Genesis' Spirit of Goddess

Chapter 14. Part II

Arriving at my place I see an extra car parked in the garage. Upon entering the house I saw a woman who looks a lot like my mom. She smiles at me and gives me a warm tight hug.

“I was wondering when I’ll get to see you. Wow, Eos she’s grown!”

I would think that Aunt Selene would have locs like Yeshua’s but instead, her auburn hair is in long box braids down to her waist. She has a similar physique to mom who’s curvy with hour glass figure. They practical look like twins to be honest. The whole family has a strong resemblance to each other that’s very hard to miss.

“But why do I feel sadness, my darling?”

Instead of her eyes glowing the same electric blue that my mom, Yeshua and I have, hers glow ocean blue-green.

“Your eyes?” I blurted out in awe.

Her laugh is sweet and light as she replies “I’m a witch, my love.”

Aïssatou quickly came forward to show her respect “Great Madam Selene.”

Aunt Selene held out her hand to touch Aïssatou, “you’ve made a wonderful friendship. Her energy is pure. I’ve worked with your mother before Aïssatou Emerald. Very powerful witch. And the wonderful Smith’s twins.”

She’s different than my mother. Though my mom barely gave me enough information about her sister. My aunt just brightens up the room, literally. I think she can manipulate people’s aura because I instantly felt soothing.

“Come sit down with me, and let’s talk about this heavy emotion you carrying. Yours and Sophia’s energy seems conflicted. Yeshua you may go. I think it’s gonna be a lady’s night.”

Shock to see Joshua and my dad leaving too.

“Wait! Where are you guys going”

My dad came to give me a kiss and a hug “ Going to the Moons Mansion Sweets.”

“Sel before you do your therapeutic mojo. Let’s talk first about what’s happening.” My mom said more seriously.

“Azah bubs, since the Blue Moon event is happening. There are many packs from different parts of the country. They know about the Moons and the gene we carry. Some families similar to us have gone into hiding because they don’t have a strong coven like we do to protect themselves from threats.”

“What are the threats?” I asked curious to know.

“They believe that if they take someone who carries a true genesis gene and breed with their pack, their pack will increase in power. It’s a rumour and only a rumour.” My mom said with a troubled look on her face while shaking her head as if to shake the thought out.

“Your father and brother will be safer at the Mansion. Yeshua and his wolf Yehu will be on guard. It’s better for his wolf he prefers for the family to be at the Mansion.” Aunt Selene assured me.

“Then shouldn’t I go too?”

“You have your mom and me. Your uncle Helios is working with Gamma Josiah. Trust me with the three of us around, the coven and pack will be safe.”

Joshua gives me a big hug. There’s something about Joshua that I felt changed. I just couldn’t quite catch what it is. I push the thought back, as I sat down with the girls and started telling them everything. I didn’t go into too many details about the amazing head Zion gave because my aunt and mom are also here listening. Suddenly, tears first pool in my eyes as they rapidly began to streak down my cheeks. The rush of emotions overwhelmed me. My vision is blurry but I can see that Sophia began to cry as well. Both Aïssatou and Sara came to comfort us. The emotions just rushing out of now where I glance to where my aunt.

My Aunt forms a half-hearted smile before speaking.

“If you’re wondering if I had anything to do with you crying suddenly. The answer is No. It’s your spirit. She’s more in tune with the emotions you both share. Also Sophia it is Michael you feel a connection with? Correct?”

Sara answered, “Sometimes I just wanna punch Michael in the face. I feel like he’s playing with her.”

“He isn’t my dear. In rare cases, the wolf in the highest rank can also be confused when it comes to recognizing his true mate. Although their senses are much stronger, there’s a time when they too can be blind-sighted. The same goes with Zion.” Aunt Selene said in a comforting tone.

“Selene remember?” My mom snickered

Both my mom and aunt start to laugh hysterically at their inside joke.

“Remember what?” Sara is dying to know.

Aunt Selene chuckles and says “Eos use to date Mr. Deacon, The former Gamma. Also Josiah’s dad. They were irreplaceable, like crazy in love.”

My mom rolling eyes “Selene is just exaggerating the whole thing. Jacob Deacon and I had our moments.”

“Oh Eos you’re missing a couple of things here sis… let me help refresh your mind. There was Andy Heights, Jose Columbia, and Jacob Deacon. They all had their moments here and there but Jacob.. oh honey Jacob was the bad boy in the group. He and Eos were partners in crime. They did everything together, every rebellious thing done in this town had Eos and Jacob’s names written all over it. He was her first in almost everything. It wasn’t a surprise when we found out that the Moon Goddess grant them as both mates.”

“MATES!” We all scream, grabbing our attention.

“Mom!” I yelled.

My mom didn’t say anything; she just chugged her red wine and pour another in her glass.

“Yup! They were mates.” Aunt Selene confirmed.

“What do you mean were?” Sara asked the question we all wanted to know.

“They both rejected each other. Or so Eos said. I assume Eos knew being mates to one of the high ranks meant that she would have to stay here in town. Eos never wanted that.”

My mom breaks her silence and jumps in to say “Jacob rejected me.”

“SHIT! Say that your joking mom!”

“Language Azah. And Jacob understood me and probably till this day besides your father understands me the most. He knew I wouldn’t be happy here, I was never happy here. He and I …. Jacob and I had.. no still have a unique bond. He rejected me because it would’ve pained me to have had to reject him. Although the rejections process hurts both, it’s the one doing the rejection that the pain tends to linger for a while afterwards.”

I saw a slight tear run down my mother’s cheek as she now silently reminisced her history between Jacob and her. Forming a half-hearted smile. She looks at me before breaking her silence.

“Remember when I told you that I wanted to be the master of my fate? Well, it came at a cost, but luckily I was given a second chance just not a second mate. Your father. To me, he is my soulmate, no matter what others think.” She said with a halfhearted smile.

I didn’t believe it. Imagining how my mom’s life would’ve turned out if she had stayed here. It’s a strange thing to process, and to imagine. I wouldn’t exist, Joshua too. So it’s possible to reject your mate?

I look at my aunt and ask “So it’s possible to reject your mate?”

“Yes and No. It’s possible to reject them, but it’s not as easy as it sounds. It’s very hard to reject your mate when they’re still around. It was easy for Jacob and Eos to move on slowly yet painfully because both were miles away from each other, but they still have that bond. It doesn’t completely go away. That’s your other half.”

“Does dad know?” I ask my mom.

My mom inhales and exhales deeply before answering “Yes. He knows everything. Your dad tries his best to understand my world. He’s a very patient man and understanding.”

“Imagine our surprise when Eos came back to town with another man who she was engaged to. It nearly broke Jacob and his wolf.”

“Mr. Jacob Deacon didn’t move on?” Aissatou asked.

“Oh no Jacob and his wolf didn’t see eye to eye for the longest time. Jacob’s wolf felt betrayed, the ultimate betrayal between man and wolf is to reject your mate. It’s scarce and he did it without his wolf’s permission. It took his wolf nearly five years to put it to rest” My aunt replied.

“So now what, he has another mate or found someone like mom did? Right? Cause he has Josiah.” I asked now invested in what happened to Jacob.

“Yes, he moved on. The stories of Jacob and Eos will forever be the town’s history. Ask your parents and they would tell you everything. The IT couple that everyone knew about. Everyone was soo sure that they were meant for each other even the Moon Goddess could see the connection. Only for them to break apart. No one could believe it. I didn’t believe it either.” My aunt Selene responded, she seems to want to go further on but she was interrupted by my mom.

“Selene that’s enough.”

Throughout the night we continue to hear many other stories about my mom and her siblings. My mom and uncle Helios were the troublemakers, impatient and rebellious while aunt Selene was the favourite. Believable, just seeing Aunt Selene, her whole presence brings light into the room. Her sweet charming voice shows affection, her physical touch calming and enchanting. Aissatou and Sara were fast asleep upstairs in the guest rooms, while Sophia and I laid on the sofa in the family room for a bit longer. My mom had an early night from the amount of wine she took.

“Aunty Selene, are you still awake?”

She chuckles “Reminds me of the old times. I went up to make sure your mom is alright, I’ll join her later.”

She sat in the middle of the sofa, suggesting we come closer to her.

“You know my dear ones, I’m surprised that your spirit, the Moon of Goddess didn’t tell you who’s your mate yet. Usually, the vessels tend to know before you turn of age for your mate switch to be on.”


“Yes. Eos knew before Jacob did actually. Don’t tell her I told you that, not even Jacob knows. I knew, Helios, and even my son Yeshua. Some decide to wait till the other knows, unlike Yeshua he has a very ancient wolf Yehu. He never once found his mate till now. He didn’t wait one second later to tell Saul and mark him.”

“Can it be because I’m half-human?”

“Witches are human, just with magic.” She winks.

“Listen to your spirit, you are one. Pay attention to her dreams, you are one. Feel what she feels when you are around Zion. You can only meet a spirit as deeply as it has to meet itself. She’s telling you something but you’ve placed a shield on her that she can’t get through. Have you accepted her?”


“No truly accepted her. Have you cried out to her the same way she’s cried out to you? You must be one.”

“What about Zion then?”

“Zion is a special kind of Alpha.”

“Uh? How special?” Sophia asking.

“Hmmm… he has not yet come to accept his status. He is the last born who was granted to be the Alpha instead of his oldest brother. There are many things Zion has overcome. But one that he hasn’t is accepting his status as an Alpha entirely, not half-hearted.”

Feeling the need to defend him “He’s a great Alpha though.”

“ Yes, he is. But he’s even a greater Alpha than any other Alphas. Only his kind comes to this world every other 3,000 years or so. You just haven’t seen him in his full glory, I don’t think the town even knows. The same goes with Yeshua, a blue wolf. You’ve seen Zion’s wolf Azah. In your dreams.As for you Sophia. I sense your wolf. I could see why Michael’s wolf Micah feels such a strong attraction to you.”

“Strong?” Sophia said softly while playing with her fingers nervously.

“Michael and Micah have a very strong foundation with each other. They are very much alike, unlike Zion and Zeus. I can guarantee you they are trying their very best to not give you mixed signals. Be patient my child, the Blue Moon is in two days.”

She gave both of us a hug and kisses on our foreheads. She mumbled a few words, before knowing it Sophia and I were longer on the sofa instead we were laying on my bed falling into a dreamless sleep.

The last thing I could hear her say as I doze into a dreamless sleep.

“You can only meet a spirit as deeply as it has met itself.”

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