didn’t think I was worthy to be his mate because I have no wolf. I was too weak to stand by his side as his Luna, and that was why he hasn’t announced it yet.

Chapter 22. Passion Against Doubt

I wanted to say so much, but I held back my retort, thinking of a better way to handle things.

Before any words could leave my mouth, Nicolas was in front of me again in a flash. As if he could see the turmoil in my eyes, he grabbed my shoulders and stared down at me intently.

“I say this with the utmost sincerity, Riley, and you know better than to take my words lightly,” he began, his hands moving to my lower back, as if he was trying to ease my nerves. “You’re amazing, you’re strong,


I didn’t want to hear this. More excuses. I moved away from his touch, but he pulled me closer, forcing me to look at him.

“Listen to me Riley. You were awesome in training. You didn’t give up, you’ve improved, and that says so much about your strength.”

“Are you telling me the truth?”

He nods. “It’s not easy to fight a she-wolf who is good in human combat. You held your own pretty well. I’m proud of you,” he said, kissing my forehead.

The feel of his lips against my skin sent shivers down my spine. It brought back memories, memories of a kiss I had fought to forget.

Nicolas went on in detail about every move I made, but I couldn’t hear any word he spoke. My eyes traveled to his lips. Would they taste the same way as last time? Maybe I have to find out for myself.

I caught myself before I could lean in. What was happening to me?

His hands were now on my lower back, his touch felt hot against my skin. Yes, his touch, his sweet, amazing touch. Nicolas was doing this


Chapter 27 Passion Against Doubl

to me, it was his fault.

I twisted in his arms, angling myself in a position where it would be easy to devour him if I chose to.

Nicolas was still speaking, but I couldn’t hear anything, I couldn’t see anything. All I see are those damn lips. F**k! I want him.

But I can’t. I shouldn’t.

But why shouldn’t I? I couldn’t think of any singular reason why I shouldn’t taste those delicious looking lips.

All logic had once again abandoned me. My mind had gone on vacation, leaving me with whatever this feeling was.

Giving in, I reached up, pulled his neck down and tasted what I shouldn’t..

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