Galactic: The Superhuman Robot

Chapter 17: The FBI Briefing

Galactic’s phone rings.

Galactic: “Who’s calling?”

FBI Agent: “This is the FBI agent. We need you to go on assignment. Are you available?”

Galactic: “Yes.”

FBI Agent: “Can you be in my office for the briefing in an hour?”

Galactic: “Yes, but what’s the assignment?”

FBI Agent: “It’s a mission to free Americans wrongfully imprisoned overseas.”

Galactic: “That sounds interesting. I’ll be there soon.”

Galactic runs to the FBI office. When she arrives, twenty FBI agents are waiting for her.

FBI Agent: “Galactic’s here. Let’s begin. Galactic take a seat in the front. Our mission is to free all Americans in foreign jails who committed no crime. They’re detained in deplorable conditions and the sooner we rescue them, the better. We plan to begin with North Korea. They’re being held in a prison in South Pyongan.”

The FBI Agents go over the plan and ask if there are any questions.

Galactic: “Will I be going alone?”

FBI Agent: “No, three of the other superhuman robots will be accompanying you. You’ll fill them in on the details after we’re finished here. You’ll leave tomorrow. You’ll take flight at 2:00 AM our time and arrive in North Korea sometime in the morning our time. It will be the next day there. When you enter the prison, you’ll shoot all guards and officers who try to stop you.

You’ll knock down the doors to all cells until you find the Americans. Other prisoners will be inadvertently freed during this mission and that’s okay. When you find the Americans (there are four), four of you will carry each one out and fly them to Seoul-Incheon International Airport South Korea. That should take approximately a half-hour.

You’ll meet us on our jet which will fly to Dulles International Airport in Washington D.C. A medical team will be on board to examine the men. If any require medical intervention, they’ll be attended to on the plane. Food will be provided for everyone. Are there any questions?”

Galactic: “It’s a great plan. Once we land in Washington D.C. can I go home?”

FBI Agent: “No; You need to be there. The President will be meeting the agents, the freed hostages and their families. You and the other superhumans may receive the Medal of Honor.”

Galactic: “I don’t want my identity revealed.”

FBI Agent: “I’m sorry, but your identity will be revealed. It’s time superhumans are honored for their bravery. You should be proud of yourself.”

Galactic: “I am, but it’s easy for me. I can’t be harmed by gun fire or bombs.”

FBI Agent: “You’re helping mankind. Give yourself credit for that. Okay, here’s the diagram of the prison. Please study it. Good luck with.”

Galactic: “Thanks; if a were a human, I’d be nervous.”

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