Genesis' Spirit of Goddess

Chapter 5.

The door to my locker is slightly opened and inside were multiple shirts, shorts, and sweat pants as my gym uniform. On top of that, I see a pair of Nike sneakers with a note that my dad wrote saying “good luck, sweets.” I guess he ordered them and forgot to brief me.

As the bell rang, I see people coming in as I start heading to the field. The field is enormous, and not too far from the town’s forest.

My jaw dropped when I went farther left of the field as directed by Mr. Deacon.

Two sections: one section had a long hanging leg tuck bar, while the other section had lines drawn to divide spaces for the sprint and drag sled. Shit. So this is what Mr. Deacon meant by “let’s see how you survive my class.”

From afar I see students approaching, spotting Sophia I wave at her.

“HI SOPHIA” I yelled excited to at least recognize someone in this class.

“Hi Azah, what are you doing here?” She asks surprisedly.

“I’m in this class, it’s written in my schedule.”

“SHIT” She flung a hand over her mouth then lower her tone “ Shit. Azah you sure? This is for the warrio--- I mean this is an advanced level gym.”

“Well, I’m an athlete, so I’m used to intense workouts.”

“Yeah, I know but like some training… Never mind we’ll be partners.”


Some guys came and lined next to Sophia, asking “What’s the new girl doing in this class, Shouldn’t she be with Amber’s class instead?”

“Her name is Azah, Jordan. And NO she was placed here instead.”

Jordan curiously looks at me now instead of Sophia “Sorry, my bad Azah. You ready?”

A random blonde girl snickered while lining up next to me. “Human. In our class?”

Sophia rolled her eyes. I guess I made enemy number one. I didn’t care because I started hating her the moment she started talking.But what did she mean by “human?”It could nothing but be a nickname they give out to the most recent members of the team. Who knows, and who cares the bitch is on my hit list. Suddenly Mr. Deacon and another man who resembles a lot of him came.

“Listen up New Warriors!” The man shouted with extraordinary volume. All of a sudden Sophia’s and everyone’s posture were upright. Eyes all forward and hands fixed at the side.

“Congratulations to those who’ve made it to this section. Understand it’s an honour to be here but don’t take it lightly. This is about protecting the pack that will be your first and most important responsibility at all times. My name is Maximus Deacon for those who don’t know.Highly doubt so, but to refresh anyone’s minds,” He said threateningly.

Building a cold grin Mr. Deacon waited a few minutes in silence before talking.

“Maximus and I will be assessing your training. He is the second commander of this group. The first in every warrior pack group will be me your Gamma. I hope you all had a glimpse of what’s out in the field. No need for me to waste time on what we are expecting you to do today. The person to your right will be your partner. All must complete their run of 6.4km, less than 17 minutes. Six sets of leg tuck 50 each, and six sets of sprints and drag.”

Well, fuck me. To my right is the bitch I hate. We both glared at each other up and down in disgust.

“Name is Jaz, let’s just get this over with. Keep up!”

Will fuck you too Jaz. “Azah.”

We began to run, following the tracks towards the forest. I can’t lie the girl is fast, took me a while to match her pace. Allowing the light and shadow to dance across my skin. I inhale and exhale its minty smell as I entered the forest. The forest is composed, the only noise you could hear is the sounds of runners breathing shallow and noisy while our shoes shuffle beneath the ground.

Jaz watch beeps “10 minutes,” she says hoarsely. We picked up speed. Throat burning, my heart beating so fast that I feel like it’s trying to burst out of my chest. My leg muscles began to tense up, but I keep on pushing harder.

The ground is uneven, making it difficult to run uphill. My body is screaming for me to stop and recover my breath but the image of Jaz’s smug face made me push myself further taking lead for the first time. At long last, I detect the field and ran to where the other two guys ahead of me were.

Upon reaching the field, Maximus gave a surprised look when he sees me and records my time. I am the first girl to arrive behind two other guys and Jaz is the second. Resting for what only felt like a second, Jaz and I didn’t wait any longer and started on our sets. This leg tuck is no fucking joke. Struggling between every set as I hung from the pull-up bar with an altering grip, curling my body like a shrimp so that my knees touch my elbows.

All the while trying to control my core and return to the original position with straight arms hanging and my body perpendicular to the bar. Regrettably, I only have done this twice with my brother Joshua. Feeling my shirt start to cling to my body from the drenching sweat as I complete the last set. Jaz, on the other hand, looked like someone needed to dunk her in an ice bucket fast. Anything to put out the fire in her cheeks.

Heading over to the next section, I did a quick scan around and no one seem tired. It’s as if this workout is icing on the cake for them. Jaz seemed tired but her endurance is still high and kicking. Meanwhile, my body is ready to pass out right here on the grass.

Before adjusting my resistance bands, I took a look on the other side where the other groups were. The fuck? Compared to what we were performing, their class were just running around the tracks. Pissed off, I began to sprint. Finishing up my last set. My legs feel empty and there is a rising feeling of nausea from my stomach.

It never ceases to amaze me that the muscles that were working so hard only seconds ago now struggle to hold my weight. I collapse on the ground; I didn’t even care if I finished on time or not. What matters is that I am finished and the day is done.

Our 6th period is free for seniors. We can decide to go home or to stay in school. I could literally stay here until my body is ready to support me, which wasn’t a dreadful idea. I mean the view of the sky isn’t so bad to look at when you recovering. If magic did exist, I would learn to teleport. That’s it. Simple and easy with a snap of fingers I could be home right now.

Jaz sat next to me her breathing steady. How? I was huffing and puffing like the big bad wolf. Still laying on the floor she places a water bottle next to me.

“You did good human.”

I didn’t even have the energy to be annoyed. I just couldn’t deliver that type of energy right now. The group starts to assemble in a line. Seriously. Finding the bits of strength left in me to get up.

Mr. Deacon spoke firmly “ A reminder that Blue Moon is fast approaching. This does not give anyone any excuse to slack off with training. You are still warriors, always be prepared for anything. Also be ready for the Sunday evening session. You are dismissed.”


I must’ve heard wrong. Sunday? As in Sun-day. Mad. Just plain mad. Sophia came by drenched in sweat like me. “Azah, WOW! Your really good!”

Happy that my effort didn’t go unnoticed “Thanks I tried.” We both decided to take another 5 minutes sitting down on the grass before going to the locker room. Sophia sat next to me and made small talk. She plays soccer, which is an ideal sport for her long tone legs. Josiah and Maximus have huddled around with some guys, one I happen to recognize is Michael.

I figure it’s too tiring to call them by their last name, I’m not much of a formal person so the hell with that. Especially after today.

“You like Michael.” It wasn’t a question; I already knew the answer.

“Yeah. umm why do you?” Sophia asked shyly.

“What gave you that impression?” Did I flirt with him?

“I… just thought… it was so easy for you to get along with him. He can sometimes be intimidating you know. With his powe….. I mean just the vibe, but he’s kind and I just feel different around him. Good different.”

Chuckling to this I say “ the little time we spent at the cafeteria talking? The only thing I got was a sibling vibe. He reminds me a lot of my brother Joshua instead. I won’t lie though Michael is fine as fuck.”

For a split second, Sophia stared at me then began to laugh. “ I can’t believe I felt jealous over that.”

Laughing along and said “No, nothing to worry about here.”

Our laughter died out and stayed there in silence but something felt off. I noticed one of the guy’s eyes flash electric blue as he stared deeply at me. The aura he is sending to me, I didn’t like it. Unexpectedly, hearing that same chilling voice from the bathroom incident.

Family. Moons. Guider.” The voice said.

Shivering from the voice, I knew it was time for me to go home. The last thing I want is another panic attack out in the field. Getting up I discretely point at the direction where the guy was staring, “Who’s that? Is he looking at you or me?”

“That’s Yeshua Moons. And he’s looking at you.”

I didn’t say anything after that.

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