Genesis' Spirit of Goddess

Chapter 4.

I wanted some space to breathe before getting back to the school hallway. Afraid of getting lost outside the school campus, I went to the bathroom instead. It wasn’t just me, right? They were acting weird.

Splashing some cold water on my face. My head started throbbing once again, twice in one day isn’t a good sign. This headache is the kind that stops all traffic in the brain. Shutting my eyes tightly and while opening them everything became a blur. Hearing a girl cry loudly; I look to my right and left.

Things are still a blur and my head continues to throb consistently. I place both my hands on the countersink for support. A voice cries out “Come To Me.”My hands began to glow brightly as I lift my hands to the mirror.

A change of appearance in my reflection suddenly occur. My eyes are glowing an electric blue. This reflection had on a necklace that began to shine bright and brighter. She words “Come To Me.” one last time before disappearing and leaving me to look at my true reflection this time.

Looking around in a panic, my vision disfigured as if I’m looking through a fish-eye lens. The blood pounding in my ears. I need to leave. I rushed out and started looking for a door to open that will lead me outside. My heart thudded loudly in my chest.

My hands still shaking as I cover my face with them. Exhaling and Inhaling deeply, I lay down on the grass and glanced up at the clear blue sky. Slowly calming myself down; my breathing is steady and my headache is gone. For now, I didn’t want to think about what I imagined. I just wanted to focus on not having another panic attack.

Hearing the bell ring I groan in annoyance. Skipping is healthy. Shit. But skipping on the first day of school isn’t. Unwillingly I stood up, collecting myself mentally first before heading back to the populous hallway.

Nearly reaching the classroom door I hear Aïssatou calling my name. “AZAH!”Turning my head I saw her running to me.

“I was looking for you in the washroom, and you weren’t there. I thought you got lost or something.”

“Changed my mind and went outside for some fresh air.”

“Are you alright?” She said looking over my face in concern.

“Yea, yeah I'm good.” Not really but how do I explain to someone I just met what I saw. She’ll likely think I’m delirious. Michael is approaching behind Aïssatou, he is carrying loads of papers and has on a concerned face with his eyebrows low and his full lips tight.

“I see Aïssatou found you.” He smirked.

Laughing nervously, “yeah just went outside for some fresh air.”Michael raises one brow in question. Damn it’s like he sees right through me.

“Hmm...You should be more cautious.”

Aïssatou smiles while slightly bowing to him “she will be next time.”Her tone is shyer this time.

Michael seems to be wholly indifferent about Aïssatou’s promise. And there it is once more with the bow? One second she was talking to Michael like best of friends then the next she’s formal with him. Walking inside the classroom after Michael, I head to sit next to Aïssatou. I turned around only to see him heading to the teacher’s desk.

“Alright, alright class. Let’s all sit down and begin our lessons.”

My jaw dropped, he must’ve seen because he looked at me with a grin.

“Michael is a teacher?’ I whispered to Aïssatou.

“No he’s our Bet--... Um, I mean substitute teacher. Mrs. Davis is on maternity leave. Mrs. Davis is Michael’s older sister.”

she shrugged as if the news of him substituting didn’t surprise her.

Aïssatou notices my confusion and she jots down a note“I’ll explain it to you before 5th period starts.” I bobbed my head in agreement.

In all seriousness, Michael began the class. “ In this class, you will refer to me as Mr. Columbia.” The class all in synchronize slightly tilt their head down and said “ Yes, Mr. Columbia.” I’m the only one that didn’t do it.

“Why?”The voice asked.

Unless someone can explain to me about this bowing, I won’t be the sheep that follow without proper explanation. It’s just not me.

“Meantime, there’s a test today. The papers are being distributed right now. Make sure you take your time in answering the questions. And ALSO, I’ll know when someone cheated.”

Several of the students express annoyance.

“Azah, Come with me.” He said. I followed Mr. Columbia out of the classroom. He directed me straight to the vending machine

“want anything?”

I mean just a slight explanation of what you were doing in the cafeteria instead of the teacher’s lounge. Remembering ​​Aïssatou’s promise that she’ll explain everything to me, I respond “No thank you.”

“Your whole mood changed now.” It wasn’t a question, more of an observation and he is right. He’s a teacher and I’m a student, I don’t know how to move around that.

He got himself two Capri Sun juice boxes. I wait patiently.

“Eos Moons. Eos Moons.” He leaned into a wall repeating my mom’s name in wonder. I figure we are going to be over here for long so I sat down at the bench a couple of feet away from the vending machine.

This side of the school has a wide frameless glass window overlooking the school’s garden. The full glory of the garden is revealed from the frameless glass window. It’s wide and open, a welcoming invasion of peace. Above the vault of the sky seems to grow wider and higher as the day wears on. Many white foliage chestnut trees bloom tall. Additionally mix colours of herbaceous plants, annuals, and bulbs.

Increasing the acoustics and magnificent richness of colour throughout the garden. Spellbound, I imagine hearing the lullaby of the breeze swishing through the trees. Floating and embracing the wind as it steers me through the garden. Something captured my attention, seeing something large on four legs with bright white fur. Squirting my eyes and blink again only to notice that it disappears. What was that? Completely lost in the marvel view I didn’t realize that Michael was sitting next to me. He is also lost in thought too.

“Sorry I… did you say something?”

Smiling with his eyes “No. It’s normal to get lost in a train of thought when looking at the garden. It’s our preferred place to hide.”

“Our.” noting that word.

“Yeah, my friends.”

“Why didn’t tell me you were a teacher?” I ultimately asked.

Disregarding my question, he continues,“ They say this place is bonded by a sensuous spell; a mystical garden. Bringing animistic awareness. The belief is that bodies of water, animals, trees and other natural objects possess spirits. One family is honoured to carry on that spirit that selects them. Like a vessel.”

I sat for a moment in silence. Letting his words play on repeat, echoing in my head. Turning to him I could see that his mind is wandering as he spoke.

He gradually turns his head and met my eyes and said

“I’m more than a teacher in town. You will soon register that, but for now to respond to your question. To tell you that I am a teacher is labelling myself in one status. I carry another status too.”

“In other words…” So vague in his response.

He chuckles “ You won’t understand.”

As if he suspected someone coming, he averted his attention away from me and to the hallway. Suddenly I hear a high pitch squeak of tennis shoes approaching our way.

Not too far of a distance, a man with a tall and well-built body similar to Mr.Columbia walks towards us. He had mid-thigh Nike running shorts that show his strong calves and quads. A thin short sleeve shirt with the school’s name and logo. You could almost see the start of his sleeve tattoo on his left arm. His eyes were of the same shade as Mr. Columbia’s with short thick, wavy ash brunette hair. He is ruggedly handsome.

“Day one as a teacher and your students are already suffering Michael.”He said as he shuffled his hair back.

‘Who’s this?” Not waiting for Michael to respond he extended his hand with his blissful smile.

“Josiah Deacon.”

“Azah Ānanda,” I said while shaking his hand. He had a firm grip.

His eyebrows rose for a second looking at me then back at Michael.

Michael spoke “Azah is a new student here. I took her because...Well, she can’t take this test since she missed the lesson for this section. Second, she’s Eos Moons daughter.”

Josiah is swift to conceal his surprise. Both seem to be having a silent discussion with each other eyes.

“Who’s your gym teacher for next period?” Josiah asked.

Taking out my schedule I searched for 5th period. While reading it out loud mid-way through I realized that he is my gym teacher.

“Are you sure?”


“Alright let’s see how you’ll survive my class.”

Mr. Columbia gave me the direction for the locker room which is in another building across. Excusing myself I left Mr. Columbia and Mr.Deacon talking amongst themselves.

Although I could swear Josiah’s eyes were still on me as my back turns to them. Thankful that Mr. Columbia’s directions didn’t get me lost on the way, I finally entered the main floor building.

Passing through multiple championships frames that hung up the walls and glass trophies shelves. I reached the locker room door and open it.

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